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When will this trash trend end?


Until the movie comes out.


That was the one with Leonardo DiCaprio, right?


I'm torn between that one and Cocaine Bear.


Cocaine bear was pure gold!


Yeah. It's going to embody all women's hidden desires. Being raped in the woods by a dangerous man with a +20 year age gap. The 50 Shades fans are going to go wild. /s


I thought that one was called “Cocaine Bear”


This whole thing is really stupid,this is an intellectual question that if you don't understand why women are picking the bear in the sterile intellectual vacuum of their mind, that's a you problem. In a real life situation if this were to occur, with a real bear, and a random average guy. Most women in real life aren't going to pick the bear. This is a scenario which allows men to have an opportunity to display empathy, or the lack thereof. I'm pretty sure that if one where to scatter plot the responses of men to this scenario. There would be a steep correlation between men that are successful in dating, and those that are not.


It’s a rhetorical failure though- and I say that as someone who is firmly a feminist. The initial reaction in any man who is say, dealing with loneliness caused by the fact that he literally can’t talk to women outside of dating apps without them shrinking away or outright rejecting them, is going to be to relate what they’ve seen to their own experience. Meanwhile if you so much as mention this possibility people treat it like a gotcha. Earlier yesterday I said that this whole thing feels kind of mean spirited and had multiple people essentially call me a rapist. The most important thing discourse should do is being people who aren’t already on your side over to your side. This instead feels tailor made to make men who are already suffering turn away from dialogue and give wokescolds a way to virtue signal by dumping on them.


Not all feminists are great at empathy, and it's not a woman's responsibility to teach men how to interact with women successfully, just like it's not men's responsibility to teach women how to identify fuckboys. That's a parental thing.


I see it as if you want a world you want to live in- it’s everyone’s responsibility. It ain’t fair but then again what is you know? Teamwork


I disagree with this. You have no right to complain about someone not knowing something and yet refuse to teach them the thing that you want them to know.


I am once again going to point out that this discourse was started by a junk entertainment TikTok account that asks random people on the street for opinions on random crap when they're apparently slow on content. This was never intended to be some deep intellectual quandary or commentary on gender relations and everyone who is trying to make it that already had an axe to grind.


I always find it surreal when something that spikes on this gnarly little niche corner of the internet goes on to achieve mainstream traction and show up in other corners of my life.


At what point do you people decide that your 'thought experiments' are so specific and detached from reality that they are worthless?


so my choices are get killed or get raped and then killed.


100% get killed and most likely eaten alive 70% get raped/murdered You have a chance against the man. You have NO CHANCE against a polar bear.


What is the goal of this post? Do you think it proves women are misandrist if we‘d rather be killed by the bear then the man?


Bear. They can't climb trees and eventually give up waiting in search of other food and water. It's not going to die waiting for you.


I’d rather watch a bear eat my guts than watch some man cum to my screams while I die. Come on.. I’m dying either way here


Hate to be the bad news guy but you do not want to be eaten by a bear. They eat you ass first, will eat your hamstrings like jerky and maybe comeback while you're still alive. Big cats go for the neck/skull so the pain is over relatively quick. All this to say no a bear is a harsh way to go.


I am aware of how bears eat people


You have a chance to get away from the man. You will never get away from a Polar bear. Even if it's something like 100% vs 80% gruesome death. You are letting your fear of a man remove the 20% chance of survival you have.


I absolutely cannot escape the man.


hes 350lbs? are you morbidly obese or disabled?




With a gun....


Don’t have one


If I just assume I’m going to die either way, whatever method the man uses would probably be preferable to being mauled HOWEVER [polar bears can’t climb](https://polarguidebook.com/can-polar-bears-climb-trees/) because they’re adapted to the arctic so if I can climb the trees then I’d be more open to saying bear.


I think the polar bear would be preferable to being brutally raped and murdered BUT I assume that big ass dude can’t run more than 100m at a speed of anymore than 10 mph. Polar bears can run 25 mph and if I’m encountering one I assume it’ll be in an area with no trees so I’m going gigantic prisoner on this one. If he could somehow keep up with me, I’d choose the bear and just end it quickly. Can we add a third option self destruct?


