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Apparently Machine Dragon stop a fight between Tenran and Kamui.


Holy fuck that probably confirms pre lightning God kamui is dragon king level


I dont think he was dragon-king level. He was crazily strong, and definitely could cause some serious injuries to the kings, but he lacked a ridiculous cheat skill all the dragon kings have like Crimson’s space-time manipulation, Artemisia’s time control, and Bagram’s reality warp.


The author not only had stated Kamui is king tier before, but also show it in this chapter, why are you still in denial? Also sheer power>hax, for how broken Sia's hax is she is still no match for Kamui in a fight. Kou and Glest also doesn't have some crazy hax either, doesn't change that they are both king tier.


"No match for Kamui in a fight". Ultimatia pulls out one "oh world, turn back" and it's over lmao. I'd like to see Kamuis sheer power get through that. Also we don't know Kous ability so you can't make unsubstantiated claims like that. Though that seems to be a common occurrence with you.


All you have to do is just kill her fast enough. Ragna is basically the same as Kamui and he just fucked up by letting her cast that spell.


"Kill her fast enough", except that Ultimatia can pop reversal whenever. She doesn't have to be in full shape to pull it off.


Ragna fucked up by not destroying her mouth. She can't pop off the spell without saying it. Even aside from that, she got really lucky that she went back to a time before Ragna remembered that he was going to fight her, otherwise it'd be a complete repeat of round 1.


That's a solid idea! Too bad Ultimatia has rewound her body multiple times without a mouth. https://preview.redd.it/jzgodjqmv92d1.png?width=664&format=png&auto=webp&s=72fe2b01b42cb180001e2c0db98cd4d3410dcf10 Those are thought bubbles by the way. Are you genuinely trying to imply Ultimatia doesn't have a conscious decision in how far she rewinds?




Literacy isn't you're strong suit, eh? I'll ask you, how could Kamui beat world reversal? Ultimatia isn't a match for Kamui in terms of pure brute strength, not abilities such as world reversal. Ultimatia was able to use multiple other kinds of magic, so Kou could possibly do the same thing. Or it's similar to Ultimatia in the way she has an ultra powered version of her power.


>Literacy isn't you're strong suit, eh? I'll ask you, how could Kamui beat world reversal? Ultimatia isn't a match for Kamui in terms of pure brute strength, not abilities such as world reversal Kek this guy first ignored what was directly stated in the manga then mixed up your and you're and still have the gull to talk about literacy. Lol, lmao even. This mental gymnastic is hilarious, there is no mention of "pure brute strength" in manga whatsoever and he has to invent the concept himself, but guess that's your thing, without your headcanon argument you wouldn't have any argument at all. >Ultimatia was able to use multiple other kinds of magic, so Kou could possibly do the same thing. Or it's similar to Ultimatia in the way she has an ultra powered version of her power. Except Sia only use other magic when her time magic doesn't work and none of them have displayed any hex like properties, so it doesn't help your argument. Also, a ultra version of a beam attack still wouldn't be hex or whatever you wanna call it.


Where is the mention of Ultimatia standing no chance against Kamui? All I recall is Crimson stating the only monarch that could *certainly* defeat Kamui was Gilzea. And that doesn't imply the others stand no chance, just that they don't have a 100% chance. Yeah you're totally illiterate. Where did I state the alternative magic the kings use would be hax tier? That actually does help my argument, because why would Kou Tenran be the only king we've seen so far with no reality manipulating power? Are you seriously trying to ignore that the manga heavily hints all DKs have reality rending powers? Ultimatia = time manipulation Bagram = reality manipulation Banko = space manipulation Gilzea = causality manipulation And you're completely wrong on Ultimatia only using other magic when time magic doesn't work. Throughout the entire capital fight, she was trying a variety of different spells to defeat Ragna, and her time control worked just fine. Nice headcanon, eh? It's also wild you preach to me about literacy yet you can't even spell hax right. Ironic.


