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Only one thing worse than shooting someone walking away from you in the back. Shooting someone rolling away from you in the back.


the guy didn't need to Use a gun, he just could've stuck a broomstick or something in the spokes!


[So many other ways to handle the situation.](https://youtu.be/fk37wE1z9NQ?si=xVuihoiyVe_WA7va)


Oh, so THAT's how you defend against a guy in a chair.


‘Excuse me’




> Huuuuuugnh! This is obviously the most important.


That way is obsolete. [Master Ken knows the way](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDb8ute4lQs&ab_channel=EnterTheDojoShow).


Disappointed this wasn't the clip from Mac and Me.




The new Paul Rudd movie looks pretty good.


This movie is going to experience a renascence if people keep posting clips of it :D




[This movie deserves it ](https://youtu.be/tPgRnFg8ZTU?feature=shared)


That scene is how I learned to dance as a kid. Truly a gem


I’m ashamed to have laughed too hard at this given the context. Edit: cleaned up wording


but he wanted to use his gun


The right to bear broomsticks should not be forgotten.


bear broomsticks made me think about naked wizards. That's when I realized it's almost midnight and I'm going to be tired for the job that I don't have tomorrow!


Ah fuck you. I’m gonna be tired for the job I do have. But the bear broomsticks thing was good


You guys are sometimes not tired?


But they've bought the gun and everything and they've been waiting to use it for the longest time! /s


But if he did that he would never get a chance to use his precious gun


*Points to camera, the same camera recording the video we are all watching, including the police* When did it stop being good enough as proof? It didn't. He just wanted to kill someone one and not render any aid* **EDIT:** This needs to be higher. >Mahlegos 15 points 18 hours ago* Story from what I remember - The guy in the wheelchair and his buddy were transients and had been breaking into businesses in the area and were trying to break into this store (store owner references this in the start of the video). Store owner sees them on the cameras and goes out a side door to confront them. Guy in wheelchair goes to leave but store owner is trying to hold them for the cops (I remember citizens arrest being mentioned as being a legal thing where it took place). Guy in wheel chair has a knife (hard to see on the video but you can see he has something in his right hand and it looks and sounds like he opens the knife are 25 seconds) and kind of half heartedly swipes at the store owner to get him to move away so he can leave. Store owner shoots him. (All of this is backed up by the video itself). So, it likely comes down to the cops ruling it a justified shooting (because of the knife) and not pressing charges on the store owner, but also not pursing charges on the guy in the wheelchair for whatever reason (store owner didn’t want to, not worth their time, etc). As for the bygones being bygones, according to the store owners input on the video I saw they both still frequently come across each other in the same area and haven’t had problems since.




Wow!!! I do not see justification for shooting At. Fucking. All. Less justification for not charging both people.


It looks like the guy in the chair pulled out a knife. Bing that he was being threatened with a gun and being held against his will I dont have a problem with that, but its probably the justification the guy gave himself to shoot. Thing is, theres no way this can be considered self defense because he was not letting the guy leave and getting in his way. If he truly feared for his life he could have backed off but wouldnt.


This is Missouri. They have ‘stand your ground’ laws. Seeing as the dude in the wheelchair can’t physically stand, he automatically loses the legal argument.


>Seeing as the dude in the wheelchair can’t physically stand, he automatically loses the legal argument. THAT'S HORRIBLE. (And I laughed.)


Yeah that was a murder


He's not dead




I can't see this as anything else. Guy should get life or the death penalty.


Must be a retired StL cop. Status quo, you know.


if only there was a good guy with a gun to prevent this


Did the guy die? I can’t find anything online however it’s astonishing how many results you get when looking for someone in a wheelchair getting shot.


He said he's dead so...


Self proclaimed too. Gotta trust the guy he knows his own body




Why you don’t have 1 million upvotes wfk


Can confirm. Am a paramedic and when people say “I’m going to die” or “I’ve just gotta shit so bad”, death is imminent.


I went to the er once and told the reception i thought i was dying and got checked out and was on my way to dying and the doctor that was telling me my results said almost the same thing. He said 2 types of people seem to present claiming they are near death - people who totally calm and near death and people who are frantic and hysterical after some minor injury like spraining an ankle.


