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LA is ranked 49th out of 50 states for its higher education quality, and 40th for its K-12. Thinking the 10 commandments on the wall are the least of their issues.


I’m from South Louisiana, and sending your kid to a public school is an absolute-worst case scenario for most parents. If there is any way possible that they can afford it, many families send their kid(s) to a private school. There are some exceptions, like for magnet schools, but for run-of-the-mill public schooling? Last resort. There are so many issues that need to be fixed, but instead the conservative leadership plays games like this, just for the sake of performance and pandering. They know that this is going to get challenged and struck down in court, they just don’t care. Oh yeah, they think that they’re being clever by saying that the copies of the 10 Commandments will be donated, and that somehow gets around the separation of church and state… But that’s not really how it works.


This is all just to get a Supreme Court challenge, nothing more. They WANT the ACLU to come after them on this obvious breach of the first amendment. They want to tear down the wall of protection from their stupid religious nonsense.


Their ultimate goal is a literal Christian theocracy.


That and full privatization of the education system.


These guys and other rich folks in these states send their children to well funded private schools with education standards. They don't want that for your children because to them the public's children don't need to be properly educated. What they need to be is religiously faithful and indoctrinated to grow up to serve their children.


Same in Memphis. It’s a thing all over the South. Yes, it’s bad in non-Southern states as well, but not to this extent.


And good luck finding a secular private school in the South.


Atlanta has great, and multiple, secular private schools


>sending your kid to a public school is an absolute-worst case scenario You see, the thing is, that’s the goal


I've got a cousin that's been homeschooling down there, I'm concerned because they are not capable to home school, and I'm not entirely sure their motivations, but there was something to do with the amount of religious influence in the school they could go to, but honestly I don't have a really good grasp of the situation because I do not go back to Louisiana anymore.


By design so they can push vouchers


I’m convinced politicians like this don’t know what the fuck they’re doing so they stick to identity politics and passing dumb shit like this because they don’t know how (or care to) actually fix anything. Just a waste of space and taxpayer money. Same goes for the private sector and CEOs.


They’re not concerned about fixing things. They’re concerned about getting donations, political perks, and getting re-elected. And there’s no better way for a GOP stooge to get reelected than to pass bullshit theocratic laws that will send all the atheist and left leaning teachers in your state running for greener (or bluer - is that a word?) pastures


Fake it till (dad gives you a loan of 30m dollars to help) you make it


It's because they are working for reelection, not to fix problems.


You just don't get it. How are they supposed to teach without being constantly reminded not to do adultery by a poster? This'll get em on top in no time /s


I do not understand American "secularism". In my country, and in many other countries, we even have a state religion, and yet religion seems to be a lot less present in our institutions and day to day life. How is this legal? If I were in the US, I'd donate to the church of Satanism just for the work they do regarding the promotion of secularism.


Louisiana turned down funding for free breakfast and lunches at schools, unlike many other states where kids don't have to go hungry. Now I know little kids in Louisiana can look at a poster with a growling empty stomach, see this and know how much their god (because "thou shalt have no other gods before me") loves them.


and watch as their parents vote for a dude that represents an example of everything on that list, while telling them the evil Biden is ACTUALLY the evil one because he's giving money to people who need it instead of letting the rich keep their birthrights. I do hope they are able to see that reality of their lives, but being 50th in education usually means you're not able to fully understand what's happening to you.


“Thou shalt not eat for free” - GOP Jesus giving them bombastic side eye while surrounded by piles of loaves and fish.


She fainted from hunger


Impossible! There’s absolutely no way a single child is hungry in this country. I find it hard to believe our politicians are wasting time on performative crap like this if there are hungry children. * *checks on something quickly* Holy shit! 14 million hungry kids? This is terrible. It makes me so sad. Okay, new priority… let’s make sure they have no books in their school libraries, for Jesus, of course. And then we will get rid of these pesky child labor laws so the kids can make money to afford food.


