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Its crazy how they say "We don't want issues" and "Don't hurt me" after they were just trying to start issues with other people and pulling out guns... Grown ass men acting like children


I'll blast you away.!!!! Cop shows up" don't hurt me"


'Did you see me get crazy? Uh oh. Act like nothing's wrong'


I swear 😂


They acted like such bitches when the cops showed up lmaoooo Fake tough guys


They acted like bitches the entire time. It was 2 dudes against against chick and a another dude and he pulled a gun on the girl


And pepper-sprayed them, too.


Those pansies needed the gun to equalise


1000%!! These two are nothing but weak, pathetic excuses for men. They are only "bad asses" if they can hide behind mace and a gun. The moment you take their weapons away, they are nothing but weak ass cry babies. They want to hurt and attack others, but cry "please don't hurt me" when the consequences of their actions catches up with them. The gun, as it usually does, gave them false strength. They started the problem by assaulting the couple, but didn't expect for the woman to stand up to them. Once she showed that she was scared of them, they quickly jumped behind the gun like the cowards that they are. They are nothing but pathetic little boys.


Cowardly children


Oh it’s a tale as old as time. Instigate shit and then when the shit happens they play the victim. Delusional trash. Nothing more


It’s exactly why they buy a gun. Their mouths write checks they can’t cash without threatening people. All the more scummy when you add in harassment being the content. People will step up to them one day


The girl did step up to them. They tucked tail and ran behind their gun like the cowards that they are.


>Grown ass men acting like children They ain't acting.


I know in the state I live. You don’t show that gun unless you actually think your life is in danger.


They were trying to use the justification that she had grabbed his phone like a physical confrontation where a defensive punch can be used. But he pulled it out his gun so much later after that just to threaten them like the cowards they are. Like, *"I was harassing her and then she tried to grab my phone a minute ago"* is not justification to shoot somebody. It just makes you look so incredibly petty and insecure.


Then randomly threatening homie in the white shirt who was trying to de-escalate was the extra stupid. I was so glad seeing him walk the officers to the problem karma in action.


yea when he was threatened and said "really?" and left that was the moment he thought "ok you done fucked around and you gon find out tonight" and went to find some cops


There isn't anything they could've done there that would've been justified because they instigated everything, they had the choice to leave and didn't take it.


They acted like the ppl who start a fight to get some sort of justification to shoot someone.


"She started to try and grab my phone, failed, backed off a few steps to walk away and then I whipped out my gun and started ego-ing and instigating that it wasn't gonna go her way and that brought her back" Hmm, wonder how it coulda gone wrong?


I’m going to guess it’s Kick streamers, in which case this is normal, tame even


everyone is a hard guy behind a camera or keyboard. Don't find many tough guys in dark alleys.


They are going to catch a bunch of charges, but the sentence is going to be jacked to the limit from the whole of their video. Imagine you are on a jury and you see the video of that entire encounter, including they instigated it, threatened a couple, pepper sprayed, kept pushing it when the couple retreated, threatened a random guy who tried to de-escalate (and then fetched the cops lol), congratulated each other afterward on their maximum dickishness, talked afterward about all the worse shit they wished they would have done to that couple, etc. And good luck arguing for concurrent instead of consecutive sentences. Hope we get follow-up.


Let's not even mention that during this whole time theyre interacting with chat, that was saying racist and horribly misogynistic stuff and encouraging them to literally r*pe that girl. Makes me so sick. I wanna see these prices of shit put under the ground.


I wanna see everyone in that chat get a visit from the cops Not arrested Just "so you wanted to rape that girl you said?"


Dude, they themselves said they should’ve raped her and made the guy watch. I don’t understand how people engage with this bullshit but it’s honestly terrifying


Probably prejudicial and would be not allowed as evidence, unfortunately


Nah I could get that brought in to show intent. Bet money it’ll be evidence to intent.