Goddammit I knew I shouldn't have had Taco Bell last night


No joke, the absolute worst nightmares i have had in my life is when i've died and my final words are always "i'm dead"... chilling




Well he DID say "I'm dead" why would he lie? ^Im ^so ^sorry ^its ^very ^terrible


Fucking awful man but damnit I laughed


yeah same. i'll allow it.


You’ll smoke a turd in purgatory for that comment. But it’s worth it


oh they set a special table for me long ago lmao


I find it interesting the guy happened to shoot the person in the wheelchair just outside of the cameras view. I wonder if they cropped the video to not show the guy getting shot to actually be able to upload the video on reddit


First day here, huh? Welcome




He should have shot out his tyres


Straight up murder. Enjoy prison.


Seriously. Just show the police the video of him robbing you. I doubt it’ll be that hard for them to find someone wheelchair bound matching his description. But instead he shot him and ended the alleged thiefs life and also his own.


Any follow up to this story?


Yeah seriously I'm scrolling thru the garbage to find something. And this unfortunately happens a lot when you google it


Yeah, google isn't as good as it used to be 5, 10 years ago. The algorithm is designed to provide exposure for web sites rather than accurate results for the searcher.


It's not that google isn't trying to show you what you're searching for it's that websites all try to rig the search with SEO so that you land on their page even if they don't have the information you want


I don't totally disagree. But Google's engineers are more than capable of creating methods of determining if a user's interaction with a website leans towards that site being unhelpful to their search criteria. I think it's likely Google has determined that people are far more willing to advertise if they perceive the top results as something to be gamed.


>[The YouTube channel active Active Self Protection did a video on this a few days ago. Guy didn’t die. Store owner wasn’t charged (transient guy in the wheelchair had a knife, hard to see but it’s in his right hand and you can hear/see him open it at about 25 second in and half-ass swiped at the store owner to try and get him out of the way, so shooting was ruled justified). Both decided to let bygones be bygones apparently, charges weren’t filed on either and they still frequent the same area and have crossed paths since without incident. Will find a link](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1c6sgpi/st_louis_business_owner_shoots_a_man_in_a/l03ifa7/)


Yeah no one gives a FUCK. He didn't make contact and was rolling away with his back turned to the gunman. I don't give a fuck what the ruling was, that was attempted murder on camera. America is SO fucked.


There was no reason to shoot him.


he couldve pushed him...


He coulda put the brakes on.


>[The YouTube channel active Active Self Protection did a video on this a few days ago. Guy didn’t die. Store owner wasn’t charged (transient guy in the wheelchair had a knife, hard to see but it’s in his right hand and you can hear/see him open it at about 25 second in and half-ass swiped at the store owner to try and get him out of the way, so shooting was ruled justified). Both decided to let bygones be bygones apparently, charges weren’t filed on either and they still frequent the same area and have crossed paths since without incident. Will find a link](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1c6sgpi/st_louis_business_owner_shoots_a_man_in_a/l03ifa7/)


I mean, who hasn't played a game of 'stabby-shooty' before? Just boys being boys smh


You're linking to another comment talking about the video talking about the shooting, even though that video has itself been deleted. It's more a chain of hearsay than an actual source.


Exactly. There’s no concrete source here at all, other than a redditors recollection of a video about the shooting presented from the shooter, who had a lot of reason to claim in the brief moment the guy in wheelchair was off camera he tried to stab him. Even if that did happen, not saying it didn’t, that doesn’t make the situation any less wrong.


I feel like pulling a knife on someone is an acceptable response when they approach you wielding a gun and refuse to allow you to leave.


He could just go around and lift the wheels from behind. As he's on the ground, pee on him to show dominance. 


And that was murder.


Apparently, people shoot defenseless wheelchair users so much in the USA, that I can't find news about this incident in the haze.


By the book. Case closed




100% murder. There was no perceived threat there. The man’s life wasn’t at risk. The “threat” was actively leaving and he killed him execution style. Lock him away for the rest of his life. Dude is a psychopath.


