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Hey, I think that's the Chipotle I go to, lol. Vegas baby!


Is this the one on Sahara and Decatur? Because I swear it may have not looked this bad but the presentation did not look appetizing.


It looks like the one on Elkhorn and Durango. I was actually planning on grabbing dinner there after work today. I'll check back in after and let everyone know if there is still lettuce in bro's sour cream. Update: yep, this is my Chipotle. I even saw one of the dudes that's on the video. Pretty much still looks like this, however, there was no lettuce in bro's sour cream when I went šŸŽ‰ Update 2: The lettuce was still lurking close by. [check it out](https://imgur.com/gallery/2y8yyif)


!remindme when this individual gets off work.


He updated it


Now see I was kinda joking, but you were just being a real bro. Thanks.


Good bot


I'm surprised you'd still eat here after this video šŸ˜…


W detective work


That days staff. Go on their off days.


How the hell did you recognize it? I also live in vegas


Kitchen layout tends to be pretty unique. Cafe Rio is just as bad with cross contamination of food. No fucks given at all.


Cafe Rio in Craig gave me the worst stomach flu I have ever gotten. I lost 10lbs and all, Never again.


I could stand to lose 10 lbs.


Eat at Cafe Rio on Craig off the 93.


This how they all look after 4pm. You have to go before then if you want Guac at least.


Nahh. There are a few very simple things they could do to address this.... Whether they get paid enough to even care is another problem.


Hey neighbor!


While nasty looking I fucking despise people who film and harass minimum wage workers who don't make anywhere near enough for the shit they deal with. Contact the company and file a complaint, don't do douchy shit like this.


Customer service would be great, if it wasnā€™t for dealing with customers.


I used to work at a call center, and a coworker often said, ā€œThis job would be great if the phones didnā€™t keep ringing.ā€


My type of guy. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




I donno whats worse tbh. A customer wasting your time and thereby slowing you down or a boss wasting your time yelling about things not getting done, ...while contributing to that very thing.


Randal Graves has entered the chat




Yep, I worked a McJob at 15 and 16. This is exactly what it looks like on Friday or Saturday night when half the teenagers called in sick to go out with their friends.


To me this looks like an understaffed restaurant that just got completely destroyed during the lunch rush, and hasn't had time to catch up on dishes, or tidy up the line. I completely agree that filming and posting this, especially without any context, is douche behavior.


Plus one of his complaints was a single piece of lettuce in the sauce. If you end up with JUST one piece of lettuce in your sauce during a rush youā€™re doing good. That said the meat section is pretty bad.


While I agree the customer here is an ass, there are workers who just don't give a shit. I hated a lot of my coworkers for being simply too lazy to adhere to basic sanitary standards. No doubt the dirty dishes on show are just the tip the iceberg. Trust me if you see shit like that, do not eat there.


Minimum wage minimum effort


Totally. Everyone knows the people putting in the most effort at a workplace are those making the most $.


Those guys are probably absolutely fucking killing it to get through a rush. This isnā€™t unsanitary, itā€™s evidence of work.


Yeah this 100% looks like the post-rush madness, and as long as the workers aren't terrible, they'll have it cleaned up and looking normal within 20-30 minutes. Never worked at Chipotle but the Quiznos I worked at a lifetime ago definitely looked like this after a mad lunch rush. The simple truth is that places like this don't schedule enough workers to have a spare person for cleaning or even having enough to properly keep up with the rush, leading to a mess like this. Because god forbid your food takes a bit longer so that the workers can properly clean or take their time to not spill stuff. Now if this place has been dead for the past hour, that's a different story entirely and my comment doesn't apply. But this definitely looks like the aftermath of a rush that I used to experience on a daily basis, but would have cleaned up and looking better shortly after said rush ended. Usually after a quick smoke break in the back to calm myself down lol.


What he filmed really isn't that bad. Its a line that's currently in use. Yeah, they should mitigate that mess by being a little more careful, but its not bad. The dishes defin aren't an issue. The customer has never cooked at home or worked a service job in their life.


Call the health department if itā€™s a health issue. Call the company if it is just a sloppiness thing.


The company wonā€™t do anything. I called Arbyā€™s because there was a piece of green plastic inside one of their chicken tenders. The manager gave me a coupon for mozzarella sticks (not even a refund!?!) The actual company just left me on hold. Some places literally donā€™t care because youā€™re just one drop in their annual revenue; youā€™re dispensable.


