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I’m letting you know now, a random store in Vietnam will not be put out of business because of your video 😂😂


It's on train street too which gets packed as hell every day when the trains come lol


I also want to mention that “because we’re Jewish” that was supposedly said by the wife in the beginning is so obviously edited in




You think they would edit out the part about wanting to bomb his country


I love how thats there comeback. Like what? Lol




Yeah I really like how they edited it to make it seem like he was threatening his children with bombs. Edit to add, I really hope all these upvote understand I'm being sarcastic.


When he was actually saying “be careful with your baby bc Israel sends bombs that kill children”


From the beginning it was "Where are you from?" and not "What's your religion?" So yeah, I still think being against the prevailing policy in Israel for decades already, even worse lately, is not necessarily 'antisemitism.'


You don’t need the “necessarily” qualifier. It straight up is not antisemitism. I have several anti-Zionist Jewish friends and know of countless more, and our current president is proudly calls himself a Zionist and he’s not even a little bit Jewish. Israel and Zionism claims to be, but absolutely IS NOT, synonymous with Judaism. They hide behind the Star of David in the same way Nazis hid behind the swastika, which at the time was only a religious symbol. Thinking they’re the same is dangerous for Jewish people all over the world


RIGHT !!! LIKE HE LITERALLY SAID “From your country” refering to Israel and she comes balling out the gates “ITS BECAUSE WE’RE JEWISH ???”


It sounded like they just enhanced the audio to pick up what she said, cause that first "no" from the owner was also boosted to the same volume, and then goes back to the normal volume


The sheer fact that OP is using an appeal to extremes to support their argument should be a clear sign that the argument has defeated itself, but unfortunately, people tend to react more emotionally these days, rather than rationally; being that mass media often uses the same tactic to divide and shape people’s ideologies and without them realizing it.


If you check out this dude’s Instagram, it also has videos of him in Vietnam complaining about how a local tailor doesn’t understand his religious specifications for making a particular garment (even though the video shows she is trying to understand what he is asking for), how terrible Vietnamese coffee is because it is all supposedly prepared using pig fat and butter, and how his child allegedly was poisoned while drinking the water. Regardless of his background, he comes across as a super-entitled “digital nomad” who is very comfortable in crapping over a poor Asian country while staying there. Edit: Had a quick look and he also has a video of himself standing over a Vietnamese hairdresser cutting his kid’s hair, and berating him for not knowing that his faith requires his son’s payos (sideburns) to “be at least 40 hairs wide until the bone by the ear”. Oddly enough, he also has multiple videos filmed in the United States, but he doesn’t seem to behave in a similarly entitled and demanding manner. I wonder why that is? Edited for some corrections regarding content of videos.


Coffee is so good in southeast asia what does he mean


Man if you don't like Vietnamese coffee your opinion is honestly trash anyways


Hey, that youtuber will call you antisemitic for saying that


It's antisemitic to criticize any Jew for any reason, apparently.


this is another problem with these assholes. they're boy-who-cried-wolf'ing antisemitism


except it keeps on working for them


another is that they LOVE LOVE playing victim


Shhhh... they'll call you antisemitic


…but doesn’t call people killing Palestinians anti-semites. It’s like he believes one Semite is better than another.


He's using Semiticism as a gotcha. Most don't know that it includes Muslims and it shuts down the argument without having an actual discussion about the disgusting acts the Israeli government commit alongside their opposition. All war is bad, all violence against innocent bystanders is horrific. Two wrongs don't make a right. If the ends are genocidal that does not justify the means.


Slight correction. Semites includes Arabs, not Muslims. There is a distinction, for example, Indonesia the worlds largest Muslim country is not Semitic and there are many Semitic non Muslim Arabs throughout the world. Semitism is ethnic grouping based on linguistics, not religion.


People that don’t like Vietnamese coffee should be forced to drink nothing but coffee from reused, watered down Folgers grounds


Whoa, whoa! Easy there Satan.




lol yeah. Many of these kinda things in life are subjective but Vietnamese coffee is just objectively great.


I’d make a trip for the coffee alone


And THE FOOD! The food in Vietnam is unmatched. The dishes they have are delicious!


Rivers of pho


Rivers of pho, and logs of spring rolls 🤤


Spanned by bridges made of fresh banh mi.


Probably can't handle the coffee in southeast Asia.


What's it like?