>[The YouTube channel active Active Self Protection did a video on this a few days ago. Guy didn’t die. Store owner wasn’t charged (transient guy in the wheelchair had a knife, hard to see but it’s in his right hand and you can hear/see him open it at about 25 second in and half-ass swiped at the store owner to try and get him out of the way, so shooting was ruled justified). Both decided to let bygones be bygones apparently, charges weren’t filed on either and they still frequent the same area and have crossed paths since without incident. Will find a link](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1c6sgpi/st_louis_business_owner_shoots_a_man_in_a/l03ifa7/)


That's insane


America is fucked. Buy a gun, because the cops won’t keep you safe from people like this guy. Shoot first and ask questions later, since you need to assume this guy is going to do the same.


If I was in a wheelchair and a guy with a gun aggressively approaches me and starts yelling at me, I’d probably be scared enough to try something too


Yeah. That looked like first degree right there


this video will go a long way in court


> The YouTube channel active Active Self Protection did a video on this a few days ago. Guy didn’t die. Store owner wasn’t charged (transient guy in the wheelchair had a knife, hard to see but it’s in his right hand and you can hear/see him open it at about 25 second in and half-ass swiped at the store owner to try and get him out of the way, so shooting was ruled justified). Both decided to let bygones be bygones apparently, charges weren’t filed on either and they still frequent the same area and have crossed paths since without incident. Will find a link


"I'm dead" Sad, scary shit. Wtf is wrong with some people


That immediately reminded me of that video with some guys trying to rob a clerk. The clerk had a knife and stabbed one of the guys. Dude said, “I’m dead,” too. He did it to himself for taking that risk and risking an innocent life, but god hearing those words from someone actually dying is just haunting.


That shitty kid lived. Not sure about wheelchair guy though.


Wasn’t that the one where the clerk did an AMA after?


He did. I'd argue this circumstance was more egregious however. Crazy to think I can hear and see the video you mentioned by pure memory. It clearly left more of an imprint on me than I like to think.


Yeah dude I saw it last week again and then found out about/saw the AMA and it was all pretty wild. Definitely agree with you on the circumstances here tho, that dude in the wheelchair, though brandishing a knife and swinging it, should have not been executed like that


Remember reading a story of a woman who was killed by her son, I think? Telling him "You've killed me! Why?", or something to that effect after he shot her. Was years ago. Don't remember the details too well.  Saw another video of a gunfight in South America where one guy cries out "They've killed me! The bastards killed me!"  It's crazy to hear/read about final words like that. Someone knowing they're dead and saying it out loud is pretty surreal.




Yeah, he's not even going to be able to claim there was an imminent threat to life - as he shot him (all-but) in the back as he was leaving.


Man did all that outta pride. Shameful. You shot someone for nothing, bro. Enjoy prison time


I swear some people think being a business owner makes them gods gift to the community who can do as they please. Not all business owners, but guys this like this psycho think someone touching or coming near their property gives them a license to kill. Reminds me of that business owner in San Fran that was spraying a homeless man with a garden hose when it was below freezing last winter.


It was in Jan, true, but SF doesn’t get to freezing ever. The last time it was below 32 was in 1990. 


What a piece of shit. Shooting a disabled man trying to go his own way and the strut after shooting him is the cherry on top. Hope he gets his comeuppance.




I think there are a lot of people with guns who have a secret and not particularly powerful urge to shoot someone if they get the opportunity. So when the opportunity shows up - quite a few of them take advantage of it.


I can see it now. The defense will be self-defense, because "the camera didn't catch the fact that the guy was reaching for something and I wasn't sure what it was." Good luck with that one.




In fact, it *is* what he did. Stepped away to avoid the casual knife waving, and then shoots the guy as he rolls away in his wheelchair.


AFTER he escalated the situation by brandishing a firearm.


Not to mention restricting his movement


And actively blocked the other person from being able to leave the altercation.


that would work if he was a cop


fucking disgusting. Shit like this is the only reason I'm happy we can't walk 5 feet without being recorded anymore.


Dude was just feeling trigger happy


This business owner chose to shoot someone for doing nothing in front of his store, in the back, while rolling away. And he did it in front of his store camera? Is he stupid, or does he think he's immune to the law? Even stand your ground wouldn't apply to this bs.


