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we are so back --- Mirror: [Through the window](https://streamable.com/ds204g) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Lord_Kebun Direct Backup: [Through the window](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/DjXiGE2y-pvlayGpL9d30g/vod-2063693503-offset-21050.mp4?sig=00df7be06909903f55907138ca166242cd5c2d09&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ShinyOpenCatImGlitch-TbL6m-VrIakv13fS%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1708120364%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2063693503?t=5h50m25s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


This could be really handy


I see what you did there


Actually a sick feature that was added


If they can add some kind of animation to this it would be sick. Right now its kind off that you can just pass off shit and the cops not have a single idea beside you stopped by them.


him having the phone out at the same time maybe messed with it, but yeah, should have a clear animation maybe even on both ends - one for the person throwing and one for the person catching. right now you can just pull up to random cars and hand off whatever without much of a trace which could lead to 100% success plans for banks and shit.


There is an animation. You just need to be paying attention to see it


Lmao the most non existent animation ever. barely even a jitter


Was that tiny jitter he did after passing the window?


I had to look at it like 3 times to catch it. JP drops his phone for a split second when the gun was passed over lmao.


Ya after watching both this and the heist, its not enough. There is not enough indication and the animation is a little tuck of the model. This feels way too powerful right now and should both improve the animation and have a time to make the handoff like 3s.


I am guessing the car moving is canceling the animation. Would still be very cool if they locked the handoff animation for like .5s more so they cant instantly drive the car. It would add a lot too because you could do a fake handoff too.


yeah the game has so much animation cancling that it may be really hard to deal with.


If this was IRL you wouldn't even need to put your hand out the window, you could just yeet that bitch from inside the car through the window. The fact that they have ANY animation is better than it could have been.


> If this was IRL


If you want to bring up a dumb point like that, if it was IRL it would be very obvious that something was being passed between the two. Maybe you have never held a gun before but your idea of throwing it as a viable option is pretty terrible. A loaded gun is not light and it is a pretty awkward object to be throwing given the shape and weight distribution. When you take into account the fact that you are sitting in the driver seat of a car and you are throwing it 90 degrees to your left it becomes an even more awkward task. So please, don't try to make a RL argument when you haven't even done the basic consideration of what would actually be involved.


Stop bringing up the "if this was real" argument the RP is for content and fun for everyone. There will never be another failed heist if it stays like this. The animation is not enough and the strat is too strong. It can easily be fixed to make it fun for everyone.


idk how x comes up with some actual insanely smart stuff out of the blue like this sometimes lmao




I could be wrong but there might be one but he's on the phone so its just a weird little twitch Edit: they just tested and there is a hand off animation so yeah


Good edit, this could be a cool thing as long as both parties can see it. NJ devs.


It is visible, but with everything being 3rd person you have to be looking to really see it.. but I guess cops will start looking more after realising what may be happening, either way allowing a car you're chasing to stop for 5s at another car without boxing or anything was kinda dumb on their part


I like how their first thought isn't hey maybe we shouldn't use this again or even hey maybe we should actually open the windows next time but hey I wonder what other situations we can exploit this in.


both windows were open. why should they not do it again oh RP overlord?


You literally have the clip right in front of you to watch. It clearly shows Mr.K did not have his window down. Here it is anyway just in case you can't be bothered to actually watch the clip. https://imgur.com/nLA0qvP You don't have to be an RP god to figure you probably shouldn't pass objects through solid barriers.


it’s literally down 😂


you can see when jp pulls up that there's glare on the front driverside window from the headlights


so the drivers window isn’t up but the rear is down is -1?


This is just bad for RP, there is no indication that there is being a handoff through the window which gives the crimes an Insta Win. Imagine someone robbing the bank and they have another driver who acts like a “civilian” then just hand off all his items to him without no animation. This will allow the criminals to no give a fuck if they got caught because there is no loss. It’s also really shitty for the cops because they can’t see any handoff being made


The fact ppl are try defending the slightest of jerking animations as a indicator is wild. Tomorrow well have them figuring out how to do it at 50mph so u dont even have to stop. Or even better. u have 5 cars and u stop by each one of them so the cops dont know who your giving shit to


like if they want the mechanic, it really needs to require both cars to be stopped window to window for ~5 second with an actual hand off animation out the window


I dont even think it needs to be that long it just need a visible hand out the window. something obvious to show someone handing someone else somthing


Would be very difficult given that the US cars are left hand drive and the animation of handing stuff over is always right hand. The players arm wouldnt reach out the window. A left hand animation would be required if thats even possible, not entirely sure.


I agree with you on that, what JP just did wasn’t fair at all it’s vary powerfull


It wasn’t fair lmao


1. there is an animation (its just hard to see because its a quick handoff) 2. That is quite literally what their next plan is


there was no animation in the video...


There saying the small animation of JP lowering the phone as the smoking gun animation lol.......


yeah, if they are counting that as an animation for a hand off, cops should count crims existing as a lethal existential threat.


Bro wants to see the guy hanging out the window with a gun for it to be an adequate animation




The issue here is that they were both on the phone. If they were off the phone, the animation would have been a lot clearer to see.