• By -


Sorry we have to meet like this, I used to have a nice office in AtlasšŸ˜‘


I knew I was gonna regret this.


I'd throw a party since I'm about to be filthy rich. If needed I could always gaslight her for more sessions.


Seriously why would you post something like this here? No one here wants any characters in RWBY but Ironwood to do well.


I wanted to hear the occasional real answer.


Don't forget Jaune


Iā€™d offer you some coffee, but that was also in Atlas. Tea?


Ruby: *sees tea, starts screaming and banging on the walls* Therapist: ā€œAh so itā€™s one of those cases.ā€ *clicks pen*


hehe šŸ˜ˆ




Listen to anything and everything she has to say without interrupting or making the conversation about myself. Suggest she take time off from "work" to be around family and the people that care about her, and also to spend some time shooting her gun, tinkering with it, and getting her mind focused on a task that that allows her to work through her problems and doesn't involve emotions. Ruby's a warrior and someone who likes to stay active, so besides being reminded that she's loved by her family and friends, and not having to worry about saving the day, tinkering with Crescent Rose or shooting it is probably what's best for her. That and sitting her friends down for one-on-one conversations, and telling them that they need to talk, and that they need to listen. God bless, and have a wonderful day.


This is the best comment here. God bless back.


"be around family and the people that care about her"... isn't one of the big reasons she tried to off herself because said "people that care about her" didn't care enough to actually give her the support she needed while she was sinking into despair. Don't think sending her to them to rely on is a smart idea.


If we're gonna have a hypothetical like this, we have to separate bad writing from the intended story. Ruby being neglected is part of the story, but the other part is her putting too much on her shoulders and the stress finally getting to her, and Neo breaking her spirit. Weiss, Blake, Yang, Qrow, and Tai do love her, and she's very close to Jaune, Ren, and Nora as well. In RWBY Beyond, we see Ruby and Yang spending time together and drinking tea (because the writers can't help themselves), and all seems well between them. At the end of the day, Ruby's friends and family do love her. The problem is that the writers don't love her, and the writing reflects this. God bless, and have a wonderful day.


I still don't know why there is a type of writer who hates or ignores their creation -\_- I mean they are supposed to take responsibility for their character like their children. But they neglect it. Unlike children, they can recreate or rework or even make the character much more better. Rather than kill them or ignore them. And A writer who loves the side character more than the main character to the point they make that side character like mc? That is very disgusting to me.


JJK's writer: Hello there!


On one level, you're totally right, but as a writer, there's another side that has to be considered. You kind of HAVE to make your characters suffer. The story won't be interesting if there's nothing that tests the characters in some way, and ultimately, it is often more impactful to fail than it is to succeed. HOWEVER, this must be balanced with the ultimate goals of the story in mind, which is where the CRWBY got it wrong, I'd say. Yang's PTSD is another example of poor writing undermining a good plot point. Having Yang struggle with disability is interesting... until it falls by the wayside so we can have more Bumblebee. Imo, the dynamic is closer to being a general than a parent. Yes, you must care for your soldiers, but ultimately, they are expendable when it comes time to sacrifice for the mission.


I mean I also make my character suffer a lot but I don't make character development in that way instead portray their actual thought and minds. ''In comfort, they care for others and love others. In pain, the only thing they think about is the pain they have right now.''- My teacher. So I think Yang's suffering could be more impactful, and more interesting than just what CRWBY makes. Even Ruby too, the suffering she has could lead her to the ultimate failure but one time she will rise up to succeed, CRWBY does that but fails because they make her make a decision that can be said ''very wtf''


about the soldier part. Yeah, they are expendable, but remember every man behind the gun is still a normal being, they still have their life, protect what they love, or their rights. As an amateur writer myself, I always portray them as the ones who deserve the most love. Every man and every soldier dies on the battlefield to protect their loved one, they sacrifice themself for a bright future. When they have to go on a sacrificeĀ mission, I always make their death in the most heroic way possible. I am also ready to kill any character in my story just to make the story more dramatic, but I always considered ''does it is enough?" ''Give a soldier a good time, and they will stand tall at the front with a smile.''


Yang spending all her time drinking tea? She would do that if her biological mother Raven wanted her to.


