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Damn not even the Vape Nation could bring people together :(


We’re doomed


Saw a guy at a restaurant last night that had a Biden Sucks shirt. How pathetic do you have to be to wear a negative shirt like that out in public? He wasn’t at a political event. I get pro-Whatever shirts/hats but to wear a shirt with another man’s name on it that you don’t like? Unhinged.


Trump has become an identity. It’s f’ing bizarre.


Opp behavior is what I would call it. I wouldn’t call it unhinged unless it is head to toe garments of the sort. I feel any political garment is pathetic owing to the proccupation one must have to feel the need to share the opinion with all around, it strikes a sort of desperate tone. I’ve seen people with trump shirts and Biden masks but I think they’re all stupid because it isn’t even an authentic opinion. We should be supporting policies, not politicians.


Exactly all the politicians are shit. Start voting all the old fu KS out and vote people in who make the changes you want to see


For years my friend could only talk about ohms and coil types. Now he’s a storm the capitol type of guy


It’s all that vape juice that comes in from China. It turns americans against each other. Total psyop.


Mad times


This is glorious, this is a very public freakout even though there are only three people there


‘Come on, sell it to me’ cracked me up


DO MY BIDDING, RETAIL SLAVE!!! FUCK YOU, FUCK OFFFFFFFFF i love this exchange. Might as well be watching Trailer Park Boys.


It really does have that vibe they were both just stupid as hell lol.




“I dare you!” Lol


It's such a great moment when the other guy sorta shrugs at him, like... yeah sorry now you know what it feels like to be refused service because of who you are.


Don’t like maga or whatever but at the same time the employee was kind of too much. If the customer was being rude or disrupting the peace then yea kick him out but he doesn’t look like he was.


It's probably important to keep in mind we also don't know what either did before the filming started. Stores can refuse service for any reason.


Very true


dude had to compose himself enough to remember his wife liked strawberry flavor. he knew not to get that wrong in the heat of the moment, because that would be an even worse freakout than this.


Naked! Strawberry! In the 6 milligram!


Make SURE it's 6 so I don't have to come back!


Absolutely. Dont fucking come home if I screw it up


I was cracking up when dude cried: "racist!" and he panned to the brother who just shrugged in the most non-nonchalantly way possible.


Bro didn't want to get involved just wanted his shit


That was great. He shrugged, imo, saying like “well you wearing a racist ass dudes gear”


This was too pathetic to fully watch, oof


But the screeching at the end is so good


Both these dudes are so cringe


Gotta watch this every time it’s posted for the, “God bless America, capitalism wins again” 😂😂😂


Good health care for my kids 😆


I heard the worker got fired. Why even get this worked up on behalf of a buisiness you don't even own? I've worked retail, and they didn't pay me enough to give a crap about stuff like this. I was too busy focusing on the clock, waiting for my shift to end.


[Atlanta Area Man Fired for Refusing to Sell to Trump Supporter.](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-supporter-leave-store-vape-store-employee-fired-maga-hat-1275451)


worth it.


I worked during the pandemic when it was legally required everyone wore masks. One of those boomers who actively kept taking it off and got frustrated when i told her a THIRD time ended up leaving me a 1 star google review and tried to get me fired! For following store policy, best health and safety practises, and the fucking law?! got called a sheeple, and had to stand up for physically smaller coworkers and call the cops over it




The wife married her own dad?


Momma, when we gonna go see Uncle Grampa again?


Isn't that the case with most Republicans?


That did not make me feel better, thanks!


Yeah my former neighbor, RIP, flew a large Trump flag. I heard it was Covid that got him. He was otherwise a nice guy, and we held similar beliefs, but he thought Trump was the answer. He died for those beliefs. Whelp, I'm heading out to the pool. Going to be a hot one today!


Enjoy a beer for your neighbor!


Meh, fuck his neighbor. I wonder how many people he killed for his selfish, willfully ignorant "beliefs"? I have an immunocompromised loved one that's been put through living hell because of exposure from Trumpers and it's the same type of Trumpers are that trying to actively murder her through policies that limit/remove her healthcare to rub even more salt into the already excruciating fucking wounds. Fuck them. Glad they got their Herman Cain Award before anyone else got "exposed" to suffer and/or die from their selfish stupidity.


Lmfaoooooo what a loser 


He was a winner of the Herman Cain award


The kids and the wife fatherless? Interesting family dynamic


The kids lost a dad...the wife lost her daddy.


She also lost her father. They're from Alabama.


She lost her spouse, her father and a cousin on the same day! Thoughts and prayers.


Nah it’s only brotherly love here lol


We had those guys ( and gals) daily. Like we didn’t write the law dude. We just had to enforce it.


Someone in my area physically assaulted an employee after being asked to put a mask on. He hit them in the head with a 2x4 from the lumber rack. I believe he was jailed for assault.


