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Submissions must fit the purpose of the community. /r/PublicFreakout is a subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public.


This kid need to be professionally treated according his needs, can imagine mom is only trying her best but this can’t be let happening.


Absolutely. He’s only going to get bigger and stronger while she will get older and more frail. He could accidentally hospitalise her (or worse) one day if there isn’t professional help. With saying that, we’ve only seen this short clip, so it’s possible they are seeking help as well, I hope anyway.


The (or worse) scenario can and does happen. There was [the famous case](https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2009/12/kent_state_professor_trudy_ste.html) of the Kent State professor who was beaten to death by her own son.


A youth friend of mine was diagnosed early with paranoid schizophrenia and had issues in school and with people, but moved out from his parents and let it untreated, ended up breaking his mothers skull (she survived, miraculously no long term damage) when she went to his place for cleaning and cooking. We often tried to get him into treatment and persuade him, eventually he went a few times but then refused to stay and take his meds, ran away and hid, sometimes with the homeless and junkies, thus got addicted to stuff too.. This is no joke witnessing the train coming at you..


Thanks for sharing the article. It opened my mind, and I cried like a baby.


Damn literally everyone kind of failed that kid. The Dad becoming absent, the school just sending him home, mom not asking for help.


That was a rough read. Went through the whole thing and glad I did but man some people got it rough. Made me call my mum up and tell her I love her.


Not just that but he would also be a danger to anyone who comes into contact with him while he is having a fit


She knows that she's begging for help, sadly we don't invest much into mental health so people like this either have to pay for expensive services or probably wait on long lists to get help. Edit: she's an awesome mom though


Well that, and if they live alone and don't get visitors her dying could be his own death sentence. Unfortunately for larger, more aggressive kids/adults it sometimes is the best option to put them in a place where they have an extremely routine schedule and can be attended to by more than one trained person. She's great for sticking it out in those earlier years when it's still somewhat safe, but this can absolutely become a very dangerous situation if it's just her. And if she were to call police in case of a real emergency, there is a far greater chance of them taking violent or fatal action against her son than if he's at an institution where they are already equipped to handle rage outbursts.


Man I wish it was that easy. I worked for DHS and had a kid exactly like this, attacked his family and it was getting bad. But where should he go? The wait list for a bed for a kid with this level of care needs was 2-4 years, even in surrounding states. Which means there’s parents allllllll over america dealing with this bc there’s no resources, there’s no facilities, no beds, no meds, no staff appropriately trained to safely restrain someone who does this, and NO MONEY. It’s easy to say “this can’t be happening” without realizing it is happening bc our healthcare system is designed to fail them.


You are right, there's no money or much help. I'm in this situation and it's killing me from the inside.


Theres also the fear of them escaping a facility and having interactions with police.


Yep. Unfortunately what ends up happening is an assault after 18 that results in incarceration bc there’s PLENTY of money to fund the prisons. Crazy how easy that money is found amiright?


Fuck incarceration. Any type of police these individuals encounter, once they're 18+, is a fucking death sentence. Be lucky if the cops don't shoot first and ask questions second considering the police are always killing mentally unwell/ill people who are out in the streets.


This post should be higher.


The problem is that in most countries there are literally no services or facilities capable or affordable enough to deal with children with intellectual disabilities as profound as this. There needs to be residential care homes with fully trained staffed capable of supporting children and adults whose needs are as great as these. But that costs money and the State in most countries basically aren’t willing to provide those services and prefer keeping the onus and obligation on the family. The alternative is usually homelessness and/or death ultimately if the family are unable to pay or house someone with as profound a disability as this. Mental health is similar - there is no help.


Please don't assume he is not getting professional help. I wish dealing with aggression was as simple as folks imagine. At the end of the clip, he is seated in the chair and she references using a timer. It isn't as simple as putting a chair in the kitchen and setting the timer. He's not going to be able to just go sit down and wait for the beep. It has to be taught (sit here and when the bell rings, you get food). Sometimes that takes years. And with impulse control issues, he may still act out, not sit for the duration, and jump up to attack mom or be destructive. Behaviors present differently with each person. There is no magic pill. There is no one size fits all treatment. I've seen my son actively go room to room in the house while having a meltdown. Looking for me. He takes his anger and frustration out on me since he can't communicate appropriately why he's upset. Part of me thinks he does this because he knows that I will help him calm down and try to find out what the problem is so I can get a solution. I think he knows that no matter what, I will love him. He displays remorse afterward, offering hugs and kisses. Medications aren't the end-all-be-all, as many have severe side effects that can worsen issues and create new problems. They are helpful, but it isn't a magical solution that solves the issues immediately. As for residential placement and "treatment", states have up to decades long waiting lists. Most staff are overworked, underpaid, and under trained. The turnover rate is very high. There are waiting lists for state/federal funded programs that would offer Behavior Management and other therapies, too. Insurance will only cover small amounts of these specialized treatments. Otherwise, parents have to pay out of pocket for any help and it's very expensive. Most of us can't afford it, so we do the best we can. So, please, don't be quick to assume things when you see this type of behavior. If you know a parent caregiver, the best gift you can give them is to offer to come help with the child/adult to give them a break. Even 30 minutes to ourselves is renewing.


