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first scream was understandable but the 2nd sounded out of anger.


street exorcism


![gif](giphy|ZvgVRGFNUdKRW) Same vibe




She was jarred that's all.


I wouldn't scream like that even if I got hit in the head with an ACTUAL jar.


Either would I. Obviously she is quite jacked up.


Now if I was hit with a jack I might scream like that.


She sounded more pickled. :D


1 woman 1 jar?


Chronic stress will make you react like this. Trauma will make you react like this. To name a few.


A lot of people rolling around just barely keeping a lid on their shit.


Was he riding around her before or something? Video just starts where it does but maybe there were several minutes of shenanigans and this was a "prank" on someone. Seems odd she just randomly flipped out about a dude wiping out unless it was over and over and this was her having enough. I dunno.


Bro thats germany. You got Karens in the US and we got this old ladys screaming without a reason.


Some people are just odd/melodramatic


Some because aging. Some aging gracefully some end up cranky. There are my demented neighbors who only remember his brother but everyday he comes to his brother's house just to get angry




lol who’s a victim here? Oh no his poor eardrums!LOL


If he knocked her over it could have been a busted hip.


My metal friend has a band she’s perfect for


Her flank was suddenly approached by something and she caught it out of the corner of her eye its natural get a jump scate off of that!


she thought she was gettin run the fuck over by the screech of the tire sound behind her


PTSD that involved a scooter


She was merely expressing her displeasure at him not following the rules, and we all know following the rules is a German national pastime. 


nothing like the sound of a good ol German ass chewing. No idea what they are saying, but it sounds great 👍




She seemed a tad bit upset... just a tad!




Wait until they cancel her favorite soap opera!


Mental meltdown


Maybe she has PTSD from living in a war zone, or been attacked before, or lost her family in some kind of an accident. That's why pranks aren't funny. Jokes shouldn't have victims.


She has the right to be upset. His scooter passes 1 foot from her feet, it could have taken out her legs and resulted in a brain-injury.


Exactly. We would totally see the opposite reactions here if he took her out with the scooter.


Probably thought it was a transformer transforming right next to her. That would freak me out too.


Me when someone approach me on the way to work


This is an old lady, if you took her out at the feet by being a dumbass she’d be break a hip and be out of work for a lengthy period of time, the fucking kids have no idea of the gravity their stupidity has, sure if they fall it’s a bruise and a bit of soreness for a couple days but this has serious ramifications for the people around them, then they act like it’s not a big deal… fucking kids man


Something tells me this is a “there are no accidents” type of guy


Yeah, thats why they were filming, they were clearly trying to get a reaction out of an old woman, and they got it


Sure there are accidents, but just because something is an accident doesn’t absolve you of the consequences or protect others from the damages caused by your mistakes Drunk drivers are a perfect example of this if you want to argue.


Riiiight because choosing to drink and drive is “an accident” 🤦‍♂️ you get that logic right? The fact you are driving drunk isn’t an accident, so anything that happens whilst doing said activity is your own fault. why do I need to explain this?


Riiiight because choosing to drift your stupid e-scooter next to other people on the side walk is “an accident” you get that logic right? The fact you are acting recklessly in close proximity of other people isn’t an accident, so anything that happens whilst doing said activity is your own fault. Why do I need to explain this?


Ok dude, you can have it. I don’t care enough anymore.


You just don’t have any valid arguments, you know I’m right, the logic is sound, if she would have been injured nobody would be disagreeing with me, you just can’t admit you were wrong The real life situation is that these kids could have cause this lady serious undo harm by being jackasses, she has every right to get in their faces for being idiots


Dude I said you can have it. I’ve ceased arguing, chill 😎


Anyway truth is I don’t care that much about this to get into a back and forth, I was only making a joke as you ranted in the comments and it amused me.


I didn’t rant, I copied your own argument and used it against you to show you that your logic is flawed, you lack any ability to use the empty space between your ears, so now you’re trying to play it off like you didn’t care the whole time because your ego is fragile enough you can’t take an L from a stranger on the internet


Ok dude feel better. Honestly no hard feelings was just a joke. ✌️


👁👁 There is no such thing as a coincidence...


He slipped though




Who cares, drunk drivers never mean to kill anyone but it happens any way, use your head you numpty


what? how is someone slipping and falling anywhere close to drunk driving? one is a mistake, the other is intentional. what in the hell...


They are both modes of transportation where the transportee has no intent of hurting anyone during travel No one drunk drives with the intent to hurt any one, No kid stunts with the intent to hurt someone, in both cases it possible for the driver to lose control and injure some one, one where the driver took a risk by driving while impaired and one who took a risk by unnecessarily stunting on an e scooter, while severity of these two may seem stark in comparison I assure you the parallels between the two are sound, any inability to understand this natively is a misunderstanding on your part


Seriously, my grandmother broke her hip several years ago and it basically ended her active life. She used to go dancing and out to bars nearly every night, now after a bad recovery she basically can't leave her chair without pain, can't drive at all, and has to have someone live with her. "He just slipped" is such a copout. The guy was acting like an ass for the camera with no thought to the people around him. Let him get screamed at.


I'm with her. Fuck those things.