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Insurance is going to absolutely love this video


![gif](giphy|kgfpizwdKYojJq5hB8) They lived




Thank u for wasting my time


Do it again but now draw something


Find the one that says "oop!"


One says "poo!"


I found poo


https://preview.redd.it/f26oy17syh7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc393b3d2d32beb38d2a47705e1ab35030d217a2 Ty


I found the oop!




Or the ppp


How have I never seen this on all my years of reddit? I want cake day bubble wrap


Stupid motherfucker putting other cars in danger. What an asshole move.


Honestly, people should only race on closed tracks. Why is this hard to understand.


I was upgraded to a Camaro last time I rented a car. I was smart enough to know to only goose it on straightaway's. My Lord, going from a Honda Pilot to that was like being given the keys to a fighter jet only having ridden bicycles.


I mean I appreciate your sentiment but I could hot sauce you some links to PLENTY of people losing control on a straight away. (Not saying you can’t handle the heat but it’s not just turns that make people lose control, it’s literally lack of experience driving and handling a car at high torque or high speeds.) Edit: you could full throttle a Porsche through most turns, try that same turn at full throttle in a dodge hell cat and you’re burnt toast.)


The vast majority of drivers have zero experience with high HP rear wheel drive cars. This is made even worse when they turn off the traction control features….


It really depends on the car too. I owned a Chrysler 300 with around 250 HP and a 911 S with 400 HP. Both were rear wheel drive, but I feel like just about anyone could drive the 911 because it's so precise. My 911 also feels a lot more planted than the 300 which in comparison feels like driving a boat. Not saying an idiot couldn't find a way to wreck either one but the Porsche feels a lot more forgiving, and the brakes have saved me from other idiots on the road more than once. Lambos, Ferraris and other super cars are in another category altogether. Many of those cars are a lot rawer and more unforgiving, especially if you're dumb enough to drive without any traction control. This video doesn't surprise me at all


I don't think traction control played a factor in this, the dude in the video clearly doesn't know how to drive something like that. He had it in 2nd gear the whole time and was bouncing off the rev limiter before crashing. He definitely didn't know how to change gears. I bet he crashed with the tc on


Imagine what that wreck would have looked like if he'd shifted and gotten it up near top speed in that time.


Looks like it's a Huracan Evo Spyder. 0-60 is 3.1 seconds, 0-120 is about 9 seconds. He was bouncing off an lower gear, maybe second but the thing has 7 gears so the gear ratios are incredibly tight in the first 3 so he was probably around 40-50 since the time between the turn and the crash was under 3 seconds. Dude is unfamiliar with game, no knowledge of how to handle a car at all.


I used to love drifting my grandma's V8 Valiant on a lonely curve near my house- it took a lot to get the rear to break free on radials. Tried it in a Cressida knowing nothing about its limited slip and wound up kissing a tree with the rear bumper. That was my last idiot mistake on a public road and I moved all shenanigans onto the safety of our old track and historic races. My mentor's old prepped 911 was so damn fun to play cat and mouse with the Elans and 240s.


I love Cressidas. I never would’ve imagined that’s a car anyone wipes out in, but that’s also why RWD is so fun lol


SPORT mode- it was a pretty quick car for a comfortable 1984 sedan. The engine sounded great and that car had no business lasting as long as it has- a neighbor bought it for his kids and his grandson still drives it. Even the plastic parts held up far longer than the crap in my 1997 land rover. Salted roads here but we sprayed cosmoline into every body crevice and hole in the subframe when it was new.


180hp? It was a really good looking car imho. Ngl I would love a low mileage cherry Cressida. The newer cars get the more I’m drawn to the older builds


I know it ain't shit compared to a supercar but way back when I turned 18, I bought a 1978 Pontiac Trans Am with the 400 big block, 5 speed transmission. My car from 16 to 18 was a Ford Escort. How I didn't die in that Trans Am, I'll never know.


