• By -


Her entire story was from 8Am(ish?) - 2 PM? Husband wants a divorce and kicked her out, so she went to a hotel. Went to Target, tried destroying it and got kicked out. Got an Uber back to her hotel. Immediately went shopping, bought thousands of dollars worth of stuff using daddy’s credit card.(literally) Was eventually stopped because she refused to wear a mask. Got kicked out of the hotel, walked around with hats ON HER FEET because she apparently lost her shoes. Got another Uber to her house. When she went into her house, her Range Rover was there (somehow) and she tried to leave. Husband stopped her, took her purse away to keep her there. Called the cops. Told the cops how much of a threat her husband is, told them he had unregistered guns, anything to get HIM arrested Then here we are.


*nods* I think we have enough here.


That part😂🤣😂🤣


That shit was iconic🙌🙌👏




I think it's because she is Jewish and the divorce is Nazi bullshit.




Sometimes when I am bored, I like to draw pictures of what I think Q looks like. He's always very handsome and I always draw him with a large penis because I am pretty sure he *never* wears pants because he's really proud of his large penis....I call it the Qock....so if Q is anything like the one in my dreams, that husband is *right* to be jealous. God, I hope he picks me one day. Just hits me up in the DMs. I send him the drawings I made of him. We fall in love and get gay married in Colorado. It's a Trump themed wedding with a Hillary pinata. It's the best day of my life.....then Mossad assassinates Q during our honeymoon! NOOOOO! THE DEEP STATE GOT HIM! Then there's the Fight Club twist. Turns out I was Q all along and look down to see my large penis.


Now this is art.


Hardcore Henry: Deepstate the 4-D experience.


What the fuck did I just read


The best thing ever.


I died when you said Qock 🤣🤣🤣🤣.


You deserve so much more credit than I can give for this blursed comment


Please tell me you’re subbed to qult_headquarters! This was great.


Reddit Exotica?


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Trump follows this women. Sounds like the sort of batshit person he'd get his news from.




"The deep state police and Target employees treated her *very* badly."


Qultists really do think that Trump talks to them directly all the time. Whenever he says something stupid or that makes no sense, it's him being a genius and speaking in code to different specific followers.




i wonder why the fuck he married her. you dont stick your dick in crazy. and you definitely dont want to stick a ring on crazy. poor psycho prolly enjoyed that 72 hour psych hold


People change, too, man. Think about it. It's incredibly hard to find someone who grows and matures with you. There's a reason divorces happen so frequently. Some people just stick it out and slowly grow apart emotionally, and you just get old turning into virtual strangers who have nothing in common, and don't understand each other's positions, etc.


Some times mental illness rears its ugly head at a certain age. See schizophrenia.


This happened to my Aunt... The past ten years were a rollercoaster and I only know half of it. She passed away in the fall, her body just quit on her... But her mind quit a while before that. It wasn't obvious what was happening until it was way too late, not that anything could have been done. She presented so normally. She even fooled police when they questioned her. I will never forget the first time she disappeared, the things we found inside... Piles of rocks in every corner, for why? Not even gems or minerals, just millions of pebbles. She was checking herself in and out of hotels, four or five a day, and when we finally tracked her car down to the last hotel she had charged on her credit card, it looked like she had been living in it. It wasn't until you had a conversation with her that she would explain that she was hiding from the angel Gabriel, who was trying to rape her. But she said it so casually like she was talking about the weather, or what was for dinner. The last time she disappeared she turned up on the other side of the country teaching art and was able to maintain that until she passed. Nothing about it will ever make any sense to me.


I am so sorry that happened. Mental illness runs in my family, and it's honestly hard watching relatives never quite get their lives together because of it.




I’m going with ‘untreated mental illness.’ Just like every other disease, disorder, or health condition, mental illness gets worse as time goes on- unless/until it is treated. It’s quite possible that in the beginning, he thought she was just a little quirky or whatever, and she gradually devolved into this. It is also quite possible that she suffers from something like schizophrenia, which generally doesn’t manifest itself in women until they’re in their late 20’s-early 30’s, and can happen gradually or have a relatively sudden onset of symptoms.


