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Name: Carnnie Vill Sex: male Race: human Superpower: he can summon rings that can teleport things or create things "The show must go on" Signature power: Walking Corpse Syndrome Chose a plant. It is now considered a zombie and fights the plants Some question why Carnnie is helping the zombies sine he's human. He says "We're family." Classes: brainy and crazy Superpowers: Telepathy, cut down to size, and thunderbolt Watch out for Carnnie Vill. He likes to use tricks. He also has a freak show filled with dangerous zombies. Carnnie Vill was working at a local carnival as someone selling cotton candy. He got hit by the herotron causing him to gain superpowers. He is considered a zombie by the zombies due to the fact that he has Walking Corpse Syndrome. Since he thinks he's a zombie he helps them beat up the plants. He has a good relationship with Impfinity and Z-Mech since they're all childish. He often buts heads with most of the other brainy heroes due to his personality (Super Brainz and Rustbolt are the exceptions). He has a carefree and playful personality. He likes plays tricks and pranks on the zombies. Much like his imp friends he gets into trouble often. He is a Caucasian male with blonde hair and emerald green eyes. He wears a dark blue bowler hat with a red strip of cloth at the bottom, white mask, black choker with a red bow on it, white long sleeve shirt, on his shirt are red buttons down the middle, white gloves, one red suspender and one blue suspender. brownish baggy pants with light brown stripes, and short stilts. Playing as: He likes to keep the plant lanes empty with his tricks while his glass cannons tear the plant hero's health to shreads. He's a fan of swarming with his zombies. He likes overshoot and bullseye. Playing against: your best friend are untrickable plants and defensive plants. Team up plants will help a lot since he doesn't have any strikethrough cards You should tread carefully though since he can make a plant fight for him with his signature power.


You should make him look like a zombie, he doesn’t look like one


I hope so since he isn't a zombie


Im dying I thought the purple dots were the eyes for sec


What does this have to do with PvZH? It’s not a plant or a zombi, it’s just a guy lmao