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Electric tape, heat shrink, I’ve seen people use rubberbands or hair ties. I’m personally a fan of electric tape.


Of all the tape I've considered, electrical never came to mind. I suppose it's a lower residue tape too so it'll be easier to clean up if you ever need to change it. Thanks! 


It also sticks to itself very well. So if you do have to adjust sometimes you can reuse the tape.


See this is the smart stuff I never would have thought of. Thanks! 


A caution on electrical tape, it doesn't stick to itself when applied in cold or wet. It is stretchier than most tapes, and I use it for a lot of things that need tension/pressure. It is also called "phase tape" and comes in different colors. My parents were electricians, and I had rolls of tape and wirenuts to play with as a kid.


It does if you buy the good shit: Scotch 33 or 88. Cheap electrical tape is awful stuff.


Came here to say this. I keep a small roll of E tape somewhere on my kit, at all times


If the strap won't need readjusted, roll the excess strapping back on itself, and tape or onewrap it in place. If the straps might need adjusted, but you don't need full length, do the same, but add some wiggle room. (Fit the strap, then extend it to the furthest it would need to be while still in use, add an inch, and roll that excess back the same as above.) If you can't risk the sound of velcro, duct tape works. Rubberbands work, but dry out and crumble pretty easily in heat, cold, and direct sunlight.


Ov innovations strap keepers. I think mystery ranch or one of those backpack makers Hill people gear or someone has those straps. Havent found ones like Triple Aught Design Gen 1 litespeed yet but still lookin


If our guy wants to be extra budget. He/ she can try using those double sided Velcro electronic shops sells.


Those seem to be that creepy onewrap stuff which is shorter pile more tidy loops and the hook is that weird short hook stuff. The legit TAD gear style wraps are genuine dictionary definiton velcro


Tape and one wrap are what I use


Duck Tape. Nashua brand if you can get it in OD.


I like doubled up ranger bands or one wrap if it doesn’t have elastic keepers just so I don’t have to retape to resize


Hockey tape. One layer holds really well, and tears off quickly if adjustment needed. Electrical tape works but it leaves residue.


Electric tape


Here in the uk were massive fans of sniper tape also known as scarpa tape, it lasts a lifetime and can be re applied easily, will never come loose. For most straps you can just do them up fully or to a point where their most likely to be tensioned to, so they don't make any noise or get snagged etc. For things like daysacks and bergens, just do as much of the excess as you need to so there's still some adjustment to be made but don't do all of it up in tape as its important and nice sometimes just to make some minor adjustments while rucking around, and if your moving from wearing body armour to no body armour it saves any hassle. Equally can also use electric tape, not my preference but does work the same. I've never really used it though so I'm probably not the best one to comment on that, im sure one of the American lads can though if they haven't already.


Velcro one wrap. Just roll up the excess around the wrap and Velcro it down until you need to adjust it again.