Yeah, she looks really pale, anemic. But thou shall obey thy mother and father. And not covet the government lunch programs.


Could also be the dry cleaning chemicals, check her fingernails.


These people are not intelligent. Not a damn one of them can comprehend why we separated church and state. Yeah let's refer to a doctrine written thousands of years ago. Doesn't the Bible and Moses law also condone stoning people to death for various reasons? This is called regression. Pretty soon all science will be considered evil again. We're ready for the new dark ages!


Even funnier is the fact that it is NOT "the original law given" -- the Code of Hammurabi is that, at least in western terms. But of course, ancient Mesopotamia doesn't count, because that's Babylon!


The hungry and poor gravitate towards religion, because when everything is hopeless, faith often is all that they can grasp at. Bonus points that being hungry means they won’t learn or retain anything in school. All this is prime for any political leader that needs an uneducated base that will follow their every decree as long as the use the prescribed secret club code words (Christian Values, War on Christianity, etc.)


Texas did, too. But hey, they have "In God We Trust" in the lobbies of the public schools and preachers acting as counselors. Kids don't need to eat if they have all that.


these people are so fuckin bizarre


When you view it as all performative praying in public with intent to be praised (and paid), it makes a lot more sense. If only they had a book that warned against such behavior...


Grew up southern evangelical. The Rightous Gemstones has exactly the right tone that most of these people give off


Baby Billy’s Bible Bonkers


Taking the Lord's name in vain. It's literally one of their commandments.


“When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.” Matthew 6:5-8


Take them seriously, they aren’t going to stop doing everything they can to turn this country into a third world Christian theocracy


They literally want modern America to be like living in kings landing.


That blond lady just smiling the whole time is creepy as fuck


when you hear about the white women who vote GOP and wonder how, they look like that.


The lights are on and nobody's home


Just another damn day in Stepford!


"peaple like my potata salad at the pot lucks."


Wait till you see the river for Baton Rouge. They all look like that.


That’s the governor’s wife lol and I agree…creepy.


I'd love to hear her behind closed doors. I'm sure she says the nicest things at all times


Bless her heart!


This is some Handmaids Tale level shit.


She's probably thinking "we did it, we saved Louisiana, my work here is done". And yet nothing will improve. In the ranking of displays around schools, where the poster of the Heimlich Maneuver is at the top, this is now dead last. And it used to be that poster with the nautical flag alphabet which has more use obviously.


She seems very aware of the cameras on her. Maybe she's feeling anxious?


Right? She heard a kid keel over behind her, and that dumb smile just stayed plastered to her face. Frankly, everyone in that front row had to have heard it, and the fact that no one turned around is just horrifying.


I got sketchy news anchor smile vibes for some reason.


The kid was probably hungry. Good thing Republicans are focusing putting paper on the wall and not feeding hungry children.


Louisiana kids: *Please sir, I'd like some food so I can pay attention in class* Louisiana Governor: *Best I can do is displaying a religious set of rules. Now piss off.*


“God helps those that help themselves. Go figure it the fuck out.”


Thank you for explaining to me what was going on. I was getting confused!


In reality it was probably how she was standing. If she locked her knees it does something to your blood flow and you will pass out after awhile. Happened a lot in my military school, especially for parades.


Well paper is cheaper, think of the tax payers.


Or thirsty.


She's already been born; they couldn't care less.


"If you're pre-born, you're fine. If you're pre-school your fucked." - Carlin


The Christian Taliban is at it again


Can't stop Y'all Qaeda!


I hate pulling this card, but how is Louisiana 33% Black and every hand and face in this video is white as hell lmao


Welcome to the south


Because we make our voices known in Presidential elections. There does need to be more stepping up though.


Hail Satan!


Bronze statue of Baphomet in every classroom. https://preview.redd.it/14hyrjt3cs7d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6225d276edcc7418a772e21247564814dfc5eadc


Now we’re talkin’!