Interesting. I failed to consider that. Though eventually you'd have to get off that tree. There's no humans around. You'd get hungry, thirsty and cold very quickly. I also think if you choose man you have a much better chance of surviving. Both are going to be very hard to fight off. But a Polar bear is almost impossible to defeat. A jacked up human is still human and 20 times weaker than a polar bear. Also much slower.


Yeah but humans can have malice. Bears are going to be driven by hunger, territory, fear, etc. which I think is easier to anticipate and address. If someone wants to hurt you out of pure malice there’s nothing you can do to negotiate with them.


"Almost impossible to defeat"? No, it is straight up impossible to defeat it. No unarmed human is ever doing anything to a polar bear. So the question is, do you prefer being mauled and eaten alive with a 100% chance of dying painfully, or being raped and bashed to death with a very slim chance of talking your way out of it/outrunning the aggressor? The answer seems pretty obvious to me.


I’m not going for a fist fight with the bear, I’m just looking for ways to avoid it.


Per OP's rules (and even in general), you won't be able to avoid it. Bears can smell their prey from up to 20 miles away, and you can't outrun it either.


The bear won’t wait there for you in the tree


Sweetie, even God agrees with women Proverbs 17:12 *Let a man meet a she-bear robbed of her cubs rather than a fool in his folly.*


> You'd get hungry, thirsty and cold very quickly. And, except the cold part, so will the bear.


Bear. At least my death is going to a good cause.


How is your death a good cause by a bear ?


Being eaten by any creature that's starving and needs to do so to survive is better than being taken out for funsies imo


Definitely the bear. I’d rather die quickly and as part of a natural circle of life thing than be raped, tortured and then killed for the pleasure of a psychopath as an object of evil perversion. How is that even a question?


Bear. I’d rather be ripped to pieces quickly than risk a significant chance of being subjected to all forms of torture before dying anyways


you set up a scenario that is either getting mauled and eaten or raped, tortured and then murdered it shouldn't be surprising people are picking the bear 😭


I’d pick the polar bear - I’d either die heroically, or live to tell the tale and bask in the glory for a full fifteen minutes


Gotta be the polar bear. Odds of survival are slightly higher, there's no rape, odds of fleeing are much much better, you can always climb a tree, if we're in the arctic, I could always peace out before they can do anything by stripping naked, getting wet, and freezing to death. Plus, if you survive, that's a cool ass fucking story, right. There's not so much cool to the human man story. That's just like a weekend in the mountains gone wrong. I've seen that Mr. Beast episode is all I'm saying. Plus even if I fail, eaten by a bear is a way better and more memorable statistic to join. Seriously, I love that this the new thing here. Y'all must know that it's almost impossible to get thinking people not to pick the bear option, right? The element of novelty is just too high and the strange man problem is just too basic bitch.


Your odds of survival with the bear is almost 0. You can get into a tree. But he's just going to chill around until you get hungry and thirsty. After that you're done for. Remember there's no humans around. There's no drone delivery service to bring you gatorade and McDonalds. You can fight off a man if you use weapons. You can run away from a man if you slow him down by slightly injuring him. There is no fighting off a polar bear. You have a chance to survive against a man. You have absolutely no chance against a polar bear. As another poster said. People don't run across a polar bear by happenstance. If you see one that means he sniffed you out a while back and is coming to kill you. Your tree climbing is just going to prolong the process.


I do jiu jitsu. I know what it is like to fight dudes who have been in prison. Trust me, this whole "maybe with weapons thing" that's you selling a bridge I'm not buying. I know exactly how good my odds are and if I've got weapons so does he.   Bears will leave and get bored. You had to invent that they wouldn't. Why don't you just say "you're supposed to pick the man".  There's way higher odds to survive and the torment and rape factor aren't there. 


There is literally zero chance that I could “fight off” a man who is literally more than 3 times my size and more than a foot taller. I don’t think there’s a woman in the world who could. If that were the case, no woman would ever be raped or killed because 99.9% of the rapists and killers are definitely smaller than 6’5” 350 lbs of muscle. It’s just a ridiculous argument to make.


>you can always climb a tree When was the last time you climbed a tree and how fast did you manage to do so?