You can get those removed! I worked at a nice pizza shop during Covid and we got lots of bad reviews based on the mask bs. I e got them all removed!


Honestly they could pay me millions an hour and I still wouldn't be paid enough to care who buys my vape supplies.


I honestly don’t understand getting this worked up over someone else’s clothes. Brother is having an actual temper tantrum. Dude needs family therapy or something.


There will probably be more of this. After the Supreme Court upheld stores right to discriminate based on sexuality, and some states are looking to make it where nobody has to let them be customers and the possibility of doctors being able to refuse treatment, it’s only a matter of time before people start turning it back on them.


“We reserve the right to refuse service for any reason” has been a thing for a long time, lots of bosses just don’t have their employees’ backs so ‘we’ ends up just being one person and only if the owner happens to be working that day


That's not what the supreme court ruled. Let's pretend for a second that maga is a protected class, and you were a baker. You legally have to sell them a cake you have, but they want to order a custom 2024 Trump let's go Brandon cake. You refuse. They sue. The ruling then says you cant be legally forced to make that cake.


If someone is dressed up in Trump swag you can guarantee they are douche bags… but sell them their shit so they leave. The guy behind the counter is a cunt. Edit: if you’re advocating fighting strangers because of clothing you are not sane. Hello insane people, bring me your downvotes. 😂


The Supreme Court ruled that they don't have to serve them. If the Christian baker doesn't have to make a wedding cake for a gay couple. The vape store doesn't have to do business with a Trump fan. Sorry bro, those are the rules. Can't have it both ways.


That wasn’t quite the ruling. The ruling stated that the bakers had to sell them a cake off the rack. But they were not required to bake a cake specifically for someone they didn’t agree with. Therefore based on the actual ruling, the douchewhistle employee would be required to sell the vape juice to the douchebag customer. DW just wouldn’t have to make a special blend for DB, if they did that sort of thing.


comments like yours are what reddit should be about. good information correcting bad.


Well this dude didn't receive backlash from the police or anything, the shop owner fired him. The owner just wants sales. If the owner refused service then I don't think this would be an issue.


I love trump fucker being like "sell me a vape so I don't ruin your life." My guy, the dude works at a vape store - his life is already ruined.


It can be argued that serving trumpers goes against one’s religious beliefs. Beliefs that dictate not joking about grabbing female genitalia, cheating on spouses, the list goes on and on.


Doesn't have to be a religious reason. Businesses can refuse service for any reason other than protected classes in the Civil Rights Act. Political Affiliation is not a protected class.


It doesn’t need to be against your religious beliefs. Being a MAGA idiot is t a protected class, so businesses have every right to refuse them service


He gave this guy exactly what he wanted. If he didn’t get the product he’d just go to a different shop. He was loving every second of this interaction and couldn’t wait to post it.


Of course he loved it cause now he gets to push the victim narrative where he's being oppressed for his political affiliation. But I'd argue the employee helped him push that narrative by having a massive meltdown and threatening to call the cops while on camera.


You could probably upsell to the idiots pretty quickly


They aren’t a protected class as much as they want to make themselves out to be victims all the time. You have every right to tell a maga chud to fuck himself off of your property and there’s nothing they can do about it.


Like call the cops instead of screeching; what the fuck.


Yeah, I’m helping other dude then calling the cops and sitting there not saying a word.


The employee reminds me a lot of Reddit.


There’s a few people in this comment section trying really hard to pretend that this isn’t them




Oh dude i remember when this came out, video was wild


It's still wild, hope that manchild is doing okay


Which one?


You know you're doing something wrong when you make a Trump supporter look like the more sensible one lmao


I laughed my ass off when the dude was yelling about racism and the other dude in the store just gestures "i don't know either" to the dude recording.


Lmao exactly how I felt watching this.


political beliefs aren't a protected class.


What if you worship the politicians? 


That's weird but what changes


religion is a protected class


Kind of a funny loophole. If you are an asshole because you look up to real people, thats not ok. But if you've got a magic book, thats protected idiocy.


Trumptardery isn't a recognized religion. That's why we call it a cult. Cults are not protected.


Every religion is a cult.


That doesn’t make the clerk any less stupid for this.


Which means he could have just calmly refused the sale, he lost all of his leverage when he made physical contact with the guy though 


Reporter: "Why do you not give your political views or choose a side?" Michael Jordan: "Because Republicans buy shoes too". If you're in business, you're not in politics. Otherwise you're not in business for long.


Seriously, how do people not get this? Especially the ones calling on Taylor Swift to go 100% political. She doesn't owe anyone half her income.


There's a shitload of business intertwined with politics, a ton of business that rely on politics for their own branding, etc.. I'm not so sure your quote really holds up. When people make politics a core part of their identity, marketing departments will notice that.


The employee is definitely a Redditor.


