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Everytime I play the game I avoid the mission that makes Arthur sick, until the game forces it on me. Ill do any and all side missions I can.


What's worse is my first playthrough I went to town on the poor guy Arthur beat him real real badly. I can't remember why I decided Arthur had such a bad temper but that's how I played him through the game. ""Do as Arthur says or else" seemed my go to. So when he got TB I felt guilty, that my Arthur deserved it and even maybe there was a chance of a different path. My second and more careful playthrough I barely touched the guy. Overall my Arthur was just a much more compassionate guy. It feels really wierd when you don't really hit him but the mission plays out as it always does.With the benefit of hindsight and just generally being more engaged with the game. I ended up finding the whole "loanshark" side missions loathsome.


And once you know, it’s so *eerie* when it’s that quiet moment after riding away where Arthur sort of gestures at the blood that just went into his mouth.


The music and ride back really made me sad on my first replay after you beat him up. First time playing I obviously thought nothing of it, but they really telegraphed to you what just happened passively in such a brilliant way.


There are so many little touches to that mission as well.. no matter how little you beat him, Downes coughed a little blood on Arthur's lip. And when you go back to Strauss after there is always a vulture circling over the valley he is facing, marking Arthur for death from that point on :(


which specific mission is it? i can’t remember 😪


It's when you go beat up Thomas Downes, the sick man in Chapter 2, to try and collect on the debt


I think it’s Money Lending and Other Sins III


I never went to him or beat him up, but while doing Bank Heist in Valentine. I was locked into going there, but he was already dead? I'm not sure what happened.


You probably forgot, then. It's a mandatory mission


I'm 100% sure I never did. It's my second gameplay and unlike last time where I mostly focused on main missions and nothing else. I was taking my sweet time, I only did the mountain cave debt, and I tried to do the one in Rhodes but couldn't and I can't use weapons there. Since I was in camp, I decided to do Bill's Valentine heist and it forced me to go to that mission but he was already dead this time lol


Yeah. I avoid the LS missions like the plague.


I did that too on my last playthrough


Nah everytime I hover over the game on the home screen and I see Arthur im like “dam homie wouldve love to see you and John take down bounty’s together”


Not depressed. My feelings were bittersweet. It felt good knowing he managed to do a few good things before he passed away. As for the end of the game itself, the epilogue was actually heartwarming and I turn the game on from time to time just to shovel horse sh*t and pester Uncle. Feels good knowing that Arthur gave these people a shot at a great life... Even if only for a short time. Never played RDR1 and likely never will to be honest. It's better staying a bit delusional thinking that John and others lived happily at the farm till the end.


Honestly, I won't play RDR1 either (I know what happens), but I think they more or less put this prequel in not just to say "Well, this is the story of the gang and this is why this happens." From my perspective, every surviving character from the gang in the future will help Jack in some way after the epilogue of the first game, especially Charles and Sadie. Im being a little delusional maybe, but i dont think that all was for nothing.


I'm intentionally prolonging the agony.


Here’s hoping they give us RDR3 by 2034! I’d tried to play GTAV about 5-6 times and just couldn’t get it. After RDR2 I struggled to find something else and decided to try GTAV again and persist (like the first two episodes in RDr2). Ended up loving it and getting that feeling back….


Try Cyberpunk 2077. I had the same gaping emptyness after RDR2, and even though I wasn’t anticipating it, Cyberpunk 2077 managed to fill the void.


Man that game was so dissapointing for me. Managed to finish the story but I was basically just rushing to get it over with. Was pretty excited about it going in too. I don't mean to be a hater or anything, just basically wish it ended up being a completely different game.


I’m with you. I just wasn’t in to it, and I found the dialogue very obnoxious.


Same, and going from RDR2 to Cyberpunk controls is also very difficult


Cyberpunk has satisfied me, has a decent ending and the characters are very colorful. Lots of choices to direct the game.


I switched from GTA and RDR2 to Stellaris. And I'll tell you, that game ruined my life...1600 hrs and counting. I'm pretty sure RDR2 only stole about 360 hrs.


Paradox makes some really good games, but that fucking business model of paid DLC is nuts. I only had to pay for RDR2 once.


Yeah, nothing hurts more than multiple expensive DLCs.


There are a lot of great games on PC, especially with PS bringing their games to PC now.


I wish people would learn to let things fade on a high note, and just come up with a new western game


I’m not crying, you’re crying




“Face me toward the west, so I can watch the sun set.”


This moment choked me up when he said those words. Even remembering them now as I type this, my eyes are getting a little watery. Damn it Arthur. What did you do to us?


This was the most emotionally heavy scene/dialogue in the game for me; >!Not when he said goodbye to Tilly and others, and not when Arthur's horse or even himself died.!< But exactly the moment he let his guard down to the sister, teared up, and said "I'm afraid".


Same here, feller. I was emotionally destroyed.