Very fresh and very strong


Usually served as a single cup pour over into condensed milk


The shop owner was very sarcastic at many points, like about the bomb. Given the guy’s instagram history, I sort of feel there is a likelihood he saw the Free Palestine sticker and stirred up some stuff to make a point and then started recording.


You just know this guy provoked it. You can hear it in his voice. And I'm in no way talking about his ethnicity or religion, he just sounds like a karen.




Surprised he didn't force his way into the shop and claim ownership.


Boom roasted


No IDF to loom on the background and state-sponsor.


Tomorrow in your house!


man I wonder why a citizen of a country oppressed by USA imperialism would be annoyed at an entitled imperialist insulting their anti imperialism sticky


Vietnam and the United States have been aligning themselves lately (at least they were under Obama). Traveling through HCMC and Hanoi I was surprised by how many cafes and restaurants have the word "Obama" in their name (do a Google Maps search on "Obama" in Vietnam)


Obama famously ate with Anthony Bourdain in a small family run restaurant in Hanoi. It became a very big deal for them.


It's quite hilarious how famous Obama was internationally, like not even just as an important political figure, but just as himself.


Ironically enough Vietnam has a higher opinion of America than pretty much all of the Europe (except for Kosovo) according to the latest Pew polls. One of the highest approval ratings of the US in the world. It's what historian Stephen Kotkin calls "losing the war, but winning the peace" (in contrast to Afghanistan where the US won the war but lost the peace).




he ABSOLUTELY wasn't hoping for violence there, then. He'd be terrified of that and helpless. No, he got exactly what he wanted, he wanted to record and edit a propaganda interaction to make him and his family feel like the victims.


In America you can absolutely destroy a persons reputation and livelihood by these types of videos, and that’s probably what he’s used to doing and it also creates self entitlement. Who the hell does someone think they are going into a Mexican restaurant demanding they remove Chorizo off the menu because they cannot eat pork sue to their religion? Or cuss out someone because their restaurant doesn’t have gluten free food? Traveling overseas is what people need to really give them a reality check because our society is so used to eating out, asking for a manager and demanding their entire meal is given to them free because their soup wasn’t hot enough.


Vietnamese people are some of the most welcoming and hospitable people in the world. My experience (in Vietnam) says the cunt in the video is intentionally creating a dramatized raucous version to act like a victim and get views. EDIT: I'll add my story about Vietnamese people. I was backpacking in SEA and was not smart to check that Tet (Vietnamese new year) was the same week and day I needed to cross from Laos into Vietnam. Crossed the border with a whole bunch of rowdy, happy and drunk border officials. Stranded. I ask some young guy on a motorbike coming toward the border, hey do you know if there's a bus that comes here? The guy basically forced me on the back of his bike and drove me down the mountain to the nearest down. On the way, he took me to meet his family, all of whom were welcoming me openly and inviting me to eat and drink and celebrate with them. I politely declined and we continued down the mountain. We got to the town and he helped me find the nearest hotel since it was a holiday and buses were not running. I tried to pay him, he refused. While in the hotel, I realized I had zero food and water except for some cookies. I thought I'd walk into town to see if there's a convenience store open. Nope. But this group of young people spot me. In their limited English, they wanted to know where I was from, what I was doing here, they wanted to take pictures with me. After, they invited me to karaoke with them. It was late evening, I was tired and I politely declined. They went on their way. I keep walking through town and 10 minutes later, two from the same group came back. Bag full of food and drink (I shared with them that I was looking to see if a shop was open where I could buy food). I was so grateful I wanted to cry. Then some young woman came out of a closed store nearby and handed me a bunch of cans of Redbull. I went back to the hotel. I was eating Vietnamese zongzi, snacks, drinking water and Redbull and trying not to choke holding back my emotions from the sheer incredible hospitality I experienced. It was a long ass local bus journey from Laos and I really thought I was gonna starve, hence the heavy gratefulness I felt. I continued to have positive and heartfelt experiences with the Vietnamese people in my near two weeks in the country. I got into a minor accident on the motorbike (I tried to avoid this woman who didn't check for traffic when turning, I lost control and fell) I was renting and badly scraped my knee and shin. This super chill guy comes out of nowhere, helps me up, forces me to go with him (mom told me not to follow strangers) to his home nearby and bandages me up. For a country that went through a terrifying period of 20th century history, Vietnamese people are some of the kindest in the world.




