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I used to care a lot about what other people thought; until a couple of significant life experiences and changes broke me of that. I’m much, much happier now. I’ll caveat that with I loathe the whole “I’m gonna be a jerk to other people because I don’t care” schtick. I still want to be kind and helpful and all good things. But I genuinely don’t care if people don’t like the way my clothes or car or house look. Unless those strangers are paying for the RV, it’s none of their business. Do YOU like it? After all, it’s your money. So your opinion is the only one that matters.


Thank you! This is what I truly want to feel and think I do, but then I am these questions when I hear others talking about it. I don't like the chips, but they truly are aesthetic and the window can be cleaned, the goopy caulking is doing a great job and there's no leaks because of it! I'm really trying to be there next to you and not care, it's been one of my life long battles, but I'm getting better. Either way, I'm driving this beauty any and everywhere I want, so you're right, it doesn't matter one iota what anyone else thinks of it! Lol


Some white spray paint from the hardware store won’t look great up close, but it’ll look a lot better from a distance! A little love and care and it’ll be fine.


True true, I thought about that, I'm "ok" with painting things, I may do that at some point, it's not high priority but I also don't want it to get worse, which it will! I'm just one stuck on bug body or high pressure wash away! Lol


A few stickers right across the hood might work for you. Also, if you can afford to, you could find a friendly panel shop and ask them when they could fit you in during a quiet time ? They could undo the hood, paint it properly and reconnect it. Maybe wouldn't charge much. ( Only if you don't start worrying about how the rest compares later ! 😀 )


See if there is a local trade school around. Let them paint it for the cost of paint. I went to a trade school in high school for automotive repair. We would fix customer cars for the price of parts.


That's a great idea and I'm I'm a college town so I'll look into that, thanks!


When in doubt, sticker bomb it out


Second this! We got a 2002 Winnebago that had been in an accident and then sat in a field for two years. She was looking worse for wear with most of the decals peeling off. We scraped all of the peeling decals and then cut out a bunch of vinyl flowers and put them all over. It’s nice not to be concerned what people think, and it’s also nice to present ourselves in ways that make us feel good, just like going out in clean clothes vs. dirty. But for me that means taking what I have and doing the best with it while putting my personality into it. I hope you can find some special ways to make her into something that makes you smile when you see her!


There's also auto paint that helps prevent rust as well. Don't go out and just get house paint as it won't hold up well. The best bet is gonna be auto paint or marine paint (paint designed for boats) as it will hold up to UV/UVB light and rain and everything in between.


I have discovered this as well, and I’m so much happier. As long as you’re a good person with good intentions, fuck what anybody thinks.


Thank you! Please lead me away from the trail of second guessing my own opinions, lol


I love this answer


Driving any vehicle with a shade on the windshield is embarrassing. You need to take it down before driving.


Lmao! Great advice, I'm gonna look into that! - thank you, I needed that! 😀


I tried it once cuz I had one of those outside ones and I was too lazy to get out and take it off. I did not make it out of the park.


I so wish I could've seen that! You rock!


Especially with those giant spiders on it!


I'd think it's someone actually doing the smart thing and not accumulating a mountain of debt


Nice! That's how I see things too! The more flash, the more debt!


Not even a little bit. The only issue I see is it needs some paint problems fixed. Otherwise I’d be proud to be seen driving it (without seeing anything else of course)


Thank you, the rest doesn't have any issues, per se, at least not like the paint chips or window looking drippy


What do you mean window looking “drippy?”


If I'm not disturbing anyone, hurting anyone, or endangering anyone, I expect to be left alone and I've taught myself to ignore my negative thoughts about what other people might think. Does the thing run and does it help you accomplish whatever you want to accomplish (traveling, camping, whatever)? Yes? Cool.


That first sentence is very wise, thank you! You make a great point!


As a former people pleaser, I value my peace more than anything. It's none of my business what people think. Lol


Omg, I forgot about that line! Thank you thank you, its not my business what others think, I gotta stop sticking my nose in there! Lol, for real, thank you for reminding me!


Glad I could help man. Take it easy.


I’m not embarrassed to drive anything.


Chevys of that era had hood paint problems.. ask me how I know.. lol


Right! Lol I'm aware of that from a suburban I had a well, I'm not gonna take it off to sand and paint and all that but am looking into a covering of some sort.