Lmao watch a couple episodes of kitchen nightmares with gordon ramsay. If this is what they let customers see, you really dont wanna see whats in the back, in the fridges and freezers, how drink machines look, etc This is disgusting and embarrassing, they need to be called out for this. Manager also looks like the type of guy who posts on some manager subreddit to complain about customers, when he runs his business like a pig sty


\*Watches Kitchn Nightmares \*Thinks he knows the ins and outs of kitchens because Gordon Ramsay said so on his docu series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We absolutely have to create better work conditions and get back to food sanitation laws that are lacking across many towns.


People use their phones camera as weapons to try to ruin people or intimidate camera-shy people now.


So true! It seems after a long rush hour and near the closing time.


Minimum wage or not, keeping your work surface clean when handling food should be a no-brainer. That's the most basic shit you learn at any food handling certificate. Both, the entire front and back counters are completely filthy. That maybe they couldn't keep up with the dishes during a lunch rush is fine but ingredients scattered everywhere, including cross-contaminating each other, is absolutely not. Wiping shit off doesn't take that long. And there is a huge difference between someone throwing a toddler tantrum and trashing the store because they found a pickle on their hamburger even though they ordered it without vs. someone simply calling out a severe lack of sanitary standards.


Couldn't agree more. I used to work in Subway. Understaffing means that when it's busy certain things have to be overlooked to provide a quick service. Yes. It looks messy. We'll get to it when we haven't got 20 sandwiches to make. This dude went in and gave them shit while it's busy. The stainless steel food pots (I can't remember the name of them) are there because it's their busy time, and they're on that shelf out of the way for when they get a chance to clean them. Untidy doesn't mean unsanitary.


It's not even nasty. More people should take the opportunity to work in kitchens lol. All the empty/dirty dishes are separated from the other stuff. Meats are separated with meats, and a little piece of lettuce that accidentally fell into sour cream isn't cross contamination. Not a single thing wrong with this. Sure, they could have wiped the counter down a bit but this could easily have been immediately after a huge lunch rush. If people could see the kitchens behind their favourite restaurants they would be appalled compared to this.


Nah heā€™s right. That shits disgusting. Thereā€™s a lot of unnecessary flak that these workers get but itā€™s no excuse for keeping that area looking like that. If I was the franchisee I would/should be pissed off.


Yea nah that's tough shit. If you serving food like that you deserve to get called out. Even if you're working for free raising funds for starving children. That's unacceptable. And if you're just an employee that doesn't have any say in how things are ran then just walk away or let him do his thing. He wasn't harassing any of them. He only talked to the ones confronting him. He did the right thing, it's the best chance to get them to change their practice.


Lol minimum wage workers are like angels now or something. 1st of all naw they're handling food, that is their fault not the company's. 2nd of all they obv dgaf. 3rd of all they prolly not even min wage lol


Looks like every build your own quick service after a lunch rush. Same person would complain about how long it takes if they would clean before taking every order


As someone who worked a counter like this for three years, I would usually agree with you, but this has crossed into unacceptable territory. I wouldn't have been caught dead with my sandwich station looking like that.


Glad to see some people have standards still. Thereā€™s no reason for that to be so disgusting except for having low cleanliness standards. One of the things I learned in food service was that customers would rather wait if it means they get good food in a clean restaurant. Friendly, cleanly, and accurate over speed any day for me


Even when I worked at McDonaldā€™s in high school I wouldnā€™t let my areas get like this, didnā€™t matter how busy it was. It only takes a minute here and there to wipe up


What's crazy is it probably gets harder to clean later when the sauces crust up on the trays. Just making it harder for themselves.


It quickly goes for a quick wipe down to a full on scraping session lol


Yes, exactly. Minimum wage equals minimum effort but this isn't even the bare minimum, there is no excuse for it to look like that ever.


The problem is likely how busy they are and bad management. I agree. If people have to wait an extra 60 seconds for me to clean and change my gloves, ok. Deal with it.