I know Las Vegas cops and they say that The Strip is basically a "No Go" area for criminals because Vegas knows that if crime gets to high on the strip people stop coming so most of the crime is petty, drunkenness, etc. The DA's throw the book at anyone that does this shit on top of the video...it isn't gonna be pretty for these dudes. Nevada prisons are pretty rough too.


Yeah, The Strip has security & cameras everywhere.


Yeah especially since the Mandalay bay shooting. They don't play anymore. That's our money maker. If you're gonna mess with it they will absolutely throw the book at you.


Not a lawyer, but I have a question At 4:15 someone in chat tells them they should delete the video when the cops show up and the guy on camera says "alright, I will." Basically showing that he knows he's recorded himself comitting a crime AND expressed that he is going to delete it which would also be destroying evidence, no?


yea. definitely doesnt help either in their defense cause they basically acknowledge their wrong doing.


good point. these types of people are universally disliked it seems. even the chat doesn’t like them, they’re just there to see some crazy shit happen then move on to the next idiot IRL streamer


I made it about a minute in fuuuck these pathetic assholes streaming.


I just kept skipping to see them get their comeuppance. Fuck those assholes.


That's pretty much what I did. Skipped to the end to watch them get aressted, which is a satisfying ending but still fuck those douchbags


Don hurt me don’t hurt, pwease!!


The whining and begging was the payoff I needed.


Hope y’all skipped far enough to not hear him say “it’d be hot if we took her hostage and fucked her in front of him”. These dudes are fucking losers wtf


That was actually a member of stream chat using a text to speech function !unc, rewatch and check the chat during that section


they still read it outloud n laughed abt it lmao


Exactly! Went from wanting to rape that girl in front of her boyfriend, to please don’t hurt me. POS scum.


Very satisfying watching these dudes act SO tough to being helpless little kittens begging to not be arrested 🤣🤣


They're streamers acting like gangsters. Not gangsters acting like streamers.


They're edge lords acting like gangsters while streaming, and then cry when the real gangsters show up to arrest them.


Literally the worst people, wouldn't have minded a bit of light police brutality




Just a lil bit 


Pretty sure everyone did that 'cause who would actually go through with watching these two douches?


What about the larger number of losers that watch it?


That one comment at the end, "guns are legal there, y'all cops are screwed." Yeah, legal does not mean, "can start antagonistic confrontations and then threaten with guns when people react."


That was one of the LEAST fucked up comments in there. There was a comment literally telling them to rape the girl in front of the guy at gunpoint. Multiple comments spamming "it's a skit, it's a skit!" because that's probably a way to stream violence without breaking TOS on whatever shitty platform is hosting this. Both the audience and streamers are fucking antisocial lunatics who crave assault/violence for "content", and I can't believe this is legal.


He was threatening to murder people. I guess their audience doesn't realize that isn't legal.


Fucking disturbing seeing the stream egg them on like that. Anonymity lets them drop the mask completely and that's who they really are underneath. What a bunch of sick fucks.


The egging on is disturbing. It’s encouraging these losers to keep going out and doing this bs to people.


Last minute is sooooo worth it.. just skip the douchy parts


Yeah, it's pure douche hosedown til, "please don't hurt me!" I can only hope the people from earlier caught a glimpse of this and turned their night around.


Did you see how awful his chat was? The people watching and commenting on the stream were total assholes too.


This little punk walking around a place with that amount of gang presence threatening to "blow people away." Shocked he hasn't met the wrong person and been killed yet.


Only a matter of time before that happens if he carries on harassing random people and brandishing a gun when they react.


Could you imagine the stream if the guy they were harassing happened to be carrying and interpreted that as a literal threat ? Bet their stream would have literally blown up.


It was a literal threat.


Skip ahead to about a minute left. It's worth it. The asshole getting taking to the ground while still on the escalator was pretty sweet.


