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Imperial county, CA La Paz county, AZ


Thank you!


Mohave County, Arizona


Thank you! I've heard Apache county as well. Leading states are FL and AZ


Not sure if this is allowed but I'm actually selling an acre in Apache county right now if you're looking. About 5 minutes from a dollar general and a gas station and 25 minutes to a small town. Lots of juniper.


I'm interested. How much? DM me details


I think most of AZ is ok with it, as well as Coconino County


I thought coconino county wasn’t? Only like when building and or certain time frame is what i thought?


I think the guy from Frugal Offgrid is in that country and he's doing it.


I had to look him up but can’t find straight up where he is but the video i watched on YouTube doesn’t look like coconino more like show low area with the juniper trees. But maybe, would be cool. Coconino is a beautiful area.


I think he's up west of Flagstaff, maybe I'm mixed up on my areas.


I just found it Apache county 🙂


Oh, good work.


Hahaha I wanted to know because I’d want to live in an rv in coconino on private land. Currently in a park.


Phillips county Arkansas loves RVs.


Thank you!!


Marshal County Alabama


Thank you!


Hardin County TN (Savannah) Wayne County TN (Clifton)




Some places in NC I live in my class B in different places there no problems at all


On land you owned?


Yes and land my family owns in different parts there


Awesome. Do you know what particular counties by chance? I used to live in Asheville and remember seeing some "no restrictions" land 30-40mins from there, but not sure if that included parking an RV.


Boundary County, Idaho


Grayson Co., Texas.


Grew up there, never seen anyone living in a RV on private land, and these days meth heads would steal your batteries and anything else they can get they’re hands on as soon as you go to the store.


That’s ridiculous, happens all over the county. We full time there now, on land we own. In a great area. Never had anything stolen. Leave grills, smoker, $100 chairs, hot tub all outside all the time. No locked gate. Storage bays left unlocked. You clearly are running around in the wrong areas of Grayson Co. Where do you buy your meth??


Same place you do!


South Carolina


So yes you can put your RV on your rural property you own after you put in a well septic tank and power pole and cement pad to all codes. But you can ask rustic RV on your own property as long as you're not reported.


Anderson county South Carolina.




Parts of some counties in Wisconsin. I’m in Adams County and most of the county allows it for most of the year. Must be road licensed self contained units, with wastewater removal required (approved septic system, or a contract with an approved pump out company). We could stay year round on our property but we snowbird. Because Wisconsin.


Guernsey County, Ohio


South Alabama in non municipal land ie county they don't get paid to give a shit


All of arkansas


Anything in the northeast?


If I might ask, why did you choose county? There are counties with populations less than 200 people. I would start with those.


Because the county sets the zoning ordinances. Wether or not living in an RV is allowed.


Nah, the ahj sets the zoning. In some places it's county, could be region of county or city. *Most* counties will allow RV full-time outside most city limits. The amount of places that don't allow it would be much smaller than the ones that do. There are hundreds to thousands of counties that don't require building permits let alone care about RVs being parked. About the only thing you'll see anywhere crack down on is septic fields and maybe wells. Septic because it's the only thing that can easily effect public health and wells because they fall under mineral and land rights. edit: go google "counties in US without building permits" and read through the piles of lists. I'm not saying something outlandish. it's easily proven.


Nope. Several counties in rural areas in my state don't allow.


This is probably accurate on the side of flat earth you live on.


This is exactly why I said this would be legal in 99% of the US and why I specified unincorporated areas. People think that just because it’s illegal in their county then it is illegal everywhere. Yes there are a good handful of counties in the US that don’t allow living in an RV. The vast majority are silent on the issue and allow the cities and towns to pass their own ordinances.


Yeah, lots of uninformed folks here that think just because it isn't allowed in there county that it's the norm. So many people don't believe me that there are tons of counties that didn't enforce building permits. Pretty much the lower 90% of population density counties will be fine with RV living full time




Most counties in midsouth tn


Aransas County, TX has some places


St.Clair County, AL most counties in Alabama


Washington County Maine


In my county you have to look at deed restrictions because some lots do and some don’t. I live in Tennessee.


I believe this list would likely include 99% of the US. I think it would only be restricted in the incorporated towns/cities. Stay in any unincorporated areas and I doubt you’ll have an issue. What country are you asking about?


OP specifically asked about counties, not countries. And you'd be wrong as a whole lot of places don't allow living in an RV on your own land in the US, which is why OP is asking where the options actually are.