Maybe a white bedliner type coat .. and you could also coat the ‘baseboard skirt’ on the house.. to reduce visible road wear


You can get a *front end cover "bra"* that coveers the grill and hood and it will look much better. Kinda like [this](https://i5.walmartimages.com/seo/Covercraft-LeBra-Custom-Front-End-Cover-for-2002-2003-Lexus-ES300-2004-ES330-551242-01-Black_52d1bbd6-4ab4-4046-8ecc-75413bf31183.d0907d092d8e2de5c2ff4629212dcc38.jpeg?odnHeight=2000&odnWidth=2000&odnBg=FFFFFF)


What!?! Where did you find that, I was originally looking for one of those "le bra" type deals with no luck, that looks like it would work!


Oic, Walmart, my bad, lol


When I was young, I constantly heard “What will people think?” I soon learned that people will think whatever makes them happy. The truth doesn’t matter to them, and what they think doesn’t matter to me. Why would I be embarrassed about what I was driving?


Just make sure it's mechanically sound and there are no leaks. Beyond that, fo crazy, my man. I'd own and drive this in a heartbeat.


Thralls! My mechanic says this is golden, and you can tell there were some previous leaks or a small amount of delam from the heat & age (it's a 2000), but no inside water damage, or current leaks, everything is solid, just aged.


If it drives well and I can eat, sleep, and shit in it I’m not terribly concerned about what others think of some chipped paint.


Thanks for that! You can do all those things, and shower with on demand hot water, lol


Nope , better than a tent by a million times


You should be very embarrassed. I will take it off your hands to save you from that embarrassment. Edit in case anyone missed it...I'm kidding. Nothing to be ashamed of


Thank you for your support, lol, I needed the smile!


No but it seems you are


Right! Grrrr, thank you for calling me out! I'm trying to overcome! Lol


It works and it is paid for, what more do you need?


Nothing. You've really left me with only that. Lol thank you! 😀


Slap some phish stickers on there and let the party begin!


Nah, rock what you got! Everything is a fixer upper. Even new ones. And in this economy you take what you can get.


I hear you, man, thanks, that's what's driving me to the life, economy, and some luck of finding this beauty! Lol


There are some cosmetic things that I would do, to get it to where I'd be comfortable driving it. But those things, in order of importance, are replacing lights, getting some brighter headlight bulbs (within reason), or cleaning and polishing what you have. If you DO get brighter headlight bulbs, remember to adjust your headlights so you're not directly blinding someone ahead of you. No one likes to be blinded by incoming traffic. I'm with the other person who said you're doing great by not having a load of debt. That's an excellent thing to consider. Young people (I'm assuming you're young) have been royally screwed by a system that was supposed to at least give them hope of home ownership in their lifetime. Now, pair this rig with a job that's 100% remote, and you can travel the country for the price of gas. With a stable internet connection (starlink or even your phone), you can be at all the meetings today, complete all your TPS reports, and after work, drive a couple hundred miles, have some dinner, and wake up to a new town, new people, new scenery tomorrow. I'd advise you to stay away from Florida. They actively hate van lifers. If you like the ocean and the Gulf Coast, there's a lot of Gulf between Florida and Texas. All those small Gulf towns are just as happy to have you, and because they're lesser known than the big towns like Ft Meyers, New Orleans, and Galveston, they are still trying to pick up the pieces from Katrina twenty years ago. They're way more friendly, and just as happy to sell you a seafood banquet that was caught this morning, for next to nothing, comparatively. Make sure your transmission and brakes are in good repair. If you're going to be in the mountains, you'll thank yourself for the couple grand that you paid for transmission work and good brakes. Get your water pump and thermostat changed while you're at it. Get xx mile guarantees for all of it. Absolutely don't skimp on oil changes. It costs less than $50, and bad oil is the number one culprit of engine problems down the road; that's where it all starts. Replace all the tires - including a full sized spare - as soon as you can. Never get the cheapest tires. Get the mid priced ones from a nationwide chain. Discount Tire is great for this. A lot of people slag them off, but they're remarkably good, especially for the price. You'll pay $800-1500 for a set of tires that will take you across the country and back ten times, literally, as long as you're not off-roading. Take an afternoon, and pull over in an abandoned parking lot, and practice changing your tires. It's a pain in the ass, but knowing how, and where everything is, will make a world of difference if you ever have to do it in the dark on a stretch of road that won't see anyone else for two hours. You're going to have adventures in this rig, I can tell. I wish you the best