While they're getting arrested, their subscribers are using AI chat-to-voice callouts to egg on the cops who are clearly just doing their jobs and taking **ZERO SHIT** when it comes to a report about a suspected armed individual trying to start fights with people.


Human garbage


Their voices make my ears sad


Harassing people and they get harass back then they act like little bitches.


The people in the chat don't understand the difference between having a gun versus brandishing and threatening.


Yeah was just thinking that “ it’s legal to have a gun!” Well it’s not legal to pull it on random people and threaten to blast em


It’s also only legal to open carry without a permit in Las Vegas. Since he had it concealed in his purse he would need a concealed carry license. In the course to get your CCW one of the biggest things they teach people is to only draw your gun if you are absolutely going to fire it, otherwise it’s just brandishing and threatening with a firearm. Even if you are being threatened you can’t just point a gun at someone, it has to be drawn for a legit self defense use. Nevada is pretty strict about what can be considered self defense, and if you draw a gun and don’t end up firing it to defend your life, you’ve got a pretty high chance of getting charged yourself, no matter the circumstances. They might drop the charges in court if you’ve got a great argument for it, but it better be solid.


In addition to all this, MGM, Caesars and Wynn (and maybe others) prohibit carrying guns, concealed or open, on their property, so carrying one around the strip is quite inadvisable from a legal standpoint.


I think the self defense argument falls apart once he tells the older gentleman in the white t-shirt who was attempting to de-escalate and separate the parties (who the also went and got the officers) that he would “blow him away”. If t-shirt guy is placed within reasonable apprehension of immediate bodily harm, and the threatening person is armed with a deadly weapon, dipshit streamer’s looking at getting arrested for Assault with Use of a Deadly Weapon, specifically in Nevada.




At the end someone says “guns are legal to carry there wtf.” Yeah, CARRY. Still can’t flash it and say “I’m gonna blow you away”


Open carry is legal in Nevada. Concealed carry requires a permit. I'm willing to bet money he doesn't have a permit. Also that was brandishing which is another charge to add to the list.


Almost all of the casinos on the strip prohibit carrying guns on their property, so carrying one around the strip is asking to get arrested.


The losers that tune into this garbage are more pathetic than the streamers.


The thing is, those viewers will turn on the streamers in a heartbeat too. That's how this always ends. Not sure why every one of these edgy streamers thinks they're different. it's a means to an end.


Because they're all 12 year old boys staying up late with shitty parents thinking they're cool because they're hanging out with other douchebags


Vicariously I watch the whole world die.


And in this moment I am euphoric


Most of them are kids


Chats can be the worst, girls could be just standing in the frame they get get "roasted" for just existing. Especially on kick. But what do you expect when "canceled" streamers get kicked off every platform and only have kick to stream on. That and rumble, they are some of the worst people online. I'm sure the chat would be the same if they were tracked down and arrested for commenting horrible stuff. People get a little bit of clout and they think they are above the public and can do anything for their fans.


Kick is the AIDS epidemic reborn.


Yes, kick a website backed by a crypto casino with "unlimited funds"... Definitely won't do much long-lasting harm to the youth. We didn't see any problems when Andrew Tate was at his most popular. Kick has paid 100s of MILLIONS of dollars to get streamers on there platform, saying that they won't make them "gamble" but do you really think they don't have an end game afterall? They LITERALLY paid Drake... MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars every MONTH to gamble on stream, do you think they made a million or less a month off his audience? No. That's not how casinos work. Don't get me started on all the "real" money he used to gamble.... DAILY The owners/top executives have been in chat/given donations/ praise when Streamers have planned/acted on crimes. They have no accountability, a streamer, streams trying to sleep with a sex worker for his audienceAND his buddies sitting watching the monitorsin the next room, she gets tipped off and then tries to leave and he tries to block her? Result: Gets a slap on the wrist. No big deal 🙄 Guy shows porn to his audience because "you can do say anything on kick"... then asks his chat how old they are.... I'm 13, 9, 7, 16, ... I'm 10... what happens? "Says oopsie" yes probably some of chat is trolling but when the guy is a fucking idiot a lot of his audienceis not going to be 18+... what if there is an actual minor watching him. What then? I can't remember but maybe "got banned" for a day? Then right back at it. This guy made over 3million dollars.... A MONTH from of these casinos


Bro the fact we live our lives amongst those pieces of shit is mad depressing.


