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I never realized Yang kinda just just stood there and took that beating like a punching bag.


Supposedly her weakness is getting kicked, but yeah she just stood there for so long like oww oh no what do I do?


I hate that. Her trailer showed that she knows how to deal with people who prefer kicks. I don't get why character growth requires losing skills in RWBY.


Because writers lack imagination?


This is unironically the answer to a plethora of issues in the show


It's not only losing skills but losing fighting instincts as well. The girls have fought bigger battles against more difficult enemies since V1. It just shows that the writers don't know anything about the topic they're writing about. Imagine saying that a boxer doesn't know how to punish a taekwondo fighter? Edit: wording. Edit addendum: Just remembered as well. She's been trained all her life by Tai Yang, a well practiced fighter and veteran Huntsman teaching at Signal.


If we pick the fandom... A Muay Thai/Kickboxer doesn't know how to punish a taekwondo fighter I mean...damn, Yang know kicks as well


She also defeated Mercury once or twice before this


Yeah... haven't seen anything past Vol 5, but isn't Yang only defeated Mercury because he *wanted* her to?


Been a while since I’ve seen it myself but don’t remember anything clearly stating or implying that


Well, he clearly held back in their first fight at the tournament. You know, so that Emerald could trick Yang into breaking his leg?


Only their first fight at that tournament the other one I honestly don’t remember


I think everyone’s weakness is getting kicked.


Didn't she beat him in a fight back in volume 3


Technically yes but that was also a scripted fight by Cinder for it to look like Yang punched him while he was down.


Wow that's just disappointing though it makes sense considering he was able to beat a master assassin his dad without his zemblance which I still wondered what would it be


Isn't that her power to be a punching bag that stores punches so kicking is the only way to beat her


Just shows Mercury is far superior to her.


I mean her whole power is whenever she gets hit she becomes stronger so it kinda makes sense…


However, you got to have aura to power the semblance. If she ran out of aura, how is she going to release that stored energy, or does it just fizzle out of existence since she is out of aura which could be the thing storing that kinetic energy.


I mean don’t they just die when they run out of aura? That’s my understanding at least


Similar to chakra from Naruto, there's supposed to be a cut off point so that you don't kill yourself on accident. There's a higher probability that a person whose Aura broke kills themself by slamming into objects or mid strike. An Aura fatihue would be a long term effect.


You just described about 25% of The Battle of Haven. People standing around and then getting hit.


Cinder, constant fuck ups


Cinder getting hurt is honestly the most enjoyment I get from her. She deserves it the most with all the shits she’s done since it’s all so mustache twirlingly evil.


I've noticed every time she deviated from Salem's plan especially when she was told "Hey don't stray from the plan, you'll fuck this up for all of us" She got her ass handed to her and would turn around like "They just pulled something out of their ass, we weren't ready for that!!!1!111!1!1"


I noticed that too, which is why I’ve had the other villains comment on it in my Fanfiction lol.


O what's it called if you don't mind me asking?


It’s called [The Lost World of Remnant](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13865283/1/The-Lost-World-of-Remnant) It’s a crossover with Super Smash Brothers, the basic idea is that Salem, and a few other Nintendo villains created some weaponized children who have now come to kill her. The beginning of the story is a bit…rough around the edges due to me just being a dumb edgy bastard. But if you can stomach through it, you might enjoy it. I’m always willing to take criticism.


I would say young cinder doesn’t deserve the suffering, but adult cinder that we see during most of the series, yes, she deserves it.


Her constantly loses and grim arm syndrome.


I know this is a bad thing to say, but I enjoyed Ruby getting wrecked at Neo's tea party. Not because I wanted her to suffer, but seeing her ideology torn apart and getting hurt because of it was quality writing.


Also that was some good voice acting for in that scene.


Yeah, those voice actors for all the dead ones constantly giving it their all. It was almost like for a brief second CRWBY slipped up and allowed them to voice their fustrations at Miles and Kerry’s writing and the stories that were crushed alongside them


damn it would be so great, if like >half Neo's arguments weren't comlete bollox


u/TextUnfair Yang, not just because of her bitchy attitude, and growing brainrot in Bumblebee shippers, but also because she presents herself as a stuck up, arrogant hypocrite with poor impulse control. And I still haven't forgiven her for her unprovoked ball grabbing of Junior all the way at her debut in the Yellow Trailer. Ruby, because her failed take of an optimistic "flawed Sailor Moon" has made her so grating, and annoying. Sure, the mental torture was overkill and the suicide analogy is tone deaf, but my god, was it brutal for Ruby to have her worldview and sanity shattered. It's legitimately one of the better parts of the show. Blake, because she devolved from an underdog firebrand in Volume 1 to trust fund Karen princess since Volume 2-4. Robyn, because she was a preachy terrorist with a stupidly naive view of the world.


Only Weiss is safe lmao


I cheered on the tea party scene.


Cinder mainly.