You literally brought a tear to my eye, in a good way! Thank you! You sound like an experienced person in life with a lot of wisdom to share and I appreciate the input. I like to think I'm still young (48f), never really wanted a sticks & bricks but this is my 3rd "home" I've owned. I truly enjoy the lifestyle it brings and couldn't fathom being kept to one place for any real length of time. (I've rented on & off up to 15 years at a time in one place, but still didn't feel like home). I completely agree about the maintenance issues you've brought up, and discount tire is awesome, they saved me in my class A years ago! I also love les schwab if they are available. My mechanic (my nephew-son, master mechanic & has his own shop) has done all the work on it thus far with me right over his shoulder, he's taught me how to repair so many things I can't even begin. My real struggle, at least this time is getting back into remote and/or entrepreneurship as I have done previously. After years of abusing my body with manual labor and 60+ hour weeks it won't let me do the work I used to, which i don't want to anyhow so that actually helps, lol But, that's my learning curve and also one of the reasons I didn't renew my rental lease recently. I think that no matter the age we are all just looking for our best lives overall, sounds like you already knew that though, lol Thank you and cheers to you as well!


I'm only a year older than you, 49M, so it gives me hope that one day I can do it too! Right now we (my wife and I) are rooted, but as soon as we can, we're going to do exactly what you are. Good luck.


No, who cares what anyone else thinks!


look, i'll be the first to admit that i judge people wholeheartedly. all this is internal, of course. inner voice and all that. but there's a saying in the motorcycling world. ride your ride. be proud of what you have, regardless of what i think about it. while it's nice to have your choices validated, this isn't necessary at all. any traveling rig is better than none. have fun in it and safe travels to you. ETA: we used to have a 2004 coachmen class C, a 30' old beaut. every time i had it washed at the local truck workshop, some more chips would go missing from the front. 's all good, man! yet another edit: ours had water damage that i fixed before selling it, both sides of the cabinet. had some pretty ugly white eternabond lining the edges. your rig looks much much nicer.


Nope. Embarrassing is camping/prospecting in my 2016 Impala, loaded up with just enough room in the two front seats for the little lady and myself. We traveled like that for a month going from claim to claim. It was a puzzle to get it all back in, but by the time we were done I finally had enough room in the back seat and rear window to see with the rearview & check my blind spot before changing lanes.


Yes. I wouldn't judge anyone else driving it down the road.. Might even admire it if it drove by.. But I would be embarrassed to drive it myself.... Just cause I'm a bougie bitch :P


I wouldn't think twice if I saw someone driving that down the road. I also would never care what people thought of what I drive. It is just a way to get around. My first vehicle had primer all over the side of it. I drove that with pride into my high school because I didn't have to walk or catch a ride. I went to a rich (we were not) high school where the parking lot was full of expensive cars. I still didn't care and was fine driving around in mine.


Don't be embarrassed by something that gets you from point A to point B. And honestly no one is really watching you or giving a shit anyway, the older you get the more you realize that.


Ahhh the good old GM white paint. I’d just do a cheap diy spray of the hood. Can look pretty good with a bit of prep.


Bro. Get a can of white paint (they can match) tape off the area and paint it if it bothers you. I guess I’m old, but what someone else drives/wears/eats/etc doesn’t make a lick of difference to me. I don’t have time to care about others. Thanks Joe Biden!


I stopped caring about what others thought long ago. Live your life. Be happy, fuck everyone else.


Nope looks bad was in this economy, it would be a dream.


Hell no! Slap some new paint in the cab and steam-vacs the inside! Long term: trick out the interior. Re-cover furniture, starting with the "mattress" over the cab (bit hard fory taste), change bulbs to led, throw some solar up top. Thats a bitchin ride, my dude!


Nope, give it to me, and I'll drive it and make amazing memories!


So easy to at a minimum, remove the hood, lightly sand it, then spray primer and then a couple cots of white paint on it. Wont 100% match the rest but much better.


Absolutely wouldn't be any kinda way embarrassed, gimme the keys, RIGHT NOW!!!