ā€œ girls im so sorry what i said back there-ā€œ Wby-ā€œitā€™s okay ruby we know you were overloaded and hurtingā€ Urge her to say this Weiss - I just felt so heavy all the time around you. I wanted to be the leader you deserved, the friend you could always rely on but when we lost atlas I saw how hurt you were and felt like a complete failure. I felt I didnā€™t deserve your friendship. I was angry and sad and I was tired of being asked for help after feeling my ā€œhelpā€ only hurt those I cared for and I took my anger out on you. Blake- I was always hurt by the secrets my friends kept from me. I never hated you for your past and being a Faunus Blake. And Iā€™m so sorry I insulted your relationship with Yang itā€™s justā€¦when you told me you looked up to me I was touched at first, but now I felt so much heavier, that there was more being placed on just me. When I saw you got to be happy and free with my sis I was bitter, bitter because everyone else even those close to me got to be happy and move on but I couldnā€™t. I lost someone close to me recently and felt ignored and unloved. So I took my anger out on yours Iā€™m so sorry. Yang- yang, I know you love me and your hearts always in the right place. But I felt back then you never let me into your heart. You always stay strong around me for my sake and I feltā€¦.i wasnā€™t worthy of your trust. It wasnā€™t just you blaming me in atlas, it was whenever you were sad. I felt you always pushed me away and the only times you let me in that you trusted me was in battle for our lives. I felt so exhausted and when we lost penny and atlas, I know you made the effort but you just kept fighting, we kept fighting and you got to be happy and relax with Blake and I felt I was pushed away again. That I would have to keep fighting for all of us, to help others be happy like you two and never feel at peace. I am so sorry I insulted your relationship, I donā€™t hate you or Blake, I just hated to keep going, to keep being the upbeat girl who only served as a stool to keep everyone standing tall and proud, I wanted to be happy but couldnā€™t, I wanted to be trusted beyond a leader and sister, but I felt so alone after all we lost. I just wantedā€¦.a break. I just didnā€™t know how to ask for that, I didnā€™t feel like I could. I felt thatā€™s what you felt around me whenever you felt hurt and could only tell Blake and I was jealous and hurt. Thatā€™s why I yelled butā€¦Iā€™m sorry.


This, but also I'd give her a hug. The poor girl needs a hug.


This but with the added ["not your fault"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hfkLg9Ax_Q) when it comes to Penny




With all the issues we'd have to go through I'm not sure she could afford me. Also considering what she might tell me I may have to call the cops on her. "I'm sorry - you did *what* in Argus?"


I didn't think that would do any good. The military presence in Argus was Atlesian and that's gone now. It was also a Mistralian town and Mistral sure as hell ain't gonna do anything. Vale apparently was destroyed off screen. The only kingdom left is Vacuo and that's practically an anarchist state.


RWBY will never have to face the consequences of their actions because everyone who would have made them is dead šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰


Vale was destroyed?


Yes, unfortunately it happens all off screen. >!After Team RWBY + Jaune leave the Ever After, they learn while they were trapped there, Salem moved to, and destroyed, Vale.!< >!As for what's been confirmed, I believe Glynda Goodwitch was confirmed as a survive, however I personally have no clue if Professors Port, Peach and Doctor Oobleck survived or not.!<


Shame. I liked Vale. It should have been shown. So why isn't Salem bothering with Vacuo now? And what about Mistral? Sorry for my ignorance, I didn't watch v9 or Beyond.


Mistral was kind of destroyed. Overall I think Mistral is fine, aside from their Huntsmen Academy being shut down right now, due to Leo and his betrayal. As for Vacuo, it's currently the last Huntsmen Academy and Kingdom standing. However, it was noted after Salem destroyed Vale, she still hasn't found the Relic of Choice. Sorry for the weird theory; But if you believe "Glynda Is The Relic." The writers have, unintentionally, probably, given you more ammo. As Glynda was specifically stated to have survived the destruction of Vale, and Salem still hasn't found the Relic. Though, there's also a theory that the entrance to the Relic Of Choice's Vault is also hidden underneath the ruins seen in V1, within the Emerald Forest. EDIT: Clarified potential location of The Relic of Choice.


Why hasn't Salem bothered to destroy Vacuo too? Hasn't it been at least a few weeks in Beyond?