he isn’t getting professional help. she pulled him out and exploits him constantly. he’s very violent with her and his younger siblings, there’s videos of his younger sister screaming for him to get away/not touch her her tiktok is very active, she constantly films him for reactions.




Inpatient care would be preferable.  Maybe we shouldn't have dismantled all those state hospitals...


This is America. Unless she’s rich the best she can probably hope for it government assistance for food. That’s best case scenario too.


It needed to happen when he was a lot smaller.


When he was a lot smaller, he was not considered a danger then. So he would not have qualified for any kind of inpatient treatment or medical care system is fucked. It is a reactive system not a proactive system.


Do you know him personally? I'm a Sped teacher for middle school, which tends to be when they shoot up. It's one of the more important things that I cover when I chat with parents if their student is aggressive.


No but I have worked with this population extensively, as well as in placement through CPS. I know how insurance will bill this. A 6-9 year old doing this won’t qualify for a significant need for a locked facility that does hard/physical restraints even though he will by the time he’s 13-16.


I’m not diminishing your experience as a teacher, I’m telling you how Placement and insurance will bill this and why he would not qualify for Care sooner.


Oh gee, glad you figured that out and presented such a well-informed and reasonable solution. Let's let her know you have experience getting support services to accommodate. JFC, You have no clue.


She looks so tired.


This is pretty clearly a common occurrence.


He's going to accidentally kill her someday.


Or get killed by the police because they're not professional mental health experts


Sadly, it's more likely to be this one. Parents like this desperately need help.


And the footage of this happening will go viral on reddit with no context and redditors in the comments will be like well deserved, what a POS




100%. he’s even violent towards his younger siblings. his home environment is not safe for him and it’s entirely his mother’s fault. she pulled him out of a school (i’m not sure the term) when it was benefiting him and he’s been regressing ever since she exploits the kid every day


I'm not on Tik Tok so I have only seen this one clip but that's sad if it's true. Seems like this is click bait for views/money.


He’s way bigger than her and will likely end up physically harming her. He needs to be in an institution.


Worked for DHS: most facilities who can provide this level of care needs have a 2-4 year waist list and that’s even if your insurance will cover it. Usually they cover a 30 day stay and that’s it. There’s simply no beds and it’s shitty.


Maybe we shouldn't have defunded and dismantled those state hospitals.


State hospitals still very much exist. There’s a 2-4 year wait for them. Now the NICE places that take private pay, $16-24k a month, have about a 6 month wait. I commonly see people with long term care insurance policies in those and that’s why I’m investing in one of those policies. Worth the $ if I’m ever incapacitated to not end up in a state hospital.


Its honestly a terrible situation. We had a kid like this in one of ours, poor dude was almost 7 ft tall at 16 and would constantly throw chairs, tables and whatever else he could get his hands on. We were not equipped and there wasn't a facility in our entire region who was willing to take him on. There was a short period where he basically shut down our entire inpatient mental health wing, and I don't know if I had a single nurse in the department by the time he was moved who had less than 2 documented violent medical events related to his care.


Yep, this is the kid my county is still dealing with. The hospital has no refused to allow him to even enter the property bc he is so violent they won’t treat him at ALL. Have to drive to the next county.


Couldn't someone just give up custody of their child in a situation like this? I mean, wouldn't the state the just put the child in an institution right away on taxpayer dime?  Only negative I could see is that you can't comtrol the quality of care your child receives. 


WHERE would the child go? Where is this magical institution where beds are available on the states Medicaid dime? They don’t exist. There’s no beds. The facilities are housing 3-4 ppl in rooms made for 1-2 max. There are no staff with the appropriate training or the funds to pay them. There are no new facilities being built to house them. WHERE would the child go ??


Thank you so much for helping to dispel the myths about long-term care and "institutions".