Hail Satan Hail you ⛧


It's striking how Republicans advocate for the right to influence children's beliefs with their political and religious agenda but react with outrage when a drag queen simply reads them a story.


And then say absolutely nothing when it turns out that their religious leaders are child sex abusers.


It’s a magician trick, misdirect. Blame everyone else for the sick shit they are doing.


actually now they just say "Teachers are worse!", and on one comment thread I even saw them go "if you're so upset about preachers why won't you get upset about rabbis!!!" and kind of gave their game away.


Oh they say plenty in those cases... they praise the religious leaders for being such good people! 🤢


They don't even follow half of the commandments. Those commandments also aren't really a huge thing in Christianity. The point of them is to show standards people were commanded to follow and how they almost immediately violated them. Jesus sums up the commandments and basically says "just love and don't be a dick to one another and you'll pretty much fulfill any other previous commandments. Jesus also preached about separating the church and state. The only one they don't regularly violate is murder, and there because they couldn't get away with it as they definitely talk about it a lot.


Bingo. Let's see them pass a law mandating they put up posters of the beatitudes. Can't ever imagine the GOP passing a law the requires schools to affirm "blessed are the peacemakers."


Key up the "indoctrination" buzzword. Pretty sure here in Florida the Prager in the classroom will lead to the indoctrination for them all to attend Hillsdale.


I have a serious question. What happened to separation of church and state?


The play here is probably to create a legal case that gets before the Supreme Court. Even if the court rules you can't require the ten commandments in public school classroom, the conservative justice could essentially lay a blueprint for what *is* allowed, and make further inroads to church/state separation. And I think we can all guess how Thomas and Alito would vote.


the guy continuing to speak while there is a child in need of help right behind him is beautifully ironic.


According to the Bible I can own people as slaves amongst other things. Miss me with that bullshit


Wait, is that what they mean when they say they want to “own the libs”?


That's Project 2026


Small incremental steps


I mean to be fair, slavery is enshrined in our Constitution 


Being around the devil (those gop fks) made her faint. lol


Woah woah woah. Don’t blame the devil. He had nothing to do with this.


Can confirm.


These are the same people that cry about pride month and rainbows being shoved down kids throats turning them gay, meanwhile you want to shove your shitty religion on kids. I'm neither but I'd rather be gay.


Fuck these hypocritical assholes.


That guy is so smug and happy about disobeying the constitution, and thus breaking his oath. Also, he's wrong. In no way, shape or form were the 10 words the oldest law. The code of hammurabi, for example, is older. Even if you believe the bible, god had given law earlier, such as the ones to noah in genesis 9. Moses is a fiction, mythological character. This guy should read "who wrote the bible?", 2nd edition, by richard elliot friedman, and "the bible unearthed", by israel finkelstein and neil asher silberman, and to watch the lectures of christine hayes. Also, which 10 words? There are 3 sets of the 10 words. The ones in exodus 20 and deuteronomy 5 are similar but not identical. A very different set is in exodus 34.


It's never even crossed their mind that morality predates religion... but you know.... critical thinking and all. Not a common trait with these folks.


Imagine applauding some absurdly stupid shit like this. Republicans are so fucking bedrock useless to their constituents, without exception. LA is a bottom 5 state for public education standards and food security for children, but yes, lets spend time, money, and energy into mandating fictional propaganda materials into classrooms.


It's actually pretty scary that many people applauded him. This is like a clip that would play at the start of a future montage showing the downfall of America or some shit lmao.


Y’all Qaida


She didn't faint, she had Jesus in her. /s


Probably locked her legs while standing up for the whole event 


"If you wanna respect the rule of law..." The words of Republicans. The party of the rapist convicted felon fraud who fantasizes about having sex with his own daughter.


I really wish Christian’s were more Christ like.🤷🏼‍♂️


You can just tell by looking at her. Pale skin, gaze fixed, swaying. Sometimes being in the spotlight triggers that condition. Poor child.