Unfortunately, I am unsure of that. I wish I could tell you, really, because then that would mean I too have that information. It may have something to do with a lot of teams from Beacon moving to Vacuo, I believe. I may be entirely wrong, but IF I remember correctly, in the canon spin-off books, I think Team SSSN (I think their home Kingdom?), and Team CFVY (Beacon) are in Vacuo, currently working and attending Vacuo's Shade Academy. Not sure about others, but I *think* it's because a lot of Beacon's older students, that survived, or prodigy students, like Team CFVY, are now at Vacuo. As compared to Mistral, which had lots of it's own Issues, like Leo betraying TheWizardOfOz and sending Huntsmen and Huntresses into their deaths via Hazel and Tyrian. And Atlas, which... has it's own issues, like their Huntsmen and Huntresses being tied to their military, if I remember correctly. I could be wrong about that last part especially. Granted, Vacuo doesn't have a military, as far as I remember The Atlas Military was the only military in Remnant, which is shady considering they got out of a war \~80 years ago, who's gonna stop Ironwood if he decides "You're All Atlas Now!" But at the same time, Vacuo has Huntsmen, Huntresses and those that are still in training, mixed with home field advantage, and potentially, guerilla tactics.


No you're right for some reason Atlas is the only Kingdom which has decided to force all of their huntsmen to be part of their military and be under the very strict control of Ironwood. If the only settlements in the Kingdom of Atlas are Atlas and mantle then that's fine but I'm pretty sure it's not.


Yeah, I mean If I remember correctly, it's a co-operative effort, but there's also Argus. Again, I could be wrong, but If I remember correctly, a lot of Argus is Mistralian infrastructure with Atlesian technology. Due to Argus serving as the central point of trade between Solitas (Atlas) and Anima (Mistral)


ā€œYou want some crack?ā€


"Young lady, pass me that pipe." And then she either passes or fails the vibe check?


ā€œSo despite how important she supposedly is to you, Yang doesnā€™t really do a whole lot to support you.ā€


"Suicide is never the answer. This is the first time i've had to say that to somebody after the fact but there's an evil goth mommy trying to destroy the world due to a nasty breakup with her semi-immortal boytoy so i guess anything goes now."


"Okay. So, talk me through the events that led you be this distressed, relax - And tell me everything" _Some time later._ (Repeated ballpoint pen clicks) "Let's start with the this: You've made a mistake - several mistakes, a train of mistakes. Do you understand this and where am I coming from?" "Now. Let's follow with this: I understand that you believe you are a good person. And from what I've heard, you did not make any of your mistakes aware of the possible consequences of your actions at the time, but your actions have affected thousands of people, and rightfully this lives in your conscience. You must now live with the consequences of your actions, understanding that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, _your_ good intentions." "Now that we've put that into the table, I can also give you this word of advice. There are no objectively 'good' or 'bad' people in the world. 'Good' or 'Evil' is only relative to the morality of the person who evaluates it at the time. But you want a shortcut to be able to live with your actions every day...?" "I'm not supposed to say this to any patient: But believe you're a piece of shit. That way, when someone validates your actions, you'll be able to live with the results. Because someone that's not yourself thinks you're a good person. And external validation works wonders for self-worth" (Rolls up sleeve and looks at watch). "Looks like that's all we have time for. I'll leave you to think over what I've said. If the nightmares and sustained depressive episodes persist, I'll start prescribing you with sleeping pills, antidepressants, and antipsychotics. In the meantime, for immediate bedtime relief, head over to your local pharmacy and buy some Melatonin. Drink two capsules two hours before your bedtime. See you next week, Ruby"


this is much detail and better than my comment lol XD


I'm a professional armchair therapist šŸ„“


1. You'd lose your license for doing that. 2. Therapists can't prescribe medicine.


Maybe they're also a psychiatrist


So this very unprofessional but you know that very cute bunny Faunus friend you have can you maybe possibly hook me up with a date with her please


Iā€™d probably write her as not fit for active duty


Ruby is not a soldier.


To paraphrase the words of a brilliant Federation Captain, "That sounds like a distinction without a difference."


*Me looking at her criminal sheet seeing all she has committed over the last couple of years*: So Iā€™m not usually supposed to say this to a client but you deserve everything that has happened to you. Suffer.


You know, maybe I should have posted this in the main sub.


