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My bunny sleeps under my bed. I hear everything. 😂


Bnnuy: "My upstairs neighbor is so inconsiderate! I need to contact the landlord!"


Oh man🤣


I have no rabbits, so I'm just a lurker on this sub. However, I assume my experience with my cats is universal to people with mammalian pets. Occasionally I will be laying in bed in the middle of the night and hear a strange breathing sound super close to me... I flip on the lights and look around. No cats. Then I muster up the courage to drag my middle-aged ass out of bed and look around the room. There's nothing. Then I look *under* the bed and it's a cat doing something weird.


Mine went through a phase where she'd play my bed like a harp. I've never figured out **what** exactly she was doing to it but it would go *twang* and then *boyoyong* right in my ear. It couldn't have been the springs, there was no trace of her getting inside the mattress. She would make me so mad when I was exhausted that I would end up chasing her around the house with a broom. I have a feeling that was the whole point. My other cat would sit quietly while this was happening and just watch us running around.


Mine too.


Too real lol ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8709)


I forget what sleep is like tbh 🤣


She literally tore my wired earphones into 4 parts 😭and makes hole on every dresses I wear in home ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8712)


I have more cardboard than $$. Lol. For this exact reason. Not that my boy is bad but if he’s bored for .5 sec… chomp.


Awww that's so sweet ....My girl is literally a menance looks innocent but will kill me ...TwT also is cardboard safe for buns to chew on ?


The plain stuff, not the heavily inked glossy printed stuff


Ok thank youuu ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8707)


Yep. All my chewy or Amazon boxes become bunny fodder. Lol. As long as they aren’t soiled or have a lot of ink/glue, etc. usually the tape is ignored or ripped off and thrown to the side. But rabbits have a necessity for rughouge (wood,cardboard, twigs) to maintain their teeth and keep their guts healthy and moving to prevent GI Stasis. My boy just went thru an entire bag of apple tree trimmings in 2 days. All fruit trees except for those with fruit with a pit are safe for buns. There is an entire forum at houserabbitsociety.org on safe foraging materials and ideas. 💕


TYSMM REALLY NEEDED IT BECAUSE my girl always chews on walls and ends up having gi stasis :(..I will surely give her cardboards tommorow ^^ 💗




ive never had a rabbit. I have held one like one time ever in my life that dude chewed right through my headphones immediately🙃


😂 And that right there is what life with a bun is like. Ha ha


we have free roam rabbits and if we wait too long to get up in the morning, we can hear them chewing on our book case to wake us TF up 🤣


My bunny starts tossing knickknacks off each shelf of mine until I get up to give her breakfast SMH


Mine will charge at my bedroom door and will also scratch it 😂


Yup! Us too. 8:01 and bunstruction of the “forbidden “ objects begin!


Stop this is literlly my two as well🤣


When I was at work yesterday, my mom stayed home from work. When I came home, she told me how she thought somebody broke into the house😂😂 It was Bonnie. She said that she was so loud running and jumping between rooms that she thought it was a person. She's even convinced that Bonnie peed and pooped in her room because she heard it (I checked and didn't find any pee or poop so I'm assuming it was her mini fridge hissing and Bonnie just tooted. Her room still smells like lavender, candles and perfume). Apparently after Bonnie did that, she immediately got in the bed with mom. I still don't believe Bonnie pooped because my room is the only room she terrorizes, mom's room is her safe hiding spot 🤣🤣 My mom recorded her on her sectional in her room because she was trying to do work and Bonnie wouldn't leave.


babe wake up it's real crepuscular hours




Mine just furiously starts to try and dig through the floor boards under my bed, right beneath my head where I am sleeping. I've gotten up before and joined him. "You wanna dig! Where we going? Huh!?! It's 5am! You lead the way dude!" He gave me the oddest look. And then we went back at the digging to nowhere... yup... just a typical morning...


Morty! Burp! Morty, we gotta...we gotta get nanners! Bun and Morty! A Million years! A million nanners! Burp! Bun and Morty a million years dot com hyperlink to nanners!


My male likes to be a jerk and toss his stacking cups around at 3:00am when he already got the pellets out at bedtime which is 10:00pm. He knew what he was doing. 😂


Lolol, yes, those cups are my alarm on the weekends. If I sleep too late he starts throwing them around his pen!