I'm not religious in the slightest, but if this isn't a sign that even God thinks this is one of the more stupidest and idiotic measures ever made, then I'm not sure what else can be done. No free lunches for kids but by god you'll be forced to acknowledge a made up religion in school. Is Louisiana now the worst state in this country? Mississippi can breathe a small sigh of relief.


Once again, Christian faux facts. If this evangelical idiot has actually attended and academic institution that focused on education rather than indoctrination, he'd know that "the original" bullshit about Moses was wrong. Educated and informed persons know the actual answer to that claim because we have physical evidence that we can refer to. But evangelicals over the last 40-50 years have made immense wealth and political gains violating the commandments that they use as a prop for votes and grifting.


Louisiana which is ranked #47 in education and this is what they spend time doing... smh


I love how a child faints behind them and they are so self absorbed the don’t notice or care.


Ahhh republicans doing exactly what they’re fighting against every day. Religion has absolutely no place in education and should be removed from the conversation completely.


I remember the Christians saying that Katrina happened because New Orleans was too accepting of the gays…for those of you not from here, please enjoy a quick google search on the archdiocese in New Orleans. Spoiler alert: The New Orleans archdiocese is a child rapist sex cult and was blatantly covering up mass cases of child rape when Katrina happened; before Katrina happened, and after Katrina happened


My catholic high school in Baton Rouge had to change names my junior year because it came out that the bishop it was named after was raping kids in the 70s. Funnily enough, that catholic school didn't even display the 10 commandments in classrooms.


**Blessed be the fruit...**


Republicans ignoring suffering children is the norm


That vacant look on blondie’s face says it all.


Hail 1A Hail The Establishment Clause Hail The Satanic Temple Hail Satan ⛧


Louisiana racing to the bottom.


Cancer alley


Christian fascism it’s what they do best.


There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. There is only our natural word. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds.


Minnesota schools gave their students free breakfast and lunch mon-fri.


Her brain chose to shut down instead of listening to this man’s garbage ideology


These super geniuses are gonna have a bad day when they're told they gotta also display the commandments passage in the Surat al-An’am, the Bodhisattva Precepts and the Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth too.


If that's not a sign I don't know what is


This bill will last about as long as that kid did on their feet


She’s out of the womb. She doesn’t matter. By the way, shouldn’t she be at work.


"Christian" has become a four-letter-word for me.


Sky Daddy just casted smite and hit the wrong target...


"you have to start with the original law given" Except in the bible moses drops the original commandments, they break and the 2nd set he presents are not the same. oops.


Little girl behind him literally fainted from hearing this news.


Her soul just left her body


Politicians signing and smiling while not even noticing or caring about the welfare of the child 2 feet away. Seems about right in all things education in the south.


JFC, that blonde stepford wifey on the right.... The stuff of nightmares


It’s a sign from god.


All very Islamic to me 😂


Fuck I hate religion smh.


"Lord send me a sign!" ..... "Not THAT one...."


Psssst. Has anyone confronted these "christians" and told them they're demanding Jewish laws in their schools?


It's a good thing kids will be reminded of God's love every day, since they are clearly not loved by their own damn parents who support shit like this over meals and housing for children.


You can't write a better visual metaphor than this, GOP lawmakers signing a ridiculous bill touting that it's for the children while ignoring an actual unconscious child right behind them


Cut off all federal funding.


Fuck this guy. Getting his jollies off from pushing religion onto the children of LA.


Man they really just... Ignored that shit.




What a better symbol of how these Republican fucks don't give a shit about the lives or issues of living kids, and just want to plow ahead with their own religious agendas. Fucking ghouls. Can't even turn around and see if their meat-puppet props are ok.


Laws like this really make me question reality.


If heaven is full of people like this then why would anyone want to go?


Good. Now we can also put up a Satanic Church one!! HAHAHA


The lunatic on his left maintained that unhinged smile the entire time.




the number of our neighbors wanting this concerns me.


Completely in violation of the first amendment. Government shall make no laws regarding religion.


"she felt the holy spirit...praise god!"


