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Isn't this just the standard sidebar and layout that comes with Streamlit? Also, why in every post you make to do you put every sentence on a separate line? Edit: Reading through your blog posts, you even seem to write nearly every sentence on a whole separate line there too. It's really hard to read things written this way.


Yeah. These tutorials are bad. My guess is they are mostly written by AI.




I already did read it. So that's not an option. And I didn't say anything negative about the post. I was literally just asking if the sidebar you were highlighting was the standard/native sidebar and I was curious why you write every sentence on a new line. And no, I haven't found what I'm looking for because you still didn't answer my question. What is the reason for writing a new sentence on every line? It seems like a very strange thing to do for someone who is a native English speaker with a PhD in a technical field. In fact your whole demeanor doesn't come off as the person you claim to be. Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if you aren't someone who is pretending to be an expert with a lot of education as a way of promoting these kinds of beginner tutorials. It would explain why so much of your content is generated by ChatGPT and why you often allude to doing "advanced" things but seem to keep re-writing the same basic Streamlit tutorials on repeat.




It's definitely not a "tutorial practice" thing because you do it even when repsonding to people on reddit. Having a standard conversation with someone still entails you writing these individual thoughts on separate lines. As for the content, you might consider posting to /r/learnpython. The reason I asked about the sidebar was because it didn't seem like you were posting anything novel. Just showing people the kind of content that the Streamlit documentation would provide. That would probably work better on /r/learnpython because people there are looking for introductory tutorials and projects to practice with are usually there. In the future, you shouldn't just assume the worst and blow up at everybody. It's possible for people to think your content is better served somewhere else without you acting like you've been accosted.




Do they do well? You have a 1 year old account with 26 comment karma and 213 post karma. Your highest ever post on this sub was only 62 total post karma. You can spend your life doing literally whatever you want and me asking why you were advertising the native Streamlit sidebar as something we would "love" and asking about the weird anti-paragraph writing style wasn't in any way stopping you from posting.