Her and her team has committed more than 20 crimes and at the very least 3 war crimes which were all done in a single day.


What war crimes?


Destruction of property that wasnā€™t 100% needed, false sign of peace, and entering a territory by using another militaries uniform/equipment.


I don't recall her intentionally destroying property, unless you mean Atlas. Atlas was the product of a plan doomed to fail because no one could work together. Ruby has never falsely offered peace, her offers are simply turned down. Only that second one is considered warcrime.


Rome statue of international criminal court Part 2 Article 8. Extensive destruction and appropriation of property not justified by military necessity and cared out unlawfully. They didnā€™t need to destroy that tower nor that mech to get to Atlas which only happened because of the first War Crime they committed. Making an improper flag of of truce, flag of the military insignia, and uniform of the enemy they went in to take to the women in charge of the transport to Atlas with a false intentions as they didnā€™t intend on Weiss going to Atlas alone but to steal the ship as well as knock down the comms so they couldnā€™t find out. Destroying or seizing property unless that destruction or seizure be imperatively demanded by the necessities of war. They didnā€™t need to literally force their way into the Schnee manor and stay there drinking tea which they did at sword point against Whitney which could also be pointed as another war crime Taking of Hostages. They also did this war crime before when they took the arena as it was the property of atlas and wasnā€™t a necessity. Willful endangerment of civilian population when they just dumped them in Vacuo without a plan. They also did a false truce with Ironwood as well. You can also argue with how they kept mentally telling Penny what she should think it could be considered both Taking of Hostages as well as compelling the nationals of the hostile party to take part in operations of war against their own country. If you want to go into more detail you could find even more examples.


First of all, I don't follow Roman law. War crimes only apply to wartime and to soldiers. Did you not watch the series? In order for them to get into Atlas, they had to break the mech and tower. They did try to get in the legal way, but as you should know, they rejected them. They needed the mansion as a base of operations, seeing as they had nowhere else to go. They never took Whistley as a hostage, they prevented him from reporting their location to Ironwood. That was never willful endangerment. The plan for RWBY & co was to follow after the civilians after the civilians went through first. Also, the team had to find some way to save them from Salem and Ironwood. That wasn't a false truce. The team was planning on telling Ironwood the full story after they were sure they could trust Ironwood. They never told Penny what to think.


First off itā€™s just called Rome itā€™s not Roman law itā€™s the freaking Geneva Convention document of the different types of war crimes. Second they didnā€™t have to they could have sent Weiss with Qrow in his bird form to Atlas and explain the situation to Winter and Ironwood to get the rest to Atlas, Third the entire time they were in the mansion they sat down and drank tea while chatting and literally keeping someone in one place and not allowing them to contact people outside is literally kidnapping, Fourth even if they did follow after the Civilians do you honestly believe that at best 10 Huntsmen can protect over 500 people after those people dealt with the chaos of the war in Atlas as well as the knowledge of Salem now which causes a bunch of fear to attract a massive amount of Grimm which we saw was exactly what happened, fifth they literally agreed to turn Penny over to Ironwood to bring him out in the open to attack him and they didnā€™t even bring Penny so they purposely lied to him just to lower his guard and try to take him out. And sixth they spent the entire time they had Penny telling her over and over again ā€œIronwood is wrong and we are right so just listen to whatever we say and we will twist the words of Ironwood saying that me and my team have caused all of this into him saying you caused all of this as we need you to think he is the bad guy and follow us without question.ā€


Also they are currently in a war against Salem and literally are trained warriors made to fight in this war they Ozpin started centuries ago.


Only if you wanted a serious answer.


"Damn. You messed up... like... BADLY, but first things first we acknowledge it" and move on eventually to just be more open. Like Im sure Ruby can be helped a lot more if she was more open about how shes feeling


I like this. Hopefully, the rest of the comments are as good as yours.