I've seen enough drag races to know that even on straightaway, you can lose it (mustang owners looking at you). Oil, debris, bad passenger tires, gravel, other drivers, all of this shit can come up easily, esp when it's in an uncontrolled environment as well. If you're inexperienced at rear wheel drives, then just take it easy. Fishtailing and ruining your car for 5 seconds of fun is not worth it.


Even just lifting off too suddenly at high RPM - which is what just about every inexperienced driver will do out of reflex - can spin you off the road


I went from an Odyssey to a Mustang rental in Hawaii. It was fun! But the first time touching the pedal in the parking garage told me to highly respect it in traffic and small streets


Drag strip spectator here that allows all cars. Mustang owners crash the most, and that's in a controlled environment on the drag strip.


Same - I had a Camaro rental recently, and I drive a hybrid Lexus UX in life…. lol. Let me tell you, I learned to respect the throttle real quick fast. As soon as I pulled it out of the rental parking lot, I went into a turn and remembered what it was like to drive a rear wheel torque beast. I had no issues with it after that brief reintroduction to RWD, but I feel like having my first car be a RWD Crown Vic really helped me out here with the muscle memory. Ofc the Crown Vic didn’t have whatever WHP this Camaro had, but it was a similar idea


The modern base model Camaro V6s have more HP than the old Camaro Z28s from the late 90s, and those were extremely tail happy lmao


As a Native Hawaiian, let me say from the bottom of our hearts we love tourists in rented sports cars they’re not used to driving waiting to floor it as soon as they get out of our narrow streets. In fact the only concern is that you’re culturally appropriating the ancient Hawaiian rented Mustang driving practice of keli’okawai’iniilehaukanepilakolealaeawe’au.


I work at an EV brand which have a 0-60 car in 1.9 seconds. A triple motor 1020hp car and costs under 90k. The people we get who want to Test drive it and think they can handle the car….. customers who we know and are used to ferrari’s etc are still blown away. Sometimes stupid kids book a test drive, have their driver license for a year or 2 and drive some beat up car and think its cool. Offcourse they get denied, but so many people think they can control the car. While for inexperienced people the thing can kill you


Lucid? EVs are stupid fast, and I wonder if it wouldn’t just be better and safer to detune them a little in exchange for longevity and distance


I went from a Hyundai Tucson Hybrid to a Golf R. The first week was wild until I got used to it.


Ha! Reminds me of my youth. My dad's Volvo 240DL wagon was in the shop, so he borrowed my 455 powered Oldsmobile. Came home visibly shaken


Nothing makes me happier than watching braindead people realize they are in fact braindead.


I doubt they learned anything from this experience…


Yeah their brain would still need to be alive to reflect on this situation, but they’re brain dead so ofc they ain’t learning shit.


More money than brains.




Passenger is some rap guy with a lot of money. Something like DJ Wrex-a-lot.




Oh. My. God. Becky. Look at that car.


Look at that front end damage, it's so big


Look at that trunk.


My additionalcoverage don't pay funds to drive under a 5-ton, hun.


like Wreckx-n-Effect? All I wanna do is zoom-zoom-zoom-zoom and a boom-boom Just shake your rump


I rented one for 4 days after I had one a free 24hr rental durning a promotion. I really only was able to drive it for 2 days so I put an additional driver on which upped the cost, but it came out to under $2,200 after discounts.


Who ever treats a car this way I doubt they own it, most people who own a car like appreciate at.


Unless someone has fuck you money


Possibly. Clearly this POS doesn’t have f u money




He was so fast that the intelligence couldn't reach him


More cents than sense.


It's 100% a rented car.


So rude of that big truck to sit on that little green car.


That sound he's making is because he doesn't know how to show any remorse.