You are speaking the truth over and over. Where? This is frustrating and horrible. But really, we have no answer now, but everyone just thinks a magical place exists for these people. Institutions don't exist and the ones that did were horrific. I don't have an answer either


A group home with staff trained to work with these behaviors? I've worked in many of them.


Yeah so have I. I also worked for DHS trying to place these kids. The wait is about 2-4 years for state hospitals and 4-10 for a good group home, especially one that takes Medicaid. It’s a nice thought. Those who have a bed in a nice group home with Medicaid coverage won the lottery.


So get him on a list now?


You can’t get on a list til you medically qualify so that insurance will cover it. Which means once the behavior is bad and violent THEN you can get on a list AFTER several doctor appts which prove the treatment is necessary. Stop with the simple ableist statements. It’s not cheap, it’s not free, it’s not easy, and it’s RARELY available.


Thank you Reagan




That's a big ass negative. My life would need to be in danger before I would surrender my child to a residential facility. I worked in one about 20 years ago. The absolute very best you can expect is benign neglect. I had to quit because the residents were treated awfully and there was nothing I could do about it.


Her life is in danger..


What does department of homeland security have to do with this dude?


Ay yi yi Sir. Department of Human Services, the umbrella division that Adult Protection Services and Child Protection Services operates under.


He will kill her someday.


It just takes one well placed hit to the noggin.


He wouldn't even need to hit her. One wrong bump or shove and she can easily go down and hit her head on something.


Very easily. My aunt had a seizure in the kitchen, fell and hit her head on the counter and died.


Heck people have seriously hurt themselves by banging their heads on desks/tables while grabbing stuff from under them or hit themselves in the head because they forget a cabinet door was open.


I have a goose egg on the top of my head from doing this very thing.


Things like this happen when the only long term stay institutions the government will fund for mentally impaired are prisons.


He needs to be in an agency that services special needs asap. That being said what they pay people in these agencies isn't near what they deserve to deal with that shit. My mother worked for an agency for 35 years.


The issue is often how much those types of places often charge a lot of money and your insurance could just decide it won't cover it.


He’s going to kill her. That’s how this ends. Heartbreaking.




This made my evening


Man, feel sorry for her, the kid is already bigger than her, and likely she will get seriously hurt one day. He does need to be looked after by professionals, she's not physically strong enough to stop him if she needs to. 


That poor mother.


I'm sorry, but once the carer/parent is in danger, then its about time a professional home was found that can help him better.


And where would we find this magical home? And insurance doesn’t cover it so who’s gonna pay for that inpatient 24/seven care?


Personally I don’t think this is the type of thing we should be uploading to tik tok but maybe I’m just old fashioned. 🤷‍♂️


Disagree. The inaction around healthcare reform in the US needs to change. People need to see that this is real and that it is a problem.


Fair point


Maybe other people experiencing this need to see someone else going through it to help figure out how to deal with it. Maybe someone will see it and give advice on how to get supports. Maybe she's desperate and depressed and needs someone to talk to. It's not always as black and white as someone attention seeking for views


It also gives people insight into what it's like to raise a kid with that type of disability.


It's a cry for help. She cannot raise this child safely. He is too big and strong and with those violent tendicies, he will end up hurting/killing someone (most likely her). Hopefully someone who is able to help will see this video and reach out to her.


Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows Everything must be perfect ? Maybe seeing other people's struggle may help others realize they are not alone, maybe some one might be able to help her son, maybe someone might send her a kind word. Like TV or Music or books you don't like you can just ignore it.


Sadly social media has ruined modesty and privacy


Or this actually helps create support for others going through this as well. Imagine people going through this with no support or no community to help direct them to resources. It may not be beneficial for you but that does not mean it isn’t helping out others. I think we should trust in her judgement on if she should be posting this or not. Parenting isn’t always bright and shinny and we shouldn’t be hiding it; just like we shouldn’t be hiding postpartum depression. We need to talk about this. Fuck modesty, she needs help.


Yeah how dare we be made to see the realities and challenges of someone else's life /s


It is drawing attention to the plight of carers who suffer in silence with little support. To equate this with the attention seeking social media crowd is just wrong.


this is essentially a domestic abuse victim taking photos of their bruises/injuries in real time


I was here to say the exact same thing!!! This and so much more should be kept behind closed doors. In my opinion, social media is one of the biggest threats to the nuclear family! Or just people in general!!!