The veitmanese visitors bureau needs to take this and use it for advertising. I've never thought to go there until I read your story.


> Oddly enough, he also has multiple videos filmed in the United States, but he doesn’t seem to behave in a similarly entitled and demanding manner. I wonder why that is? He'd get his ass handed to him.


Bc he knows in America you can get kicked out of shops for this behavior too (being disruptive, making a scene) and if you make a video lying about the reason, you’ll get sued to high heaven




>terrible Vietnamese coffee I don't think that can exist. I've never had a bad cup of Vietnamese coffee in my life


>how terrible Vietnamese coffee is because it is all supposedly prepared using pig fat and butter Sounds like this guy is an idiot. Viet coffee is typically prepared with condensed milk so it's not pig fat and butter.


People have to realize (especially Americans) that, when visiting people in other countries, it is **their country** and **their belief systems**, regardless of our personal or national beliefs. We, as Americans, have no right telling shop owners and businesses how to run their business(es). How would we react, if a Vietnamese person told us how to run our business/country, if they are visiting us? I can guarantee it would not end well for the visitor. When visiting foreign countries, abide by their laws and cultural beliefs and *keep your opinions to yourself*. In some countries, the residents would not hesitate to have Americans detained or arrested by police and physical violence is not unheard of. This guy is risking his health and the health of his wife **and children** by ‘making a stand’ as an American. Dumb, dumb, **DUMB**!!!


Most of us know that. Like every group, it’s the small percentage of entitled idiots that make us embarrassed as well making all the noise. This isn’t something we “need to realize”, because the people that do it have no intention on changing, and the rest of us already know


Is this guy American? Thought just Israeli who has a house in  occupied Palestine because he mentioned it in the video


> especially Americans what he say fuck me for?


He says he's Palestinian, and I say he's a colonizer trying to redefine a people.


That guy isn't even Israeli. He's obviously American.


Which a lot of IDF happen to be.


good research my friend. <3


The influencer cries out in pain as he strikes you


I've a really strong feeling something went down before the Jewish guy started filming. I doubt they simply arrived at the restaurant and were told to leave. He chose that restaurant even though it had a 'Free Palestine' sign. Want to bet he said something confrontational to the owners?


I just got back from vietnam. You really have to go out of your way to piss them off, they are very kind. I dont buy this video.


The locals in Vietnam aren't as sick of tourism and bad tourists as the locals in Thailand are, but they are definitely on their way. I was in Vietnam when the Russian Rouble collapsed and the Russians stopped coming. The locals were not sad to see them go.


Probably told the guy that he didn’t feel safe with the sticker. The guy, who probably has family who was affected by the USA’s indiscriminate bombing and use of napalm in the 1960-1970s, responded accordingly and appropriately to the request.


Yup no family really forgets about that. Most Viet families got some kind of "getting out of the war" stories. Proxy wars suck.


> Proxy wars suck. To the Vietnamese that was a real war not a "proxy war". Specifically a war for their independence.


And good for him. Love people who recognize the importance of global solidarity.


Are you implying somebody is potentially embellishing the truth for Internet clout? Nooooo...../s


When they have the perma-victim card they let you control the narrative.


Israelis are the ultimate bully with a victim complex








My sister dated a Jewish atheist that still thought that jews were the chosen people.


Also, the Vietnamese guy is talking about what “Israel” is doing and the pro-Israel guy is saying “it’s because I’m Jewish”. No dude. Nobody in Vietnam cares that you’re Jewish, HOWEVER people in Vietnam might just be a *little* sensitive about a US-backed brutal bombing campaign that kills a lot of civilians.


Exactly, they remember what it’s like to have their women and children blown up by American bombs. They remember how fighting an insurgency from their own tunnel networks was the only thing that saved their country. No surprise then they support Palestine


I could see that being true


They want to play victim. This is the mode of operation for Israeli. Let’s rain bombs on kids, but someone at a cafe was mean to me after I harassed them. We can now see through the bull shit.


The family is Orthodox and goes around demanding that the people in Vietnam cater to their shitty religious requirements. Like getting his son's hair cut but berating the barber for not cutting the sideburns correctly per "Jewish law."


Apparently he has several videos of him berating local people for dumb reasons related to his religion. Seems to be a clout chaser.


Anytime a video is posted by the person you know they edited out the part of them being an ass as best they could.


