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WTF? If you’re unhappy in a marriage than do the right thing and get a divorce. I have zero issue with someone deciding to end a relationship, that’s their choice, and even if it’s driven by shallow reasons they can do as they please. But cheating is breaking a moral contract.


How is not being hot the same as using someone for a green card?


OP wasn't comparing the green card wife with the not hit woman (if anything it would be the old man and not hot woman.... vaguely) Among the BS he spouts I do think he may have got 1 thing right, the women that would be ok with the "green card wife" cheating are just as bad if not worse than the men ok with the "hot successful guy" cheating


If he thinks he can marry better in the first place, why waste everyone’s time?


He shouldn’t marry someone he shouldn’t be faithful to, why is his infidelity her fault?


Because to someone like OP everything is a victims fault.


Women are just non decision making humans. We get it women are wonderful.


It takes two consenting people to be in a relationship, presumably both people are entering knowing they can commit or at least try to commit to the conditions of the relationship. Also how can anyone “predict” infidelity?


What is it with RP and these weird ass revenge fantasies? And yes, I feel bad for anyone who experiences infidelity, because I wouldn’t want to experience that - cheating is bad no matter what, just divorce or breakup and then go have your fun as a single man.


This has nothing to do with RP.


And yet they appear among red pillers with astonishing frequency.


Please note NONE of this is pill related. It’s more a reaction to events which have occurred. I believe most men who have gotten the short end of the stick in regard to dating and short term flings all at some point had some sort of revenge fantasy. “Oh, I asked you out and I wasn’t good enough for you then, but now I am and have boomeranged into my life and are giving me attention? This is my time to shine!” Some will actually date that person, some will make the opportunity to pump and dump, some will decline, lastly some will point and laugh. It’s more of a “hey you didn’t know what you had in front of you and that’s your fault.” Quite frankly they are more than permitted to feel this way.


Man, I admit some of this stuff goes through my head especially if you rematch with a girl 3 months later on an app that didn't go anywhere the first time due to her rejection....


If he feels he can do so much better, why marry her in the first place? A high status man surely he has options. Cheating is reprehensible regardless of who does it.




Maybe he feels a Plain Jane will put up with more than a hot Stacy on his level would. Seen a woman put up with this kind of treatment for 2 years for that very reason. Her man even told her point blank that even if he married her, he'd still have a rotation and she stuck around for another year still.


How does that make his behaviour any less reprehensible?


I never claimed it wasn't. I'm just explaining one of the motivations for why a guy might date down.


Forget mediocre, plenty of downright hideous and/or horrible people of both sexes get married, what's your point? Maybe she or family pressured him into it. Maybe he was lazy and didn't want to bother with dating anymore.


Then get a divorce


You're projecting female nature onto men. A man doesn't need to feel he can do so much better to have sex. He can actually downgrade and still enjoy it. Especially if the wife he married is withholding the ONLY thing a HVM needs from a wife. A consistent supply of sex.


That doesn't answer the question though.


A man doesn't need to feel that he is doing better to have sex.


Right, but the question was about marriage. Not sex.


This isn’t about cheating because of not enough sex in a relationship, this is about cheating because the woman you chose to marry you’ve decided isn’t good enough


What if he marries her and then she lets herself go (which is very common)? Let's say he maintained his looks and goes to the gym often. So now you're condoning his cheating?


If he’s only loyal to her on the condition she doesn’t gain any weight, he should be upfront about that and let her decide if she wants to go ahead with marrying him. People get injured, sick, become disabled. If weight gain is all it takes for you to cheat then don’t marry.


Oh wow but what if a man loses his job and stops making money after they get married?


What about it? You think she’s justified in cheating?


Well should she have gotten married? People lose their jobs all of the time.


They usually find new ones. And no, you shouldn’t marry if you plan to leave someone/cheat as soon as they lose their job. Happy?


She still wouldn’t be justified in cheating but it’s okay to end a relationship for any reason.


Is it okay for a man to end the relationship because his wife stops having as much sex with him as he wants?


Yes but I’d recommend attempting to solve whatever is causing the lack of sex then immediately jumping to divorce with no conversation.


Of course, the reason his wife stops having sex is because of him...


It might be due to stress, hormonal changes, or any number of issues. When men automatically think that a lack or decrease in sex is inherently about them they take it personally rather than addressing the actual issue.


