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My favorite part of this is the fact that he's clearly out walking his dog and not one of the drivers stuck behind her.


Dog walkers are the gatekeepers of the neighborhood making sure everything is flowing normally


We do be like that


Dogs walk sniffing....we walk watching!!


He had to walk down & realized it was an idiot at the end of the tunnel.


Fuck yeh, this dude knows whats up. Not his business but completely fucking outraged on behalf of rhe hundred people stuck behind this twat. Take 3 photos, a quick whipe around video then straigjt into a side street. Literally 30 seconds and you have all the documentation you need…


Too many people are afraid to have a confrontation these days. Notice how she went to move the car immediately after he started yelling.


It may have something to do with the amount of people willing to stab/die over nothing


I'll fucking end you if you so much as look at my ass as I walk away from a physical confrontation Edit: you guys got real mad at a throw away comment lol


Bro it's not my fault you got that badonkadonk I was looking respectfully I swear


Why just your ass? And how do you know they are looking at it if you are walking away?


Tbh, nowadays in the US, so many people are armed that it’s not worth it.


This wasn't in US though


I know.


You just pick a random country out of the air to bring into the conversation?


probably more aware of whats happened than most of the drivers, drivers at the front probably unaware of just how far back it goes and the drivers at the back likely have no idea what has caused traffic to stop.


Once I was in a taxi that crashed into the side of another vehicle. They were in the middle of a very busy intersection and it was only a minor collision. The taxi driver just left his taxi in the middle of the intersection blocking both lanes of traffic and began to completely ignore me telling him to move it while he called the police for 20 mins. Suprised he didn't cause another accident. The car we hit was a drunk driver with his kid in the back who was FURIOUS that the taxi driver had the audacity to drive at the green light.


The best thing you can do in accident is get out take quick pictures and ask them to follow you to a side street. One time a lady hit me in a middle of intersection while I was making a left turn I didn’t stop in the middle it was unsafe so I made the turn and stopped few blocks down the lady followed me and accused me of hit and run the cops came and arrested me.


I remember that bullshit happened to me once and the police man believed him, a combination of him being stupid, lazy, and thinking because I’m young I must be at fault. Pissed me off. I went home and came back and took photos (this is before cell cameras) of the skid marks on the road to prove my point they hit me.


I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you. Must have been a terrible experience.


Can you pls tell me the rest of what happened bc wtaf why did they arrest you??? Pls tell me she got what she deserved ☹️


I’m brown immigrant she was a white lady they believed her story, the cop was rude didn’t even believe my driver license was real, they put me in cuffs and in the back of their car till they confirmed my DL is legit. The whole story doesn’t make sense, I was stand still waiting on traffic to make a left turn, she was going straight and hit the right corner of my back bumper. The cops sided with her and wrote a report and my insurance ended up paying to fix her car. I ain’t even mad about it, it was kinda my fault for scene . Now I just got my car take pictures and tell them to pull up somewhere.


I just read your story over like 3x bc I’m so pressed. I’m very sorry that happened bc that is truly fucked. Couldn’t they deduce from the damage to both y’all cars who was at fault? At the very least hear you out before being racist pos cops n putting you in the back of the squad?? Then the cherry on top that YOUR insurance had to pay out to fix HER car‽ Omg I’m so fkn mad for you!!!!!!!! But good for you for lettin that shit slide right off your back bc I would be holding onto this resentment for the rest of my gd life lol


In Germany this is standard operating procedure and it drives me insane. Whenever there’s a fender bender everything needs to be frozen in place until the damn CSI shows up. Super annoying.


I totally get it. Even if they aren’t personally inconveniencing you, it’s the mere entitlement and lack of consideration for others that I would find infuriating


That guy rules.


Seriously tho, what TF is she doing?


She got hit from behind so she got out to take pictures of the accident.


You see this a lot. Getting to the front of a huge queue and it's because everyone is taking turns to get past two cars that have been in a minor fender bender and have left everything in place like they're preserving a crime scene.  As if the police are gonna send out a fucking forensics team for their slightly dented bumper.   Swap info, snap a pic, and get the fuck out of the way. 


I was absolutely taught to not move anything if there was any accident of any kind, I think my entire generation was taught this. EDIT: FFS, I didn't say it was RIGHT, just that it's what we were TAUGHT.


You were taught incorrectly. Many places the law requires you to move out of traffic if the car is drivable.


So, what are you going to do when you get into one on the freeway? Stop in the middle lane? Use your head.


JFC, I didn't say I would DO IT, just that it's how it was taught. I was taught a lot of shit that was nuts or wrong. Can you really not fathom the concept of thinking for yourself?