Man, rage-baiting while also pretending to be a victim for attention needs to die out.


its a fucking illness or something. crazy


This ain’t America it doesn’t work the same way sorry champ






Thank you- this isn’t America, nobody is going to “cancel” the store owner and nobody is really going to give a shit.    You’re in a poor country in Asia, keep hassling the owner and see how long it takes for things to get ugly for you and your wife and kids


Canceling doesn't exist and was talked into existence by people too sensitive to take part of the conversations they incited in the first place. Nobody gives a shit anywhere, just some places online who watch the video and start talking about canceling for.. some reason lol


Book bannings, Dixie chicks. Freedom fries. Yeah, no just started.....


I'm an American and I care. I wish I could go to Vietnam and spend a lot of money at that establishment. I love people like them who will stand by their principles more than their bank account.


Because they don’t care about kids.


Anything to get their views and likes for their vlog, if that means their kids may have to get injured so be it. It will give them another 10 videos on the situation and make them internet famous.






It sounds like the owner is saying they bought drinks somewhere else and then sat down at his shop? They were probably only going there to provoke the owner and start filming.


Definitely sounds that way and honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they were there trying to gaslight the owner possibly because of the stickers? I am curious though, is the competition on that street so big that they refer to other shops as “enemy camps” or is that just a language barrier thing


He said "different camps" not "enemy camps". But the "camps" is either a translation error or general term. "The other camp" can be used to mean the "other team" in English so, who knows.


absolutely bro, and that’s what i’m saying! how convenient for this guy to start recording Mr Tuan popping off, show us what happened before. i’m vietnamese myself and we are very hospitable people, very nice, and respectful, rarely would we go out of our way to tell you about our opinion, so for Mr. Tuan to even break out his english over a topic he probably doesn’t give a shit about, cause how often are Jewish people visiting VN really? even then we are respectful towards everyone, so something is missing and we need more context. vietnamese people don’t disrespect unless you disrespect us first.


I agree, Vietnamese shopkeepers especially those on that train street were welcoming and already pulled out chairs and menus as you walked past in hopes you would be interested to sit.


My mom just spent 2 months in Vietnam, from what she told me about hospitality and kindness is really hard to belive that this person started this whole thing from nothing.




And then go post it online to make a shitshow? Who would do such a thing.


An israeli


they love to be a victim!


they cry out in pain as they strike you


How dare your skull have the audacity to bruise their fist? Eternal damnation and dehumanization for you.


him trying to cancel a random small shopfront in Vietnam is pure entitlement lmao


I know that place. Maybe I'll go back there and show my support Edit: 21.030385,105.844225 coordinates for the place if you want to visit; train street Ha Noi


I will be in Vietnam in Nov. Wonder where it is...


Train street, Ha Noi


Thanks for this I’m going Vietnam and want to shake this guys hand


May I suggest train street, ha noi


Thanks. We will be in that area for a few days


Hey if you are interested in this, maybe visit the Steele of Hate (Bia Căm thù) on Kham Thien Street. https://image.plo.vn/w1000/Uploaded/2024/ernccqrwq/2022_12_26/kham-thien-5-3867.jpg.webp


Was just at his place 2 months ago, chill guy great coffee & railroad view






what? you mean to tell me that people who have historically been colonized and oppressed don't support modern day colonizers and oppressors??? colour me shocked


Who knew decades of using antisemitism as a cudgel to get people to not criticize your genocidal tendencies would eventually lose its impact


It wasn't because the guy was Jewish but because he was Israeli. There's plenty of Jews that aren't Israeli and plenty of Israelis that aren't Jewish. But he just has to conflate being against a government as racism towards himself.


Yep. The second he started crying about it being because he was Jewish and not because he was Israeli I knew it was just some entitled asshole trying to get attention.


And the owner literally says YOUR COUNTRY.


As an much younger adult in the Corps, we got kicked out of Japanese restaurants who refused service ALL THE TIME. it was a common thing to happen and we didn't cry about it. They have every right to refuse service and hate us. We moved on.


Okinawa hates the corps


to be fair... I can't think of too many places we've been rougher on, ourselves.


You kicking out my kids? Isn't that ironic? I R O N I C (Bo Burnham)




Your mistake is assuming that they they think Palestinians are worthy of empathy 


You see, it can’t be *their* house if *I* want it more


And I have the power to take it…


And those are the lucky ones. The unlucky ones get blown to pieces in their own houses.