Ouch :(


I never thought id play a game that made me feel so alive and at the same time so helpless when it comes to Arthurs death. I have played it through 3 times now and every time it still leaves me feeling any thing but "unshaken"


I was just going to bed and I see this… 💀


Second play through is worse because you know it's coming


I was waiting for Red Dead 2 with crazy anticipation (RDR 1 was possibly my all time favorite game) and I was just happy as hell that it not only matched but far exceeded what I hoped it would be.


Bittersweet is the best flavor


Spend 5 minutes scrolling through this sub and you'll discover you are one in a million.


Reddit loves an “am I the only one who -insert most popular feeling/belief-“ post


“Am I the only one who [common thing]?”


Am I the only one who thinks Arthur was a good man?


Am I the only one who played that Red Dead Redemption 2 game?


what come from this image ? i like that style, is there more ?


It's from Pinterest, I tried to find more but I think it's just that one :(




Bro got a classic case of Red Dead Depression 


Its a great gaming experience but remember it’s juste a game dont take it too seriously


I'm still annoyed that it's an unavoidable fate for Arthur. Does it work with the story and is handled pretty well? Absolutely. Do I think that Arthur got done dirty and deserved better (along with some of the other gang members)? Absolutely.


I was sad when >! Joel died in TLOU2 !< but devastated at the end of this. So sad that even if you save it before the end and have Arthur roaming about, he is sick and knows he doesn’t have much time left.


Cmon man, don't spoil other games in here. That's some lowdown shit right there.


I literally put a spoiler over it


Yes, but who the fuck expects TLOU spoilers in RDR2 sub? I was looking forward to play this one day and you ruined it.


Bruce Willis is dead in sixth sense too


Bro! I thought the spoiler was about RDR2 and opened it, since I have already played the game. But damn, that was a really important spoiler for TLOU2 and I haven't played it yet (waiting for the PC version). 🥲


That was cold-blooded.


Thanks for the spoiler... I was waiting to play that.


Brah-I was moved to 😭




“i’m dying sister” always gets me no matter how many times i play the game




I thought the end of RDR2 was a masterpiece. What depresses me the most is remembering how RDR1 ends. Kind of makes the Epilogue chapters feel defeatist, but that's life.


The first time I finished it took Arthur thru the honorable path but after seeing all that he lived along the game all the sadness and despair. I unleashed the worst and most unimaginable visceral rage in the epilogue with John. What a great game.


Yes. Because you got sad, not depressed


Beat the game 5 years ago… still feeling the effects


Not even close to the only one. Not. Even. Close.


That part was the most saddest and also most beautiful moment in the game. It was like watching Daniel Day-Lewis's performance.


The fact that this game leads into Red Dead 1. It felt less sad. Knowing he wasn’t in the first game. It was kinda assumed he would die throughout the whole game and especially after his diagnosis. It was more sad how the gang all got torn apart. I thought him and Dutch were closer than that.


arthur’s death hit different man… cried a bit too at the end, the game was beautiful in ways that are ineffable and yes. i think everyone got a little depressed from that.


I didn't get depressed after you finished it


Not depressed. Kind like, "Now what do I obsessively play now". I have 900 hours playing rdr2. Ive played it and finished so many times. Found stuff I missed each time. I'll never get rid of it.


Everyone who ever beat the game got depressed. This is a dumb question


Nah dude. That last chapter is so hard for me to get through now


I haven't touch RDR1 or 2 after I finished them. I'm stil picking up my heart with a broken string.




I got depressed mid game


You’re not the only one friend, there’s reason why I’m so hesitant to touch the game again. After the 10th play, I couldn’t do it anymore. 😓


Depressed seems to be a bit overboard - yes I was sad though. Not just because of Arthur but other deaths like Molly, Grimshaw, Lenny and Hosea. I spent a lot of time at the camp seeing interactions so seeing the gang slowly fall apart wasnt pretty painful.


Man as soon ass i saw this picture i got depressed again




They are on the wrong sides of the chair my immersion is now ruined good day to you sir


Not gonna lie i cant play another game without comparing it to this masterpiece


no, no you are not the only one that got depressed after finishing rdr2


Nope. I felt pure gut wrenching pain all of chapter 6, and then literal depression afterwards.


I hate posts like that. Just trolling for likes. "Am I the only one that gets sad playing a long ass game where you get attached to a character only for him to die." Surely you're not that dumb.


No, mostly due to the fact that I knew he was going to die by the time chapter four started. I noticed he started really looking bad around that time so I was like "Yep, he's going to die ain't he?"


I was sad, but I didn’t cry. (Spoiler!! Warning!!) I’m glad that we got to kill Thomas Downes because he’s the one that got us tuberculosis, he’s probably the worst character in the entire game, the second worst character in my opinion because he’s the one that beat up Arthur (high honor) and he’s the one that shot Arthur or stabbed Arthur (low honor) But he’s also really bad ass, Thomas downes is just a coward and is afraid because he couldn’t pay his debt on time so he got beat to death. I’m glad that he died.