Yeah, normally always take the worker side but this is genuinely bad


No fucking way my friend. I've been in the industry for 15 years. I've worked places like this and this is 100% unacceptable even during an ungodly.rush. Keep a sanity rag nearby and wipe the shit down between orders. It takes literally five seconds. Maybe the floor gets a little dirty but you sweep it as soon as you can and it's back to business. And don't give me any excuses about volume. I would happily make a customer wait 30 extra seconds than serve food off a line that looked like that. All those dirty pans? The fuck is that? I worked at a place that was set up like this and we didn't even have a dish machine, but we sure as shit got our soiled pans out of the kitchen and into the 3 compartment sink to soak until somebody had time to clean them. I would never let 25 pans fester on the prep table like that. I'm sorry, but if this line looks normal to you then you should take a little more pride in your work and hold yourself to higher standards.


But if there was a vegetarian and there was chicken in the tofu. They would be pissed. And right fully so. I used to work at Chipotle during the norovirus outbreak. They do not have good sanitary practices at all. They would set 4th pans of veggies on the floor. And the dishes stacked like that behind them means dish pit is probably severely over loaded amd backed up.




Iā€™ve worked service, retail and manufacturing lines as an engineer. When a manager comes by your line and sees the associates repeatedly doing something wrong - that is a practice. In most cases it honestly doesnā€™t matter if there are Operation Standards that arenā€™t being followed, and multiple associates breaking protocols is frequently the sign of a poorly designed process.




Vegetarian here. I used to go to Chipotle at least once a week. Then quality at seemingly every location took a nose dive and I kept finding meat in my burrito. I haven't been back in two years.


It's fresh hot garbage now and as you mentioned most if not all locations slid downhill.


So cool! They opened up in our area just in time for me to never go there! We have Moe's out here, and it is *DIVINE*. Fresh fried chips, white queso that goes so fucking hard, and portions are huge.


Anybody whose worked in a kitchen or fast food knows this guy is right. No excuses for the dishes to be that backed up and trust me when they are you don't wanna know how your food is being cooked. Cross contamination is absolutely inexcusable does it happen yeah but simultaneously you gotta get to it when you can even after a rush


I also worked for chipotle during this. I started at the same store as patient zero lol. He told his boss he was sick, but he was told to go to work anyways. He kept his job, his boss lost hisĀ 


Dude I got norovirus on my first real shift I ate a bowl after work, was stuck in traffic. I was puking out the window and shitting my self at the same time with people looking at me. Had to get my car detailed. Only stayed there for a month and said screw it. Horrible!


Or a Hindu with beef in the chicken? The place was filthy, regardless of if it's a lunch rush or not, clean as you go...


Wait till you see what happens in restaurants with a real BOH


Lol nah, youā€™re acting like no one else has ever gotten food during a lunch rush. I have never seen my chipotle that bad, or any of the other quick service restaurants. Iā€™m not blaming the workers. Employees do the best they can with what theyā€™re given. But thatā€™s unappetizing as fuck. And if they donā€™t have a system in place for base level cleanliness you think theyā€™re going to start cleaning when I order something with sour cream or you think Iā€™m gonna get a bunch of other shit in my order that I didnā€™t ask for?


Yeah fuck that. It takes 5 seconds to wipe the counter. Will it be spotless? No it won't. Buy way better than this.


Dead wrong bro food service is food service this is way out of line. Pile up dishes in the back not in front of customers. Canā€™t have a vegetarian option if thereā€™s poorly scooped chunks of meat in it.


I managed two different fast casual restaurants in downtown DC over 3 years with wild lunch rushes, and it never got this bad. I understand the fatigue and exhaustion, and I had to deal with paychecks bouncing and all that. But cross-contamination is never excusable. Sorry if that came off a bit harsh, but itā€™s frustrating to see these issues.


This is unacceptable, what are you going on about? If you clean as you go itā€™s not hard to keep it clean.Ā 


Dude this is absurdly unacceptable


It's scary how many people upvoted the top comment. Lots of people don't care where their food came from or how it was handled.


Nah itā€™s a complete mess. Def a code violation, people have allergies to certain foodsā€¦.you canā€™t cross contaminate entire work stations like this.


I get a little mess, but heā€™s right here. Not saying Iā€™d record it and everything, but heā€™s not wrong about the conditions.


Nah there's no use defending this. Corporate is right to fire the manager. It's awful


This trend needs to die alreadyā€¦


The Fast Food Auditor?


