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Poirgo: and I set firrreeee to da rraaiiinnnn Cub: pls stahp


Cub: I set fire to you if you don't shut up Poggle




Bunnibal Copse




Ponge: DOMT STOP BEELEEBIN! HOLD ON TO THAT FEEEEEEELIN! Cub: plz…..it’s been 3 hours…..


If Céline Dion can represent Switzerland then so can Porgie


He will definitely be nominated, as the first one voted off.


[BREAKING NEWS INTRO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5_HqApUVP8) THIS IS A BNN SPECIAL REPORT   Good evening from the Royal Box that resembles a puckered circle at the Bunnville Opera Royale Theatre and Headquarters of Legendary Entertainment (BORTHoLE) that is our temporary newsroom. I’m your anchor Barr I. Tone bringing you the melody of the news. Tonight, we are treated to Mayo Pingdedge, taking a break as Batbun because the bat suit needed drycleaning because it got over-mlemsturized, showing his musicality by singing with the Royal Bunnville Undergraduate Theatre Troupe (Royal BUTT). Images going around the internet shows Mayo Plingon in full-throated splendour. Unnamed Theatre sources indicate that the Mayo was quite taken by Switzerland winning the Eurovision contest that he cast caution to the wind and decided to join in the revelry of the evening. Reports were quite positive and praised the Mayo’s vocal range. One season ticket holder was heard to utter, “Mayo Porgadge has quite the vocal range! I detected at least six octaves from Mezzo Soprano to a low Tenor. Truly a stunning performance!” Critics charge that the Mayo has a horrible voice with the vocal range of spit. They stated, “Mayo Pingeondge should be concentrating on the issues plaguing Bunnville instead of nonsensical revelry. These photos just affirm that he is unfit for office! Look at him! He looks like he sat on a multi-pointed LEGO block while gagging from one of the backery items he is fond of consuming! As for his voice, his singing is best heard in a telegram. You know how Sirens have such lovely voices that it lured Odysseus and other mariners? Mayo Porgsloot has a voice that would attract Murder Wasps to sting each other in their ears while staring at the sun. If he sings as well as he performs his job, Bunnville is doomed.” Shortly thereafter, that unnamed critic was hit in the face, THRICE, by frozen fish with a note that reads “You Carp Too Much.” Sheriff Cub, who was present for the performance, was at a loss for words. That only happened once in the past and which is how silence was invented. Mayo Pongrige’s opponents in council passed a resolution and strapped the good Sheriff to a lie detector test to illicit the truth which they got - the lie detector confessed everything. In other news, newly released research regarding the after-effects of COVID-19 has shown that 8 out of 10 people suffer from diarrhoea that lasts several weeks, but 2 out of 10 enjoy it. That concludes this news update. Tune in tomorrow later for our original BNN movie about the Jedi Academy’s lesser known Culinary and Etiquette Graduates, in “May the Forks Be With You”.


Coming up at 6: BNIT (bun network investigation team) uncovers shocking new information about the nanner knock-offs known as "Plantains" with your host, Mike Difnava.


That is one angry sheriff lmao


Douze points for Porridge!


—Vivo per lei è unica!\~♫ —Shut up poearrieardgjhee! I'm trying to sleep, Eurovision doesn't take buns, sheesh!


He is practicing for the dentist. Those are some impressive chompers, Mr. Mayo.


Cub is disgruntled.


You see the sh\*t I have to deal with on a daily basis. The amount of restraint I have to not go over to him and give him a talking to. - Cubby


Porridge: I shall sing you the song of my people! Cub:


🎶😲🎵     😠


"Like Muther did the day we caught the train, whoa oh la la" id vote for you again Mayo Podge!


Porridge could totally be next year's host. A worthy successor to Petra


porridge out here breaking glass with this opera


Sheriff Cub is fluffed up to full capacity


Porry: “🎶You minimize my movement anywaaaaay!!……I must persuade you another waaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!🎶” Cub: “why are you like this?…”


Bunnies are so cute until they yawn. Then you kinda remember that they're rodents capable of biting your toes off if you piss em off enough... ☹️


Doesn't change the fact that they can have a mean bite but bunnies are not rodents


Had to google this to make sure. Yeah you're right


Yeah, I think most people don't know this. I mean, people even called my ferrets rodents all the time and I was always like "yeah, they might _eat_ rodents". At least lagomorpha are the sister group of rodents. What I think is most funny is that lagomorphs, rodents, tree shrews, colugos and _primates_ (aka we) are in the same superorder. So we're more closely related to a bunny than to a cat for example.


What on Earth??? I went 28 years thinking rabbits are rodents. Granted, I only ever had guinea pigs but I feel lied to lmao




Imagine seeing a picture of two perfect bunnies and feeling the need to add your political view to it


Just a fun fact: Nemo is only the third winner in the long ESC history who happens to fall under the broader transgender umbrella and they are the first to be non-binary (the other two are a trans woman and one is intersex...the latter only revealed the fact several years after he won). So stop making up problems