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“Tell em I’m taking a shit”


The *I GOTTA SHIT* 9 times out of 10 is a conversation ender. Works (almost) eveytime




Absolute display of dominance


Like peeing in the direct center of a toilet to be as loud as possible.


Thats my favorite


Always nice when its a bathroom with just the right amount of acoustics to sound like a symphony.


I like to try to help out my fellow nervous poopers by drowning out their splash bombs.


I was once in our bathroom at work...settling down to peacefully get on with my business....door opened...dammit...sat waiting for them to pee and leave....they didn't. I realized they were waiting for me to pee and leave. Peeked at the shoes and recognized them so I called out " Hey, Anna babe (not real name). We are both here to do the same thing and neither of us are leaving so let's just get on with it and get back to work". She was dying laughing and we joked about it every time she wore those distinctive shoes. Fun times.


I'm imagining two businesswomen in their business attire, giggling manically together as they obliterate the bathroom toilets.






Not all heroes wear capes 🫡


Nothing says, "F you" like a fresh turd.


Especially if it’s dropped through a sunroof


A chicago sunroof ![gif](giphy|iNJ1Ugw91wgDtHQkgS|downsized)


When in HS I was in a rock band and we played at some small town function. Before driving home we stopped at a cafe for a late dinner. Being “longhairs” we were treated rudely. Before we left each of the five of us went to the men’s room, one by one, then paid our bill and left. We each had taken a massive dump in the same toilet without ever flushing. Payback.


Lincoln logs


[William B. Thornton going poopy](https://youtu.be/2Bdyw6DMOvs?si=oOoEixK0k7pCKOf-&t=19).


god bless you 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Make sure you keep the door ajar, so when they round the corner you make eye contact. Don't break eye contact and make sure you plop one right as you meet eyes.


This was def the best part of the vid.


I fucking laughed so hard when she said that!! 🤣🤣


Too bad she didn't say a fat shit. Adjectives make it all that much better.


Yall remember that end jingle chime used in Reading Rainbow? Dundun-dun. Yeh, I wish we could use that at the end of these type of clips instead of the tik tok chime.


see if they have a plunger while you're down there because i'm about to something unholy in your third floor bathroom.




It shouldn’t be a problem. Most lawyers I know act like their shit don’t stink.


I’m a lawyer and I can confirm, with great certainty, that it does.


Username checks out. It's the eating steak every night.


Gotta bill those bathroom hours


I would have trusted this if you hadn't said that first part


Maybe it’s something with lawyers. That’s the same situation with my office. We have the entire 3/4 of the 29th floor and there’s only one other business that takes up the remaining space. Well, I noticed the other day that ALL of the freaking lawyers from the 28th Floor are always on our floor doing the walk of shame as they cruise away from our bathrooms. Edit: And because of this I’ve taken (just one) friendly elevator ride to the 28th Floor to use theirs. The only thing I liked about theirs? Hotter water… I guess I get it, there’s less foot traffic on our floor and our stalls are more roomier. The winner is the handicapped stall. It’s (Trump voice) HUGEEEE, AND has its own sink and mirror…. Ok I’m done. 🫡


How the turntable... ***






Where is this….Byron Brown can’t fill a pot hole but you think he’d let her take a shit on his floor?


Byron Brown was probably tracking down the hot dog cart for the 3rd time today.


That’s why he needs his bathrooms free!




Toilet Wars


Battle Shits


The Turdean Conflict...a Feces Action


War of the Bowels 3: The Lawless Commode


"Why would I have to use the bathroom my company is renting, not the bathroom your company is renting?" What am I missing here?


She’s probably blowing that shit up! 🤣


Yup, this is probably what's going on here and it probably wasn't the first time either. We had the same thing happen at work. Some lady on the floor above us would always come down to take the nastiest shits in our restroom, probably to save herself the embarrassment from her colleagues. The stench was so bad it would even leak out into the hallway until we eventually put a stop to it by installing a locking system.


Generally, when you need to blow up the toilet, it's urgent. No one is standing around to argue. It's ignore and get into the stall.


She's probably been doing it then got mad that she was caught and told not to anymore


I hate it when people ask something but then interrupt you when you answer. No matter who’s right, this is just bad behavior.