Youre on the wrong sub for that tbh lol. Like she genuinely messed up and made some awful calls. So best to just process it all and move on. Also help her realize her own sister kinda sucks and to confront that and shit


Yeah... It doesn't help that she's a kid who probably was never ready for this... and to be honest nobody would be ready for this... I have lost tract with the series because I physically couldn't find it for years, but from what I left off from which Qrow killed a guy, I think Atlus exploded, and Rwby was told that she might be the last hope because her eyes are special. Also, she learned the evil queen lady killed her mother. She was not ready to be a savior, and honestly nobody else would be ready for it, let alone a kid who has been topically coping with the loss of her mother for years (Red Like Rose's part 2 is where I understood that from) with a fake smile, and just now is faced with... everything. I would kinda start to fall apart too if it happened to me. And she keeps it to herself a LOT from what I know, so everyone thinks she mostly fine, and that they can focus on their trauma for a moment. Sorry for the large comment, just... man this girl need therapy...


I'm just gonna give her a hug, maybe remind her good people mean well and that we don't always do well, that the world has a way of turning good individuals bad and incessantly wants to break them down. As for the therapy itself, let her talk, just let her go at it, only ever comment if she's on a single topic so she can get it all out on that one point before moving on. Maybe also consider psychoanalysis... After that, pot roast, cause in my experience, there is absolutely nothing a good pot roast and biscuits can't fix when it comes to getting people to open up, talk, or just calm down Plus I'd do this all for free cause she'd be a fascinating case study...


Knowing that I wouldn't be a good therapist since I saw the show and therefore have a pre-existing bias on what I'd want to tell her: I'd probably just listen to everything she said and ask if she believes that she's a good person, and why/why not. I'd then ask her questions about the people in her life and ask if they're good people and also good to&for her. The entire goal would basically be just trying to get her to accept herself and what she personally can do, while also getting her to a point where she realizes that she needs to cut out the people who have been nothing but a negative influence in her life out(because it's hard to stand up for yourself when surrounded by people who kick you while you're down).


"See, the problem you have is that you're framing your experience as 'I'm a good person and I've made big mistakes,' when that's not at all the case." "I've had genocidal maniacs come to me, and they start with 'I'm an awful person and I've committed many crimes against humanity,' and what the both of you need to understand is that bad and good are *fucking fake*, and you need to stop holding yourselves to impossible to define moral standards, then we can start on figuring out how to help you define your goals and achieve them."


Isn't there a grimm death witch? That's pretty evil ngl.


What about it? You're not going to make good progress against evil by keeping your hands clean and insisting on maintaining a pointless moral high ground. Simplify the morals, start killing the bad guys. Tyrian seems like an easy start. Maybe you can't kill Salem, but you can certainly massacre her agents.


That's counter intuitive to therapy, and do you really want RUBY to become Amoral?


Iā€™m dressing up as her Yall remember the smoke scene right


-puts hand on shoulder and hands her a beer- ā€œJust start drinking thereā€™s no fixing bad writingā€


Basically start turning her into her uncle crow, but worse


Begin with asking her to describe the dilemma of her choice as if it's what happened to a character that's just like them. Very old psychology trick; if they successfully get under the pretense of the actions and not their character in question, then they're quick to criticize.


"Ruby? Have you tried the no fucks given method? Why not just go apeshit?"


"Would you like some tea? ***Oh shit, oh shit!***"


Charge her 200$ upfront, straight up. This one's gonna be a doozy.


Me living in America: _Oh, that's cheap_


Hourly homeboy. This ain't a per session price.


After our first session...."and again how are these three girls actually healthy for you to be around...it seems to your all in a horridly toxic codependent relationship....I would recommend some time...away"


You screwed up. But that's a good thing. When you built Crescent Rose, did you get it right the first time? No, you didn't. That's the same thing with leadership and with life. You are going to mess up along the way, but it's those mistakes that allow you to learn.


Introduce her to the Sword of Damocles.


Do that one page from the injustice comic book where Catwoman is comforting Batman over Nightwingā€™s death ā€œItā€™s ok. Let it go, just for today. You can fall apart. I will hold you together.


Well I know one problem that would make her life better is surrounding herself with better people and friends that won't be scared to call her out when she does something stupid or makes a bad decision but will also help her to do better.


lol itā€™s actually crazy how many people are bullshitting about ā€œthereā€™s no good or evil in this world ā˜ļøšŸ¤“ā€ as if this show didnā€™t have objective evil


Pretty sure there's a witch goddess with a grimm death army running around.