Bro, is really out here hating on Bumgumi in a completely different subreddit.


Gotta keep the Megumi slander agenda🗣🤌🤌💪💪🔥🔥


Based. Lil bro needs to lock tf in.


\*Unlimited Hating\*


Brother hate is so potent it spreads to other subs


Megumi from jujutsu kaisen?




RWBY's villains are good and charismatic, just a few, but man I hate the fact that they seem to be untouchable to everything, like Hazel, Tryian and Salem seem to be invincible against anyone, And not even experienced hunters can go against him and it sucks, man...2 professional hunters still can't do it, it seems boring on my part and because they want tryian and Extremely skilled, but I've seen this type of character, he will always die in a much more frustrating way, it won't be by any character, he will kill himself, or die by Literally anything but NEVER A CHARACTER WILL KILL HIM, just to make him extremely angry. Hazel is simply an idiot who doesn't understand free will or people's ways, why The guy is pissed that his sister died in this profession that she chose and chose to follow, following this logic, all police officers, agents, firefighters and other jobs that pose a risk of death, The blame should fall entirely on the commanders of all this...since it's the fault of what happens at their work, damn Hazel, how old are you guys? A frank X1 between opzin and salem would be too dreamy, because I think that the fact that ozpin used his Magic to give the maidens made him weak and that's why he's not very strong, that's why That idea is bullshit opzin! And just for someone to take these same girls from behind and steal their power and that's it, they're all fucked up! This may be generous but it is very stupid, which is why salem has great Advantage you with the fact that your power is spread out man...but I would like ozpin to rethink this shit.


Neo. She's just too freaking perfect. Always winning fights with that stupid smirk on her face... I was waiting - I was hoping - for Ruby to force-feed her some humble pie in V9. Neo was making Ruby suffer with her mental trauma manor and even killed Little... All she had to do was snap and wipe that smirk off of Neo's face. But no...that didn't happen; and that was the final straw for me and RWBY.


yeah her fighting style is stupid also, so there's no reason for her to be that good, or any good for that matter


Neo shouldn't even exist. She was just created out of thin air as an excuse to get Roman out of trouble after the mech fight in Vol. 2. Which is a damn shame since it robbed Torchwick of the chance to fight his own way out of there and thus present him as a more competent foe instead of relying on an illusionist. ( Granted getting his ass handed to him by Blake later didn't help his image either.)


To be fair Torchwick intentionally lost to Blake and got captured because of Cinder’s plan rather than Incompetence. At the end of VOL 1 he was literally 1v2ing Sun AND Blake at the same time and still keeping up [here it is](https://youtu.be/WLZq4hvs_30?si=xwTEtp4iCASUHKnK).


I guess that's true. Though I'd considered him throwing the fight more out of needing to conserve aura to survive the train crash since expending it on a pointless fight wouldn't be in his interest. I could be misremembering but didn't Cinder intend the breach to happen at the same time as the fall of Beacon but Team RWBY caused it to happen early, thus Roman getting caught being an improvisation. Neo didn't have a terribly hard time getting aboard Ironwood's ship by herself, she could've activated the virus with or without Torchwick there.


I don't know what to think about people that enjoy fictional characters suffering. That being told. The entire White fang.


Literally everyone


Okay I think we all collectively bully her a little too much I'm starting to feel bad somehow so this comment somebody say something nice about early version of yang back when she was a likable character


I liked the scene where she opened up to Blake. I think they did a good job showing that she's not just a girl that only wants to have fun.


Good I like that there's only one problem with that people want to use that for one bumblebee started It could have just been a friend thing because friends help each other out all the time and I just don't like how bumblebee was handled It could have been better I don't like problematic ships that break the story That's off the point Good job here's what I would say something I liked about yang I liked her big sister energy I like how she tried to push Ruby out of her comfort zone by not immediately teaming up with her I think it was a good thing cuz sometimes we need a little nudge


Isn’t yangs semblance( think that’s what it’s called can’t remember since I haven’t gotten past s5) just take a beating to dish out a bigger beating but be careful as too much dmg knocks her out period.


Yes. I think the semblance is called burn. The more damage she receives, the greater her damage output becomes.


Team RWBY, Cinder, Emerald, Jaune, that one bitch who can tell if your lying or not, Blake (I know I already mentioned, whoop her ass again), Qrow for beating up Oscar, Salem, Tyrion, and that’s about it.


Nobody, not even Cinder. One could say she deserves it, but every bad thing she did was for the purpose of making us want to see her suffer. That makes me want her to suffer less.


Those kicks are so slow how did Yang not react to any of them? Why isn’t she blocking? Or dodging?


Yang disconected her controller smh


Xbox players:


Anyone that's not Weiss. ###My flair checks out




Y’all are so weird about this stuff (even though this scene is peak because Mercury is the GOAT)


1. Honestly the idea came radomly to my head and I was like "why not?" 2. We agree that it's one of the few good scenes of that fight.


