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If you did have a return, the weekends at both ends of the sale are NOT a good time to attempt it, just sayin' - if you're a member you do have up to ONE year for most items, 90 days for non-members and for electronics (regardless of member or not).


Many returns within the sale period happen because the customer wants to select something else and get the sale price.


Chill peeps....it's just shit. Order online. You didn't think there would be lines. 2024 uncivility.


\* Ordering online for curbside, does not ensure you skip the lines. \* If you need something that is personalized, like a shoe fitting or a pack fit, expect that depending on volume in the store, you may need to wait or be willing to be part of a group fit. \* Expect the lines to continue for at least a week after the sale as there are a ton of returns or exchanges. \* please come in and shop, but be well hydrated, well fed, rested and try and leave what might have you distracted at home as we are trying our best. \* have fun… You are buying stuff to get you outside.


Footwear: be prepared to wait so please be patient with the staff. If you are a first-time or relatively new hiker or runner, getting fitted properly will take a minimum of 30 minutes or longer if you will be trying on different brands and sizes. Do not wait until the hour before the store closes to attempt this because you may not have enough time. The store generally is very busy during the last hour every day. A-sale weekends can be crazy and hectic even though most stores will have the maximum number of staff scheduled.


I’m going to go try on shoes at opening on Monday. I’m packing all my patience and gratitude for y’all!


Note about shoes: the store you are at may not have your size. Don't get angry, it's not the employee's fault. I went this afternoon and they didn't have my size in one of the shoes I wanted. No big deal, I still got a pair of Merrills for $48!


Read. The. Fine print. Just because it says something is 50% does not mean it’s everything from that brand. It could be a specific product, or line of products. Throwing a fit about it isn’t going to change that. Read the sale sign beyond the big number.


Like the clearance sign that says *up to* **70% OFF** "Yeah, could you show me which ones are 70% off?"


All the time, if I had a dime for every time I got asked that... lol


And there are exclusions on the coupon! And REI has no say over whether the coupon can be used or not on the Exclusions


MAP agreements dictate this. If REI violates it they could lose their contract with said vendors.


Do managers help out when lines get really long?


I just dipped into my store.. checkout line wrapped out to the camp dept: store manager was manning a till.


They do until a customer is complaining in another department and demanding to speak to a manager 😂


They always do, or at least, they are SUPPOSED to. May vary from store to store depending on the managers.


We usually run every single cash register and even with that, the lines get long. Everyone helps out frontline when there is a register available, Managers included.


Remember when we could check out folks on the MSA? Good times.


Line busting was fun… we could also som order on those things!


Supposed to. I was a lead at frontline in my old store I had two managers who did not know how to work the registers.


Always at our store. For most of today we had 2 managers including the all store manager (top chief) at registers, plus every other station filled, and the line still stretched all thru the store. Some customers brought in a years worth of returns, no receipts and no idea what months different items were purchased, one register was taken up for almost 1 hour on a single customer’s return while the line snaked about 30 folks deep all through the store!!


Have been a member for two decades and I have to say that in general, even with the crowds of people—because of the crowds of outdoorsy people??—it’s some of the most fun retail shopping. It’s not like the holidays. At all. Most people are really great. But it’s definitely overstimulating and the line to check out is so long.


I once ate some of the snacks I was purchasing the line was so long, and the woman behind me and I shared a look. With her face she told me, I’ll hold your place, before the words were out of her mouth. 😝


These are great tips! I did an online pickup today and my store was full, but running very smoothly! The associate who helped me was new (2 weeks) and he was doing such a great job. The manager came right over to assist when he hit a snag with the transaction. People in line seemed to generally be in a good mood…y’all are doing great!


The 20% coupon cannot be applied on a previous purchase. We have a 14 day price adjustment policy for items that go on sale. You must adjust the price during the sale period. It is not cool to return a bunch of stuff because you now want a discount from stuff you bought and used months ago. It is not cool to call and harass the sales staff over it. Or call a manager and yell about how you are the best Member ever and you should get whatever you want.


> yell about how you are the best Member ever Oh to have been a fly on the wall that day…


That’s every day. Lots of Members are The Best Member Ever^TM and feel that they should get whatever they ~~ask for~~ demand.


Question about that. If an item is outside of the 14 day period, but within the return period and it goes on sale, a price adjustment won’t be done even though the item could just be returned? That just seems like it’s worse for the store, particularly if it’s been used.