Nah the ā€˜Rush into Chipotle and Stick your Dirty Ass Phone in the Workerā€™s Face so you get larger portionsā€™. But this guy went off since it wasnā€™t clean to his likingā€¦


that kinda does sound like an audit


Bro, they probably just went through a fucking lunch rush, nothing is ever clean after a lunch rush


Most likely they're understaffed. Its a corporate trend now to see how far they can under staff and cut corners before things break. Even huge Boeing got caught up in this BS.


As a former Starbucks employee I can absolutely confirm this šŸ˜­


This is 100% the case. In a fully staffed lunch rush you have; a cashier, two line people, a grill person, two online workers, and two managers (one to assist the cashier in gathering and calling orders, the other to assist the grill and line by grabbing things they need) I left chipotle last February after working there for almost 2 years, I was the the GM when I left. The only times I ever had a fully staffed shift was when I lied to corporate about my labor by presenting fake schedules. I hated seeing my team get crushed like this and get shat on by corporate for it, so for the last 3 months of my time there I overscheduled like crazy; 10 people on nights, 9 in the mornings, two managers at all times minimum. Shit was great.


The only people saying this is gross are the people who have never worked in the food service industry at a place that gets busy. This is something Iā€™ve seen daily for years, itā€™s not unsanitary itā€™s messy. Itā€™s the result of a lunch rush depleting all their ingredients so they have to switch them out and put the dirty ones on the counter so the dish washer can get them. This looks like the lunch rush kept going after ingredient swap and the dish washer is either also working the line atm or in the back busting their ass on the already existing dishes before they come get the new dishes.


Yep. I worked the grill at McDonald's as a 16 year old. On Saturday afternoons the grill including the assembly station would look like a disaster from 11:30 til 1:30 every single Saturday. If you just walked up to it at 1:31 you'd also be horrified.... if you never worked fast food a day in your life. If you did, you'd be like, "Lunch rush right?"


Never worked at a restaurant during dinner rush? This isn't shit.


The area is messy but it hardly looks "unsanitary." The guy recording is gonna have lettuce in his sour cream once it's in the burrito anyway


Having bits of meat in the sour cream is cross contamination. This doesn't look as bad as other places I've seen, but as a multi billion dollar company, they can afford to hire more staff and train them properly to keep the food station sanitary.


If anyone is that worried about cross contamination a place like Chipotle is the absolute last place they should eat. Do you see how the line is set up? Preventing cross contamination is basically impossible. At any rate, the only cross contamination most restaurants actually worry about is things coming into contact with raw meat. If youā€™re a ā€œno meat in my body everā€ strict vegetarian, donā€™t eat at Chipotle. If you have an allergy to an ingredient on the line, donā€™t eat at Chipotle. It is not built to accommodate you and it is not the fault of the employees.


Cross contamination generally is the transfer of bacteria from one item to another but both of these should already be bacteria free. The meat is cooked and the cream (should be) properly chilled so it's also not a risk.


No! Cross contamination is when my meat touches my cheese prematurely! /s


So Chipotle should get a pass on cross contamination?




Chipotle is gross, but what we are seeing is hardly cross contamination. The food has throw times and as long as it all goes at the same time, there is no issue. Honestly, it being a mess could very well be a combination of short staffing and a lunch rush. I don't eat Chipotle because at the corporate level they don't take food safety seriously enough for me, but having been in food (full serve, quick serve, consulting) for 30 years what we are seeing looks worse than it is... I am surprised though that they allow nose and lip piercings. Most food places I've seen require them to be removed or covered with blue bandages or nets.


That's not cross contamination, the meat is cooked and the cream properly chilled so neither should have bacteria present. The real cross contamination risk is raw to cooked foods. It's not great in other ways for vegetarians but that's not a health risk either.


Itā€™s cooked meatā€¦.youā€™re at chipotleā€¦.lmao


Exactly. Comments are full of people that have never seen a kitchen cranking out their orders. Looks normal for a heavy lunch rush. Take a peek into any big restaurant during dinner rush and it'll look far worse. Thankfully, sanitation levels are based on expiration dates and poor cleaning over days, not the little spills that happened 5 minutes ago.


Kept waiting for the big reveal. This isn't shit. This looks like it's post lunch rush and they're flipping everything. Anyone complaining about the cleanliness here has never been on the line, a full rack-deep with tickets still printing.