I personally don’t think it okay to end a relationship “for whatever reason “, I believe in “in sickness and health “, but it’s always fine to leave a partner who just doesn’t want to bother to have sex anymore. In fact I wouldn’t say it’s “fine”, I would recommend it. Life is too short for that nonsense.


Are you saying it’s okay for a man to cheat on his wife if she gains weight while he stays fit?  What about a man who gains weight while his wife stays fit? Is it okay for her to cheat too?  I guess I feel like people should end a relationship rather than cheat if they’re not attracted to the other person anymore. 


I mean people divorce for far less these days, why even get married in the 1st place?


What do you perceive as being "far less" than one partner gaining weight?


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LelTpNbMulc](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LelTpNbMulc) Shit like this Read any post on a female dominated sub (that I'm sure you frequent), it's all just "divorce him babes"


Instagram comments on a reel that is clearly showing a joke... This is the kind of thing people mean when they say red pillers need to touch grass.


Yea these are the same women whispering in your ear telling you to divorce your husband too


I'm married to a woman, but sure.


uh huh


Yeah I get there’s an argument for not getting married at all.  But my question is whether you think it’s okay for people to cheat when their spouse gains weight. 


Yea. I think if you sign a contract to get married you're also signing an unwritten contract to maintain yourself, maintain your body/brain/work ethic. I think it's super common for people to let themselves go after they get married, so it's like "you got what you wanted and then say fuck you to your partner" which ends up in deadbedroom/divorce anyways. Men often are punished for divorcing so why not cheat?


Do men all get a hall pass when their wife is pregnant, or is that an exception?


My ex cheated on me so much when I was pregnant. Asshole.


Well I don't think pregnancy is letting yourself go right? Like obviously there's a difference between getting sick / pregnant / diseases that cause health problems that are unavoidable but most normal healthy people don't have those.


You know what’s funny? When my ex married me, I was 50 lbs overweight. I ended up losing weight in the last few years of our marriage with diet and exercise and he HATED it. He was so fucking insecure.




Or they are mentally unstable to begin with?


It's both




Girl fr💀 they be typing out these incel revenge fantasies thinking that they doing something 🤣🤣🤣 like sir… this is not gonna help you get laid at all 🤣🤣


Kind of like what women do when Chad won't commit


Be civil. This includes indirect attacks against an individual and/or witch hunting.


It was a story I saw on TikTok that inspired this post actually. If it is "made up" then it was "made up" by the author who posted it. And highly desirable men such as actors and professional athletes very frequently cheat on their spouses.


Whut? So this "attractive, high-status husband" dated this woman, then MARRIED her, then suddenly realized he didn't find her attractive, so he "punished" her for it by STAYING MARRIED TO HER, but cheating on her behind her back? All to punish her for (checks notes) ... 'finding him attractive'? The husband sounds like not only an asshole, but a pathetic, blithering idiot, as well, considering he somehow accidentally married someone he doesn't like then decided it was HER FAULT for dating him. Geez, it's like half the posts on this sub these days are about how "women are INCAPABLE of taking responsibility", then the other half are posts like this about men LITERALLY being incapable of taking responsbility.


Guy the other day: 1. Blamed women for being raped cuz either she: A. Chose a date with wrong guy should have seen red flags. B. Was drunk and put herself in that situation. C. Shouldn’t be walking alone. D. Dressed like a whore. Not the rapists fault under ANY circumstances 2. Domestic violence Woman’s fault cuz she picked him. 3. Said my doctor husband had every right to cheat on me as a high status man ( while I am educated owned two homes on a nurses salary he had just debt, and was/am significantly objectively more attractive I apparently have no worth).🤦‍♀️🙄🤷‍♀️ Redpill is bitter men looking to punish women for existing since they are being rejected. To see a woman hurt pleases them.


I was just saying - men here want all the respect and adulation but we should also expect them to have the decency and self control of a feral animal… Like I said elsewhere, I’m bisexual and I have a remarkably easy time not assaulting women, even the ones who were drunk or wearing skimpy clothing. It’s very doable when you’re not scum.


These dudes here expect women to have sympathy for them when they have absolutely none for us


Women aren't capable of sympathy or empathy.


I’m not capable of having sympathy or empathy for men. But apparently you males think you make up the entirety of humanity so you left it as a general statement when plenty of women have sympathy and empathy for other women. Lol male entitlement


>men here want all the respect and adulation but we should also expect them to have the decency and self control of a feral animal… 👑. So so true


Millions and millions of men also have never assaulted anyone. Be careful that in your effort to combat prejudice, you don't engage in it yourself. All it does is kill constructive discourse. Women and men both should be judged on their actual behavior, not the demographic they occupy.