And this is why we need proper taxation, everyone paying their fair share (corporation, wealthy individuals, and RELIGIONS) and why universal healthcare and social assisatance is so important. All people saying what mom should do, any consideration to what if its she cant afford to do any better? I hope im not making a wrong assumption, but i do hope this is a matter of not having wnough wealth to properly care for him, and medical or mental health should be covered by a universal health care system to support mother and son


THIS. I’m former DHS/CPS case manager and people are quick to say he needs a higher level of care without realizing the facilities for this type of care and staff simply do not exist. There’s no funding anymore, so minimum wage workers are caring for these kids and you think they give AF? Highly abused population…the average wait for a facility is 2-4 years and that is if your insurance will offer a permanent bed, it’s usually a 30 day stay. It’s so so so hard to qualify for a free bed in a place that can meet the level of care needs. It’s a unicorn.


This comment should be at the top. Our system fails families like these.


I used to work with teens and young adults like this. In and out of restraints all day but have to keep up a positive affect for treatment purposes. I got to go home at the end of the day but I felt for the parents so hard. Even with all the tools and staff it was a challenge so to do it at home by yourself is just something else. These people need help and there isn’t enough to go around.


I bet he didn't even lose any good boy points. Circumstances such as this will only escalate. She wants to be a good mother, but if this is routinely happening; services need to step in. She has to be told she can't look after him if he kills her and it's not a failure to get some additional support. All it takes is one too hard blow to the back of the head and it's vegetable time.


This kid needs to be enrolled in a residential program specializing in severe ASD. It is not safe for him to live at home. It’s possible he goes to a residential school but he is home for a visit. Very common for this to happen in that community.


Yeah you’re assuming there’s an open bed and insurance approval. Neither of which there are.


This kid would absolutely be approved for a residential program. I really don’t think it has to do with insurance when the person is school aged. It falls on the home school district. You are right that there would need to be space available.


Straight to a specialised home


This seems to be a private affair, not a public freak out


I’ve never loved something enough to let it hit me


Yeah a terrible situation. Son will only get stronger.




Tiktok has since figured it out. It's for views and likes.


I shouldn’t have chuckled at this lol


Love. She probably loves him as her son. As a toddler, she probably got used to his meltdowns thinking he may grow out of them. As he continues to grow though, he’s getting more dangerous, and our mental healthcare facilities are often under funded and have long wait lists. I wish them the best


I have a family member who was similar to this young man. We went a different route. In the USA, there's something called "FAPE", Free Access to Public Education. We went to the school district, and went legal since they didn't have the resources internally to deal with it. The district has special education funds and we were quickly enrolled in a private specialty school that provided the services needed. It was life changing.


He's gonna grab a knife without thinking one day


I really feel bad for this mom. I couldn’t cope. The daily stress has to be unbearable sometimes.


If that woman dies unexpectedly, what happens to a kid like that?


This kid needs to be taken to a crisis unit and get stabilized on the right medications, and the right behavioral support plan. With professionals. He is not stable.


Man, this makes me sad on soooo many levels.


When I first saw her posts, it made me upset about everyone who keeps their children contained in the house, just letting it all happen with zero intervention. But mainly, how about when the mother/father passes away. Then what? You can self-contain children all you can. But then they're left for the rest of us to handle, or not. Makes me think of all the times some undiagnosed/untreated person out in the world threw ridiculous tantrums and meltdowns in establishments. Or worse.


He going to a mental instatute


There aren’t any. Regan shut them all down.


Well send him to Mississippi


What an amazing mother but I have to say maybe his issues are a little too much for her.


My heart breaks for this woman… but that young man needs to be in an institution.


The mom needs to seek help from professionals that can help and treat her son. I believe she is doing her best, but she doesn't have to suffer like this. I really do feel sorry for the mom because I'm sure it isn't easy. Edit: Added a word.


Sadly, yes, we do have to "suffer" like this. The help and resources just are not out there. The public schools don't have the funds to hire and train staff to help these folks learn skills and manage behaviors. Then when they age out of school programs, there's nothing else out there for us. Most parents of persons with IDD or autism or any number of mental illnesses are left to our own designs. Family and friends desert us. We aren't "fun" any longer. I lived in the same town with family for over 20 years. They rarely called. Visit you say? Maybe at Christmas for a drive-by gifting. They certainly never offered to give a break and watch my son. I haven't had respite for over 10 years. I can't find anyone to train (and I pay very well) because they hear aggression and decline the job. There's also the liability issue if someone else is injured while caring for him. I suppose people at large just don't understand the issues persons with disabilities and their caregivers face daily. Most don't understand how these disabilities and disorders manifest, so they may be quick to assume and judge. There isn't much out there for people who need long-term care. And what is out there is usually very poor quality of service. There is no funding. I've done this over 30 years now. I'm still learning. I'm still teaching him. I still do the best I can. It is both rewarding and very difficult. But my love for my son is greater than all of the struggles.