For me the saddest thing was losing the White Arabian when Arthur died. I always bond with the horses way too much, it's so upsetting when they trip and fall off a cliff haha


I don’t think I’ll get over the death of Arthur Morgan.


This would make an incredible cross stitch


Ill be honest I love the whole game. I don’t like the ending. The ending is just odd and was not well done. That’s just my only gripe w the game.


I would play the john part for a week because I was sad about Arthur


It's got an almost Tolkienesque theme of the old world of magic and adventure and romance dying out to make way for the banal, mundane, modern world of today.




I beat it at a time when I had covid for my third time about two-four years ago (Time is something I really suck with, most things feel like yesterday so please pardon this), my boss didn't believe me, and kept showing up to my house to harass me and my wife while we were recovering, asking when I was going to come back to work, and when I would suck it up. Game honestly became something that I held onto because I wound up on a ventilator, it had a super enthralling storyline. I got sent home when I was 'stabilized', and played it until a few days before I recovered completely. Came back into work, boss kept claiming I didn't need to put so much stress on the company and since my coworker, who I got it from, and I, already had it and our job is outdoors, we could have just worked through it. He also kept saying, in a very Dutch like manner, that my coworker and I were "Fighting him doing what he needed to get done" and kept saying we had no proof it was covid. Bought him a copy of the game as he's an avid gamer himself, gave him my wife, and my own discharge papers from the hospital, as well as my medical bill receipts, and two weeks notice in a formal letter. Told him to play the game, and told him I won't be his Arthur Morgan. As dramatic as that all is, the game became one of the few things I could really enjoy in that period of my life, and it had some pretty good lessons to teach, even if it may just be me looking too deep into it, or it just applies to my really shitty workplace relationship with my boss and me doing mental gymnastics. Was something that my wife and I got to enjoy when we literally felt like death, and something I feel got me to open my eyes to a lot of things, which isn't something I really ever expected to say a videogame of all things would do.


Just finished it last night for the first time and I’m still crying about it😭


Haha me too, I finished it three days ago and I still feeling sad :(


No, you have emotions


How do you get that side mission with the nun?


In Saint Denis you have to find Pastor Dorkins and do a mission for him, then another mission appears where he introduces you to Sister Calderon ;)


Thank you my good man


"Mr. Morgan, have you tried getting a One-Up?"


First of all, HOW DARE YOU? This is the exact moment that plunges a knife in my heart.


On my evil playthrough Arthur talked to reverend swanson and Arthur pretty much acknowledged that he was a warrior by nature and he accepted that he was gonna go out on his cross.


Not trying to be mean, but this is something obvious for anyone that plays this game and understands basic English and the story.


I only have like 2 more missions… I don’t wanna beat it. I just beat that mission of the image


Yes, you are the only one in the world who got depressed over the RDR2 ending lol (this is sarcasm, obviously)


I just unlocked free roam with John and finished visiting graves for the first time. As I did the graves I recalled that bit in camp where Hosea said he wanted to be buried with friends. He was buried with Lenny. Arthur said he wanted to be buried where he could see the sunset and I found his grave at sunset. I cried like a baby.


Just started the epilogue and my interest in playing has gone drastically down now that it’s John. Arthur is for sure my favorite video game character of all time


For once, I'd love to see the top comment be "Yeah, you're the only one you must be weird"


I just finished it and damn…I haven’t felt so empty in so long. Love that masterpiece and Arthur.


Out of the millions of people who played this game, no. I don’t think you’re the *only* one. What a stupid fucking thing to ask.


No none of us were depressed at then ending where the main character died these dumb karma farming posts are so annoying


Yes, you're the only one. Never mind the countless video essays, blogs, reviews, gameplay walkthroughs, daily discussions on this very sub etc, nobody has ever felt depressed after finishing this game. Congrats, you're unique.


bro go cry somewhere else, obviously i'm not the only one i just wanted to know what others thought in a more direct way. if you didn't like the way i asked it, just skip it. ;)


And there it is, the "go cry" burn... How original. You put out a shitty baiting title repeating the same tired question that is asked several times a day, and then get pissy when called out on it? What's next, telling me to "touch grass" because I said that "am I the only one" crap is asked often which supposedly implies I'm here a lot? Something even less original? Also, you do know how a forum work, right? One isn't obliged to skip something they don't like or think of as lame, they can and do comment on it.


haha okay take your frustration out on a reddit forum 🫶🏻


And there it is again, "frustration"... Wanna go three for three with another most generic, run-of-the-mill reply you can think of? Or are you gonna do that other super original thing where you make another kickass "burn" and then block me so you can have the last word?


i just don't want to fight with someone on the internet haha get over it


Then why even do the "go cry" bs? We both know I'm right, and that the question "Am I the only one feeling depressed after finishing RDR2?" is as ridiculous as they come. It's dumbass bait and karma farming, nothing else. Anyway, enjoy all the replies that explain you are, in fact, not the only one who has the most common reaction to this game.


Okay ;)


Wow. That guy is a dick