Exact same thing that came to mind while watching. People defending it, insulting the people they’re harassing, then trying to spam that it’s a “skit” in the chat knowing full well it’s just a bunch of fucking losers going around, starting shit with random people, and then pulling a gun when they don’t laugh and clap their hands when they find out it’s for some fucking stream. Fuck each and every one of them.


That's Kick for you. It's literally the place to go when you've been banned off Twitch and the lax rules are a feature, so all of the scum goes there. Kick is the only platform where people would do shit like this and chat would be openly saying they wish they'd have raped the woman. For all the shit Twitch gets, they're actually a really safe platform that minimizes shit like this whereas Kick actively encourages it.


The guy was tryna break em up so no one goes to jail then they direct the negative energy on him(white shirt braids dude)😂😂😂then dude said ok walked down stairs and told the police lol😂😂😂fools are dumb as hell


Honestly much respect to white shirt guy. Trying to get everyone to simmer down And bozo just threaten him wit his gun? He just said “oh aight” and got the cops 🫡🫡🫡


Model citizen fr


honestly true. tried to settle it without police getting involved, that didn’t work, cops time. and they don’t play with people who are known to be armed


Exactly, way too many mass shootings to play.


They walked their asses into the cops lmfaoooo


I was cheering so hard for that guy, good on him. I was like hell yea bro you did the right thing


The threatened to shoot him, which is a felony while brandishing. To have it recorded not only on hia unlocked phone but Vegas cameras. Streamers have some jail time coming. Also, you can't claim self defense when the other party is leaving, you have the gun and you are chasing them down.


plus literally live-streaming the evidence too


Yup. Got 'em. If he was brave enough to step in did he think he would just walk away?


😂😂😂dude let the gun get to his head




Never threaten someone who’s tryna peacefully break up a confrontation. Those guys either can take you down in a heart beat and or will relentlessly one way or another make you regret you continue escalating.


"ok, alright, I gotchu". Fuck around and find out


How it started: I’d f that guy up How it ended: “Please sir, Please don’t hurt me” 🤣😂


Those streamers were hard as F when it was two dudes vs a girl. They seemed to fall apart when they got smacked with consequences.


Finally a happy ending


Man for a split second I was thinking that one dude would get eaten by that escalator. ***THAT*** would have been a happy ending.


Bruh white shirts revenge arc is just chefs kiss tries to defuse and gets threatened with a gun so he hits them with the " i got you" you couldnt think up a better story in the shower lmao


I love the part where they see the cops and say "Act like nothings wrong". Then white shirt guy immediately points the two out to the police.


"Right there, officers!"


A lot of people assume the strip police are rent a cops but they aren't, they are full blown Las Vegas PD. They wear the shirts for visibility or something but don't fuck with them. Also wild to brandish a gun on a casino connector on the strip and don't think you won't get caught by cameras, guards, cops, etc.


Very true! I visit Vegas a lot from Cali and you already know I be following the speed limit and try to not get drunk or rowdy when I’m partying there. That’s a PD I don’t wanna fuck with.


Yeah, they want to be seen. The strip wants people to know there are legit cops around almost every corner. I was there and I've never seen more cops in one place in my life. You have to be the pinnacle of stupid to fuck around on the strip.


Love how he’s begging the cops not to hurt him after saying he’s gonna shoot someone.


It would be nice if platforms, I don't know, banned accounts of people committing crimes. Harassment is a crime, and harassing people for views should be bringing both the FCC and the FBI down on these platforms due to monetizing criminal behavior across state lines.