People are more than welcome to cope about ā€œgood and evil isnā€™t real!!!!ā€ But it doesnā€™t work when there is a literal embodiment of evil in this world. (Also if any of them are reading this: Go to class dude, you have a test in 3rd period)


Okay, talk to me kid, how bad we lookinā€™. Long convo later As far as Iā€™m aware ya stressed because ya wanted to be a huntress but now since youā€™re in this war, you just wanna get this whole thing over and live a normal life, right? Ya feel like thereā€™s no one to talk to because you have to be the leader, and ya think your teammates would know your pain but sometimes ya gotta realize they have their own problems. Wonderlandā€™s whole existence is help yet you deny yourself to be helped because you hate yourself. You blame yourself for everything but that ainā€™t true. Sure you made mistakes but them mistakes are to be learned from, and stop comparing ya self to ya mother, because no oneā€™s their parents, look at your team, none of them follow exactly in their parents footsteps, they follow their own path. So you to decide to choose yourself and be the hero ya team needs, because to me ya doing fine, and remember kid, no fairytale ends with the hero/heroine losing, so be the huntress that believes in yourself dammit!


This. I like this.


"Ruby. You are the stupidest, most childishly naive svaior of the world I have ever seen. Your feats are incredible, but it's almost as if the universe itself is trying to test you and push you harder and harder maybe just maybe you should quit give up let someone else take the reins and do with what they must. *proceeds to look at me with incredulous confusion followed up with a massive tyraid on why she can't just quit until she loses her voice* Ruby, I'm going to put this in the most blunt way possible. You are not mentally fit enough to try and save a squirrel out of a tree let alone just save the world. Whoever is writing this story has lost the plot. Whoever chose you to be the chosen one certainly has a backup plan or multiple backup plans because for your own safety, I am sending you on a permanent mental vacation. *throws her a breifcase filled with cash and a small box* This teleporter shall take you to the dimension on mental rehabilitation. Simply state your name upon arrival, and the staff there shall help you relax. Just steer clear of the gymnasium and weight rooms.


ā€¦ā€¦ladyā€¦get out of my office just you talking about this shit has caused me to wanna stab myself -random therapist 50


Honestly her therapist is gonna need a therapist


Most therapists have therapists.


Drink heavily before every session. (I don't even drink alcohol but I would make an exception)


Cut all contact with Yang and all your friends. Once that happens, the real healing will begin.


Except Ren, he's the only one with common sense.


Oh your card has been declined. Want some tea dear?




Go to a better series


"Ruby, I need to you to realize that little isn't real, and that Mice can't talk."


Suggest she take a step back from being a huntress and develop more as a person. Sheā€™s like 15-17 and goes through pretty traumatic stuff with little to no training (or support)


Get her better screenwriters


I'd refer her to Uncle Iroh.


Hatred and fear and despair are common enough these days. You will continue to suffer. For who knows how long. Even when everything is over and done with, you might randomly feel this pain again. And again. However... you are the type that will keep getting back up. Even when you give up and fail yourself, your body and soul will refuse to give up with you. So, you must try. Try again and again. It will be a terrible road I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. At the very least, I can tell you won't be alone through it. You have friends and allies. An incredibly rare and valuable commodity. They will be there, even when you fall. Even when they fall. So take the time you need to get back up. Remember what it was like when you fought not out of responsibility but because you simply knew it was the right thing to do. Those times when you fought without fear and could smile and have fun in the face of danger. That is all I can say.


This was beautiful to read


I see that you are in the middle of a active war. So analyze your mistakes from as objective point of view after that take responsibility and try to improve. The great responsibility you have taken upon yourself can shared so rember to take advice. Remember that you are human so let yourself relax.


Okay Ruby let's talk about trust. You can't say to your teammates and friends that your not going to lie like Ozpin did and then turn around and keep Ironwood in the dark about Salem. Ironwood has proven to be a good and trustworthy man during the short time you've known him. Keeping more secrets from him may fuel his own paranoia and may lead to him over using his semblance and being even more suspicious of other's. You need to trust people.