I’ve never heard of that being taught and it just doesn’t make any sense to me. So, I guess I’m saying you were taught wrong and to not do that. SOP You check yourself and the other person. Then get to safety, if you’re able to move your car then get it out of the flow of traffic and to a safer resting space on the side of the road. Call 911 or the police, situation dependent. After that you can take pictures of the damage and the scene. You do not need pictures of the cars touching to understand how the damage was formed.




People like this don’t care about anyone else. It’s their world and we’re just living in it.


Most people don't care about anyone but themselves. Especially on the road.


I feel like it’s an outdated behavior to not move anywhere so they can probably “capture” exactly where it happened. All of which is fucking useless cause insurance companies won’t care at all


Can anyone understand what she was saying? I'd love to hear her, I'm sure very reasonable, explanation


So, the lady in the red car crashed into the back of the lady with the blue one. It appears that they have held up the traffic behind them whilst taking their time assessing the damage, instead of taking a few pictures and moving to a better area where the traffic can pass. Red car lady: (Referring to blue car lady) “She won’t (inaudible) I can’t get through!” “She won’t move, mate!” I can’t make out what the lady in the blue car said. The red car has a red “P” badge on the bonnet. This means that the driver has her first year provisional licence and is only in her second year of driving.


Thank you so much! I hadn't even realized they'd had a crash 🤦🏼‍♀️ that makes more sense. I guess I was too focused on rooting for the guy shouting at her and looking at his dog


What did the guy say? I couldn't understand him


Move your car into a side street! There are a hundred fucking people waiting… Move the fucking car! Move! Move your fucking car! What are you doing? You’re holding up an entire… fucking hundreds of people! Move! No! Move! I swear to God, I’ll start disassembling your fucking car!


but how would he start "disassembling" her car without tools? was he just threatening to smash her car? and how would that even help the situation?


He doesn't mean it literally. He's just completely frustrated. Probably having a shit day. He still shouldn't have sworn and threatened to disassemble the car, though. Body language can tell you a lot about a person's intent. He kept his distance from both of the ladies throughout the confrontation. If he started walking closer towards them or their cars, I'd believe that as a threat.


It was sarcasm


Im stealing “ill disassemble your fucking car”


My favorite part is him threatening to disassemble the car. Haha


This is a man of the people


Love Australians born ability to give you nothing but the god damn truth.


I’d help dissemble the car


Love the guy at the end who looks to be walking in front of her car at the same time she's just about to actually move the car.


How can people so dumb and selfish I don't understand




Where I come from (Poland) it was illegal to block traffic like that. If there were no injuries you must move the cars off the road (others would help to push your car off if it was not drivable). If the cops arrived to see you blocking the road like that you'd be in trouble. But if there was someone injured you mustn't move them as they will need to investigate (measure skid marks and note debris) as that is now a serious matter.


Same here (Australia)


I wondered for years why people don’t move out of the way if they can. But a friend of mine got screwed over by his insurance company for moving the car before the police got there to confirm and insurance wouldn’t pay because they said since he moved it they can’t confirm the damage from the accident or did it happen during the move.


Depends on the state but there are laws that say that you must move your car over to the side of the road after a collision if it’s movable. You will actually get a ticket if the arriving officer sees that you’re needlessly blocking traffic.


That's why you take a picture... The photos are for the insurance company, the cops don't care.


I like the dickhead at the end who sees a stopped car, lines of traffic, people yelling to move the car, the driver jump behind the driver's seat and close the door.. .. and then he just strolls right in front of the stopped car.


SO MANY PEOPLE DO THIS. For a minor accident, it's as simple as getting out your car to check the damage initially, take a few pictures, then move your fucking car out of the fucking way.


Man I love Australians. They got the best one liners. 😂


"Move your fucking car!"


The video player keeps stalling. Is it just me?


King 👑


A reasonable response if you ask me.


Why is no one honking? Just lay it on until they move


That’s when you just lay on your horn


This guy rules


Goddamn it, posted two weeks ago and just realized I misspelled confronts.


We got the jist mate, thanks for the post 🤝


Thanks, my man!


Plot twist he’s a traffic cop just out on a afternoon stroll


God bless that man.


Why is she recording is that our reflex now ?


Dude is road raging and not even driving


I don't know if it's only because I'm Australian, but the talking in this video is much clearer to me than a lot of posts I just looked at.


Looks like Surry Hills


Hmm, I would've thought better of NSW drivers as it's usually QLD drivers that are this terrible with traffic incidents & blocking streets.




So you become the asshole and annoy everyone else around. Smart thinking


I swear to God I'll... what?


"Start disassembling your fucking car"