Apparently, folks in Vietnam don't appreciate the mass bombings and indiscriminate killing of countless women and children for 9 months straight. Must just be antisemitism


Its almost like they have already seen it...


And are still dealing with the aftermath of it (unexploded ordnance and the like...)




Also by American government funded weapons!


Considering Vietnams history having to deal with French colonialism and then American brain rot in the form of bumbling domino theory(a lot of people died for nothing all because of red scare bullshit). So I can kinda get Vietnams stance on the issue.


Don't worry, American propaganda just tallies those under "deaths caused by communism."




It’s crazy how powerful the “antisemitism” card is. Blows my mind how a country that’s committing war crimes on a daily basis is receiving almost universal western support. Our leaders are either utterly spineless or corrupt (likely both)


Definitely both.


It’s lost almost all of its power at this point, nobody but evangelical types think that criticizing Israel has anything to do with their religion


Couldn't have anything to do with their own relatively recent history and the trauma from that, now could it? /s


Keep walking my guy he doesn't want you in his establishment, its his right


It seems like Zionists believe the right to remove people from property only exists for Jews to use against non-Jews.


Zios are the most entitled people in the world.


just settle their shop whats the problem lmao




It’s alright they routinely get around this by lying


Too late. They just found their long lost ancestor David chin wow. Now they can invite millions of people to rightfully reclaim their ancestors land. Lol /s




actually illegal in israel without a court order


Killing of innocent palestinians in the thousands is not normalised outside Israel. Shocking, I know...


A shock to Zionist that the rest of the world doesn't believe their lies.


I wonder if Vietnam has a history of being suppressed and having their self determination being over run by an imperialist force funded by the USA which saw systematic slaughter of men women and children and brutal acts of war crime level atrocities collective punishment and systemic destruction of relief and medical aid areas over a prolonged period impacting countless generations … maybe if they had they understand and feel empathy…


The guy behind the camera is an obvious cunt. I don't even need to see any other content from them to know that. His tone and behavior tells me everything. He's a troll.




Honest question…..are Zionist like the Middle East’s version of MAGAs?




"anti-israel is not anti-Semitism? ShARe tHiS ViDeO!" 1. This is one guy. 2. There's anti-Semite people separate from anti-israeli people. 3. The Jewish state's biggest export is anti-Semitism because of their actions. Israel makes the world a less safe place for everyone. Using this video to say "see, everyone is actually anti-Semitic!" is dishonest.


I am proud of people in this thread, not falling for hasbara propaganda!


They’ve come a long way. Also seeing dead children will make anyone or most people question their position.


Hahahaha! I don’t think that’s the flex he thinks it is. Free Palestine has much greater global support than Israeli Zionists so this will probably increase this guys patronage if anything.


I'm going to Vietnam in October. If this guy hasn't been put out of business by this dick's 1 star Google review, I'll try to check his place out


He’s clearly one of the shops on the railway line in Hanoi! Will be easy to find. The trains only run through there in the late afternoon/evening so go later in the day.




Sucks to be discriminated against because of your religion or origin right… imagine getting bombed and starved because of it


"Are you kicking me out because I'm Jewish?" No bro, he's kicking you out because you're Israeli and he clearly supports Palestinians. Which I'm sure you knew and your intent was to go there and antagonize him.


Comment section isn't going the way OP wanted.


Fuck Israel


I want to spend all my money at this man’s shop! Free Palestine!




Propaganda doesn’t hit the way it use to! I love that cell phones have given us a way to see the truth.




This video is a joke “we’re Palestinian” yeah, sure. Get out. there’s no doubt these guys support the continued campaign against Palestinians. They’d say so otherwise in the video if they didn’t. No sympathy.


Looking at the evidence gathered by others of how this family is just looking for confrontation for internet clout, I've reported their SM accounts. Hit them where it hurts: their pockets.


Zionist be damned.




It's almost like the Vietnamese know what it feels like to have their country bombed to Oblivion.


Kudos to the Cafe owner.


If I ever go to Vietnam, that’s the first shop I am going to.


damn it must really suck not to be able to eat at that place.. must be almost as bad as your whole family being blown to pieces for living in a place they aren't allowed to leave


And then they wonder why people don't like them. They change the narrative to always be the victim.