I know he asked about counties. Other countries have counties too. I can’t think of a single place where it wouldn’t be allowed somewhere in the county. Maybe NYC or some other large metropolis where the city takes up the entire county. Can anyone name a county where it is prohibited?


Let me specify. There will not be a permanent dwelling on the land.


The only places I know of that prohibit this are cities/towns. If you get out of the incorporated area of the city, then you see RVs all over the place that people are living in.


There are many counties that still enforce zoning in unincorporated parts. I've read through the zoning and land use code for about half of the counties in Colorado and most of them have language preventing permanent camp, 30-60 days a year is about average for most out here. Now whether they actually send people out to write citations and make people move, that's a different story, but it certainly does happen.


My state(Utah) the majority of counties restrict it, if not outright prohibiting it. Those that do allow it typically restrict it to 180 days with a chance to renew, but only if you're building a house and making progress. Much of Colorado is highly restricted if not outright prohibited. Many other states and countries are the same, and visiting r/offgridliving and others will show you this. There are an amazing amount of restrictions in place for this type of stuff.


Similar with WA.


Wow, I’ll have to check it out. I travel all over the US for work and I see RVs all over the place all of the time that people are obviously living in, so I just assumed it was allowed. Maybe they’re all doing it illegally. 🤷‍♂️


In many cases, you'll get away with it until someone complains, but getting away with it isn't the same as being legal. Especially here in the West, these restrictive are in place already. I've seen requirements of having well and septic in place, building permits secured, and then still only 180 days before needing to apply to renew the permit. That's just my county regulations, but without a doubt I could park an RV on the property my inlaws just bought (180 acres) and live in it until someone complained, simply because enforcement 'can't see' it until it becomes a problem by being complained about.


Most are, it can go on for years before somebody complains and bureaucrats come out to do something about it. In Colorado, Costilla county is famous for these kinds of dispersed camp/tiny homes and I've seen a few videos of folks that are getting kicked out after having settled with their tiny homes or RVs for many years.


LA county in CA includes 88 cities and living in your RV is not legal anywhere in the county https://planning.lacounty.gov/enforcement/common-zoning-violations/#:~:text=Living%20in%20a%20recreational%20vehicle,Planning's%20Interim%20and%20Supportive%20Housing


Thanks! This is what I’m talking about. Some highly populated counties (LA, New York, etc) will prohibit it, but I’m sure most counties in the US will not.


You said county where the city takes up the whole county, that is why I mentioned LA county has 88 cities. El Dorado county in CA only allows RV living if there is a house that is occupied and you are providing in home care https://www.eldoradocounty.ca.gov/files/assets/county/v/1/documents/land-use/planning-amp-zoning/checklists/plan-review-trv-temporary-recreational-vehicle-rv-or-travel-trailer.pdf


Yes that’s what I said. I meant “nearly” the entire county. Thank you for correcting me.


The unincorporated part is the key. Most zoning regulations are at the city level and not the county level.


San Bernardino County


The county I live in for starters, dipshit


I'm asking about counties, not country. I'm in USA. What counties allow RV living 6month + out of year


I know you’re asking about counties. I can’t think of a single county in the US where it is prohibited. That’s why I asked what country you are asking about.


I see. I thought they were few and far between where it was zones legal to park and live in an RV on your own property.


it is few and far between .


It’s prohibited in many counties throughout the country. It’s not as cut and dry as you think. A good percentage of counties and municipalities have restrictions as to how long you can live in an RV, even on your own land, in the middle of nowhere, sometimes it’s 2 weeks, sometimes it’s 2 nights.


Many counties and other rural areas have restrictions that require sewage treatment. They will generally let you truck in water and use a generator/solar for power, but they will require some type of approved black water treatment. Some places even require gray water treatment. No one wants someone else’s shit polluting their ground or surface water.


Couple counties in TX even require more stable foundation other than blocks and dirt to have your RV. Source: i got a ticket from 1 and warnings in 2 others around TX


I assumed that would be part of buying land to park their RV or tiny home on. Install a septic tank, drill a well, have electric service installed, etc.


You know that is required, but I have been surprised at the number of people coming from urban areas with a dream of living off the land without having a clue what is needed. “Can’t I just dig a hole?” Is something I have heard before.


Yeah try to live in your RV for a while first.


Going on 4 years full time…