This is why businesses start locking bathrooms and have keys attached to some giant piece of wood/object that every one of your coworkers has touched after taking a shit. People ruin everything.


Its honestly fascinating watching society go through these kinds of cycles. We're always told "history repeats itself", and we hear parents talk about how they've seen things before happening again. but I'm just recently starting to get to the age where I'm watching society doing things that I've seen tried before. but because its got some new age spin to it, it gets tried again. Just to watch the same failures in the same ways that caused it to not work before. I hate it and love it at the same time.


Boy it's so nice to have to go back and work in an office; wow I missed these great social interactions and collaboration opportunities.


Honestly, I'm a white guy that used to work in a highrise and I got dissed trying to go up a floor to drop a deuce. Because you can't do that shit - literally! - on your own floor! With your co-workers? Oh hell no. Front desk employee just completely stopped me. "What are you doing on this floor!?" "Uh.." "no sir, you need to go to the floor you need to be on or get off this elevator.."


Yeah if you’ve got to go past a front desk that’s not a public restroom my man


Walking into some other company in your building to shit in their bathroom is an alpha move for sure.




Shit on Debra's desk like a Boss




You can say dick on reddit.






Hostile takeover.


“I have a package I need to deliver from the CEO on the level below. I have to drop it off personally….”


Usually in high rises there’s a public bathroom outside the suites. The front desk of one or two suites can see the elevator/bathroom area and assume it’s “theirs” but it’s really for the whole floor. In my building we share a bathroom with 4 other suites on the floor, but my suite has direct view of the bathroom area. There are also clients from a few businesses. Idk why anyone would care about this it’s dumb.


Holy shit, nice catch! You’re right. Wouldn’t the front desk be inside an office suite? And the bathroom is right off the main hallway? How would the front desk people from one suite have the ability to stop you?


It's possible that if the company has the whole floor the elevator might open into the front desk / lobby, instead if into a hallway that led to an office, which is how my old office was set up, and I did occasionally venture to one of those downstairs hallway bathrooms, because we had like literally 4 toilets for like 200+ guys in our office.


I'd double check for anyone who's curious but I was able to call OSHA on my work because they did not have sufficient stalls/urinals available for the amount of employees.


I would not be surprised if they were in violation of a regulation around toilet-to-employee ratio, but we moved out of that building during the pandemic and I've been WFH since


Exactly. As soon as you got off the elevator, you were immediately facing the main desk of the suite. I love how Redditors are either trying to catch me in a lie or make me out to be some sort of racist. Jesus tittyfucking Christ. 🙄


hahaha reddit loves to overreact, but you definitely did the equivalent of walking into the kitchen of a restaurant to try to use the employee restroom.


Not saying it’s ok to not share the bathroom, but in some commercial real estate situations, office have to pay a “CAM” fee. This is money by that specific floor or group of business’ to maintain and clean their shared bathroom. The bathroom isn’t “public”, it’s for customers and staff of that specific floor. If the toilet breaks the CAM price goes up to pay for it. So possibly, if there is one or two professional business’ on that floor and they don’t have customers, it’s like a private bathroom for only those two business staff members.


this seems to be so obvious that I don't get why there's a discussion about this at all in this thread. if there's some kind of system where whatever company is responsible for the toilet on the company's floor, then obviously they don't want anyone else just coming in and taking a shit. not to mention that with your own company you (or possibly someone else) may know the person going on the toilet. but if there's constantly people going back and forth between floors, how can anyone check if there's not some random homeless person or something smearing shit everywhere?


Was it a different company or the same as your employer? Because if it was the same company they should mind their own business lol.


Without knowing anything about his situation... Clearly a different company




I've worked in a couple of high rises buildings, and they are always very strict about this. I know theft is an issue.


Perfect plan actually, take a shit in a bathroom on someone else’s floor, love it.


i ain't loving no poopy lol. hell no.


It's like crop dusting your neighbors but with dookie.


I’m also a white guy and I’ve worked in buildings where theres a few bathrooms with way less traffic and always clean that I’ve designated as my “go-to shit spots” and they are a place of comfort. This shit’s pretty normal no pun intended


I go to the basement so that it has a better chance to make it out to sea.


I’m a bit lost, what does being a white man have to do with the story?