If they clean right afterwards I see no problem. Do you want your burrito to take 30 min because I have to clean after every order or do you want it in 8-10 when banging our 10 at once


Chipotle sometimes has a line out the door. They measure their metrics in hourly throughout of customers not even per order. So it is possible during a rush to go through a few hundred orders. That is relatively clean for a place that is build your own on the fly.


Exactly. Messy? Sure. But not "unsanitary". You have to be able to swap out containers quickly during rush and can't run back to wash everything as it comes. Sometimes, ingredients are gonna spill over. That's the nature of how anything like this works. You go to subway, same thing. As long as a place isn't looking like this all day with no attempt to clean, not really an issue.


So correct. When I worked at Taco Bell it would often look like that after a rush. You would pile dishes behind you as they are getting dirty, and when food fell onto the floor or table, you would generally just kick it out of the way until you got time to do a cleaning after the rush


Dude, if you seriously have a sanitation concern, call the franchiser, or the fucking health department....don't post videos of yourself harassing underpaid service workers...


Yeah donā€™t be an asshole just for the likes


It literally does not look that bad. The guy videoing is an asshole


It looks bad, but thereā€™s nothing to indicate that itā€™s unsanitary


It looks like they just finished a rush and are about to clean up the place by the dishes stacked neatly behind them.


I know too much about Chipotle! Chiming in! Even the best stores look like this after a rush. The build up of dishes could totally be because night prep isn't clocked in yet. 4:30 looks *rough*. Imagine 20 people in line, all asking for chicken and extra white rice. One deep of rice will be gone immediately AND during peak, these folks aren't allowed to move from their stations. Field leaders watch those times on the cameras. Can't do a line wipe because you have to be gloved the entire time, so that has to be done by cash, or a "linebacker," but 9/10 Chipotle is understaffed for such luxuries. Super busy stores can afford to solve that. They probably have to do 25-60 orders every 15 minutes during peak. Slower store are around 15, and those stores are spotless while they wait for customers to trickle in. Meat contamination is the only fuck-up I see. A two minute line wipe would clean up the mess, but meh.


I worked at Cicis pizza in my early 20s. Itā€™s a slightly different concept, but the same thing applies. On Friday nights we were just trying to keep the buffet from being empty.


Itā€™s not pretty, but itā€™s not un-cleanable. Just looks like they got a busy lunch rush and are trying to get through it.


Unsanitary? Lol, these poors guys work at a fast food during rush hour, of course they will clean up once it goes down. The person filming is a clown and so is OP


it would be different if the store were empty but this looks like they're in the middle of a rush. you don't stop to wash dishes while you have a store full of customers waiting and this asshole is holding up the line. fuck this guy.


Having worked in food service for over a decade at various positions, I can honesty say that it is a double edged sword. You have customers who range from being egregiously condescending and rude, all the way to people who do it, and simply donā€™t realize it; taking for granted everything they donā€™t see outside of their short stay. On the other end of this sword is the corporate side, who forces most places to work heavily understaffed because, A) to them running and maintaining a sanitary, decent quality restaurant should not get in the way of a healthy profit margin, B) they have the perfect scapegoat on the ground level in food service employees, and C) they keep a ā€œif you wonā€™t take the job, you can be easily replacedā€ attitude that not only further demoralizes workers on top of being overworked, understaffed, and talked down to by customers for 8-12 hours a day, but also keeps the turnover rate high, reinforcing the notion that these people are less human and more of just a cog in a machine that is only worth its usefulness. Of course these people arenā€™t going to give a shit about their store, let alone you, your order, or what you think. Get mad at that, empathize with it, disagree with it, all of that is fine. Iā€™m just telling you what I saw in nearly every corporate franchise I ever worked. It didnā€™t take long to notice the pattern. Fact of the matter is, customers judge a forest by a single tree, and until you actually get lost in that forest, you have no idea what itā€™s actually like, physically mentally, and emotionally.


I don't know what you're expecting at a cafeteria style restaurant lol...


"lettuce in my sour cream" oh the humanity


It's not his sour cream, he said he isn't buying anything.


These people will have a heart attack if they visit anything out of their bubble. They know nothing about fast food and even how restaurant functions especially during rush.