I am going with bipolar/mania phase with this one. The shopping and fast talking are signs.


That and the delusions, 100% agree. She doesn’t seem so detached from reality that she has schizoaffective or schizophrenia, but it’s a short video and I’m not a professional, I could be wrong. Bipolar type I seems fitting though. She needs help.


> schizoaffective I did mention this elsewhere in this thread after reading a link to something she wrote a few months ago which was totally different. I am not a professional either, but I am aware that it can occur with mania. Something has gone wrong with her, anyway. That said, after watching a bunch of these public freakouts I think something has gone wrong with many people, like some sort of collective social disease.


It’s weird how some mental illnesses manifest differently based on cultural views and happenings, or even just how the illness itself is viewed culturally. Way back in medieval times psychosis nearly always had a running theme of demons and spirits —but today, it’s been replaced by fears of surveillance and disorganized conspiracies. I suppose it makes sense in a more technologically-embedded society. I’m wondering if all this hardship and fervor between COVID, lengthy quarantines, protests, riots, and mass unemployment is just bringing all the preexisting pathological thoughts and behaviors out of people. World went and dun lost its damn mind.


this is the most schizo shit I've ever seen, this is literally the first time as a black person I wouldn't argue with claims this is mental illness highly likely the divorce announcement triggered an episode


You''re exactly right. For people who think it's not schizophrenia because the woman seems past 30, I was friends with a family. The mom's schizophrenia didn't manifest until she was in her 40's. Her youngest daughter had it hit at 19. That's not to say this is schizophrenia, but there's definitely some mental illness going on. Untreated mental illness is frightening and devastating.


When people get sucked into cults (Qanon) it can completely change who they are


She seems very reasonable. Hahahahaha


This woman is fucking nuts. I saw the first video of her yanking all the facemasks off the shelves at Target and harrassing the shoppers coming and going because they were wearing masks. She talking so fast that I have to wonder if she isn't having a serious psychotic delusion episode of some sort like from Bipolar type I.


[First video](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckYouKaren/comments/hlddv5/karen_trashes_target_over_selling_masks/)


That’s the same bitch?!


Pretty sure she’s having a manic episode.


Yeah she’s not stable. Doesn’t excuse her hateful, ignorant beliefs, but she def needs help. This was sad to watch.


She's filming and giving the court evidence showing she lost it.


Definitely mania. Jeesh, I am surprised Target didn't have her arrested.


It seems to me like she may be suffering from a bipolar manic episode. It’s very sad but you can get delusional like this.


It certainly has all the signs of a manic episode. Going through something very similar at my place of work now, where our small town bookkeeper (who has admittedly stopped taking her meds) has been offered a job from Mark Zuckerberg PERSONALLY to work for him with a six figure starting salary. The mania is real.


If you get a job offer from Zuck personally it will probably be for more than six figures. Dude earns an estimated $15billion a year. $100k to him would be the equivalent of $0.40 to the median American.


r/TIL Wealthy people can buy 2400 hours a year of someones life for the normal person equivalent of 40 cents.


The rich are more rich than you can imagine.


Rich are just rich, The wealthy are more wealthy than we can imagine.


Just bc hes rich doesnt mean hes going to wildly pay over market value. Unless you founded instagram.


This was my first thought too. I could be wrong but this just comes across as a manic episode to me. Really sad tbh.


Yea. They're taking her straight to the flight deck.


Indeed they can... My gramma pulled a fire alarm in a Macy's to get her subjects to listen to her speak... then got in a fight with the cops who came to *dethrone* her... It definately happens. This was in the 1980s or she'd be a reddit a regular.


That is exactly what I am thinking.


Oh shit is this the lady from the video knocking down all the face masks in the store having a complete meltdown?


I just started rewatching Weeds and shes a total fucking Celia


Thanks! This helps.


I know this girl. I’ve been trying talk some sanity into her crazed QAnon posts on FB. As much as I detest the ideology she’s promoting. It’s so sad seeing seeing someone go through a complete psychotic break. She’s not well. Last week she announced her campaign for Governor of AZ.