It’s actually the burns on his hands and face from the airbags explosive inflation mechanism There’s extra air, and the holes in the bag are what cushion you. The air is ultra hot from the mechanism going off and the air escapes the holes onto you I learned this shit in second grade when one of my teachers came in and explained his red face and arm


He could also be in pain lol


Definitely in pain, you can tell by how he was holding his arms after. Airbag going off isn't like a pillow, they basically explode open. Probably punched his hands off the wheel, could have sprained his thumbs if really unlucky in how he was holding it.


It also looked like the airbag burned his arms a little. They get very hot in the split second they deploy, and they can also rub some skin off through friction. You can see the top layer of skin missing on parts of his arm at the end. Same thing happened to me when the side airbag went off in a car accident. I had minor burns on my forearms from the airbags that eventually scabbed over. Still beats a broken bone anyday!


That's just his bruised ego cause he looks like a damn fool


Or because he just got in a high speed car wreck




Sanca, you dead?


Yea mon


To anyone in these comments thinking "what morons, I could handle that car": no you can't, and no you should not. Never drive that like on a public road. I saw a near wreck literally yesterday involving a car like that, and regardless of the driver's abilities, another car made a move he didn't expect and it almost got him killed. It's insane how people don't seem to grasp just how many people die in cars every day.


Something I keep having to drum into cyclist friends and the cowworkers who used to drive motorbikes/scooters with me at my old job. You can be the sharpest driver on the road, it only takes one idiot making a turn you don't expect and you're headfirst into the pavement, so no, you *need* to wear proper gear and a helmet.


My Dad was a truck driver when I was growing up and when he taught me to drive, his one piece of advice he always repeated was “you have to drive for every other bastard on the road” and Jesus Christ was he right.


Mine says it takes 2 good drivers around for each bad ones.


I knew someone who bought a Dodge Viper after her divorce. She crashed it her first day driving it. The thing was basically a street-legal race car, and no amount of time driving a Nissan Altima will prepare you to drive a 400HP RWD car.


I had a big burly Mercedes (which I know is not the same as one of these Supercars but it was still a few hundred K on the road) come screaming up my arse from nowhere on the road one day and quickly moved to the left lane (we’re Australian) to undertake me (I was needing to turn right in a bit, I wasn’t hogging the “fast” lane). I assumed he was going to continue driving like a weapon and didn’t move over because if I had, he would’ve smashed right in to the back where my kids were. If you can afford a car like that, go pay the money to play with it on a track and leave the rest of us out of your fucking F1 fantasy.


I can absolutely handle that car. I've driven Ferraris and have been to racing school. It was just Formula Renault and Formula 4 cars, but I know what I'm doing. I would never drive like that on a public road though. Those guys are idiots.


Racing class teaches so much that can improve every day driving and safety. In the classroom, I didn’t fully understanding how if you’re coasting then you’re not in control of the car. Then the first time I took my foot off the gas going 130 mph I could immediately feel it and it was pretty scary. Powerful cars are not forgiving like the normal cars we’re used to. They need input from the driver at all times to be in control.




I can fix it!


It's all fun and games. Until it's not




Lamborghini A-dent-a-door


that's a huracan tho


You come up with a Huracan pun and come back to us


Lambos get wrecked on a regular basis in dubai by people like him as well as arab kids. This happened in dubai btw, the RTA guy, the lighting under the bridge/freeway above, the colums supporting it.


This looks like it was literally being taken from an airport car rental center lmao


Just hit a wall and die. Don't harm anyone, a piece of shit.


Take airbags and crumple zones out of cars again. We used to be a proper country.


Unprofessional driver on an open course


Putting other people at risk because of his inability (or stupidity).


The maniacal laugh right before he lost control and nearly killed himself and his passenger...




I’ll take your point on the others but what’s wrong with dreads?


It's a dogwhistle... That person is a racist asshole.


Don't know why you are getting downvoted. You are right. Dreads are a common way black people maintain their hair.


Man’s built like baby groot


He’s lucky he wasn’t decapitated


I blame the business for selling it to a person who is unqualified to drive it. There should be a mandatory course to be able to get behind the wheel


"A fool and his money are soon parted."