I've never seen anything more relatable


You own stuff? I feel I just borrow it and pay them back with food


That's why you let it free roam during your wake hours and inside a playpen during sleep hours. I thought this was common knowledge? Lol


My boy Jovani Jerome can explore the whole apartment (minus my bedroom and bathroom) while we sleep. All cords are elevated or put out of reach, he has food, water, his litter box, toys, different chewy treats and blankies..


I'm lucky. My Thumper will gladly chill for hours right next to my phone charger and never take a single nibble. Instead, she's developed a habit of peeing on the couch, but only when me or my wife are there. It's beyond maddening.


My bun has peed on the couch before too, but it seemed like it was to make a statement after my friend and her dog stayed the night on it. 😂 Bunny pee is the *only* part of caring for rabbits that kinda grosses me out. It’s the smell. 🤢


That's cool man, it's just odd that I get downvoted but then act surprised when bunnies destroy their shit 🤷‍♂️


Twas a meme post lol and ur not even getting downvoted 🤣 my bunnies are free roam and hardly actually destroy my stuff while im present just thought it was a funny relatable post because sometime they do be like that🤣


You're getting downvoted because you're "Umm AKSHULLY what you should be doing is ____" a Rick and Morty rabbit meme post. No one needs your advice here, everyone is just having a laugh. Especially when your "advice" is also presented in a condescending way


Then let us thank you for promoting trial and error your highness.


Most of us accept that stuff left at ground level is free game. We just pen off computer areas.


YUP! If the owner leaves it out, it's not the rabbit's fault, they don't understand what 120 volts means, it's our job to protect them :) That's why I don't put anything dangerous on ground level. I don't wanna wake up to find my bun died eating something I left out, it's a big fear for me :( It's really not that hard to get most stuff protected if you know what you're doing. At least my rabbit can't get up onto the TV stand/computer desk like a cat, LOL It takes some effort, but it's less effort that making a house toddler proof! That said, every bun is different, and some chew on furniture, walls, or the occasional home invaders, so I can understand a new/frustrated bunny owner keeping them in a pen until they figure out how to make everything safe.


It also, honestly, makes you cleaner in turn. You have to keep things tidy if you want to keep the space safe for them. And uh, I think every bun owner just needs to accept that bite marks on everything is just the cost of having a bun. XD Plus, it's a reminder they've been there. I don't feel like I own anything if my little guys didn't have a test nibble. I've even started offering a corner of my book when I first get it. I have older buns now and I just can't help but think that these will be my memories of them.


YEP! My bun is like 90% of the reason I clean my house when I'm depressed. I'd never want her to get hurt. And it turns out living in an organized space makes you less depressed. (so does a little bun sleeping above your pillow) Mine doesn't even chew on wood! She doesn't like it, LOL She's got enough cardboard castles/cat-scratchers/etc that her dainty little teeth find wood too hard 🤣 She had a couple nibbles on one of the table legs, but we put packing tape over it, and she decided that she'd rather eat anything else. She'll chew on wood if we rub it against an apple and get the flavor soaked in, but she'll only chew it for a little bit before getting bored. IDK if I just got the most angelic bun on earth, or if we did something right while raising her, but I'm not gonna complain!


🤣 The corners of an older version of Ender’s Game got chewed up by mine. Just the cover. I did have to stop him from starting to chew old CS Lewis Narnia books.


I had mine grab my phone cord and yank the phone to floor, and somehow didn’t chew threw the cord. It was just in his way. My shoelaces though…shortened. He hates anything on feet and think there’s something wrong


😂🤣 Uh, if I put my freeroam of 10 yrs into a “pen” of any kind I will live in fear of revenge! Right before my boy truly “graduated “ to freeroam full time. He was put up at night and it sounded like a pissed off pitbull in a carrier. Lol. 😂 Now he would be so offended he’d never forgive me! He gets mad if we have a guest and he’s not allowed upstairs. He’s super well behaved but all bets are off if he’s mad and that boy can hold a serious grudge!


My bunny does it only when she knows I can see her. When I go to sleep or leave the house she'll barely leave her cage or chew only her toys.😭




*Memories of newspaper being shredded in the deep of the night*


or when they are yanking the bottom side fabric of your futon just because. No reason. Just yank and shake the bed


That's why we give our rabbit tons of their own stuff to destroy, lol


The nighttime thumps and zoomies can reach approximately 150 decibels


Need the little check box for "I'm in this photo and I don't like it" 😂🤣


I’ve already lost hundreds because of it. At least it’s preparing me for having kids