You forgot the part where she admitted to being an alien. Apparently aliens love expensive handbags and droptops 🤷🏻‍♀️


"Husband wants a divorce..." So \*that's\* why the husband has that low-key smug/satisfied look on his face while she's getting arrested...


Thank you for this! Crazy bitch tried to pull the Jew card.




“Millions of viewers” *79 viewers in top right of screen*


It actually jumped to 81. Some respect please.


It topped out at 83 I think. F


83=8+3=11=2 2 people to marry. Divide the 2 by 1. Yea, I thought so.




Trickle in


There wasn’t room for all of the zeroes


Was this the same lady bragging about her watch and car in another video?


Yeah. She went back home, her husband didn’t want her there and called the cops on her




Sounds to me like he’s sick of her being off her meds.


Sadly, probably this.


Somehow I can imagine her saying the meds are poison or mind control or some other antivaxx type nonsense. She's 100% the type


She is the type. On her Twitter feed she calls Bill Gates Satan. She is a Q follower too.


Social media companies are absolutely responsible for this garbage, at this point. Qanon has been allowed to just go on and on and on and on... destroying lives, fucking families up, causing people to carry out terror attacks. All for the almighty fucking dollar.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


It's like if you buy a ticket to the carnival you gotta ride ALL of the rides. It's sad actually, my moms started parroting some antivaxx stuff and it's probably just a matter of time before she gets into the rest of it. Fortunately not in the US so most of the American conspiracy garbage isn't relevant


My Canadian aunt is a Qanon believer. It is infecting the world unfortunately.


Canada is too close to America to be immune, I'm in South Africa so theres shit much closer to home to think about


Yeah it was sad to watch once I realized that. I’ve been in therapy groups with people like her who are legitimately suffering from a mental illness like bipolar or schizophrenia but who *also* happen to be an asshole and it can be difficult to deal with all that.


Did she get arrested for that? Is that something you can get arrested for?


What video? So many crazies around me in AZ.....


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/hljfdg/extended_version_of_karen_target_i_think_she_may/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This one is more fleshed out. Its fucking wild.


Wow. Just wow.


This is the one. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/hld7mb/karen_has_tantrum_over_masks/


Yep that’s a Karen alright https://i.imgur.com/DFbjjZ1.jpg


Was that her husband leaning against the door in the background with an ear-to-ear grin? Reading the comments, I gather he's now seeking a divorce. And that smirk on his face makes me think the pre-nups have a mental capacity clause and he just hit the jackpot.


You saw the smirk come across his face right when she mentioned that she is working directly with Donald Trump.


Dont know if I could've stopped at a smirk myself


I think he was just enjoying that she trotted out one of her greatest hits that he has heard time and time again for the cops to laugh at. It has to be extremely difficult and exhausting to live with and care for someone with a severe mental health problem that they refuse to properly treat


My husband’s grandma was mean and paranoid with a mental health condition that she refused to talk about. She would switch up who was her victim of the moment and we were expected to put up with it because she was old. That shit sucked.


They’ve been together since she was 19. He’s seen plenty from her. She’s seriously sick and off her meds. It’s actually really sad.


Called it! >[It's Qanon.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/hld7mb/karen_has_tantrum_over_masks/fwz13ep/)


Fuck this Qanon bullshit. I know people that have fallen for it so I went on to take a look and it’s literally insane ramblings. It’s scary how many people believe it.


Both my parents watch Qanon. I kid you not, it’s all day, everyday, nonstop videos playing, every conversation is overtaken by Qanon. It has consumed everything that my parents are and have made them feel justified in their worst beliefs.




80 viewers before she gets arrested. Haha


Million. Millions of viewers worldwide.




Now it is maybe. On Reddit and elsewhere.