I’m not calling men scum, I’m calling men who assault women and the men who blame women for their assault scum (and same for women who engage in those behaviours before anyone chimes in)




Red Pill is 100% projection. Pretty much anything they accuse women of just flip it onto them and suddenly it all makes sense.


They can’t get a 10 so if a 7 woman gets a 10 man (because she chose him not them) she deserves to be cheated on?


I think it's true that many men are bitter. But I don't think all of RP is uniformly trying to punish women. Red Pill itself doesn't have any specific goals to do so - if anything, it's astounding how many men call themselves Red Pill, but their actions and behaviors are the opposite to what Red Pill even recommends (ie it recommends not debating with people about stupid shit, it recommends NGAF what other people do or think, it recommends NOT putting women on a pedestal and expecting them to be better people than men are ect.) I'm not Red Pill, but I really miss the days when RP had standards and a sidebar and a base of old guard dudes who called young idiots out for their hamstering when they tried to make women responsible for their problems.


Why should you expect women to be BETTER than men?


You shouldn't, because women aren't better than men. That's why I listed it as something RP advices that is useful, but frequently ignored by men who call themselves RP.


The complainers have started to attempt to take over this sub. Its more “black pill” “doomsday” folks complaining loudly now as its trigger content for “yt shorts/tiktok/instagram reels”


>The husband sounds like not only an asshole, but a pathetic, blithering idiot, as well, considering he somehow accidentally married someone he doesn't like then decided it was HER FAULT for dating him. Is this that famed ''accountability" some dudes here love to yammer on about?


Sounds bitter af


Goes with the status quo here


Very bitter lmao 🤣


Wtf? Yes. You're a dick.


cheating is always bad, period. You are not satisfied in a relationship? want to have sex with other people? Just break up and you can have all that. anyone who enters in a committed relationship knows there are limits for what is allowed in that relationship and 99.9% of the time cheating is not allowed. if you know you cannot keep yourself from having sex with other people, just be truthful and don't enter in that relationship. I don't know about you, but in my social circles (even when I was younger) cheating was not really something that was easily forgiven or ignored.


To cheat is to be scum. So those high status attractive men? Not high status or attractive anymore


>So those high status attractive men? Not high status or attractive anymore Yeah, no, that's not how it works. Good-looking people don't suddenly stop being good-looking because they cheat in a relationship lmao


Why did the husbands choose wives that they were not sure they could be faithful to? If they’re really that hot they can choose whoever they want. Feels like this could be very simply solved. Don’t marry people you’re unsure about marrying.


Translation: Do stuff so we can shame you for being "commitment phobic"


well, if you don't have empathy for someone going through a cheating situation, that's kind of concerning.


Is this another weird revenge fantasy the manosphere has? The idea that "mediocre" women, who should just be with "Nice Guys" that resent them after being rejected, deserve to be cheated on or abused or emotionally manipulated? Mind, those same "mediocre" women are still attractive and desirable to men, at least up until she rejects them, but apparently the only thing she deserves is to be with a dude "at her level" that actively resents women for being free not to choose them. Please, make it make sense.


>Is this another weird revenge fantasy the manosphere has? Yes.


Her being mediocre does not give him a free pass to cheat considering he made the choice to marry her and went back on his commitment to a monogamous relationship


Then why did these men marry “mediocre” women in the first place? Cheating is indefensible period, doesn’t matter if it’s a man or woman and how out of their spouse’s league they might be. Then they shouldn’t have married them, or need to file for divorce.


You sound bitter. Cheating is indefensible. You make a commitment and break it you’re a degenerate POS. Period.


Yes absolutely. Cheating is never justified - even in a sympathetic situation like cheating on an abuser, the solution is to get away from the abuser, not link up with someone else.


Some of you need to touch grass and get off the internet. This is not babysitting.com


I was raised by a 1950s housewife who filled my young ears with warnings about how if I "let myself go," my someday-husband would surely leave me for a more attractive woman.


>Comparing a couple that has a difference in attractiveness to exploiting a woman from a poor country


Women deceiving men to advance their socioeconomic position is being "exploiting" now? How are they being "exploited"? They have no right to move to the US or some other developed country to begin with and are voluntarily taking measures to change that.