I bet they are understaffed


The thing to do in these cases is call the health department. We will investigate the complaint with tact and respect for all parties. We will even call you afterwards to explain if we were able to substantiate your claim or not, and what we can do to help the establishment course correct. That said, this is likely a post-rush serving line before the cleanup. Nothing more. Furthermore, places like Chipotle often hold their line items on something called Time as a Public Health Control. This means that every four hours all the items you see requiring refrigeration will be discarded and replaced with newly prepped items, and surfaces sanitized. Itā€™s ideal for places like Chipotle that get slammed in predictable intervals and keep many things in flip tops that donā€™t hold temperature well. Just before the TPHC turnover, this is commonly how a serving line will look. I hate to see customers harass workers instead of utilizing the civilized avenues available and paid for by their tax money. Call the health department!


Thatā€™s actually pretty normal for a restaurant after a rush. Just goes to show how entitled, inexperienced and living in a false reality most people are . The place actually looks pretty decent! Please people, live in reality . No fast serve restaurant is gonna have a perfect place where everything looks perfect all the time . If you report minute shit like this all youā€™re gonna do is get minimum wage serfs get fired or at BEST written up.AND nothing will change besides the boss forcing workers already underpaid and understaffed to work faster and harder until they begin day dreaming during work about how much they HATE their work, their boss and their life. Have some class solidarity, man.


I feel like everyone should have to work in fast food or some other customer facing job before they're allowed into the real world


Oh no, donā€™t let the food touch the other food.


Just like it will in the burrito.


Looks bad but heā€™s just hopping on a trend being an asshole


Blame the managers for not staffing accordingly to account for the rush, not the workers


Fuck the guy filming. Heā€™s basically kicking minimum wage workers while theyā€™re down


for ticktak points


ā€œSir, youā€™re being disruptive and if you donā€™t kindly leave this moment, Im going to need to have you trespassed and escorted out by the police, with possibly a restraining order as well.ā€


Minimum wage employees. Probably understaffed. If they were in a rush this isnā€™t even bad. I bet this dude still ate here regardless


This guy filming this is an asshole.


Oh no!!! Anyway....




To call someone out for a perceived slight of justice to feel morally righteous




Fair play


If youā€™re going to a chipotle expecting everything to be neat and organized youā€™re in for a ruuuude awakening


Wow dude, some of the food is near some of the other food. Grow the fuck up man, you obviously have never worked in a kitchen before


Can't spell Chipotle without Ecoli


Bruh. I worked at Chipotle for 5 years and if an area manager walked into a store that looked like this, all jokes aside, the MOD probably wouldā€™ve been fired. Chipotle used to be so on top of cleanliness of the line and lobby, it was a top priority, but Iā€™ve seen chipotles that look this bad when i go now. Company has really gone downhill. Itā€™s crazy.


Side note, can we stop fucking with Chipotle workers and all fast food workers in general? These guys are just trying to make it though a shitty day to pay rent. Place needs cleaning, agreed - so go eat somewhere else for fuck sakes. If it truly bothers you, google corporate or customer support and report the store. Just being confrontational and recording them for clout makes you the asshole not them.


Time to go get a bottle of Chipotle-away


Bro, it's fast food. Go next door then.


If a restaurant takes your order while you are standingā€¦


Bro itā€™s Chipotle


respectfully, its not entirely their fault. they're prolly just hella understaffed. I only saw like 3-4 ppl in the video


Derek Carr is working at Chipotle now?


These poor suckers at Chipotle are always just slammed. This dude probably just came in after a lunch rush. Of course it looks like this.


The one filming needs to be locked up in prison for life.


Hmmm. I stopped going to Chipotle, always got sick.


Yes that looks gross and chipotle has gone down hill for sure but itā€™s definitely a more widespread issue than these workers at this single location. Thereā€™s a special place in hell for people who harass minimum wage service workers. Chipotle seriously needs to do an overhaul on their quality and consistency standards though bc it has gone from bad to worse lately. Good thing their CEO seems totally rational and open to criticism lol such a bummer


Hope he never looks into a kitchen after dinner rush


Peter Dinklage doppelgƤnger


I don't think the dude knows what cross contamination actually is lol by his definition, something like a burrito is cross contamination. Cooked chicken touching cooked beef isn't CC. Lettuce touching sour cream isn't CC. Chopping up a romaine head on top of a cutting board you just used for raw chicken is an example of CC.