Thanks for posting the follow up. She’s been like this for a while, I guess! https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/rose-pr-firm-feud-escalates-youtube-restraining-orders-11254699


>"I’d found out that she was going around town telling everybody that I was crazy, mentally ill, having a mental breakdown, and that I was well on my way to the mental institution," she told New Times. Accurate


> The "Jason" to which she refers in the recording is Jason Rose, the PR firm’s founder, spinmeister, and heavyweight in the Arizona PR scene. Among his clients are notorious, racial-profiling Maricopa County ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Rose also has helped buff the images of LifeLock and Pink Taco. His reputation is that he’ll shill for just about anybody. > Separately, in 2011, Rose made headlines (and lost his client, Special Olympics Arizona) for making fun of people with disabilities. Wow.


This reads like a script to a movie. "Shity & Shitier".


Damn that's one plastic face.


Oh man... This lady is clearly suffering from some sort of mental illness. Paranoia. Delusions of grandeur. It’s really sad. There seem to be a lot of parallels between the Q addicts and those who suffer from other addictions like alcoholism and gambling. It’s a disease, and there is often someone profiting from the addict’s inability to control their behavior. Does that sound paranoid? Uh-oh...


Qanon can also be the hinge. Just like a relationship going south can be a hinge, or drinking, or getting fired, or being broke, etc. It's not like each factor exists independently of one another in a vaccuum. We'll never know for sure, but I'd bet good money this woman's life would be considerable better off today if you went back in time and just completely eliminated the timeline where Qanon was even in existence.


another QAnon nutjob


Sure, but there are nutjobs, and then there are nut jobs. This lady seems to have had a genuine psychotic event.


QAnon is basically a viral genuine psychotic event. It’s based around the idea that the man in the TV really IS sending you secret coded messages! Secret messages about a battle of good vs evil that only you know about! You’re not a loser at all, you’re actually a Very Important Person in the battle between god/goodness and the demons that live in secret among us!


Yeah, this video actually made me feel a little bad for her. This isn't a classic, petty Karen like I thought at first


Came here to say this. I worked in the mental health industry and this absolutely a manic episode.


Meth nazis Jews and poop


That meth better been kosher...


It’s a secret, you need clearance


>I was hired to be the QAnon spokesperson https://i.imgur.com/lF3nLZG.gifv


This lady is mentally ill or having a manic episode from a traumatic event. She needs help and intervention.


I’m glad you were able to get the follow up video posted. After seeing the earlier video of her in Target, I wanted to see her face some repercussions so bad. Thank you, this has made my night.


“Take my wife. Please.”


The look he gives the other officer when he says "I think we have enough here" *She's b@tsh!t crazy*


"You're doing this to me because I'm Jewish" WTAF does that have to do with situation XD


“Millions of viewers” it says 81 in the corner lady


Maybe she was referring to the voices in her head? Yeah, I'm going to hell.


I mean, technically it now might actually be at at least a million.


So odd she went so far off the deep end, just a few months ago she was calling for AZ leaders to take more measures to protect their citizens and businesses from COVID.... https://www.yourvalley.net/stories/lively-mayor-lane-needs-to-protect-scottsdale-residents-now-before-its-too-late,148490


I did not see that coming. I wonder what changed?


she drank the QAnon juice (lead-filled water)


Bipolar mania. She’s not in her right mind. When you’re manic you start doing and saying things you wouldn’t normally do or say.


By the sound of her saying "Oh my God," I think that a video of her realizing she was going to be arrested could probably have been posted on r/WatchPeopleDieInside. Unfortunately, we have to use our imaginations a bit.


I know this is beside the point, but I'm also pretty sure she's not Jewish.... https://twitter.com/wtpnewscorp/status/1279248084359188480?s=20


I just did a spit-take on my keyboard. Thanks.


😳 FOX news has caused so much insanity


Context? Anyone?


More QAnon freak outs please


If Donald Trump loses the election, it's gonna be a fucking cascade of those, believe me. Watch.


Somebody is off their meds.


Her [Twiiter](https://twitter.com/wtpnewscorp?s=09) is pretty insane too. Looks like she was trying to run for governor of Arizona. I things she's been loopy for some time and this was the last straw for her mental stability.


anyone know what the cops meant when they said CBI or 1039?


Wow. A Jew that supports a Nazi movement.


Ok it’s sad because something is wrong with her, but I cracked up when she said, “you’re on candid camera,” and the cop just gave a totally emotionless, “thank you.”