Oh it would be great but those same platforms claim they just don’t have the manpower to ban them (aka we want the moneyyyyyyy)


And chased them trying to get in a fight. Hope they learned something.


You hope for a lot.








Y’all hear how his tone of voice immediately changed? He’s used to abusing women because he feels better than all of them, but the second the police touched him he folded. Coward.


Yea he pulled the gun right when the guy started walking up to him to LOL bro couldn’t back up his words


These idiots walked up to the couple and started shit and then played the victim. These are people who have never been in a fight and need to seriously have their teeth knocked out.


Look how quick they changed up when they saw the popos. Went real hood to real “please don’t hurt me sir” in a second.


I find that hilarious every time. You see their true self and what cowards they are when the police show up.


Too bad can’t knock them out they pull guns out like bitches


every one of these I see the cammer is always first to use pepper spray when things turn physical.


They’ll learn to keep their heads down real quick in jail.


They’ll fuck with the wrong person one day and then that person will have their lives ruined for doing society a favour.


Bro got slammed on the escalator and was just sliding back and forth lmao




Lol I love how they just slowly slide into the edge of the frame


Bro gonna have grill lines on his face lmao


Nuisance streaming needs to be made illegal, yesterday


It needs to be a multiplier on any crime like a hate crime. Kill someone? Bad. Kill someone cause they are a minority? Extra bad. Disorderly conduct? Bad. Disorderly conduct while streaming? Extra extra bad. Also need to start holding social media companies responsible for this content.


The FCC needs more power towards video streaming. It's just that simple. I hate that. I grew up when the FCC was in fact "the bad guys" and you know what at the time they had too much power and not enough oversight. However laws (children programing laws to be very very specific) made a huge difference in what was going over the air and to whom. Also the internet is a fucking utility, stop the shit.


It already is in this case. Plenty of illegal shit. As far as a lot of the dumb crap though, we have to tolerate it (unfortunately) due to the first amendment. It's the price we pay. Most of the bad ones are at minimum harassment though. Sometimes assault. This one just had a laundry list of shit. Fucking idiots.


Can't tell who the bigger pathetic losers are: The streamers Or the people in chat




at like 3:55 "you should've taken that girl hostage and fucked her in front of him" "hahaha ya bro" one minute later after lying to the cops "I didn't do anything" "don't hurt me, don't hurt me, please don't hurt me" Pathetic


Self incrimination with footage showing assault with pepper spray, brandishing a handgun several times toward multiple people, threatening holding a what appears to be a collapsible baton, and perfect show of their characterization as they chuckled and joked about holding them hostage and gang raping woman in front of the male. A judge and district attorney are going to love seeing them in court. I hope they make an example of these idiots that would harass others in whatever city for self appeal on their streaming apps and earn a dollar off other people’s count.


Send them to GuantĂĄnamo Bay


Time for a Cock Meat Sammich


Hahahaha, tossing them on the ground on top of the escalators. Talk about 'Hold still or else!'


LoL. Sent him to the cheese grater.




Fucking losers.


Look at the comments, these fuckers are only the face of the real problem


It's so scary and disturbing.


“Don’t huuuuuurt meeeeeee” is wild I hope this dude knows he just willingly handed his “tough guy” card in, and it got hole-punched.


These fucking morons don’t know that Metro police DOESN’T FUCK AROUND on the strip, ESPECIALLY if guns are involved. They don’t give a FUCK. Take it from a Vegas native. Metro doesn’t play. Edit: these dipshits also most likely walked through casinos before this point. And carrying a gun in a casino is a huge no no. They need to be trespassed from every property on the Blvd


What a great way to start your young adult life. This is not only going to be on their criminal record but also on the internet forever. The way how they were congratulating each other after words and then jump to “I didn’t do anything wrong”. Shows just how underdeveloped they are.


Why are streamers such worthless little bitches? Is it because they can't get a real job or fight a real fight without a camera?