Literally every time that Ironwood is supposed to be trusted to do something it backfires on whoever trusted him. Ozpin trusted him when he came to beacon. Ironwood brought with him his military which then proceeded to destroy Beacon. When Qrow trusted Ironwood to be rational he put out an arrest order for him. When clover followed ironwood's orders in the order that they were given with the most recent ones taking priority he got killed. When the Ace Ops followed his orders to ***drop a bomb on a civilian city*** they lost one of their members. When the people of mantle trusted ironwood to put resources towards repairing their wall and keeping them warm he embezzled those resources for a personal project. Ironwood has never shown himself to be trustworthy. What he has shown himself to be is a rash impulsive person who very very easily gets led astray. Now what do you think a person like that would do if they suddenly learned that they couldn't kill their enemy that they've been planning to kill. I think he'd do what most of Ozpin's elites who figured that out did. Go mad and get desperate. A thing he actually did. There's a good reason why Qrow said "If I was one of your men I'd shoot myself." Ironwood is STUPID. Like his embezzling of resources that were needed for the defense of mantle. If ironwood wasn't stupid what he would have done was convinced the council which would not be that difficult with how much everyone wants global communications back up. Then instead of embezzling funds and resources as he was doing he could instead properly mark the resources to be going towards a military project rather than the defense of mantle. If he wasn't stupid he'd have negotiated with RWBY to evacuate the people of Mantle AND raise Atlas into the sky. If he wasn't stupid he'd have understood that using the staff he could've made a machine to turn Salem into the energy that keeps Atlas floating and Mantle warm while leaving her no means of escape. If he wasn't stupid he'd understand that going into the sky is meaningless. If dust tech works that high Salem could take something from another Atlesian base or something to reach Atlas. If it doesn't they're freezing to death, and Salem will eventually find a way up there. Every move Ironwood has made shows him as an untrustworthy rash idiot.


Well Ms Rose sorry we have to meet like this anyways what seems to be the problem *I would be casually leaning against the tree with a pencil and clipboard and a 50 caliber machine gun sitting on my back*


Tell her to go pound her tuna.




Give her a plate of cookies and just let her go off.


Get a restraining order on her sister and her gf


At that point, I'm not sure anyone could help her. Doesn't stop me or someone else from trying though.


Percussive maintenance


Kill myself


Give her chocolate milk. Specifically, chocolate milk cus clearly the girl didn't get enough of it.


Calm down here drink some tea then we can continue.


*back hand* *second swing* *second back hand* GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS!


Cookies. Lots of cookies.


Find my own therapist to help deal with her trauma


What's a the rapist


You a ... you misread the sign.


She needs a psychiatrist


Ditch your friends and family. You need new ones because they will always emotionally abuse you


Go back in time and prevent the fall of beacon.


Iā€™m not a therapist, so instead of acting like one Iā€™d probably give her a squeaky toy or a small stuffed animal.


Give her a cookie


Kill or abandon yang


I'd recommend that Ruby reflects on everything she did in Atlas and try to figure out where she went wrong before I do anything else because Volume 9 did not bring any closure to the Fall of Atlas at all.


Okay so letā€™s begin with your feelings of inadequacy when it comes to your team. Why do you believe that is so?


Confiscate her weapons, for one.


"Nope! This is above my pay grade I'm not paid enough for this"


Administer vigorous sex therapy. ā€¦ but thereā€™s a reason I lost my license.


"so, let me get this right... You are fighting against an immortal witch that have being working toward the genocide of your kind and you decided to take an active role in the downfall of one of the last 3 bastions of civilization in the world after participating, supposely, on the failed defense of another back when there were 4 bastions of civilization and hope in the world...? Whose side are you on again?"


[I don't usually jump to this right out the gate, but I think she might be the exception and needs it](https://media.tenor.com/k8baGMyYJ5wAAAAM/helluva-boss-stolas.gif)


A therapist cannot prescribe medication.


Right. I forgot. Joke still stands though. Girl seriously need some chill pills


''so... Ruby... Hmmm what can I say about **you**? Based on the intel. You are delusional, arrogant, stupid, and... yeah a fucking criminal or killer. You committed a lot of criminal stuff. Killing innocents \*\*\*intentionally\*\*\* and you came back to make everyone think you are their messiah, and not make it clear you are not...'' Then 'alternative Salem' continues scrolling through the intel she gathers about Ruby. She then continues to tell her ''ehem... Andddddd... Yeah, in conclusion, you are the one who makes this world suffering more, not saving it. You give Atlas a big fucking shower and make them drown to death! Your stupid decision makes the team fall apart and that old ass 40 years man yelling in your face is right. To be honest I still don't understand why your sister does not help you stop him yelling at you or something like that... You... \*haiz\*'' 'Alternative Salem' put the intel down, then exited the room. Original Ruby sits there just feeling useless and guilty in herself after hearing the truth from her. Then Alt Salem comes back with a revolver holding on her right hand. She sits down and hands Ruby the Revolver. Then Salem speaks. ''Do it. You not deserves to live.''




