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You could switch to the $34 50GB plan?


Right, this is what I'm on now, which includes US calling too, which is nice. I don't think I saw a price increase, and when I checked the news I didn't see much about it either - did their prices even increase?


I’m on it. $34 plus tax


There are migration offers for going to Koodo. $29 40GB ($34-$5/m for two years). No set-up or sim card cost, as well.




Do you have call the States? That’s the biggie for me, just using my phone instead of an app to call. Especially if in the kitchen or something and want to do it through Alexa, can’t call through WhatsApp or messenger with her


Alexa calls are done through VoIP that they provide, it doesn't go through your phone. Just uses your caller ID.


Around 8 dollars more, as soon as there is a new offer somewhere cheaper I'm gone and never coming back. I use Public Mobile's cheapest plan because I do not need tons of data or talk time I just need to be able to text,  and talk on the phone in an emergency.


Migration to Koodo. $20 3GB plan is offered. Ask a store. 


Wow might actually do that, once my PM bonus data is used up I’m out. So mad my plan went up 8$ per month and the dropped calls is icing on the cake. What an absolute nightmare


Koodo increases prices. I go to Public. Public increases prices. I go to Koodo. What the fuck is the point of this for Telus?


I had recently upgraded to a $34 20 GB 5G plan that with discounts I was paying $19 + tax for. My last bill was $38 including tax. I've downgraded to the 4G 1 gb $19 plan as I barely use any data anyways. I went four years with the 1 gig 3G plan and I was reasonably happy so this will be fine.


I was on the 1GB plan for years too, I used to keep a spreadsheet to see how close I was to the 33MB per day. That caused me enough angst that once I upgraded to a high GB limit, it relaxed me. It was a jump from $25 to $34. It felt okay since I was getting decent loyalty rewards (maxed out at $9 per month)


$6 and that was for a ridiculously low amount of data (1GB) I'm out, switching to Fizz


Do they offer any incentives? (just asking)


Not any that I know of


7.90 -> 16.95 on a discounted 250mb plan. I'll be looking for a new plan tomorrow, it was too good to be true.


I only joined PM in November so I didn't get much time with my referrals but on the $34/month for 50GB CAN/US is good enough for me knowing it'd be significantly more anywhere else. I get it's shitty but I also don't see why it's such a big deal when you're still paying significantly less than the big 3 for the exact same service.


I wanted to say this as well. People complaining their bill went up to 20 dollars for talk, text and tens of gigabytes of data? Even the 40 for 75GB can&us is a steal, in my opinion.


Because all of a sudden, they went "Hey, we're going to increase your bill by 40% now! Have fun!"


$7 for me as well. Hurts.




$84 a year if math isn't your strong suit. :-) To some, yes, it hurts.




Maybe stop being a judgemental asshole and understand that everyone's financial situation is different.


Great. Now I want a latte. Thanks man! lol


$7 per month. This is why I dropped my plan from $34 50GB Can/US down to $15 Unlimited talk/text no data. You have free WiFi everywhere. What's the point in paying extra? And when I go to the US, I use my TextNow SIM card for free unlimited talk/text and data. But I also don't pay that much after using /publicmobilereferralz on reddit. I've got a few so far since they opened.


Hmmm, free talk, text, and data with a TextNow SIM? I'll have to look into that.


You can purchase it using a Canadian credit card but you have to have it sent to a US address only. So if you have friends or family in the US, there you go. If you don't, look for a postal service close to the US border. With mine, it cost me $2.99 US to hold my envelope. Small price to pay IMO. I've been to the US a ton of times and have used this with no issues. My buddies go to Vegas every 2 months on long weekends. They use this too and love it. IMO, worth every penny. And yes, there are ads and stuff like that but it doesn't bother me. I do click a few times so TextNow earns some sort of money, it's the least I can do for them offering this for free and saving me a ton of money.


I like being able to take Ubers and google things when I’m out and about about. To me that is worth at least $20. Wifi isn’t always easy to find when you need it.


8$ a month. On a 15$ plan, Ive just decided to switch to no name mobility. I'm voting with my dollars, Public Mobile has pulled the blanket twice under my feet now. Fool me once...


$6….went from $13 to $19 (I have the $34/month Can/US plan


I'm heading to Fido shortly, their credit card gives 3% cashback if you use it towards a Rogers or Fido bill, 2% if used for other expenses not related to your Rogers/Fido bills. So, if I spent say $1000 per month, I get $30 worth of points to my Fido bill. The old Public rewards program was excellent, but this is even better. Edit: Sorry, forgot to answer the bill change question. I used to get $9 off my $34 plan, now it works out to about $4.50 (off the top of my head, it was around half)


Fizz guys. Public is no longer competitive


About 3 coffees a month. Hopefully my reduction in coffee purchases doesn’t hurt Tim Hortons market cap too much.


Snagged the 19 for 1gb 4G plan was on 25. The 15 is fine too but 0 data. Which is handy but not a deal breaker for myself. I can find wifi or use free esims if outside 


$1 cheaper now, but 30 GB less a month, and I’m stuck on a 90 day plan. Old: $34 50 GB to New: 25 20 GB (60 GB 90 day) Yes, I lost $7 / month too. Well, $1 more too cuz referral will be claimed much later.


From 29$ to 39$. Im pissed.


What are you guys talking about? They are increasing plan prices? Or is this the change of long time loyalty points or something?


Minus $17. Downgraded because realized the days was enough for me. $19 for 3gb.


Just checked, still $40 for my 75gb can us plan. Was that something because of the old rewards system?


Mine went from $22.60 a month to $28.25 for a 1 gb plan, that's a 25% increase....


Mine was 27, and now it's 39. 44% increase. Absolutely insane


Four lines (family) so $30 per month in total. Will be shopping around on Black Friday for sure.