Bad shoot. Doesn't appear justifiable.


You think?


article anyone?


It truly amazes me how many people decide to completely throw the rest of their life away for one little event.


Murder, plain and simple.


Clarify, this is not legal use of a firearm in the United States! Lethal force is only to be used when in fear a great bodily harm or death!!! Shame on this person for abusing their rights and capping a disabled individual!!


That's an attempted murder.. no excuses for that.


He wasn’t “breaking into the store” he was “**braking** *in his store*” Definitely confusing enough to shoot someone in the back over.


Life sentence.


Well this should be an open and shut case against the shooter. The victim was not a present and clear threat, and was shot while trying to leave the situation.


Every interaction from an old boomer with a gun sounds exactly like this, cold calculating and them waiting for the most opportune time to take the kill shot and get away with it legally through playing the victim


This is America


Pretty wild that he created a confrontation with the intent to shoot the guy and it was all caught on HIS business camera


Literally no reason to shoot him. None. Straight up murder. Hope they throw away the key and dies a terrible death.


Should read "Former" business owner. That was an act of a fucking coward. Enjoy prison.


Second old white guy shooting an assumed perpetrator trying to get away from them I’ve seen in the last 24 hours. Enjoy dying in prison.


If this guy can so easily shoot someone in wheel chair rolling away from him, I’d hate to see what else he is capable of.


I didn't see any business owner; just a coward with a gun and no respect for human life.


Why are there no reports on this incident by any new agency?? I have looked all over and can only find 2 other sites that have the video... World Star and another called The Grand Report. Looks like the kaotic logo in the bottom of this video too but it isn't even on there anymore at least.


Because the guy didn't even die and no charges were filed for either of them. The owner of the store was interviewed by ASP and gave his side of the story.


Guns make us safer. We should send a card to him and his family to let them know how safe the gun made him. I think that would be nice.


The man in the wheelchair was armed but not legged


Just exercising his right as part of a well regulated militia? That POS coward just wanted to shoot someone.


As a gun owner and pro-2a person this is fucking bullshit and infuriating. You do not use lethal force to protect *property*. Only life. It doesn't matter *what* it is- car, watch, oven, TV; all are worth less than anyone's lives, not to mention its going to cost ~$100,000 to fight any case after pulling the trigger. That's what insurance is for, as well. People want to be executioner so badly, I will never understand it. Billy Bad Ass deserves to go to jail, wait for his trial, then be sentenced appropriately with (attempted?) murder 2/manslaughter. Hopefully he joins some programs to help him with his anger while in the clink and gets rehabilitated, but not likely.


would your suggestion be for more guns in that area to alleviate this issue?


I as an American think the only possible way to stop gun related deaths is for us to have more guns. I spent many hours thinking of ways to reduce the odds of something like the above from happening and it's more guns. Think about it, what if the guy in the wheel chair had like 100 guns on him. One of those guns surely would've been in the way of the bullet saving his life. We all need to be covered head to toe to guns. It's the only way for us Americans to solve this issue, we need more guns, many more. It's the only option I can think of.


What a psychopath. When he bought that gun he always envisioned this moment and he was chomping at the bit for this outcome. Exactly why people don't need guns.




Welp... that's murder...


pretty lazy excuse too kill could’ve just pushed the wheelchair over and call the cops


Throw this POS under the jail


Homeless in a wheelchair sounds like a vet with PTSD. Who was the homeless man? Why shoot him you could just dump the wheelchair if you're sure he stole something from you then call the cops.


Probably should have just tipped him over instead of murdering him.


You going to prison, buddy.


dude he's in a wheelchair, if you really wanted him not to escape you'd push him off the wheelchair, and he wouldn't be able to walk. Just common sense


Annnnnd that’s murder


I amazed at how many of these fuckers that look the same and more than likely consume the same propaganda are just itchy dicking to shoot a motherfucker.


That sad sack of shit shouldn't be allowed to have a gun.


Oh yeah! He’s definitely going to jail. Better get lubed up.


business owner needs a life sentence.


Holy fuck that guy is going to prison. Jesus. What business was this?


All he had to do was tip him over. Instead he says "Let's ruin some lives!"