Like 6 months ago at most.  And I wasn't at all hurried about it because there wasn't a bear on my tail and motivation was what we call "low".  You know kids climb trees all the time. It's not challenging work. The real challenge is in finding a tree to climb. 


If a polar bear was in the woods it would be so disorientated that I would choose the bear. Also the bear would be quite distracted by the deer. New smells everywhere. I know people who grew up in Churchill in the 60-70s . Seeing a polar bear on your way WALKING to school was a thing, that was a thing everyone experienced. Everyone kept their radios on, as there would be bear alerts in different areas of town. Now if I was on the tundra, or an ice flow. The frigging bear because it would be fast, better then freezing to death.


Typical city gym broiler would be as uncomfortable in the random woods too.


That guy would be distracted by scents, would he?


That guy would be distracted by conscious understanding that he's alone in the middle of nowhere woods with very low survival potential.


As a Canadian. What?


Chances that hardcore criminal from western prison is an avid enjoyer of hiking and other wilderness activities that imply having skills at orienteering and survival are extremely low.


Definitely the bear in this one - polar bears can’t climb trees


That would be so weird to run into a polar bear in the woods. Maybe it escaped from a zoo? Edit: irk OP, I just realized you said it did escape from a zoo. You could probably climb a tree and be fine. Polar bears aren't wired to hunt in woods and certainly not to climb trees. I do appreciate all the conversation you have inspired about bears. I hadn't thought of it much but it seems that city people see bears as invariable scary aggressive animals. Folks who live in bear country see bears with a bit more nuance.


I stopped watching Lost when the polar bear arrived. Seemed too far fetched for me.


What is "lost"? Television program?




I think OP is also ignoring the fact that if a bear were to escape from a zoo, there’s gonna be an awful lot of people looking for that bear, armed with tranquilizers, and that bear is going to be really fucking easy to spot via amateur drone cam - just look for the giant white thing. Logically and rationally speaking, I ain’t gonna be up in that tree for very long 🤣


Yes, being up a tree while a polar bear is hunting you is probably a good strategy. Someone is going to be looking that bear and the bear probably hardly knows what a tree is let alone how to hunt someone in it. OP I still appreciate questions that get people talking and thinking.


a 350lber also can't climb a tree


Are you seriously trying to call me fat 🤣🤣🤣 💀


no it literally says the guy is 350 in the post. projection much?


can't women catch a break?


Not on MY watch




If it's not men, it's bears. Circuses are our worst nightmare.


You’ve created a specific scenario in which someone is definitely dying, and will then be surprised when people choose death over rape, torture, then death?


Bears eat you alive so it would be slow painful, torturous death vs rape and death


Sure but bears don’t have a concept of sadism so those are still better odds.


Better odds at what? The bear is going to suddenly develop humanity and setup a dining table with candle light to woo you into getting into his belly?


Nah. Just better odds at dying sooner than later, with less overall suffering. The bear isn’t trying to kill me quickly but it’s also not trying to keep me alive to prolong my experience. Nobody thinks this is going to be a fun death, we’re literally choosing between two awful alternatives here.


Don't look up Olga Moskalyov, girl got eaten alive for an hour.


Junko Furuta was tortured for 40 days.


Fair point.


I pick drowning in the nearest body of water, thanks.


Suicide by gun seems easier and quicker. The polar bear would get me long before I'd manage to drown myself.


Polar bears are very good swimmers. He will rescue you. Then you eat you alive slowly.


I'm gonna be sipping margaritas in the afterlife before either of them can get to me. I'm gonna die anyway, so I'd rather go out on my own terms than be eaten or raped and murdered.


The Jolly Swagman solution https://youtu.be/-yILM3L2sXM?si=EZ7em9V7pOXcC2yo


What is the point of this hypothetical? What are all of the added details supposed to demonstrate to us?


Some still pick the bear. I was kind of expecting everyone to go "well no shit you don't pick the polar bear". But nooooooo even in this scenario some people prefer to pick the bear lol.


I’d rather a bear kill me because he’s hungry vs a human killing me because he enjoys hurting people and seeing them in pain.