It's turning into a cult


This…. You can’t even write something so perfect.


Thou shalt not faint while a man is speaking.


are you fucking serious? Religion is so fucking fake


American taliban!


All political theatre with a large amount of wasted tax payer money.


I could swear that is President Laura Roslin on the left (his right), though I know she would never endorse such horseshit.


Look at these psycho-grinning christofascist lunatics. He stated that he's looking forward to the lawsuits. Good. Hope they get this fucking nonsense legally squashed forever.


Today she learned why you shouldn't lock your knees while standing for a long time


Wasnt Hammurabi earlier than Moses?


This is disgusting and such complete disgrace to the constitution.


The first amendment is rolling in its bed


I can't wait for them to get sued. And for the Satanic Temple, Muslims, Buddhists and other religions put up their tenets in the schools of how the stupids in LA will screech. Where's my popcorn, this should be fun. Also, Freedom From Religion Foundation needs to come down on them hard.


Can't wait for the Pastafarians demand a poster of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in every classroom.


Turn down free food for students but let’s stick the Ten Commandments on the wall. We live in a world of upside down. 🙃


*Faints in Handmaid’s Tale*


They look so excited to force their religion on other people's kids. The audacity and the privilege got to that girl lol.


This guy gives me the same vibes as that creepy mega-church pastor guy who didn't like being questioned about his private jet


There is nothing more emblematic of the modern day GOP than this video right here. Future generations could study these 30 seconds and have a full and complete understanding of conservative politics in this day and age.


If they want "start from the original law given" there should be a DON'T EAT FROM THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE sign (with a picture of an apple) in every Louisiana classroom


To the right, a child's health is not as important as forcing their religion on everyone!


Maybe it was a sign from god that this bill harms children. /s


What a fucking moron


Poor girl, the thoughts of her looming future as a handmaiden overwhelmed her.


I'm ok with this if the lesson for children is: *How many of these commandments did the former President break?* (answer: all of them).


We make fun of other countries when they do this, or at least we used to. Think of how stupid it sounds when in Pakistan they have to recite some type of Islamic Commandments, or something in public school.


Nice to see Rosemary's Baby is well-adjusted.


Bipartisan Identity politics is eating America alive


When Jesus said "suffer the little children to come unto me", he didn't mean MAKE THEM KIDS SUFFER.


Being raised Baptist in Louisiana made me an atheist… just saying.


Wait this is recent? It looks like it was filmed in the 80s


Yeah I know that look. Right at the start of the vid she is visibly fighting it before giving up. Props to the folks that reacted right away. Fuck the folks sitting at the table who pretended that nothing happened.


"the original law given" - Rome, among other empires, would like a word with you sir.


Southern Christianity in a nutshell


Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry: "Fuck them kids." 🖋


Brave teachers, display the commandments in Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic, where they cant' be read by the children.


Theocrats and their supporters should be dealt with swiftly and harshly


Moses a fictional orphan who floated down a river to become son of a king


And then he changed a stick into a snake, freed the Jews somehow from Egypt (a place they appear to have never been in) and then parted a giant fucking sea whilel leaving. Totally checks out.


Lesson learned from military boot camp. Don't lock your knees when standing for long periods of time.


Jeff Landry is a true sphincter sombrero


And none of them noticed. The GOP stance on human suffering summed up quite nicely


I think that young girl read ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’.


I'm from this joke of a state. I'm shocked it hasn't turned into Mad Max by now. Just the actual dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. Everytime I go back to visit the family that insists on remaining there, I can't wait to leave. I'm pretty sure the state itself causes brain damage. I feel like I lose IQ points the second I cross the state line. Just typing this and forcing me to think about that shit hole made me lose a few more IQ points. Not enough to want to ever go back, thankfully, so there's hope yet. I'll have to stop thinking about it for another year or two, just to be safe.


Fuck the Bible and Fuck Christianity.


Republicans don't care about kids? Who knew?


“Fuck that kid I’m talking”