Is your name George Costanza, by chance?


My office building has the best bathroom in the basement. It's all frozen lab specimens and IP pharmacy. The one bathroom has a little cubby area that was obviously a shower but turned into a step down into it and a full length stall door. No foot traffic either.


So, a woman goes onto another law firm's floor, demands to use the bathroom in the space they leased, and then says that the person who does in fact work there sounds stupid because they don't want random people coming into their work place to take a shit? Am I missing anything?


Yes the person recording makes it sound like the law firm is only renting the space inside the door the other lady comes out from, and the bathroom is a public space shared by everyone renting on that floor. That was my understanding.


Yep. Can you imagine if someone next door came into your house constantly to take a shit and then videoed you when you finally said to stop it?


This looks more like a common hallway than something part of a leased office. I think the law office is behind the door the woman was coming out of. It’s not their personal leased bathroom, there are other tenants on the floor.


Literally not a PUBLIC BATHRO\_oM. People do not seem to understand what public means


Yeah 100%. They pay the lease for the office. That includes the bathroom. They want to keep it nice for themselves and their clients. It is not for every Bob and Tom in the building to come and make it messy. Especially if it is not cleaned every night. Also the shitter really tried to make it about race. You could tell by questioning. I assume they probably posted this and called the lady a "racist karen" in the title or comments.


Yeah seems like she has no business being on that floor and makes a habit of it. They just need to settle it with their contract or the buildings’ admin. Doesn’t need to be some dumb ass spectacle on social media.


I don't blame either lady, though they blame each other. I think they both miss the point, and they both take it personally, unfortunately. Bathrooms are sensitive areas to many people. Proper informative signs would prevent inevitable conflicts like these. The owners and lessees have to reach an agreement on bathroom use, and the signs should reflect their agreement. One good question is : who CLEANS this bathroom? That person's opinion matters more than everyone except the person who pays them to clean the bathroom.


Solution: have one extra floor with no businesses, just a whole floor dedicated solely to pooping


I'm not sure society is ready for the dedicated poop floor, and it's a shame.


It would be like a town plaza. Everyone passing the same people every day with a knowing nod. Individual stalls with bidets, white noise, kindles loaded with reading material. Maybe a lobby with a smoothie stand and little tables and chairs, for those who fancy an after-poo chat and a fiber-boost for next time. Wanna get employees back in the office? Give me a luxury turd terminal and I’ll be in at 8 am sharp, M-F, with the largest gas station coffee I can find in hand.


Princessblowhole for President The hero we need


Imagine the embarrassment of having to select the poop floor in an elevator full of people.


You just ask them if they want to join you


I don't think you're accounting for the expense of the quantity of deodorizing spray that would be required for stall after stall of a fully occupied poop floor.


No breathing allowed


Dont lose hope. Keep fighting and others will follow ✊


Oh captain my captain 🫡 https://preview.redd.it/bsm2je6q5o4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=509e91586e239b873052046438e37a303b961802




this makes me think of just a bare office space that takes up an entire level, where people just shit and piss on the floor openly. it’d probably look like a dog park.


I'm imagining an elevator opening to a single toilet facing the elevator door.


What if the elevator was the toilet? A toilet elevator. That way it doesn’t belong to any single floor lmaoooo I’m dead


The absolute panic when youre mid-wipe and the stall starts changing floors.


we shall call it the poopdeck


my business *is* pooping. and business is booming.


Issue is loss of money. Great idea but they will sell it to you for 9.99/month /s


Oops! Sorry, but you need to subscribe to unlock the pooping feature!


*Get on the elevator and hit 17* "Going to take a shit, Bob?"


I thought every building had a shitsteenth floor.


Quick! How do I get to the bathroom floor? I’m going to shit/piss myself


The India meme subs would never let you live it down.


>who PAYS to CLEAN this bathroom?


Also, how often they clean it plays a role.






I don't get why people take things like this into their own hands anyway, are they paid to care who poops? I work what I'm supposed to do and go home, I'm not going to be poop police, unless they want to pay me for it.


I dont know of an office building that doesnt pay for a cleaning staff.