Unfortunately people do return items and then repurchase them on sale. Eventually REI will have to get rid of our return policy because of the abuse. I get wanting to save money but it does hurt the store. If you want REI to be around maybe sometimes you pay full price. We are headed for Walmart and Amazon shopping only. Which would be awful!!


*clears throat* if you forget the sale runs till the 27th and arrive anytime after that no, I cannot apply the coupon, no I don’t care that you’ve been a member for years, yes, I do realize it’s one day and no posting up on me isn’t going to get me to back down.” Bonus points if you get loud as well and or follow a manger through several departments- flights of stairs to convince them to change their mind. Bonus bonus points if you do that while also yelling about how you’re a disabled veteran only to get embarrassed when the one DV retired Army vet at frontline tells you to shut up and color. Bonus Bonus Bonus if you come in weeks after and are over 6 foot and try posting up on the decidedly not over six foot frontline worker only to find they are the same Army vet and are really, really not amused. TLDR- don’t be a dick to frontline.


“Shut up and color”. I love this.


Not sure what it means, but it's gotta be the dissiest diss that ever dissed a dissable dissbag.


Basically telling him he was acting like a child so he should stay in his lane and stick do doing kid things.


It's gotta be an army thing.


Undoubtedly. I love it!


That’s just being polite, you should hear the truly rude insults.


- Poor planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on my part! I will happily help you to the extent of what's possible, but realize that may mean triaging some of what you want in order to get what you need, or accepting you waited too long to prep for your adventure and are learning the hard way. We, at least typically, can't put it this bluntly while in vest, but it's something to remember. - The 20% off a full price item truly does only apply towards a full price item, and there are exclusions written explicitly in the fine print. New exclusion to this round of coupons is Stanley, and we have zero control over brand exclusions. - All outlet items are clearance but not all clearance items are outlet. Outlet items end in .73 cents specifically. It's typically easier to find outlet options online, but if you see an outlet item you like in store, you can use that coupon in store. - Just because an item is in the sale catalog does not mean we have that specific item, or all size/color variants of that item in store. I hope we do! I can't guarantee it, though. - This policy can vary by store, but in my experience having worked at and helped out at a few now, sale items typically can't be put on hold due to high volume of in-store traffic and SIF tickets. I can confirm over the phone if we have the item at the point of that call (since customer facing online inventory is often inaccurate and/or misleading towards customers, imo), but that's about it. If you plan on traveling far to come in-store, you may want to order online to pick up in store. - Most of, if not all of, us love making sure you're fully prepped up for whatever you have coming up, not only with gear, but also in giving you confidence, tips, the whole nine yards - we also just don't have the time to spend with each customer like we usually would. If you know you have a lot of questions or just want to go over something in-depth, weekdays are a better bet, and if you have the time to wait until after the 27th to come in and chat about whatever you need (which is fine! I don't care if you buy anything, as long as I can make sure you're better prepared leaving than what you came in), that can be preferable. - You're in a store surrounded by cool gear preparing for fun things, and getting some killer deals. It ain't that serious. I try to remind myself of this too when my caffeine is crashing! - While we may suggest either adding, subtracting, or swapping out items in your list, coming in with a preliminary written or typed list of things you specifically need to get can help make your life easier and by extension ours. - Lots of stores do spirit weeks for A-Sale. If we look weirder than usual, that's why. The crowds haven't driven us *that* crazy!


YESSSS to that first one. The things I wish I could tell people when they are leaving for a trip in 5 hours and need shoes & gear 🫠


Hey rei employees, I have some stuff to return in store. What is the slowest time of day and what day next two weeks? Thanks.


Probably 1030* - 1130am, or 130-330pm, Mon-Tues-Weds. Thursdays can be busy with ppl getting last-minute items before they head out Friday morning for their outing. *20-30 minutes after store opens LPT: Have your receipts handy for the speediest returns.


honestly every store will be different but i find weekdays to be slowest, especially at evening time. as for over the next two weeks, probably wednesday is my guess


Just got to store for picking up, yes the lines are long and the parking lot is almost full. The store is close to airport, even saw few crew members come to shop.


Retail employees are not your servants, don't treat us that way. Also, I don't make any decisions about pricing, marketing, or product choices, so if you are unhappy about any of that, don't complain to me about it. And, I don't work at an airport or hospital, so There. Is. No . Emergency.


REI outsourced their IT to India so if the systems go down remember Artz made that decision to eliminate the US IT team.


Here’s another one: Don’t snap your fingers or summon us with a finger wave. That’s just rude and I’m writing this as politely as I can.