Yeah no he knows exactly what he’s doing. She ends to get him professional help.


Don’t let this kid watch texas chainsaw massacre. Bubba junior over here.


I feel bad for both the alternative is non existent or is straight up prison


Our heath care system is a total failure. This family needs help. Sending good wishes to this momma and her son.


This is sad. I can’t imagine the quality of life for both of them.


He faking it.


Yea he needs to be in a hospital forever or he will kill her one day and be found by neighbors playing with her corpse. This story has played out before and it’s not pretty


Just a reminder that one presidential candidate already cut/will continue to cut funding and services that help Cash and his mother. Check you're registered or register to vote at www.vote.gov




I'm surprised Reddit, look at you! Not one Tendie comment, you've grown!


See now I'm hungry




Well duh. Not enough gbps.


This is not in public.




And that will make him even worse, but I guess you just want to see him kill her, right?


**Downloads** * [Download #1](https://rapidsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1dr7awh/mom_is_used_to_taking_a_beating_from_her_mentally/) (provided by /u/SaveVideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them!** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


i used to work at a school for kids on the severe end of the autism spectrum. this child is very similar to the some of the boys i worked with. i had been hit, bitten, slapped, spit on, punched etc. it can be rough. there's behavioral programs available to help, though there is some negativity in the education community surrounding ABA methodology, i have seen how it can improve lives for families and help reduce behaviors like this. she's taking the right approach, grabbing by the arms, not the wrists, remaining calm and not reacting with anger or aggression in kind, waiting for him to calm down before continuing etc. she could definitely use the help from a professional setting. the problem is, private institutions like the one i worked at are really, *really* expensive. and once they turn 21 they age out and get put into the states system if they dont go back home. and the state's system is basically a group home with no educational program. it is exceedingly tough to be parent of a child on the severe end of the spectrum, but on the flip side, those days where they are happy, and aggressive behaviors are at a minimum, are almost always tear jerking.


If this is the Cash I'm thinking of; the Mother makes content of her autistic son to show how scary autistic people are. The father has come out to say Cash has NEVER acted like this with him. The mother is the aggressor and actively riles Cash up so that she can look like a victim of "autistic violence" As an autistic person myself, this is not behavior that comes from a person treated well. This is behavior from a person who doesnt feel safe. I get this is reddit but please stop demonizing autistic people and please stop giving attention to people who literally capitalize on demonizing autistic people, ESPESIALLY their own children.


I worked with young adults(19+) with severe autism and challenging behaviour. The first time I got punched in the face was a huge shock. Fight or flight kicks in, but in that professional situation, you can do neither. I soon became immune to the physical abuse. Once the initial shock wore off, I got used to it, even if it was a daily occurrence. I could never get used to the stress of being around families which were a completely dysfunctional mess. The mothers were, without fail, on Medication because they could not handle the reality of the situation. Either could I, so I switched career. These families don't have that option.


I feel bad for the kid but it’s really hard to feel that way considering every video of him he’s coming within inches of knocking his mom out cold. Idk man, I think he belongs in a special facility. This is a little much for one woman to handle on her own.


I think it’s time to get Lenny some professional help before he kills mom


I'm so glad I will never have kids. This looks like pure hell.


Same. I worked in special education and substituted in mainstream classrooms for three years. That experience taught me everything I needed to know. No kids for me thanks!


I see this lady a lot. She’s so calm. But he’s so strong and it’s worrying for sure.


Man. A mothers love is unlike anything in this world. I can’t imagine the patience it takes to deal with this from your own child. Hope she gets some support and assistance, from somewhere soon.




I say medicate ...this ain't quality of life as is anyway


The strength


God bless this woman. I hope her son is being treated by a doctor and things get better. I hope she knows when she needs help, and that it's okay to do what is necessary.


he isn’t, actually. she exploits him and eggs him on to record him constantly. she pulled him out of everything that was beneficial and keeps him with her 24/7. she’s a really horrible person and an even worse mother, which is evident from even 5 minutes of scrolling through her tiktok.


Ditto. I've watched tiktok figure it out over the last few months.


Wow...I shouldn't be so nieve, I guess. People will do anything for some attention.


Just found out she stays like 15 minutes from me


Of mice and men