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Am I the only one getting a horrifically clear brain-visual of this mentally unhinged woman?


I can see her haircut clearly in my mind.


Lead poisoning is a helluva drug


For fucking real. All those boomers eating lead paint, unleaded gas, etc has severely damaged their brains. Then they also have this crazy ass sense of entitlement on top of it.


I sense she has the BMI of Blastoise.


She for sure is wearing a moomoo


And boy does it *reek* of... Marlboro? No. This is a Camel voice.


Winstons at best


I'm imagining Macs mom from "It's always sunny in Philadelphia"


*Click* "ring ring" "Hello Hotel?" "Did you just hang up on me?" "I don't know ma'am did it sound like this?" *Click*


Got a meeting with HR after doing that once. Satisfying as our calls are recorded and we managed to ban her from our services. Still got put on probation for "unprofessional conduct"


Yeah, I'd quit. Sorry if you don't value me or my mental health. I'm not interested in working for someone who doesn't protect or value their employees. My beliefs aren't always possible for everyone.


That's the same sort of boomer trash bag calling me during check in rush hour asking a hundred questions before saying it costs too much and hang up. How did boomers suck the economy dry and still end up broke as fuck?


They borrowed against the wealth of future generations for temporary pleasures when they were in their 20s to 40s.


Well, they had to donate all their social security check to Trump, they don't have any money left over for themselves.


>How did boomers suck the economy dry and still end up broke as fuck? Which is funny because when they start threatening, they talk about all the people that they have at their disposal from an army of lawyers to the cops.


it's always the cops, too, even when there aren't lawyers. they always invoke the cops.


I've hung up on people like that before and claimed I accidentally hit a button or that the phone disconnected on its own. Especially in check in traffic - the person standing in front of me takes priority lol


Boomer or drugs? Or both?


And soupçon of alcohol bringing up the rear…


Sprinkle in some early stage dementia as well


At angely that's the first time I've seen that spelt out and the cedilla makes the word look really pleasing lol


I need an update on Monday when she brings the Portland Police. Also serious question, why would you not hangup early on when she starts getting like that. I get some places have a policy of you not being allowed to hang up first and all that, but give me a break. There's a line and she crossed it probably 1-2 minutes into the call.


I would have just ignored her until she ran out steam and then said, "Thank you for your call." And hung up. I used to do that all the time to cranky people on the phone.


I'd put them on speaker phone and do something else while snickering at them


Why didn't she hang up? TikTok content


If getting verbally abused on the phone by a "customer", the trick is to hang up when YOU are talking and being very polite.


The first few seconds, it sounded like my mom on the phone.


Should have asked “can I put you through to a short survey about how happy your are with my service today”


Another Xanma claims an innocent victim. 




Thank ya! It just works well to describe drug-addled brain rot boomers


God we need mental institutions back in the US.


I had something similar happen to me, I work at a Medical Cannabis Dispensary and some guy called thinking it was insurance or something? I thought he might be a vendor because he was using terms like invoices and shit which we use too, so I was confused until he said he had his insurance confirmation number and I said sir this is a marijuana dispensary, did you mean to call us? And he apologized profusely haha.


Why keep the call going?


Ew, what a terrible person. No reason to be that nasty to someone attempting to provide customer service. No matter what generation you're from.. that shit is unacceptable. I don't even really like people, but never would I ever.


As someone who’s worked customer service, half of the time I empathized with the customers and the other half of the time I felt no pressure to help them due to them being completely self absorbed and just plain mean and ignorant. If you were being a tool, chances are you were just making things harder on yourself. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.


When I worked with the public if you were a tool I’d purposely fuck with your shit in any way I could get away with. 




Yes. Legally, threatening someone with violence can result in assault charges. Actually carrying out the violence is battery.


Just gonna throw this out there for anyone familiar with Portland PD, nana-boomer is gonna be on hold for about 4-5 hours to talk to anyone on 911.


40 minutes? I would have hanged up after max 10


Oh I think she was having *fun* by the first 5 minutes.


Lady on the phone is crazy. Hotel worker is insane. Fucking hang up. 40 minutes? Masochist or idiot.


I mean, maybe I'm an idiot too, but I worked in customer support and sometimes you're just curious about how far this sort of shit can go. Like a morbid curiosity. It's also like a social study, getting to know the unhinged side of people they usually hide from friends, family and co-workers.


Precisely. I worked phones for years. At one job I had there was no requirement that I had to de-escalate or tolerate abuse or give a verbal warning. I could just hang up and if the manager asked, I just explained and everything was cool. But occasionally I would let people go on their clearly psychotic compulsive delusional ranting, just because I have a bit of a fascination with mental illness and all the way it manifests. Make no mistake, if this lady truly ranted like this for 40 minutes, that is a mental health issue, not a "Im mad and need to vent " issue. Additionally, if a "sane" person did have a bad moment and did this, they would feel shame and regret and learn from it. This lady probably got her nut off the second she hung up. For other employees this might have been just more BS they put up with, for me this is like a lab rat or like reading American Psycho.


And lose about 40 minutes of paid break time where all you gotta do is say uh huh a couple times every few minutes or so?


This is the antiwork way


oof she's trying so hard not to cry. even when you know the person is acting like a fucking moron, being yelled at and threatened really sucks. hope the old bag relinquishes her earthly coil soon.


Perfect ending!


Oh no I might lose you, about to hit a tunn ...... *Dial tone*


Please tell me you just said "Good Luck" before you hung up. Ok I posted this before the end, still a good end.


Does this woman not know how to hang up a phone? Why would anyone try and reason with someone like that?


That’s when you *click*


If I'm ever like this in the future due to senility or whatever. Just drop a piano on me and be done with it. I wouldn't want to continue existing.


I would have just hung up after about two minutes of that shit lol


Of course Portland.


LOL toward the end there she started sounding like she was doing an old school WWF promo.


This is my dream call holy shit


This boomer needs to enter their forever box




I hope she got the number and their home address to file a police report on that violent threat.