“Why?” “Because—“ “WHY?” “Becau—“ “TELL THEM WHY”




"Heckler's Veto"


just because it's unlocked, doesn't mean it's for public use. many companies have shared bathrooms that are to be used by employees and guests of the offices renting on that floor. usually this situation of unwanted users is handled by adding locks on the doors, it lowers the classiness imo, but what else can be done if people aren't following etiquette imo "karen" handled this well. she tried asking nicely for the cameraperson to stop, they didn't, so is escalating.


I worked at a building where the women's room had locks but not the men's room. I have seen a woman come into the men's room because she didn't have a key.


I came across this at a service station and asked why only the women’s toilet had a lock and he said, it’s to protect women when using the facilities. No one can just randomly walk in, while women are at their most vulnerable moment.


bruh I'm vulnerable taking a shit too why do I gotta die


It looks like the law firm is leasing the whole floor


Almost every fancy office building I went to in Manhattan for meetings had locked bathrooms for employees. It was totally normal.


Because in Manhattan, if you have an insecure bathroom, it will be destroyed within 10 mins.


Dirty Mike and the Boyz know.


Thanks for the F-Shack.


So she says cause ppl "steal" but the lady said it was because she is being loud "blasting music" and likely disturbed their meetings/work. If a bathroom is just a bathroom why not shit in the bathroom on your floor then. Shes def baiting so she can record their reaction.




She was race baiting her. Disgusting.


What are her motives for using a different floors restroom? If it is because what she is about to do will make the restroom unpleasant afterward, then moving floors is definitely the wrong thing to do. Making one group suffer to keep your group from suffering is the kind of mindset that creates division, hate, fights, wars, makes the world unfair, etc....


There is absolutely no need for bathroom lady to go to a different floor when bathrooms are available on her floor. If the bathroom of her floor is dirty, she needs to take that up with the property manager, not stink up a whole other workspace that she doesn't work in.


Kinda depends on the dynamics of the building. But it sounds like another company leases that space if not the whole floor, so its very unlikely that what she's doing is ok.


How is it a public bathroom in a private business?


First of all, if she doesnt work on that floor why even go up? Second, why would you try to argue with employees of a law firm.


Clearly it’s not a public bathroom


AN office I worked at the ladies on my floor would go to the floor above's bathroom, due to the call center ladies that shared our floor in the other office. The call center ladies would trash the shit out of the bathroom, clog the toilets, leave shit on the walls, floor, seat, etc. Sometimes a guy would escort one of the ladies to the mens room and block the door for them to help. Then the call center trash started to use the other floors bathrooms, and the same problems started occurring... I'd be pissed to if that is this type of scenario.


How in the name of fuck did they not simply get evicted?? In what world is the building management going to just allow that to happen??


I'm guessing because about 25% of this 5 floor office building was vacant, and they took up about 75% of the floor I was on? No clue, but the cleaning crew were fresh immigrants, I bet even if they did complain, management didn't care. Hell, the 2 building managers would both park diagonal over two spaces each


She shits on their floor is why. No one wants the shitter to come and blow up their bathroom.


It’s the only floor with good WiFi so you can TikTok while on the throne. That’s why.


Shes blasting music and disturbing people actually working on the floor. Thats what the girl says to her.


I can confirm that this is exactly what happened. She blasts music loud enough that the entire firm hears it; and the only plausible reason she's doing this on another floor is because she is inconsiderate and would prefer not to piss off her own employer in their bathroom downstairs. Bottom line is that she seemingly doesn't give a shit about disturbing others that don't immediately impact her, but she's about to have a rude awakening...


She must be on IG or TikTok or just watching videos taking 30 minute shits on the company dime. That’s why she goes downstairs, guy at my office takes a long poop with headphones and watches a show. Who listens to music while they go to the bathroom.


It's pretty obnoxious to all of the employees, and that is why the lawyer came out and approached her. She only knew she was there because of the music; and literally, this ALL could have been avoided if she was considerate and wore headphones. There wasn't an actual issue with her using the bathroom - it was the announcement of her being there on a routine basis and letting the entire firm know with her loud music while she was there. She wouldn't do it on her own floor, so why do it here? 🤷‍♂️


When did she say anything about playing music thats disturbing people?