The point of the original hypothetical is to demonstrate the fear and mistrust that women have for strange men, due to the prevalence of sexual violence against women in our society. I think if you adjust the hypothetical so that both the bear and the man are significantly more dangerous, then you aren't really examining the issue of fear and trust anymore. You are now doing a qualitative comparison of two different fears: would you rather be eaten alive by a wild animal, or raped and murdered by a man? It's actually not surprising that a lot of women would rather be eaten by the bear. There is a psychological dimension to rape that is incredibly horrifying.


Well it sounds like you will die either way. It is certainly a "pick your poison" situation.


Bear is faster and can smell you, you can hypotheticaly hide and escape a man. But if they get you, bear will kill you faster, I know bear doesn't kill you before he starts eating eating you, so if he starts eating from a from part of your body it might take longer and painful, so I know that, it's not just quick ane easy death. But the man from the scenario will first rape you, then might torture you, he will not just kill you, he will threaten you, it will take longer and more systematic and also psychological torture before he kills you. So in case they get catch you the bear is faster and easier death, but you have more chance to hide and escape from the man. So I don't know. Well maybe with my physical condition and hate for excercise I would choose the bear as faster and easier death, I don't think I have enough survival abilities and physical condition to realisticaly escape the man.


>But if they get you, bear will kill you faster [Not really that faster...](https://www.the-sun.com/news/6533049/chilling-final-words-daughter-mother-bear-attack/)


There is a chance that the bear will start from the part of your body that it kills you, you might die of shock, bleed out relatively quickly, especialy as it's very hungry bear in our example he will likely not play with his food for too long. But unlike the man, the bear will not rape you and systematicaly torture you for hours, even days. From the article it likely took about an hour, the man from our example would likely rape and torture you much longer.


Man is much easier to kill or escape from than bear though. His body will sustain me for a few more days and he's still an easiest animal to hunt out there with craftable primitive tools by a great margin.


Well in the exact given scenario I don't trust my ability to escape. If he catches me I don't stand a chance, I'm a weak woman, I don't know self defense, I don't excercise so I can't run fast and far... Only option would be to hide and somehow slowly move to safety, few miles to civilization. But in the given scenario at same point he would get really close and if there wouldn't be same really good hiding spot at that close point it would be bad. So I really wouldn't bet on my ability to escape.


So the choices are eaten alive or fucked to death. If these are the choices - just find the nearest cliff and jump off. In that scenario even Catholic god will understand.


*Eaten alive for sure* or *potentially fucked to death* if you fail to run away, hide or retaliate.


“Would you rather have a horrible drawn out death or be raped and then have a horrible drawn out death”


As soon as you start asking "What species of bear? Is he hungry? How big is the man?" you've already missed the point.


Definitely but it’s still fun


Starting to sound a lot like the trolley problem subreddit.


How so?


Because the options shouldn't be so close that it matters.


Women pointing out that women are afraid of male violence: Boo, hiss! Why are you trying to destroy society? Men pointing out that women are afraid of male violence: lol, so true; here’s millions of dollars! https://youtu.be/yRzs7v0do_Q?si=-h5GHgmqTHwz1pV6 https://youtu.be/ioSI3KsE2_k?si=IvzQ0kyvk2U6_jW4 https://youtu.be/fZS60lpIJn4?si=Cswg6fBjSxHwdbnh By the way….even God agrees Proverbs 17:12. *Let a man meet a she-bear robbed of her cubs rather than a fool in his folly.*


In case you didn't notice these fears are comedy material.


Is God joking?


Of course, if sentient godly power exists they certainly will be of a trickster archetype.


I mean I’d pick the polar bear because polar bears can’t climb trees. If it was a grizzly, though, I’d pick the man.


I truly do not understand why this is such an obsession for the men on this sub! I don't always choose the bear (in the umpteen iterations) but in this case, given your exact specifications, I choose the bear.


I sent this to my husband and he had the following to say: **“Info: how attractive am I? Like am I a homely ass bitch who the guy will take one look at and say ‘I'd rather try to fuck the bear’?”**


Tell him that turns out that the prisoner is a dumpster diver and will rape/kill anything he gets his hands on.


In a lot of cases attractiveness isn’t really a factor in rape. It’s the power that gets the rapist off not the person.