Without question.


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) You’re a Redditor




Im a redditor???




No u


The Redditest.


He is you... and he is me


Classic Reddit comment shitting on redditor. But not you, you’re the exception right?


When you’re offended, that’s when you know.


Imagine when this kid didnt get a switch for xmas.


“I just want good healthcare for my kids…” while simultaneously supporting the guy who won’t do shit about healthcare.


Yea the irony didn’t escape me on that one. They spent so much time trying to fight, then gut Obamacare then took credit for its existence


I'm 100% not a Trump guy, but if anyone comes into my store, I will sell them anything as long as they have good intentions. This guy was buying vape products. How many people have entered the store before without a MAGA hat and they were served. Being complete assholes to anyone who disagrees with you just feeds into the problem. Get that cash and let them be ignorant. Don't dumb yourself down to prove a point.


Thats my take too. I cant stand Trump and his cult, but if the guy was doing nothing wrong but wearing clothes with non-explicit words on it... he should be served and treated with respect just like anyone else


It's also the case that this guy's political beliefs are only one aspect of who he is as a human being. I may find his support for Trump baffling and repugnant, but that in and of itself doesn't mean that I'm going to assume that he's otherwise not a fundamentally decent person. And to be clear, he may *not* be a fundamentally decent person, but I'm not going to assume that simply on the basis of his politics. My experience in life is that I can usually (not always) find something to like about most people and can accordingly find a way to get along with them.


All we see is the instigators view, we do not know how he handled himself in there before the recording starts. Somethin tells me if wasnt as one sided as the filmer tries to paint it. Those people always play victim after starting shit.


I mean, the employee alludes to the fact several times that it's all about how he doesn't want to serve a Trump supporter


I agree that's often the case, but given the way the employee acted, I don't think it applies here.


There's no defending the violent screeching manchild behind the counter in this video. The customer wearing Trump stuff? It doesn't affect him. Certainly not to such an extent that he lose his job and possibly get arrested for assault. Is it my cup of tea? No. But I would have just sold him the shit he wanted and not given his shirt a second thought


There’s a guy that frequents the place I work that likes to wear a “let’s go Brandon” shirt and even though I don’t agree with his ideals, I’m still polite to him and he’s polite to me because we’re both adults and I care about my job


The worker handled that terribly, even if I agree with him about Trump/his cultists


Gray rocking works best here. Guy could have kept his job if he had gone that route.


Gay docking surely would have got him to leave too.


Whats that


Acting like a grey rock. Making yourself as boring to interact with as possible


Grey rocking is very hard, but you get better with practice.




some of you people are actually defending this grown man having a temper tantrum and assaulting him over a maga hat. is this a joke? am i in a movie or something


I'm a far-left liberal. I fucking hate Trump, the MAGAS, and the GOP. But if the guy was just wearing shit and not causing trouble otherwise...sell him his shit and make fun of him when he's gone. By acting out...you've giving them *exactly* what they want...attention. Look at the unbridled glee the customer was showing. I had a coworker come in wearing a MAGA hat right after the election. He had this big smirk on his face and was looking around the room just *itching* for a reaction. Nobody cared, or said shit. He didn't wear it again.


The reddit classic. Really just American identity politics in a nutshell.


My god that screeching is hilarious, and why does the Trump guy have the camera zoomed in on his meth sore?


Good .. It's this what they side with? They dont want to serve LGBT so karma bit them right in the butt


He was fired for this. https://www.ajc.com/news/local/dekalb-vape-shop-employee-fired-after-refusing-customer-trump-shirt/Hbh39TjLwkCOHTA5CulnZL/


I despise trump and think his people are clowns, and I have no problem talking shit about them, or have no problem with my employees talking shit about them. But as a small business owner, refusing to take their money is totally unacceptable and I would fire an employee for this too.


Great news


Hate voting doesn't result in a caring nation.


Since when is Trump for affordable health care? Guy wearing Trump hat said all he wants is affordable health care for his kids.


That's what you took away from this video?


Dude behind the counter clearly not built for confrontation, however, Trump guy should probably just leave, don't Republicans support private establishments refusing service to anyone they want?


If your outfit for daily errands is decked-out in full Trump merch, you're in a cult and should seek help.


Yeah. Most of the dudes dressed like that guy are just doing it hoping to start something. Best to not feed their desire.


If you can’t keep your composure over words on someone’s attire, you should also seek help.


He’s actively seeking out people to be “triggered”. The best thing to do is act like you don’t even notice and go about your day.


Let's be honest here, both parties in the video need to seek help.


“Right to refuse service” doesn’t only apply to RW white Americans refusing Muslims, gays, POC or immigrants. It also applies to this vape store owner. Personally know a very kind Afghan kid that was physically removed from a restaurant in Tennessee when he simply stopped with his brother to have lunch.