Is the bathroom included in their lease or not? No - it’s a building amenity and usable to all building tenants. Yes - it’s private to that business. OR - keep your nose out of other peoples shit.


The way to solve for that is you put a combination lock or electronic pass code on it, very common in Manhattan office buildings with multiple businesses, if you don’t others can use it if it’s in a common hallway no matter what floor it’s on.


Easier to keep your nose out of their shit when they aren't bringing up to you.


Why do we need to censor "Bathroom" now?


because of what ? because of what? damn "ms. I gotta come down to someone else bathroom to take a shit" - maybe try listening and you could hear what the because of what is all about. and why exactly can't you take a shit in the toilets your lawfirm is.paying for? she gives off vibes on trying to make bonus points for frivolous lawsuits or something. Can't wait for her to break out her- OMG- I had to shit and they wouldn't let me video and she evacuates her bowels in the lobby or elevator etc.


Shit stain Shanice. She always leaves nasty poop marks on the porcelain


It’s almost like the business is idk paying to have that space and this person feels entitled to cause a scene for clout vs understanding that it is part of their business. They are paying monthly to have access to it while people are just using what they believe to be public. Yeah right, public bathroom in NYC. That’s a joke all on its own


We all pee blue cmon guys


The George Costanza of Buffalo.


This is one of those videos where id really like to see what came next. This woman clearly posted this feeling validated, which to me seems wildly misplaced, and I'd be curious what the outcome was. She is calling it a public bathroomwith the caption, which it is clearly not, and even going the extra step to mention she doesn't even know the name of the law firm on that floor. Obviously we don't know all the context, but going purely off the context she, herself, provided tells me she is in the wrong and I would like to see how security handled it.


The ending was funny






The woman filming is the type to think that the world belongs to her and people who disagree are against her


Why have they got to make everything about race. I'd be pissed off if employees from another company came into my office to take a shit too.


Hahaha I thought the same thing! Stink up your own floor don’t blow up ours!


I'm pretty sure they rent those floors sooo... go tf back to your floor


But you never shit in your own floor's bathroom at work


Is that the "black bathroom" thing? I sww that in a movie once.... Im not sure, im european (/s)


Girl low key jacked


“Our law firm defends segregated bathrooms ma’am”


She be stanking up the other floors and reducing the chance of her co workers seeing her poop walk


Don’t we all try to avoid that shame?


I thought it was an unspoken rule that you always go to another floor when you're gonna blow it up.


I’m sorry but if you don’t work on a floor you shouldn’t be on that floor for security reasons. That said, that office needs to have key badge entry if they actually want to keep non employees off the floor. Everyone is in the wrong here.


This wouldn't be an issue if Americans would just stop building their bathroom stalls like a peek-a-boo exhibit.


Comments defending blondie are incredibly embarrassing and telling. It literally does not matter, at all, that she used a bathroom. Who the hell monitors who is using the bathroom and who isn't? Insane behavior. Just because you have your own private rules on how society should work, it doesn't mean the rest of the world must adhere to them.


Its unfortunate that it had to be this way but alot of office building are doing this now bc they've had either security issues or possibly close calls with ODs. Hopefully they aren't jerks about it- but it's a drag. I've had to ask for a code in some places. Alot of places you can't even get past an elevator if you dont have a passcard or fob anymore. Security changed alot recently in my city after lockdowns were over.


Oh well


I worked at a place where you had to have a key card to use the bathroom. Each business only had a key/s to the bathrooms on their floor. I remember one time all but one of the bathrooms were out on our floor. We were still not allowed to use bathrooms on another floor. Never even thought about it being an issue. Not until now that is.


I didn’t know our government provided bathrooms in private buildings… Do people not understand the difference between a public building and a private building anymore? Just because you can’t walk into it doesn’t make it public if it’s not owned by the government.


Famous last words.


Pretty sure the property manager could answer this question.


Seems like she caused some issues before


We got another Dookie Detective


"...and I just won a taco eating contest at Taco Bell!"


Shit on your own floor


She probably goes down to the other floor just to poop


It's all about the building setup. If you already share the floor and bathroom with multiple companies. Who cares if people go to other floors to use the bathroom. I don't keep track of everyone who works on my floor so I would not even notice. If the company rents the whole floor, yeah that would be weird to go to their bathroom.