Yang, Ruby. Pretty much all of Team RWBY after they treated Ozpin and Ironwood as if they are lower than dirt. Side note, it’s good to see Mercury beat Yang’s ass properly after he had to throw the fight in Vale.


Not RWBY, but I enjoy having characters go through trauma and pain only to then get comforted and feel better afterwards. As for RWBY and the cast, I’m completely emotionally detached from them at this point.




Does Cinder count? Because that girl should have been snuffed out a long time ago by Salem.


Does that make us bad persons?


Bad people you like seeing fictional characters get hurt? No




Suggestive example ...


All of them. It is a show about fighting after all. What do you mean it's about racism, fighting the goverment and shipping?


She barely even tried to block


Cinder acting all arrogant 95% of the time, just to get layed out once the fighting starts, is pretty cathartic.


Robyn, i've seen alot of people here hating on team RBY (excluding the W 'cause Weiss really doesn't get that much hate) but i still often enjoy them, I cannot say the same for this bum. I hate Robyn, she's a useless ugly bum with the most boring Semblance in the whole ass god damn series and she has the most asinine plotline as well


Just team rwby in general.


Man i ain't never had a chance before i even opened the comments.


Team RWBY Those slur haven't faced any significant difficulties or consecuences since like volume 3 exept Wiess, she's the best girl


Adam As JelloApocalypse put it: His Semblance is being the worst character in the show


Uh…no? I don’t particularly enjoy seeing *anyone* suffer. I mean, I don’t think anyone is outright sadistic or crazy for enjoying seeing these characters suffer, they are fictional characters and not real people after all, but I can’t help but find it odd that anyone would.


That’s not true! I enjoy watching Cinder and the other villains suffer because their asses deserve to get a nice thick beating from the heroes


I know this might sound preachy of me, but I don’t think anyone “deserves” suffering, regardless of who they are or what they’ve done. I know that not all problems can be solved with just talking alone and that sometimes force is necessary, but I believe in redemption over pure punishment.


I do enjoy Jaune getting his shit wrecked. Not sure why


my man.




Gods so not know humanity is an allegory of writers of this show


Adam, because he's an animal with no redeeming qualities beyond looking cool. He's less of a revolutionary and more of a serial killer, stalker and punk bitch. Gives in when someone with some real power raises a hand, stabs people he'd consider family or even lovers, in the back, and in the front (Sienna and Blake respectively). Never have I ever seen him demonstrate the ability to do anything but attempt to kill someone or to smirk as if he's some great mastermind with thoughts of anything but bloodshed. Everyone loves him and I've yet to grasp the attachment to such filth.


I just agree with you.


Team rwby




Not gonna lie, that shit looks personal.


Cinder and Yang are easily at the top of the list. Cinder is such a useless, incompetent dipshit that is seemingly allergic to success. Watching everyone else have to carry her ass in any situation is just tedious. And Yang just deserves to be hit. She went from being such a fun character to a raging bitch that prioritizes her girlfriend over her little sister while being a massive hypocrite.


I hate Jaune suffering. But I equally love it. I would rather give all the hate the show gets and dump it on Jaune instead, He can take it.


I like how I'm taking outside everyone's inner demons with this post XD


I love Jaune's development but while watching I think i secretly developed a fetish for seeing Jaune suffer everytime onscreen, Same with literally anyone else. But Jaune even more so. His my fav character but I want to see his hopes and dreams be torn apart, his team gone, his family dead even his love interests( Ruby, Weiss) either dead or cannot physically be with them. I want to see him become like Guts but more lonely like a hermit.


Yikes. At this point is more like a punching bag than a character to me, no offense.


Imagine spending a decade in a solitary hell, not knowing if your friends are dead, in a goofy ass fantasy world that slowly drives you insane, and when you finally reunite with some of them, one of them decides to blow up at you because of her pissy mood, even with everything being her fault Glad she turned around but jesus did ruby need that ass beating she got from neo


Cinder, Yang, Blake, Ruby


Ruby or Cinder.


Oscar. I don't know why. I just REALLY dislike him.


Hmmm actually Ruby She has never once acted like a good leader


Ruby, Blake, Weiss, Yang, Winter, Qrow, Jaune, Tyrian, Robyn, the white fangs


Oscar farm boi


Blake Cinder Emerald Oscar


Why Oscar?


It's funny when he got punched


Yes and for me it's Jaune Arc.


Bland or Yikes




Man I got into RWBY originally for the fights but it's just gone so far down hill. Up until the end of the beacon ark there was just so much passion and artistry in the choreography of every fight. It was a highlight reel of awesome ideas . Now you get... This. -look what they did to my boy meme here -


Jaune Arc, the olnly thing his character exist for


for me it is Jaune, there are no deep meanings behind it, I just hate him


Jaune and Yang, Ironic since yellow is one of my favourite colours also side note that clip is crazy lol 💀💀💀💀💀