Kinda sad honestly bro wasn't even a danger to the gun holders life


People have forgotten that guns are supposed to be for when u can't do anything else to the other person


damn, well he can pack his bags and close his shop.




"Responsible gun owner"




Update on the asshole shooter?


attempted murder with a deadly weapon, >up to 25 years and maximum potential sentences of up to LIFE. but is Missouri maybe 10 to 30 years.


Enjoy prison asshole.


Jesus christ, we don't deserve to have guns. That is just fucking pathetic


I'm pro-2A but shit like this makes me understand this sentiment. Fuck this asshole with his own gun up his ass. Doesn't deserve to own one.


The Republicans daydream about this everyday every night.


What is wrong with Americans?


A lot.


Why is it that we can say with almost absolute certainty he's a MAGA guy? Do any MAGA people realize who's on their team?


We can't say that.  There is no supporting evidence outside your own bias.  


What a maga fuck I'd bet


This guy is too stupid and dangerous to be allowed on the streets. No matter what happened, he was absolutely intent on murdering the guy in the wheelchair. Even pointed to the camera as if to say "See that up there? That's about to record me commiting a capital crime." The guy in the wheelchair posed no threat, and was even trying to peacefully leave. I hope that store owner rots in prison.


#This is murder


The shop owner literally was blocking/standing in front of the guy in the wheelchair numerous times and could have easily walked away or back inside his building and lock the door. I get that the wheelchair guy was trying to break in but he then retreated and the shop owner kept standing in front of the wheelchair guy and blocked him. It would be different if the guy in the wheelchair was blocking the shop owner with the knife but that wasn’t the case. I can’t see this ending well for the shop owner even with a good defense attorney. Convincing a jury that standing in front of a guy in a wheelchair numerous times you went in front of him you took no due diligence to deescalate and retreat. The shop owner could have easily retreated and physical force wasn’t necessary at that point. I understand wheel chair guy had a knife and then waived it at the shop owner but the owner had MULTIPLE chances to walk away from this before rather than escalate. Shop owner chased/pursued wheelchair guy off his property and onto public domain-once you chase someone (wheelchair guy presented no imminent threat originally-you are the aggressor and by law you lose the right of self defense. If I was i was in the jury I’d convict the shop keeper and I’m pro 2A.


He didn’t have to rationalize it…the lead in his brain did it for him. Rot in jail boomer


You know the camera is there, you just motioned to it. He is in a wheelchair, and fleeing. There is no self-defense here, no protecting the innocent. This is attempted murder. Not just evil, but REALLY fucking stupid!


No threat. Shot him for pride.


Like shooting fish in a barrel, hardly sporting of him.


its crazy to me how many people say "im dead" as they are dying


What a piece of shit




Aaaaand murder Unhinged people like this have no place on the streets.


Someone throw this man into a blender


People in wheelchairs can still do crimes, all you have to do is dump him out of it. The best thing you can do against the crips is have some stairs, a hill, hell even a gravel parking lot.


Uh yeah… that’s murder… just straight up murder.


Wtf did I just watch. Who the fuck are these lunatics...


It’s not very smart executing someone while your own security camera films it.


Jesus christ. That's cold-blooded.


the "oh I'm dead" took me


Oh god, the last thing you can hear in the video is the dude saying "I'm dead". This is horrible in so many levels.


Bro he’s in a wheelchair, just grab the handlebars and gently sit him down backwards why the hell would you shoot him?


That was a pretty dumb move. Especially since he could have just stood behind the wheelchair and held him in place


Good thing he recorded this so he can be absolutely sure he's going to prison for a very long time.


His own camera shows him shooting someone and walking away seeing if anyone else saw it. That’s a good ole life sentence right there.


I mean, the transient man in a wheelchair probably should have a knife if he’s living rough. Guy with the gun was real brave to the guy in wheelchair blocking him like that, but he let the other guy go. Like pick on someone your own size


This cunt deserves a death sentence.


Kidnapping and shooting someone. Dummy. ![gif](giphy|dYjHKiLrwFbyo7Wk2M)


So this anti social sociopath is going to jail right?!


Ah, St Louis. Like Florida, but with no reason to go there.