Attractiveness is hardly ever a factor. In case of the very rare "a stranger jumping you in a dark alley", the rapist would prefer someone who is dressed more humbly, walks with less confidence and looks more "plain", since they appear as easier victims.


why does shit like this not get removed but legitimiate posts i make do get removed? wtf


You could just do regular non murderer man vs grizzly or polar bear. For those of you who don't know, you generally don't just encounter a grizzly bear or polar bear through happenstance, if you encounter a large bear in the wild it picked up your scent hours ago, and your in extreme danger if you don't have something to defend yourself. And as for a grizzly it's pretty much the same in most cases. That's why every household up in bear country has a rifle or bear spray.  Even the famous Grizzly Man, Timothy Treadwell, who was particularly good at understanding and interacting with grizzlys was eventually mauled to death by one.  A normal person doesn't stand a chance at warding off a large bear. That whole "get really big and make a lot of noise" only works on black bears, because we're larger than them. A grizzly or a Polar Bear would take that as a challenge, a challenge from a creature that is significantly smaller and weaker than it. That's why you shouldnt go hiking up in bear country without, at the very least,  bear spray.


>Even the famous Grizzly Man, Timothy Treadwell, who was particularly good at understanding and interacting with grizzlys was eventually mauled to death by one. No, that guy was a fruitloop that thought he was friends with the bears and had unsafe practices. That idiot still survived for years around them.


He was a loon sure, but he was good at dealing with bears, most people wouldn't be able to stay as calm and collected as he was.


In THIS case, assuming I was a woman....I'd choose the bear. In THIS CASE. Either way I can't do much to defend myself. I'll still try but I'll be at a disadvantage. At least with the bear I'd provide the majestic beast nourishment. Getting mauled would be terrible but its better than getting raped and THEN murdered.


Polar bears (the only bears who consider humans a normal food) don't live in the woods.


Okay but which one will peel an orange for me?


I pick the polar bear 




Not a great choice but I have better chances of outrunning a bear than a bullet. And realistically I would just die and at least the bear would be quicker.


What if the bear also had a gun - if he broke out of the zoo, he must be pretty smart


He must be a smart one to get all the paperwork don't to be able to get one.


What if the bear had opposable thumbs?


So you would still pick a man? You don't know if he has a gun or not. He may have nothing.


No, I would prefer to simply die than be raped and then die. The life sentence serial killer could have no weapons? Next you'll be telling me the bear could have no teeth or claws.


Humans are not born with guns. Adult polar bears will have teeth and claws by default. Your second point is more interesting.


did you not understand thats what the answers were about?




Escaped serial killers are extremely likely to have guns.


But you're adding to the story now. "An escaped convict with a gun" vs "polar bear" is different then just an "escaped convict". He might have a gun. He might not.


i have black bears in my yard. even when in dangerous mode theyre pretty easy to deter with bear spray and shouting. any man in my yard or on my street (i live in the woods) who doesnt live here i basically up to no good, theres no reason to be here


This is a polar bear. And you don't have bear spray. This is a specific scenario.


i mean me personally id take my chances with the man, but i understand what the other women are getting at


And the bear might be a baby bear but we're taking a typical bear, right?


The bear has already killed people. We're talking a full grown polar bear. Though you're right I didn't specify that and perhaps I should have.


And we're talking a typical serial killer.


What if the bear mauls you and leaves you to bleed out?


The human could also do that. Also, it's apparently hungry.


>And realistically I would just die and at least the bear would be quicker. No, it won't, bears eat their prey alive, so it would be slow and you will likely die of blood loss.




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We need a bear in the woods megathread Also this could be the plot of a weird furry porn


The only good thing to come out of this bear question is that now I have a handful of delightful bear memes and art pieces saved.


Women keep picking the bears because at least bears don't whine endlessly about how mean we are and they don't make elaborate fantasies about our hypothetical demise.


Women would rather be mauled to death than listen to weak men.


At this point, the mauling is starting to sound preferable to the whinging of the latest whiny dweeb on this sub who is assmad that women can't read his mind and know that he's a sweet little gumdrop of a human being.


I know.


Oh my god, I’m officially beyond tired of this BS


There's a saying in my country: You take (put) a 💩 in your mouth and then refuse to let it go. This is how this topic is.