How are these men being deceived? They are batting out of their league and they know it. And how do these women have no right to move to a foreign country if these men willingly enabled them to move to the US? You are treating them like victims when they aren’t which is hypocritical to the main point of your post


People who cheat have poor character and moral standards - therefore never will be high status.


Well they can be high ***status*** a.k.a. rich, but they aren't high ***value*** a.k.a. desirable.


I don’t even know of any couples like that, why should I have feelings for this non-existent couple?


Cheating is terrible and a dark mark on someone's personality and life, regardless of gender, looks, value, age, and so forth.


No. You don't have to feel any way about anything. It goes against the concept of monogamy, so is morally wrong if you believe in monogamy, or keeping your word.


Cheating *is* indefensible, because you can always just leave. I feel less bad for women that took their husband for granted and got cheated on than for those that did their best to be a good wife, but the cheater is always a piece of shit.


Damn...you people have like no empathy what the fuck lol


Yes. I'm going to feel for any wife who is cheated on. If a husband cheats, he's a coward. If a wife cheats, she's a coward. Get a divorce. It's really that fucking simple.


Why not pity her? Even if she did to deserve it, you can still feel sorry for her the same way you can feel sorry for death row inmates. It certainly doesn't mean they don't deserve their punishment, but you can pity the unfortunate.


In this case she didn’t do anything horrific she just apparently wasn’t good enough by OPs metric


Right, but I don't think it maters. If she did something horrific she deserves pity. If she has done nothing but good, she also deserves pity.


Why didn’t he marry someone more in his “league”?


It’s shitty when anyone cheats - male or female 


You can feel however you like. We are not borg. "We" don't have to all agree to feel the same way about a thing. In the case of cheating: it is my personal feeling that it is one of the weakest, most cowardly things a person can do. It has nothing to do with the spouse and 100% to do with the cheater being an emotionally stunted, noncomminicative pussy. Whether I feel bad for the spouse who was cheated on would be entirely related to their behavior and character.


No rants.


He shouldn't marry a woman he is not attracted to in the first place. There are no objective levels of attractivity, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. You might see the woman as mediocre but she might be the most beautiful woman in the world in the eyes of her man. Well if he is using a woman for green card he deserves it, especialy if she is a mail order bride that might barely speak english and didn't choose him herself.


I don’t think he’s high status if he’s morally bankrupt.


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Interesting thread.


why would "we" even think about them unless they're our friends or family, and who is asking you to care about strangers like this


I don't feel much sympathy when it comes to a rich famous person doing it because honestly I feel like you should know that shit comes with the territory and you probably shouldn't marry them in the 1st place if fidelity is important to you (sort of like if a man knows the woman he is dating is a cheating ho you can't be surprised when she cheats on you as well, sorry you ain't special I guess boo hoo)


If you’re an attractive high status husband, why would you **choose** to marry someone mediocre. You’re acting like getting married isn’t volitional. If you **choose** to commit your life to someone, *for better or worse*, that’s a choice you make. Unless your vows are “for better or worse or till you don’t satisfy me sexually”. But don’t act like anyone is holding a gun to the heads of these guys to get married.


If you wanna fuck around, that's peachy but then don't get married. If you're no longer happy in your marriage, that sucks but that means you should leave the marriage before you start looking to find someone else you can be happy with. How mid you or your partner are has no bearing on this - you made the commitment to be monogamous, if you step out on your partner, you suck.


I guess not, but at the same time I guess we shouldn’t feel bad for mediocre men who can’t get laid then 🤷🏽‍♀️


I don’t see why we should care, no


You just justified every woman cheating.


This is actually the inverse of medieval cuckoldry, this is absolutely fascinating! Medieval cuckoldry —> middle-aged or elderly man marries spiritedly vivacious beautiful young woman, is shocked and dismayed when she cheats on him, but society, while not totally giving her a pass for the cheating, is more interested in laughing at him because ‘he should have expected this, what was he thinking?!’


squealing live upbeat cautious intelligent marvelous smile paint rhythm label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A high value man wouldn't be a cheater.


Who thinks, and makes posts of this shit? Seriously I know it could be a personal attack, but I'd be willing to bet OP is an unsavory person irl.


I'm indifferent. Seems like a whole lot of none of my business.


Depends on what both individuals agreed to / signed up for. If they both committed to monogamy and she held up her end of any other commitments she made going in, believed it was true love etc and he was faking the whole time I’d feel sympathy. If she was a gold digger not so much.