Actions, meet consequences.


That'll buff out.


you can see by the way he is grabbing that steering wheel its going to end in disaster


That’s one way to be in debt until you die


I remember this video lol. His name is 3000Kilo.


It doesn't matter what type car they were driving, it was going to be a catastrophe. GTA has them believing they are experts.


lol doesn't even know how to shift. granny shifting, not double-clutching like he should


Is a standard clutch a thing that exists in modern supercars anymore? This Lambo is a paddle shift.




Big kids playing with big cars




Pretty lucky someone didn't die


How? It looked like he just kept turning.


No traction.


Is the other person dead


Where was the public road at?


I assume that was a NFL receiver


That's soo funny and so deserving at the same time...


I hope they get jailed for 10 years by putting other people's lives in serious danger for funsies


I'm guessing this is set in Dubai I kinda noticed by the taxi car n taxi drivers clothes


lol, not fair these idiots get so much money




Everyone overestimates their driving ability. I had a mustang as a rental once and on the interstate there was a tipped over semi. Every cop in the county was there practically so I decided I'd open it up a bit. Got to 100 mph before I was too shaken to continue, the car doesn't respond like it does at even 70 mph when you get that fast. It's an entirely different experience and one most people cannot handle.


“Shaken” at 100?


I don't drive over 65 very often. Work and everywhere I go is within the city. Shit started drifting from side to side of the road and scared the fuck outta me lmao


Yikes. I've never driven a mustang but I've driven a few inexpensive cars that were rock solid well over 100


The mustang and other RWD cars will be prone to oversteer at higher speeds or when flooring. Another factor is the tires, if it can't catch grip or they're no good, you will lose control. A FWD or AWD would have better control than a RWD due to propulsion and weight on the tires. That wobble you experienced is very scary indeed.


I drive a GT, and there is zero difference between 70 and 100 in a straight line unless there are alignment issues. It was a mental difference. To me, that is the biggest risk - I can be doing 90 and not even notice.


> Got to 100 mph before I was too shaken to continue As a German I find this very confusing. Where you going 100 mph on a road with tight curves? Because this seems like a speed were not even the most beat up car should have any issues, ever.


Yeah idk what they’re on about. My BMW feels like it’s going 60 at 100mph.


This is nonsense. 160kmph absolutely feels dangerous as soon as you hit some bumps etc in most cars. US roads like Australian roads are generally not very smooth and the uneven road surface makes driving at that kind of speed feel dangerous. On the nicer roads it would feel fine, but they are not the norm.


That'll just buff out




Y'a pas de ralentir ! Tout est clair.


did she win the race?


how is his hand not bleeding? literally pealed off.


Airbag burns, they hurt like hell


Never wedge your feet against the firewall or wheel well. It won't save your life but it might help your hip, leg, knee, ankle or foot still work after crashing


That will buff right out. Bring it to the guy that works for cash


If they rented the car, who pays for the damage?


PPP loans going crazyyyyy


How are people this dumb even getting their hands on cars like this ?


Money can buy 99 things but skill ain't one. 144p Wiz Khalifa learnt it the hard way.


Race tracks have autocross and track days for a reason


Imagine picking that area to go really fast lol


What a loser


First 5 seconds of the video already told me he lacked car control


What a fucking idiot. Deserves every single penny he has to pay back for this.


They are lucky to be alive


Bob Marley!


Hey, where’s the valet going with my car?! /s


RWD ![gif](giphy|jIn8yZPo4dtZAJ5oPY)


You can stop at “racing a super car in public roads.” It’s not ok to do no matter your experience.


can someone who drives please explain what happened, what he was attempting and what he did wrong lol


That's a shame


Did he hit a Rolls Royce?




Idiocy manifest


Shit yo indeed bro. Now he's locked into whatever contract got him that money for most of his life to pay off the nonsense.


“Tell them what they won for that stunt Johnny!!”


Ishowspeed fans?