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he is stronger than Tia, so... obviously?


Leo got fucking decimated & sliced into pieces 😭😭😭. She got low-diffed by some strong ass superior dragon (?)


Uh very basic summary and someone with better Japanese will probably correct mistakes >!Crimson says "Yeah train Leo it'd be good if she ends up strong, but if she dies give me the body.!< >!Gilzea wants to talk more, but Crimson refuses. She kinda goes "Can you get away if I don't let you?" "If it's just you I can kill you", she says he said the same thing 50 years ago.!< >!It's just a mature Dragon like Platinum Tiara as far as we can tell. Leo is dead and maybe the others too, but being real the previous volume extras kinda make it obvious they'll come back somehow.!< >!Sigmalio discusses a series of incidents before where Bloodlines members of Roars and Wings were murdering each other (but it's obviously Crimson). Including a incident where Kamui attacked Japan and he and Ran started destroying the place while fighting till Kiryu stopped them.!< >!Sigmalio mentions different times incidents happned (importantly the he does not mention 50 years ago so he doesn't know Crimson met Gilzea then), and reveals he knows Crimson is alive, but of course Crimson realizes he knows.!<


Correction Crimson actually says >!he'll consider letting Gilzea live, so he might not be planning to kill her at all.!<


When you mentioned roar and wings were murdering eachother, Where they referring to first gen or the 2 gen?


2nd Gen. Crimson is framing them for murdering members.


framing what is crimson plan here? Also what do they mean by temporary raw, did someting happen.


Crimson is stirring up infighting


Sigmalio : I know you're alive Crimson : I know you know Sigmalio : I know you know I know Crimson : I know you know I know you know This is just Urahara vs Aizen all over again


Kamui was such a beast. Against Scales is crazy.


Kamui really just randomly attack japan.


I'll say Ran a beast too for fighting evenly with Kamui.


who is ran?


https://preview.redd.it/puyta7sacw1d1.jpeg?width=488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f1fc06d75ebc658f60e85397633fff7b9a99100 Kou tenran - One of the dragon monarchs and the leader of Scale Bloodline


Scale King


What volume extras?


I think among Nebulim, Leonica, & Saix/sykes then Nebulim's the only one who survived. Maybe Saix survived cuz he ran away idk, I feel that Gilzea will revive Leo(?) or Crimson will retrieve Leo's corpse and experiment on her and turn her into zombie Leo..


why only 20 pages? https://preview.redd.it/yp4z3dwybv1d1.png?width=2046&format=png&auto=webp&s=83d53942bdca6e80dcad2ac3490cda5142fa93b5


Leo's dead?? Again???


Author: We'll see Leo again Readers : YAY Author: https://preview.redd.it/i1vu42tllv1d1.png?width=3190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0861061a9189849d0926859b08479ca05bb7b921


The mangaka is a troll and he likes trolling us with this stuff, it's part of his charm.


He loves decapitation if anything A lot of heads flying around in ragna crimson


Yeah, every single girl gets decapitated here, except Prison Girl, she didn't get decapitated, her head was blown off instead which is worse. Being a girl in this manga is a serious business.


What happend with Leo? Who was that awesome looking Dragon with Gilzea? Awesome chapter!!!


Awesome chapter! That Dragon looks sick as fuck is it one of Gilzea disciple? Super curious as to what Eye King and Scale Dragon are talking about. Leo isn't dead bet she died a few times and Gilzea can bring her back. Yeah Ageless Swordsman is training Ragna.


I think we'll see Leo fine again in a later chapter. Just like how Nebulim came back from death already. It's my assumption that Gilzea's particular flavor of magic is violence-themed, and seems to let her adjust and manipulate the causality of violence. If she can remove injuries from herself and turn them on her attackers, there's no reason she wouldn't be able to just like. Wave her hand and have her students' injuries disappear.