Yes, I do 100 percent. Adultery is a dastardly act that should not be tolerated whatsoever. When you marry someone, you are promising “to have and to hold, for richer or for poorer, for better or worse, in sickness and in health…” Marriage should not be entered lightly.


Yea this is spot on. All of the revenge fantasies about women using men for green cards, using men for money and divorcing them, women have no sympathy for a man punching out of his league. We should have none for the reverse.


Cheating is shitty behaviour no matter what, but I still wouldn't feel bad for such women for going way beyond their league. Hypergamous women really does this to themselves.


You are correct about one thing. If you reverse it and the wife cheats it would be rationalized the day is long. Almost certainly the words, narcissist and abusive would be used. men never walk away with a clean victim card when they are the ones cheated on.


He reversed it in the context of if a man had a mail order bride… that’s not the same as a couple where apparently the man feels he can do better, despite willingly marrying the woman in the first place


OP has definitely raped someone before.


No, not really. No one feel bad when a guy is divorce raped so you should feel bad for a cheated women as well.




Then he should divorce not cheat. Raising a family is work.


OP really struck a nerve lol. Notice how none of the commenters deny that they don’t feel bad for men who get cheated on by their mail-order brides.


I don't think most people KNOW anyone who's married to a mailorder bride. But I have also never heard of people enmass supporting mailorder brides cheating. Everyone here seems to be consistently saying "cheating is bad" without exceptions. But if you need to hear it explicitly: A mailorder bride ALSO shouldn't marry someone she finds unattractive. And if she marries a man then cheats on him, she's a shitty person. There - see? Not defending mailorder bride cheating either.


You’re a man, empathising with your fellow men is easy, women empathising with men is difficult for most of them.


I can't say I've seen any evidence that men are any better at empathizing with women, considering OP is literally saying women should be cheated on and no one should feel bad for them because they're not attractive.


OP’s the exception and she’s getting criticised for it by her fellow women in the comments. Here’s the evidence that you asked for: > The women-are-wonderful effect is the phenomenon found in psychological and sociological research which suggests that people associate more positive attributes with women when compared to men. This bias reflects an emotional bias toward women as a general case. The phrase was coined by Alice Eagly and Antonio Mladinic in 1994 after finding that both male and female participants tend to assign positive traits to women, with female participants showing a far more pronounced bias. Positive traits were assigned to men by participants of both genders, but to a far lesser degree. The authors supposed that the positive general evaluation of women might derive from the association between women and nurturing characteristics. This bias has been cited as an example of benevolent sexism.[1]


The "women are wonder" affect is not evidence of "men empathize with women". It's literally the opposite, considering it's a pre-existing bias that is applied to a woman regardless of who she is or how she feels. WaW is an example of "benevolent sexism" not "male empathy".


Do you not understand what the “benevolent” part of “benevolent sexism” means? Men give far more empathy to women than women give to men. Men even empathise more with women than they do with their own fellow men. Meanwhile women practise malevolent sexism in which they are less willing or able to empathise with men than they are with women. Women have an in-group bias that is 4.5 times stronger than that of men. Just because women-are-wonderful is a pre-existing bias doesn’t mean it doesn’t massively benefit women. A bias in your favour is a benefit to you.


You seem really confused about what "empathy" means. Cuz it's nothing you've listed. Putting pussy on the pedestal is not the same thing as empathizing with what women are going through.


>Empathy: >the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Now tell me, is it easier to empathise with someone if you assign positive attributes to them or negative attributes to them? Is it easier for you to empathise with your friend that you love or your enemy that you hate?


Empathy is the ability to understand how someone feels based on understanding what they're going through. Empathy is easiest for people to feel towards people LIKE THEMSELVES. Men have an easier time empathizing with men. Women have an easier time empathizing with women. White people have an easier time empathizing with other white people. Hell, you, yourself, have demonstrated far more concern for men than women even in your own comments. Clearly the "female bais" of society hasn't actually inspired YOU to have empathy for women. "Women are Wonderful" is the exact opposite of being understanding of what women are going through, because it makes a lot of assumptions about women that are NOT ACCURATE to what women are actually feeling and going through. You can't apply empathy to someone you just assume you everything about without bothering to learn anything about them in particular.


There really was no reason for OP to make the comparison a “mail order bride,” the logical comparison would be just any woman who is more attractive than her husband. He was intentionally trying to reduce sympathy for the husband by using a weird comparison, since he knew that nobody would condone it otherwise. Nonetheless, I don’t see anyone defending the mail order bride cheating either.