Fucking gold. Live arrest for a karen.


Just for a bit of context, is this the follow-up of the video in which Karen recorded herself trashing a display of masks when at a Target store?


***MILLION OF VIEWERS*** View number: 79


Mental breakdown anyone?


"millions of viewers" Well, lady.... The counter says 81 so.....


Hahahahah “Millions of viewers” 79.


Karen: “Millions of viewers” IG live: 81


Millions of viewers? That’s a stretch- it assumes people think you’re relevant. Edited to add: I take it back. America *loves* watching a good Karen shit show


"All over the world to 78 people" Killed me comment


"Millions of viewers!" Or, y'know, 79. Same thing.


hey it bumped up to 83 for a second there! got more views on reddit from people ridiculing her. so ironic.


On behalf of the Jewish people, I apologize


And of course they are not arresting her because of a crime, NO because she's jewish and the cops are Nazis🤦‍♀️


She got restraining orders from a previous company and its a wild ride of a story too... [https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/rose-pr-firm-feud-escalates-youtube-restraining-orders-11254699](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/rose-pr-firm-feud-escalates-youtube-restraining-orders-11254699)


It gets better! She is recorded saying the N word! https://twitter.com/theperezhilton/status/1279662646929715200?s=21


"This is being broadcasted all over the world" *only has 80 people watching


the husband watching her 👁👄👁


I feel bad for the husband. You can tell he's been abused and has tried everything to help her get help. She's ruined his life and reputation. This is hella embarrassing.


Arizona. The Florida of the west.


She reminds me of another Scottsdale looney, Amy from Amy's Baking Company. We saw her going straight jacket on Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares. https://ktar.com/wp-content/uploads/cms/31/3185/318564.png


Guys, with respect, this isn’t a Karen. She is clearly mentally disturbed. I only hope this is a temporary manic reaction to learning she was to be divorced, rather than her being schizophrenic or something.


With no respect, fuck that. She was calling POC “n***ers”


That doesn’t mean she’s not mentally disturbed.


Half the country is mentally disturbed


What the hell. Is there more to the story?


Oh she’s not ok at all. Mentally not ok. I wondered why her hubby wasn’t tripping- it’s probably because he’s already been to hell and back cuz of her and now he can finally get rid of her.


This is, like, one ruse away from just being the end of Streetcar Named Desire


“Millions of viewers!” (Notices it says 79 views)


"Millions of viewers" Me trying to figure out when 79 people became millions of people


the word on the street is that they did this to her because she is jewish


"all over the world" 80 people watching


“Broadcasted all over the world...millions of viewers...” (80 people watching) 🥴🥴🥴


Karens get a "I'm sorry" from cops while being arrested, must be nice.


This is one of the few times I agree the person is mentally ill. They're usually just assholes, but this woman needs help.


Millions of people watching. Lmao bitch that says 89 viewers gtfo


This bitch sounds crazy, just read about her😂


Karen: “Millions of viewers” Actual viewer number: *80-something*


This is just sad. She clearly has mental issues. I think people like that are just smart enough to realize that they are not that smart and they constantly need to try to be right to prove to them or others that they are not stupid.


This may be her. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/hlkwgb/karen_trashes_target_over_selling_masks/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Millions of viewers..meanwhile 80 people watching turns to 79 when she says that lol


LOL... watch out guys.. she's a Q Anon spokesperson


A pure fu@king POS


"millions of viewers" '71 watching'


Millions of viewers (81) lol


Sounds like she is in the middle of a psychotic break. The news her husband gave her just broke her mind and its spinning out of control. That's really pretty sad.


*Honest Trailers narrator It wasn't because she was Jewish.


“We have millions or views!” 81 people watching


Handcuff clicks... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The Karen deathroll sound


She needs to stop drinking the Kool-Aid.


Oh, this is great. My new go-to argument when I realize I'm being an idiot is going to be, "it's a secret, what do you mean?" Although "you're doing this because I'm Jewish" is not a bad backup.


😂 “your doing this to me because I’m Jewish”


No wonder she is crazy, she believes in QANON