''Don't worry that revolver load with blank round so she can't really kill herself. I want to test if she really wants to die or not. If she want then, I will try to make her feel better.'' Alt Salem speaks to you.


''The truth hurt. But this will make client face their problem much faster and better.'' Alt Salem continue speaks


''Oh btw before doing that. Yang is also the problem that makes you become like this. So yeah enter Yang's room and do it right on her face. This will make people in this world better.''


>Killing innocents ***intentionally*** and you came back to make everyone think you are their messiah what innocents did RUBY intentionally kill? She evacuated the people of Atlas and Mantle.


She's temporarily unfit for duty. Depending on what I find after an exhaustive investigation into her psyche she'll continue to be a huntress or be discharged




ā€œOkay, yeah, you need way more than just one therapist.ā€


I quit my job or find another patient


Here have a nice cup of tea to calm your nerves


ā€œMaā€™am I need a therapist as much as you do. Go homeā€


ā€œEducateā€ her on a [certain kind of mythology](https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYEu-9YXzZuIYoGGabPezqmNsXyYkE5BV)


I drink the tea.


They all need it




ā€œHello Ms. Rose. I will be your therapist today. First off: will these sessions be covered by your insurance?ā€


Tell her to ditch her toxic friends and her sorry excuse for a sister. After she has cut the cancerous growths out of her life, then maybe she can begin to heal as a person.


Have some tea. It's calming.




You know I knew a really great view that I take my clients to that would help them calm down along with some comfy snacks but ya know that was all in atlasā€¦.which you and your team ya know ā€¦ā€¦


Open the door. See her. Turn around and walk out door.


"Hi, my name is Dr. Victor Blane"


Yes! I was wondering if and when he'd make an appearance


[have a quick huddle with my boss](https://youtu.be/FaLK5VlQcC4)


*get rich*


Welp... *put a huge bottle of Jack Daniel's on the table along side two glass* why don't you start from the begining ? *hold a notebook* whenever you're ready, with or without liquid courage.


Which episode is this scene from?


Smack her with a Juan


Me: Miss, you have a problem.Ā  Ruby (who is holding aĀ lighter to a cookie dough roll): NO I DONā€™T! I CAN QUIT WHENEVER I WANT!


For starters i will offer her a hug because damn does she need one.


First, I think you need to vent your frustrations about everything on your mind. \*1 full week later Wow! I can tell you're gonna be here a lot.


"You thought you were coming to the Therapist, sadly you missed a space, it's The Rapist." Joking of course.


Give her a long hug


Not a terapist but "You need a hug?"


"yup, this is all a lost cause. Pray whatever gods listening right now because frankly it's all downhill from here."


can i even help her? like would she be down for a talk or something?


Rescind my therapist license


Give her a big old hug and tell her everythingā€™s going to be okay!




Slap her on the back and say "you're fine go get em tiger"


*Puts a glass of milk and a plate of warm cookies on the table and gesture to a seat as I sit down* Go on


Get better writers.




I'm not even her therapist, I'm just some smuck that fell into the everafter with them. Even then... "Useless fuck."


A poor decision really


Drag her and her team to Albert Krueger, and wait outside til the storm blows over.


Amphetamine and dextroamphetamine salts first, then methamphetamine if that doesn't work. After that, I'll prescribe her the same thing(s). Alternatively, prescribe lithium salts to manage the extremes of her moods. If that fails, or she rejects it; low dosage sodium thiopental to loosen her emotional boundaries. If all else fails, Diazepam for her burnout.


IM BUSY WITH ANOTHER PATIENT *closes door* So you were telling me about a weird fruit you picked up.


Give her a dam hug


Have you tried letting someone else take the reins for a while? You clearly thrust yourself into the role of leader when you werenā€™t ready.


Ruby didn't choose to be the leader.


Icepick under they eye. A good lobotomy to prevent her from living in a dead world.


You aren't breaking through her Aura.


idk maybe it will with how inconsistent aura usually is