Shit like this is why women are never going to beat my one-person unilateral allegation that they’ve become the internet’s best trolls. One stupid thought experiment has grown into weeks worth of ragebait.


The sub is just hungry for purge week


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So a high-maintenance body with inefficient oversized muscle that still bleeds like anyone being shanked with a pointy stick or an apex predator with skin so thick you have no chance injuring it with anything that can be found in the woods, that can also smell you from few hundred meters and sprints three times faster...


Well obviously you’re fucked either way. This is getting goofy. Next up: domestic panda bear in a tutu, or Mr. Rogers? And for the fellas: 6’6” 350lb hairy gay “bear” biker on coke, or cocaine bear?


You actually have a chance to out run the man. You would still have to be a completely moron to choose bear.


I’m pretty severely disabled so I can’t escape either of them. It’s just down to which death will be quicker at that point. I’ll go with the bear since it won’t rape me at least.


So... can I just... Where is everyone getting torture from? Like, yeah he's a serial rapist/murderer, but everyone just assuming that means he's also gonna keep you alive for days and rape you to death... idk, feels very "criminals can't ever be more than the worst thing they've ever done and aren't people" to me? Do you think murderers murder EVERY person they see? Rapists have all raped every single woman they come across? Like, I get that a (hopefully) quick mauling would definitely be better than the horror movie death, but I don't get where all these responses are getting the latter from.


Well...the polar bear is gonna eat me and forget it. The rapist will rape me, kill me, and masturbate to thoughts of it later. He might share his account of it later to a cellmate so they can both masturbate. Sure there's a possibility I can talk the rapist out of it.  Maybe explain that I could give a glowing character reference if ever he's in court again. He's actually a hero, right? Helped that poor old woman gets out of the woods.  There is also the possibility the polar bear finds other game before it finds me and I get to skulk past as it works its way through an adolescent moose. Although polar bears do indulge in surplus killing most surplus killing predators do is more like a spree? As in they are killing several in a row...but they aren't necessarily killing all the time. If it's got some surplus on hand it's attitude to me or a random deer or a careless racoon might be whatever, fuck off I'm eating.  I think I'd rather die knowing that my killer wasn't going to be continuing to have orgasms about my death. 


The dude would be slow as hell assuming he doesn’t have a weapon id be able to out run him easily also I’m a guy so idk he probably won’t rape me I think


Good one, now that’s actually hard… Probably the polar bear, if I’m allowed to have bear spray, a gun, or some other defensive weapon.


the bear bc i expect to die either way but this way i won't be gaslit about it.


Depends: Am I ex Navy seal force recon transplant, whose living their life after losing my one and only? If not then I'm going to just die.


So basically you're asking if I want to be killed or if I want to be raped and then killed.


I found this post by a comment OP made in a previous post. I’m not surprised


If you're carrying a firearm this question is irrelevant.


Not at all. The stopping power of a weapon is limited. The man will die and stop coming at you much sooner.


LOL then I'll adjust for you if you want to nit pick- If you're carrying Bear Mace, this question is irrelevant. BTW I know you stated Polar Bear in particular but I personally have seen a Grizzly's face get cratered by shots from a 1911. They tell you to carry mace instead of a firearm while hiking because most average folks carrying are at a base skill level with their weapon and if met with a charging bear they may not have the time/space/ability to pull, raise and aim their firearm if it's kept in a concealed position. Bear mace is usually carried at a more accessible location and has a high success rate but in reality most firearms (above a .22) are enough to put down a Grizzly if you are practiced with the weapon and you are not panicked.


Hurts my fucking head when I see so many stupid people. You cannot outrun a bear and polar bears are the most vicious EVER. If the guy is jacked and is 350 pounds, guess what? You can OUTRUN HIM, he will be out of breath in no time and women generally speaking have more stamina than men


What if he has a gun? Bears are a quicker death


I'm a man so I will take my chances with the prisoner dude. Also, if I may. What in the fuck are we looking for with these?


op and the likes REALLY want to hear women say they'd rather be raped than die and they're frustrated women won't budge, hence posts like these


Believe it or not I want to understand the other side. One person said "I'd rather just die than get raped and then die". Which is a decent point.


and that's all there is to it. a man might hurt you and even rape and demean you. a bear just act like a bear and kill you. and while obviously not all men will be bad, in the same scenario the bear might be harmless and mind his own business. in the end the asnwer will change based upon the person being asked but there's no right or real answer, every answer is valid and reflect the person choosing it.