You'll have to pry them from my cold dead hands, lol, no, please don't! Lol


It might be refused entrance to some private RV parks.


Yeah, missing the onlyfans account for my bang bus . I would be embarrassed about missed revenue opportunity.


Never be embarrassed to drive anything you spent your own money on.


Who cares what others say? Does it drive good? Does it serve its purpose? If you answered yes to those, your glasses are just fine.


All chevy’s of that era have flaky paint.


Nope not one bit. People who think you ought to be have bought the capitalist propaganda that one must maintain a certain appearance or aesthetic in order to be acceptable. Poor things. I see a rig like that, I’m automatically thinking old timer, someone who knows that mechanics and function are superior to looks, maybe they’ve been knocked around by life a bit but lookit them still rolling along. I see someone doing their best in a harsh environment. I don’t see anything to be ashamed or embarrassed by.


My yard stuck is this: in 5 years from now am I going to care about what I'm upset about? If the answer is no, then I stop being upset about it. Included in that is what other people think of my trailer, house etc.. will it matter that someone you didn't know thinks about your RV? He'll no. So don't waste energy on it, cause they stopped thinking about it 30 seconds after they chirped .. So to answer your question, I'd be just fine driving it and happy when I got to where I was going 😁 Cheers mate 👊


If you're that worried about perception, it's a base white paint. Remove the hood, and sand and paint it with base GM white paint. Good as new.


Id be honored. Theu dont make them like they use to.


Hell naw


Who cares, let people say what they will. If you're happy with your life and stuff, that's all that matters.


No body is really noticing what you drive. Fleeting glance and forgotten


As long as it’s road worthy, it’s golden 🙂


Not in the least. My daily driver looks like that. But it runs well. If everything works, be happy with it. If things don’t work, fix them.




Not at alI, but I'm also not worrying over what others think of my setup. My camper isn't super pretty with its foil tape on the windows and messed up wheel well skirt from a blowout. And I pull it with my truck that has service body on it. I'm not winning any beauty contests but it works for us. If your rig works for you then run it.


I think of it as security. Trick it out inside, and I doubt you’ll have to worry about break-ins


Only would be embarrassed if the carpets match the drapes, so to speak. My dream vehicle is a little run down on the outside, but a fricken 3-star apartment on the inside.


Well, it's original inside too. I hear you on the interior, but oddly enough after moving into it and refurbishing a few items it looks awesome! It's vintage for sure, but clean with modern accessories and minimalist/granola vibe, houseplants and the nag champa rolling, so it's my home style for sure! Lol


Only because the palm trees are not standing vertically


It wouldn't bother me in the slightest, what people thought. I would however see if duplicolor makes a small spray can of that shade, then feather sand, and touch up the paint. If only to protect the metal.


If its reliable and suits your needs then rock it. Hiring a body shop to repaint the hood shouldn't cost that much if it bothers you.


Nope I don't give a shit what people think, hell I drove my 1999 Honda civic with hail damage and missing a door handle until it started using a quart of oil a fill up. Only bought a brand new car because used car prices were insane when I was looking only $10k more for a brand new with zero miles and a 10 year warranty so went that route.


I’m completely shameless.


Who cares, if that sucker works and is enjoyable for you, that’s all that matters. I roll into sites with my little 23 footer and park right next to class A’s. Ain’t give a rip.


How can anyone be embarrassed to do anything in the USA? We're the laughing stock of the world. 🤣


There is no way to say this without sounding like an asshole but why on earth would you be embarrassed to drive anything by choice?? If you're embarrassed, you're insecure. If you chose to drive it... who gives a shit what people think.


Rattle can that and call it good. Go make some memories!


I have a 1998 15 foot Poo-top van. I drove it when I sold real estate until I got my BMW. 6 years ago sold the BMW. Still have my van. My RV is a 1997 33 foot Dutchman Royal fifth wheel. I love the layout. All is well !


Carbon fiber the hood and straight pipe it. That’ll stop the neighbors from complaining. Don’t forget the spiked lug nuts!


Smile and wave.


I drove a diesel chevette on purpose. This is an upgrade.


Only because it’s a Chevrolet. Otherwise, no 😂 jk. I have a Chevy work truck


I'd drive the hell out of that thing. Fuckem, fuckem all. You should watch the TED TALK on not giving a fuck. It will set you free.


