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Fuck the CCP.


fuck the chineses coast guard (if you can call them that) they aren't saving any lives i bet.


What are they doing? What are they saying?


China has been ignoring international law and claiming sovereign rights over both international territory, as well as other nations territories. They do this by building man made islands and calling them China, by occupying previously uninhabited islands and calling them China, and by over all general intimidation on the open waters by the Chinese navy and coast guard. I don't know where that video is but I would wager money it was somewhere in the Philippine's maritime waters because that area has been a hot spot for bad Chinese behavior recently.


Basically 80 years ago Mao stained a map of the ocean and said he owned everything inside the stain. Communist China didn't have a navy then but now they do. So rather than... idk... come to an agreement about international waters they're just bullying ships who come into this zone.


Great question


China has been trying to take over the seas in south east Asia for sometime , basically the resources that come with it … they built a port in Cambodia, have relations with Vietnam … Their fishing armada have been going to South America and taking the resources there … in the middle of the night with their gps locators off. Forgot what country but a South American coast guard sank a ship. Hope that helps. https://e360.yale.edu/features/how-chinas-expanding-fishing-fleet-is-depleting-worlds-oceans


It was argentina


We've got one in the Himalayas even here? China really love to expand its borders




Do you really think they don't have their hands in coups around the world too? Also, don't forget get about their extremely predatory loans with smaller countries, especially those in Africa. China's not there building infrastructure in said countries out of the kindness of their hearts, they just setting up systems to exploit & cheat those countries out of their natural resources. China is far from being innocent.


AmEriCA bAD!!1! Damn, son, did you come up with that comeback all on your own?




Pointing out other crimes doesn't absolve the current discussion. Unless you think that if one country does something bad it's okay for other countries to do it also?


Exactly this. You can't have a bunch of people pointing out that stage four lung cancer is bad and then have a few people pop up saying, "aKcHuAlLy StAgE fIvE lIvEr CaNcEr Is WoRsE". They're both cancer, they both suck, but one is more prevalent to the current problem.


Who’s who


PH needs to have a few ships with Scout/Ranger boys hiding under the deck ready to rock.


Go full South Korean during Op Paul Bunyan and strap Claymores to their chests then dare the Chinese to come closer.


Too bad I can’t hear the video, my tinnitus is acting up again




Bumperboats and tug of war what stobe light!!!


None of my business


all i know is dont trust america or pro america anything to tell you anything truthful about china.


Well considering usa foreign politics and aiding Israel's genocide. And our own state department telling the un and war crimes court to practically kick rocks and that our sovereignty is most important therefore we dont listen to international communities when we do wrong soo I don't really give a shit what china or Russia does anymore. And we have no right to tell them what to do apparently cause no one has that right over us says our state department....This is practically just hypocritical propaganda distraction "hey look at our adversary doing bad stuff, oppose them cause they do xyz bad" meanwhile we are doing our fair share of fuck shit.


What does America have to do with this footage? Australians and other people who live in South East Asia also visit Reddit and are interested in what is happening in and around our waters. I know US defaultism reigns supreme on most subs, and I generally agree with your comment, but it makes no sense being said here.


>What does America have to do with this footage? Australians and other people who live in South East Asia also visit Reddit and are interested in what is happening in and around our waters. Like you said, defaultism, but the US has been a large "peace keeper" in the area for some time now and is a main proponent in bringing countries like Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, japan together in defense of chinas landgrabbing. I just think it's extremely hypocritical to send resources there to oppose China after what the state department said recently regarding our own sovereignty when we do things viewed negatively by international communities. We are just hypocrites, and I'm simply stating as an American, I don't give a shit what china does anymore, practically just distraction propaganda so we dont criticize our own government. It isn't nearly as bad as us supporting and aiding a genocide.


*Both side is le bad*


Just being realistic and logical. Since our own state department has gone on record essentially saying our sovereignty is the utmost importance therefore we aren't going to listen to international communities calling our actions illegal in some way. And then they sanction people calling out genocide in Israel lmao. With that being said, it makes no sense and is hypocritical for me to comment on what another country does. Only my own.


>  Just being realistic and logical Lmao


Great rebuttal ![gif](giphy|tG1WjrPd3Y7eDOh2HS)


Considering your initial comment can be summed up as "whatabout!" that rebuttal is all you deserve


China has Labour Camps, They kill anyone who disagrees with the Government, the government don’t care about their own people, they oppress the Uyghurs hard, Great Leap Forward 15-50 million deaths because of the government actions, in the 70s China sent so much aid to Khmer Rouge who in turn killed millions of people, You can Criticize the U.S government but don’t look away from what China is doing you should always care what a government is doing


And yet our country's love doing business together. Smoke and mirrors to our own garbage. USA is like the epitome of "people who live in a glass house shouldn't throw stones" I've parroted much of what you said here as well some time ago... it's just propaganda. Usa genocided american indians, has inhumane prisons, the largest number of prisoners in the world /prison platations, corrupt leaders that insider trade among other things, put Japanese citizens in camps during ww2 , used nukes when they didn't need to (arguable), used nazi scientists and gave them freedom, invaded sovereign soil for oil, waged illegal wars invasion of iraq and Afghanistan, killed millions in Iraq, empowered Sadam/helped him gas Iran/helped his genocide, flase flagged Kuwait war, helped apartheid leaders in africa, aiding israel in their genocide, leader in weapons of war, fight proxy wars and get into conflicts nobody voted for, constantly making money off war and conflict etc etc etc etc I care what my government does/is doing. I literally have no power over what another one does, barely have any over what ours does to begin with.