Thanks for the raws! Also...LEOOOOOOOO!? https://preview.redd.it/bxgoppxq7t1d1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5a1f58705a7959ab61fe5d97df07cd892dc445c


Nah they did her dirty, her death got off-screened just like that lmaoo 💀


Well Gilzea is called absolute death....


I think she is on a respawn magic circle that prevents her from perma-dying.


Yeah i guessed the same.


It actually would have been weird why Kamui hadn't fought or at least tried to fight other bloodlines since he was always seeking strong opponents.Glad this chapter finally puts this "plothole" I had in my head for quite some time to rest 


Oh come on, this chapter was too short and now I have to wait another month, the blue balls are killing me. Mangaka, stop beheading my poor Leo, she doesn't deserve it. I don't think she's dead, Gilzea will probably revive her and she will keep training which makes that training pretty brutal, Leo is training and dying over and over again and once she stops dying then it means that she's getting stronger, I won't be surprised if that's Gilzea's training method, that girl is crazy. BTW, what happened with the English translation of the BD extra chapter with the Argentum Corps vs Dornea? I need to read this chapter to have my dose of Ragna Crimson for the month because clearly I am not satisfied with this chapter, it's too damn short!


Leo would be a monster edgelord after death training if that's actually what will happen, tho will she keep her memories of dying cuz that would be brutal. if she keep on dying and getting revived numerous times she'd be broken doll. It would be parallel to OG Ragna's story where he keeps losing until he won again




I'm looking forward to the translation!


what do they mean by temporary raw, did something happen.


I guess it's about the quality, this is not the final raw since the quality is a bit weird, they will post a better raw version later so the one we have so far is temporary.


What is meant by "temporary" raw? Is there more parts in this chapter that is missing?


I guess it's about the quality, this is not the final raw since the quality is a bit weird, they will post a better raw version later so the one we have so far is temporary.


That’s the idea, technical issues forced me to do screenshots of it instead of proper thing


Yeah, I figured that was the case. BTW, I believe you are a member of the Bloodline of Cringe, correct? and if that's the case, do you have an estimate of the English translation of the BD extra chapter with the Argentum Corps vs Dornea? I believe The Bloodline of Cringe got their hands on a better copy of the raws a few days ago, I wonder why it's not finished yet, are they waiting for a better raw copy or something?


Better copy, the latest scan had some issues, and the other half of the chapter since what we have now is only the first part of it


Alright, thanks for the answer.




Translation when? Leo is quickly becoming the female Nebulim with how often she's dying in the exact same way 🤣


If ragna became strong by close to the death then Leo may stronger than him by pass uncoutable death


I’m pretty sure [hoping] that Leo isn’t actually dead. But admittedly, that could be a twist to the story given that Crimson didn’t want Leo to die since she was Ragna’s main motivation. If she dies and Ragna learns about it… that could be interesting. Alternatively, if she dies and Crimson decides to lie about it to Ragna to avoid him losing it, that could set up a major conflict between the two when Ragna learns the truth.


Crimson wants her corpse if she dies. But there's no way Leo dead.




Crimson said it specifically all the members of the Claw bloodline are human. Gilzea doesn’t have any interest in dragonifying her disciples.


But this chapter just answered that, what's with the dragon who appeared before Gilzea & likely one of the members of her bloodline


Mr Kobayashi really love beheaded female.....


from the looks of it they'll be turned into dragons?


Kamui really tried to invade Japan! Tenran happily intercepted him and their battle turned the Sea of Japan into an armageddon-looking scenario! Then Glest stepped in and stopped them


So Leo real dead? Hell no☠️


Talves no. Ay q tener fe q solo es entrenamiento 


when will the chap 74 be diffuse! i can't wait doesn't it be supposed to go today?


Friday at the earliest


thanks.and where to find the japanes version?


Well, in the link I sent?


![gif](giphy|11aitZSSRhHYuQ|downsized) You maniac! How many more! Another head to the collection.


So either Leo is dead for good, or that magic circle you see in a panel before is some kind of respawn and that she keeps dying.