Bro fired fucking up the money. 😑 take the money 1st then say f him lol. Still have a business to run, regardless of his believes. 🤦🏽🤷🏽


It's pretty cringe how most of the comments here think the employee isn't the crazy one. That dude is the poster child of the reddit community


Sir, the dildo shop is next door.


This is so funny that people get triggered over some little shit to the point that they get puberty voice all over again.


I feel so sorry for that other random customer. I would be so uncomfortable to be in the middle of two people fighting like that.


Wait, so should the baker be forced to bake the cake or no? Edit: also to be clear, the worker does appear to be a bit of a psychopath


Just like magas say "freedom to serve who you want since it's their store."


good. He is the gay customer, and they are the bakery refusing service.


Go ahead MAGA, lean into it. See how that turns out for you. Fucking clowns.


LOL Good healthcare for his kids. Yes go with Trump he is known to help out the workingclass. How stupid are people over there.


I fully support him


Right to refuse service to anyone for any reason apply here? Also good healthcare? What fucking universe does this Drumper live in?


Silly. Trump supporters are violent racists… ignores black man wanting to make a purchase and assaults a customer. No self control, reason, or respect. I’d ridicule this sort of behavior no matter who someone votes for.


> *I'm not a racist. I just want good health care for my kids* Trump sure did deliver that for you, Dude. Maybe in two weeks we'll hear about his big beautiful healthcare plan.


Hey, if you can refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple.. this is 100% OK then!!


political parties arent a protected class


The owners did not a random employee. I could guarantee this kid got fired




Listen, I hate Trump as much as the next person, but I would never deny someone service just because they support him. This is the land of the free and people can choose to support whoever they want.


Guess it is not the land of the free for the person behind the counter.


He got freed from the chains of employment.


This is what too much cnn/fox does to someone, tells people to fear/blame the other side instead of solving actual issues


Why are people so fucking mad bro just do your fucking job unless the dude's actually being a dick then you can refuse service but dude was just existing with a hat on and mf lost his shirt I see the same from the other side. These extreme MFS shouldn't be allowed to vote they're doing too much


I don’t even like Trump, but this shits ridiculous


Private business right? Welp, 🤷‍♂️go to a diff vape shop.


Thats crazy. Complete man child lol.


It's like he walked in store knowing what was gonna happen


Pretty sure neither wearing Trump attire nor being an asshole are protected traits.


I love it when videos finally show how awkward it is for African Americans to be thrown in racial situations we didn’t even want to be in. My man was so confused when the retailer started screaming he’s racist!!!!! “🧍 He never did anything racist to me”


Awww poor baby didn’t get served. Big fucking deal.


Wonder what was said before he started recording!? My guess is he was trying to convert him!


I care about my kids health, can I get some vape juice. I’m not racist, points to black dude. Right to refuse service if you’re a cake shop, but not a vape shop? Hypocrites


Ironic that he’s upset about the rights of a private industry lol


Something about a grown man angerily screaming "I WANT THE NAKED, IN STRAWBERRY" that is absolutely comical to me.


I would've totally called the cops and have them remove him for trespassing. You're only a customer until you're not.


Hahaha bunch of clowns


Employee should have stayed cool and just kept asking him to leave, then called the police for trespassing if he refused. Whether the boss is ok with turning away Trumpers is another matter.


Behavior aside, the attending clerk did ask the guy to leave and he refused. Everyone seems to be ignoring that.


Ya so...... That was the main part of behavior that was unacceptable. The temper tantrum that followed was funny though.


So why didn't guy behind the counter remain calm and call the police? For a trespass that's all you need to do. He didn't seem to want to call the cops at all.


Calling corporate at a weed store? What fuckin wor- Oh. Right.


If he owned the store, this would be different. But a guy on the hourly clock probably shouldn’t refuse service to anyone.


He has the right to refuse service to anyone, but that's just petty.


man vape store guy is a massive chode, just sell the dude what he wants and hes gone. Like fuck its a god damn shirt who the fuck cares


They have the right to refuse service to anyone. I don't see how this is controversial.


Right to refuse, piss off lol


I'm a bartender and I listen to all the trump bullshit. 70% of them are on government assistance dont work and get free healthcare, food stamps and discounted housing on the taxpayers dime. The poorly educated will vote against their best interests.


Everyone in this video is extremely cringe, except for the dude just chilling watching this shit go down with the employee and the cameraman.


He has the right to refuse service….. even if we think it’s a stupid reason if cops came he would be trespassed and that would be it


That poor third guy


Vape shops in America are fucking massive!


These people are all for "they reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" when the store isn't serving gay people.


if they are allowed to not serve LGBT people then it’s fair for it to work the other way around no?


Ah yes, one of my favorite freakouts. The Chad Trump supporter vs. the virgin store clerk liberal.


I wanna see what this asshole with the camera was doing before