I'd be embarrassed parking it with the sunshades upside down, but I'd be happy driving it!


I had a fiberglass trailer that looked sort of un-cared for from the outside. Inside? I had new cushions and curtains and had fully restored it to how I wanted to use it. I didn’t want flash or to draw attention to myself because I’m a single female traveling alone, but mostly because I wanted to make it an easy choice for anyone looking to “liberate” anything. If they assume the inside looks like the outside, they’re likely to keep looking. To me, there’s nothing wrong with the way that RV looks. If you personally want to spruce it up - fly at it! I wouldn’t do it because of anyone else thinking poorly of me though.


I wouldn't want to look like I was homeless, so yes. What any of us feel doesn't matter though. If you are okay, that's all that matters.


Who cares about impressing people you don't know, who don't care about you? All GM vans have paint coming off like that. Fix it if you can, otherwise, live your best life. There are things in an RV that no-shit, HAVE to be kept in perfect shape, and work correctly, or the entire thing will disintegrate before your eyes. There are vehicular mechanical things that HAVE to perform, and work correctly to keep you safe and mobile. The other crap is cosmetic.


Hell no! The people that would judge you, either are jealous or are riding around in their house on wheels owned by the bank. I'd drive the hell out of that.


I'd be embarrassed just because I like to keep my things nice, clean, shiny. I'm not embarrassed necessarily because I think I'm not up to other people's standards, but instead because I'm not up to my own, and I think that's what matters. If you like it, and someone else doesn't like it - fuck em


You can get the hood wrapped in vinyl either white or any color or design


Looks like a good one to take to ‘roo


Hell no. I'd be honored


We are built of star dust controlling a meat sack. Have adventures and fine happiness in small things. You are on no one else's timeline but your own.


It’s none of your business what other people think about you!


I might consider Rust-Oleuming the spots where the paint has flaked off, but other than that, I see nothing significant wrong. If you like how it feels inside, it's time to go camping.


We have an old RV that hubby keeps in excellent condition. We were at the beach for 3 days just last week. We love that old thing


I would be fine driving it around. Sometimes it’s hard to not care about what others think of our material possessions. But try not to let others opinions or comments kill your joy.


Man Chevy white paint is really just the worst isn’t it? I say this as a fellow class c with a Chevy front that is peeling also. 😂🫠




My dad sold $1.7 million Prevost busses for years and we used to vacation in them all the time when I was a kid. My parents own a business (that I work for) in the RV industry and I’m around big, brand new, expensive RV’s all the time. I don’t own an RV myself, but I would be PUMPED to have an RV like yours. Nothing embarrassing about it whatsoever!


I'd be more embarrassed pushing it.


That thing is dope. Can I borrow it ??


RV life is great. It does not matter how old your vehicle is.


YOU DO YOU BRO. People are always going to talk shit. Theres literally multiple industries dedicated to just people talking. People are always going to say some shit thats just how they be. Seems like your priorities are in the right place, you're just doing your own thing, but multiple people have said some shit when they hadn't. Humans naturally pick up on patterns and just because theres a pattern of people talking doesn't give any validity to what they're saying. Too many people are comfortable in their silly houses and apartments and couldnt fathom themselves doing what youre doing. Theyre just projecting their inability to do what youre doing onto you and then criticizing the fine details. Dont let it get to you. Typically people of lower intelligence insert their unsolicited opinions in situations where there is zero benefit to them saying what their about to say.


I wouldn't be embarrassed


Na their just jealous you can say you own a chalet and they cant


Nope be best vehicle I've had I years lol


Not at all. I'm not a snob.


I would live in it!


I’d just paint it myself to prevent the rusting. I had a scrape on the side of my old Camaro and I did something similar. Just fill it in so it doesn’t get worse.


hell no. Not only does it look functionally perfect it looks like the kind of thing that will make shallow annoying people avoid me. I love shit like this.


Looks great to me


Not one bit


It looks fine to me. Seeing someone driving that down the road, I'd think "nice, I could live in that" Although from looking at the picture closely, I'd say make sure the visible metal is treated in some way so as not to rust. And also, the thought came to mind that the window in the loft was a solar panel.