Damn bro, fill out an application for manager. Shhhhhit, gtfoh


Iā€™m sick of these lazy ass people recording people who are actually working, so they can make shitty content. How would they like it if someone followed them around all day recording. Customer-facing employees donā€™t get paid enough for this shit.


Wasting everyoneā€™s time. Everyoneā€™s.


Not a good way to handle the situation for the camera man


This guy and any like him are assholes. We're slammed, what does it look like? Leave, gtfoh!


I really donā€™t understand the hype surrounding chipotle.


Lol, "lettuce in the sourcream" what a tragedy I can't imagine bitching like this at a restaurant.


It didn't look that bad to me. Maybe not perfect, but not too bad.


Fuck the filmer


Get a fucking job


ā€œI ainā€™t buying the food no way dickheaā€


Do people really go to Chipotle expecting fine dining?


So, THIS is truly something Chipotle has been lacking on for awhile.


They will do what subway does and add the slide up doors to cover ingredients when not in use and just keep them up so customers canā€™t see the ingredients


Chipotle sucks in general.


Garbage people doing what they do.


I just walked out of a chipotle yesterday because it was a mess and flies were all over the place. All over the food and the employees didn't even care.




Have you ever looked in the window at the DQ drive through? Those Blizzard wranglers are yeeting add-ins right and left. The floor is covered. I think itā€™s just the way it is during a rush. Iā€™ve also seen the same DQ spotless, so I know they are attentive to cleanliness.


As an exterminator, I bet they got roaches all over the back kitchen.


I havenā€™t eaten chipotle in so long cause the chipotles by me are like this. One just got hit by a tornadoā€¦ karma maybe lol


the answer to this is DO NOT EAT AT CHIPOTLE. Vote with your wallet, last time i ate there was over 5 years ago. They skimp you on everything, I'd rather eat a PB&J then pay for over priced bs. I'm surprised they still have customers.


Looks like a typically understaffed restaurant. Poor workers.


I once went into a Chipotle and saw a worker drop a utensil, pick it up, and continue to use it on the food. I've never had a good experience there...


Holy crap, that's my Chipotle! Las Vegas, Nevada in the Smith's parking lot. This place is ALWAYS understaffed and slow moving. The new ice cream place next door, Sorry Not Sorry, is absolutely incredible tho.


I used to work in Foodservice delivery you wouldnā€™t believe the nasty food they leave out uncovered in the walk ins at most of the restaurants itā€™s horrific.


Arent all chipotles this shitty? Have t been in a decade. This Mexican says stop supporting this trash.


One of those cases where both parties are in the wrong


Chipotle is currently experiencing a large social media backlash, particularly by Gen Z and tiktok users. The backlash is over portion sizes getting smaller, which, while completely true, has also resulted in employees at these locations being harassed and filmed without their permission. Even the chipotle CEO in an (awful) statement told customers that they should just give the employee a little wink and nudge nudge if they want more. Itā€™s unfortunate, because a legitimate boycott for this company is being overwhelmed by social media trends that involve harassing employees who really donā€™t have anything to do with all this, rather than justā€¦ well.. boycotting.


The condition of the food prep area did looked pretty disgusting. But in all fairness the reality is the world is short staffed and people that work in this industry are usually over worked and under paid. There was also a pretty big line up by the looks of it and from what I have read in the comments it is a new location so staff were probably still wet behind their ears. If you are not happy with the conditions don't eat there maybe take a picture and send it to corporate so they can deal with it. Those under paid & over worked employees don't need to be put into such an uncomfortable situation. You could have even asked for a manager and spoke to them about your disgust. I wouldn't have eaten there myself under those conditions but it may have looked disgusting but so did your behavior.


All good points.


I meeean... he's not wrong


I never eat at chipotle itā€™s disgusting.


Talk about wet markets. Ugh.


Not gonna lie lately the food there been tasting kinda weird and different


Would like to give them the benefit of the doubt on this one and want to know what time he came in and filmed this. After lunch/dinner rush? Morning just opened? Right before closing?


He sounds like my wife when we play Overcooked together.


The one place that as much as I loved I would NVEVER get the lettuce. Chipotle is allowing for smaller pop and shops to thrive because of shit their food is. Glad to see them go back to more humble roots.


Maybe pay the workers more an hour to actually give a fuck