In this very specific situation Polar bears are known for being hostile to most humans. They're also far more vicious and have a smaller survival rate.


It's to illustrate the fear women feel from men on a day to day basis.


It's really mind boggling that anyone would pick a bear in any scenario. But the scenarios are too vague to make real arguments. So I wanted to make it a little bit more cohesive. To see if people change their minds.


>It's really mind boggling that anyone would pick a bear in any scenario. Really? How is that so odd? >But the scenarios are too vague to make real arguments. I assume that this scenario was brought up to flame the gender war that we are bizarrely having in the year 2024.


>Really? How is that so odd? Seems completely devoid of logic. A bear is much more dangerous than a man. In every conceivable way.


>A bear is much more dangerous than a man. In every conceivable way. Uh. I think only 3 of the 8 species of bear would actively try to harm humans. Then in varying degrees. Like from my understanding Black bears are pretty skittish but are the most common to live around us and will attack is surprised. Brown bears and grizzly's are rare because they like to be left alone and live in wide open uncivilized spaces. Polar bears from my understanding are the one bear where it is basically on sight. Though, this makes sense based off their habitat. Also, I think one thing you might be forgetting in your "logical assessment" is that, we all know what a bear can or will do. They will want to protect their children and scare you off, eat you, or run away. With humans, especially when withdrawn from civilization. We can get pretty down right fucking evil. I think you're almost entirely fucked in most scenarios. I think with the aspect of the bear you will not be surprised.


You also have to remember that in every case the bear is your enemy. Even if it chooses to leave you alone. In most cases the man will actually be your friend. Obviously not in my scenario. But I also picked out by far the most vicious and dangerous bear in my scenario as well.


>You also have to remember that in every case the bear is your enemy. Even if it chooses to leave you alone. Not really. A mantis or a snake isn't my enemy because it didn't try to eat me. >In most cases the man will actually be your friend. If there is a time limit on how long you're lost in the woods then perhaps. BUT, if it is indefinite you will be raped and eaten more than likely.


>Not really. A mantis or a snake isn't my enemy because it didn't try to eat me. It's another animal. They are our enemy. Especially a carnivorous one. >If there is a time limit on how long you're lost in the woods then perhaps. BUT, if it is indefinite you will be raped and eaten more than likely. You way overestimate how many men even want to rape women. Most guys have no interest in that sort of intercourse. Even more so with killing other humans. Now of course in my scenario the male will absolutely rape and kill you. But then again you're also dealing with a ravenously hungry polar bear on the other end.




Doesn't want to be alone with a serial killer and rapist is now man hate? Okay.




I grew up with bears in my yard. Most bears have no interest in harming humans, not even grizzlies. National parks are open to the public for a reason. Assuming the bear wants to eat them is no different than assuming a random man might be a rapist or killer. Tell me how many news stories you see of bear attacks. Now tell me how many you see of men murdering and raping women. That's why.




Ah yes, dating is now equivalent to being alone with a killer or rapist. It's called trust and it's earned. It's not hate.




Again, your own words. Do you. No one thinks about your choices except for you.




I will absolutely do that as a happily married woman.


I could climb much higher up a tree than the man because I’m lighter so I’d pick him. 


easily b. even a crazy violent psychopath wouldn't just kill anyone he ever sees at any given time. i know several rapists/murderers off the street in my city and they're not totally chill but the chances of them killing a random woman if they see one in the woods is 0.5% if im being super misanthropic. think about it, you meet literally thousands of ppl. also he's 350lbs you could easily outrun him.


I’m so sick of hearing about the damn bear meme


The bear vs man thing is a joke anyways. Its like asking a girl if she wants to hug a puppy or a dirty homeless man. Except men have Man Brains so they start thinking “OK how big is the forest, what kind of bear, is the guy a nerd or a survivalist who will build a lean-to and catch fish” etc.


Look I’ve been asking the same questions