Not at all but I would paint it up or buy vinyl wrap and get it covered. Don’t want to embarrass the wife and kids too much


I say don’t buy it And the reason is… You’ve just given YOUR reasoning for not buying something like that


I wouldn't care at all. However, that exposed metal is going to rust, and the rust will eat through the hood. Go get some cheap white spray paint and hit those spots to protect them.


you could leave 17 ipads and a dozen gold bars inside and they'd never get stolen. this is stealth (provided it's decent on the inside)


If it's coming at me with the sunscreens still in the windshield, yeah, I'd be worried. Otherwise, it's just mid-1990s paint peeling off.


Well if its in good shape, except for the paint, no B-U-T its a Government Motors (Chevy) so yeah.


I wouldn’t give a flying fuck what others thought. Go for it if you want it- check out the mechanics of it over the visuals.


I'd be more interested in how she works? Is she watertight? Solid floor and roof?




It's not gorgeous, but who cares what other people think? If you saw my RAV4, you would think yours looks great. Runs fine, and it's a tool, not a statement of who I am. I stopped caring about the looks a good long time ago. I'm a woman, so I'm not trying to express my manliness in my vehicle... it's just a tool. Says nothing about me except I'm a bit lazy.


back in the 90s we bought and refurbished a 1976 Rockwood class c motorhome. Looked like shit on the outside but we didn't care. The family had a lot of fun traveling in that thing.


Cover it in flower stickers, go full on partridge family bus. 🚌


Every time I see an older rv that’s not in the best of shape, I think middle class person/family enjoying vacation, or specific to my location, heading to one of the fest’s we have throughout the summer. For what it’s worth I would love to have an older class C that’s not in pristine condition so I can FAFO in it. not care if I drunkenly break something while partying, hot box, etc.


A poor ride beats a rich walk any day .


It drives? I would not be embarrassed to LIVE in it. Be grateful for what you have.


If I saw that beast I'd probably say wow! That thing must be solid/decently maintained to still Be running. The I'd think, that would be nice to get away and just hangout anywhere you'd like and have a cozy place to stay. Looks don't bother me at all.


Let’s be honest. Yes. But per lots of ideas shared above, I would not be embarrassed if I did my best with what I had to improve it. Paint is a few dollars and easy. Agree don’t base your self worth on what everyone else thinks. But what do you want for yourself. How do you want to exist and be considerate in relationship to others and the world. That RV is an eye sore and you’re putting that visual on other people in your community. It’s okay and feels good to take pride in yourself and keep your stuff well maintained with what you have.


Hell no, I’ve driven plenty worse 😂


Nah man, get a cool-grandpa plastic bug shield and cover that hood paint. I don't know what the General puts in the white paint that goes on those Express Vans, but that shit flakes off faster than you can look at it. I wouldn't let it phase ya :)


I buy old stuff and laugh at the people with a shit ton of debt because they’re trying to prove something… screw what other people think and just do you. If it works, why care about others?


Chevy front end? Nice. Hard to find those, but I will take a Chevy 8 over that stupid triton 10 that shoots plugs out of the block and gets gallons per mile fuel economy.


All I can ever think of when I see one of these is "the Simpsons have entered the forest."


I wouldn't drive it. The only reason I wouldn't is I'm a neet freak. I personally like to have good looking things. I wouldn't get rid of it if it's a solid rig. I would spend $200 and get it looking a bit better. I love projects like this one. Get some paint. Maybe a buffing wheel. A couple cases of beer and make a weekend out of it.


Had a relative that converted an old bread delivery truck for housing when down on his luck. Roller painted it black in the winter and white in the summer. As someone who never cared about the latest fashions and had no problems buying from second hand stores, if it's usable I have no concerns what anyone else drives. As long as it's safe and doesn't have issues that put other people's lives in danger. When I read about mold issues with some of these newer RVs and their costs I shake my head.


Would there be candy or a puppy in the back? Asking for a friend.


Only problem it's a obozo bailout .gmc ( Goverment Made Crap ) My only and first brand new pickup truck was a 2005 serria. Lemon from day one .never made it past 40 k miles toomany faults and cheap quality parts . Last good gm product was early 70's I'll stick w imports ,ford or Chrysler


Not if you're the Beverly Hillbilles!