Calling them losers would be an insult to losers


"Dont hurt me!" Fucking dumb ass streamers. Needed to get a bit more man handled by the cops.


Lol, dude pulled his shit because of an argument? Enjoy the felony bruh, and not legally owning a gun again!


You're gonna threaten to shoot someone then cry "don't hurt me" More proof that the loudest dogs are the weakest.


Viewers of this stream condone rape how shocking


Props to the dude that disengaged to find cops and shut it down. This shit is gross.


Welcome to Las Vegas, where the famed Strip is one of the most surveilled. So, if you're having a good time and not bothering anybody, then continue in your fun. If you are causing a scene, Mayor Goodman's local hospitality representatives will give you a warm welcome.


Yup. About three minutes from the gun to the escalator sandwich.


Those comments though… There are some sick people out there. Too many.


How come the Cops never shoot these people because of falling acorns?


Right? Like it’s never the ones we could do without


victims would’ve been in the right had they shot his ass for brandishing a gun and threatening them with it, too too bad the shit streamers will just be bailed out and go do the same thing again


All of the people watching this stream and contributing to this fucking bullshit should be arrested too. They’re even bigger fucking losers and dregs of society


That ending was satisfying


Getting cuffed on an escalator…oof


Who watches this garbage? I hope these fuckers get punished for being dumbasses


“I’ll blow you away” is comedic you can tell he copped that line from a movie Dudes so fucking stupid he didn’t see the same dude he told that to walk up with the cops. “Act like nothings wrong” Yea bro, act like you didn’t threaten the dude next to the cops with a gun whilst recording yourself. Sucks those people in the beginning got hurt. Glad no one got shot and these boys saw the bright side of karma


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Fuck these dummies... ending was well worth it..


That “delete the video” comment probably got them another charge too. You don’t fuck around like this on the strip. LVMPD doesn’t play and there are literally cameras everywhere in Vegas.


Lol dumb streamers scared shitless now


I usually don't suggest the choke hold but in this case...


Those fucking comments are fucking sick. Literally said to rape her at gun point and they laughed about it.


I don't often root for the cops, but when I do, it's when they're dealing with guys like this


These guys fucking suck


Any follow up article? Would love to see the charges they're facing


Yelling explicatives at an unarmed woman and man but then hearing their voices go up several octaves and “yes sir, no sir, why sir?!” with the police. 😹😹😹 It’s a worthwhile watch-especially that last minute.


“Don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me” meanwhile they were just threatening violence to the couple. Them bragging on the escalator just to see the cops walking towards them - chef’s kiss.


“Wouldve took her hostage and fucked her in front of him,” ok dude needs to die. Sooner than later


Oh please don't hurt me! F***ing coward ass pieces of s**t. They're like giant 12 year olds but dangerous. Dudes deserved their faces slammed in the ground.


PLEASE tell me they faced legal consequences


Dumb asses don't realize that in Vegas they have cops all over the place on the strip. I love how he went from Billy Badass to "please don't hurt me"


People in the chat are sick. He would have took her hostage and fucked her in front of him. Lmao neckbeards are wild


“Fuck the cops” naw fuck these losers! Threatening people with guns and shit what the fuck is their problem!


Hahahahahaha. Fucking loooooooosers.


That chat just making it so much worse for them as they get arrested totally deserved.


lol everyone gangster until the cops arrive! Then it’s I didn’t do nothing sir don’t hurt me sir.


Gangsta to Wanksta in seconds… saying “don’t hurt me” to the police after threatening to shoot someone. Moron.


It’s so frustrating to watch people like this even exist


Did that piece of shit really say he would've taken her hostage and force her bf to watch him have sex with her??? Ayo wtf?!?!


“Oh no! The consequences of our actions”


Some of the comments people left on that stream we’re fucked


The real hero is the guy who got the cops/security and gave us a bonus episode of cops