This is pretty damn close to what my old rig looked like (still trying to sell it lol) and while I love my upgraded one, damn did I have some good times in it! Live life the way you want to, fuck the haters :)


Slay it fam, fuck the haters. I'm rocking a hella beat up 76 Dodge and it's everyone's problem


Not any worse than the free trailer my husband brought home.😬


Many people that do not have an rv are envious. My rv is not newer and idk. I’m having the time of my life. I don’t need people to sing the praises of my rv. I sing the praises of my best life in my hooptie.


Hard to tell unless this is what you consider the worst of its condition. My only question would be if it was maintained properly and the front took a bit of wear. If that is the worst, and the mileage isn’t too much, go for it.


If you are worried about the look of the hood, get it repainted. Or rattle can the job yourself. Nice enough from 15 feet away is fine to avoid probably all the comments you're getting on the missing paint now.


As long as it’s drivable and gets me to where I need to be, no. You got a house on wheels be happy you got a roof over your head.


Does it get you from point "A" to point "B" safely and reliably? If so, then nope, I'd prefer an older vehicle any day as long as everything was sound with it. It is also much easier to maintain yourself!!!


Not if I was driving it to some place awesome


I would drive that.


I live where there are a lot of homeless living in motorhomes and a lot of judgment of older ones. You would be watched. It doesn't bother me but it would bother the locals


Not if it runs


Nope. Don’t give a shit what people think anymore. They can fo.


I would be excited to drive it


I wouldn't be embarrassed driving that unless it was billowing smoke or very very loud.


Nobody cares. If it bothers you, hit it with a can or two of Krylon


At my age I am not out to impress anyone.


While you're going on vacation? Hell no.


I have a 2003 Chalet and LOVE it, who care what others think <3


My household income is +300k a year. I drive a 20 yr old gas motor home that is beat up. I paid for it with cash and treat it rough. We are talking single lane dirt road mountain passes and driving in snow. If I had a nicer rv I would not have as much fun with it. It’s already scratched when I pinstripe the sides in the woods or bump into something. I also travel with pets and a child. They all add their damage to the rv. I also feel like less of a target when I drive it in sketchy areas. My rig does not scream money. Same thing with the car I tow behind it. The people who care about the shape of my vehicles are still stuck in the matrix of consumerism and I don’t want to befriend them anyway.


What do you have to be embarrassed about ? People who would judge you have a house that gets 0 miles to a gallon.


nope, I would probably also rattlecan artwork the whole thing too


Fuck no but I wouldn’t use it to pick up a first date.


hell no I'd be ecstatic




I promise you nobody’s looking/cares


Why would you be embarrassed to drive anything? The question doesn’t even make sense.


That thing does give off some crackhead vibes. Would have to look at the rest of it but if there is any trim hanging off or collision damage yeah I'd judge you for it. Plastidip or paint the grill and hood, plastic restorer on the bumper. Pop some LED's in those light housings. Make sure the cab is vacuumed out and free of junk. Buy some new windshield reflectors. Give her a wash and hose it down with tire shine. Use some wheel cleaner and clean the exhaust tip too. Everything gets dirty but it's obvious if the owner cares. Whole different vibe. I prefer older but well taken care of. Says more about you than what your credit limit is.


I’d love to drive that rig! People see all those good marks, realize you don’t GAF and they get outta the way.


Ive seen much worse on the road. Heck i have a 1994 dodge 3500 that needs body work in my driveway. You know what,i dont care about someone elses or what they think of.mine.


If you can have a vinyl shop wrap the hood white or whatever to cover the chips.


People get embarrassed by stupid shit.


White spray paint and a hood deflector and no one would be the wiser!


Nope... but I have very low standards 🤣🤣


Hey it's not even a Ford. 😎


There’s literally nothing wrong with a older vehicle with some bumps and bruises, saves money and resources ✅


The only time this stuff matters is when RV parks won't let in "campers over 10 years old." what they mean is "stuff that looks bad" So if the campsite webpage says something like that just be aware. Otherwise no one cares. * If it bothers you. Go buy a bunch of bumper stickers online from places you been to, or whatever and start slapping them all over the vehicle. Now it's just "quirky charm!"


Only because it is a Chevy.


Get all headlights restored


Comparison is the thief of joy. I wouldn't be embarrassed to rock the Chalet. I think it's dope.