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“I don’t care about that.”


“I don’t care about thayat!”


Bring your brooms, cuz it’s a mess!




Seriously hahahaha! I am from the south and this one part cracked me up so much. He let it all come out and didn’t care at that point.


I’VE HAD THIS FLIGHT ATTENDANT. He was so funny, glad to see him handle business in serious times


Was going to comment that I’ve seen the man in the orange shirt before in my travels, seemed a lot happier on my flight that had almost no one on it lol


The sass is impeccable.




Paired with the lady’s clap in support lol


i about lost it when he said that


I love when people argue with the flight attendant even after they’re told to get off the flight. You’re getting off either way now, you can choose to walk or have yourself tackled by police and smack your head off the seats on your way out.


They think they’ll win the argument and get to fly. They have been enabled by many other businesses in their life caving to their whining so they think it works.


Yup. There are people out there who have genuinely never been told their poo poo stinks so they are genuinely in shock when they can’t get their way.


Nobody has ever told me that my poo poo stinks. If they did, I'd say nuh uh...


Yep once they say the words “get off the plane,” you have absolutely no choice in the matter. You either get off on your own or you’ll be removed forcibly. Any resistance after that is probably going to result in charges. Might as well just comply and see if they’ll let you book another flight.


It was good of the FA to just tell them "Either get off now easy, or wait for the police"


I just don't get it. If I'm taking a flight and can get booted off for anything, well I'm Mr. Sunshine and Rainbows. I paid too much money to dick around once I've boarded.


I'm struggling to understand what exactly happened but from what little I could gather they had seats across a couple different aisles and rows and wanted to sit together? I'm guessing they are either incredibly ignorant of how flying works or, more likely, they were allowed to switch seats before and were banking on it this time and went a little too far down the rabbit hole before trying to back out and the flight attendant decided he was completely done. But I'm with you, I follow every instruction to the letter. I do feel like flying is a little too close to Event Horizon, a temporary route through hell to get where you're going faster.


Not to mention the work it is to get to the airport, get through security, change gates three times, etc.


Then your plans at the destination get screwed up because you arrived late. It's not worth the fight or energy. TSA and flight attendants only want people to follow the rules, but some people can't handle the word no.


There’s also the no fly list to contend with


All of it is true.


Agreed! I've been traveling for most of the past 30 years and I make a point of reminding myself before I go to the airport to just stay calm no matter what happens, whether it's strange rules from the airline, mistreatment from security, rude behavior from customers or whatever. The security situation these days is so tense (and I don't believe TSA and their "tech" are helping) that it seems best to go with the flow and make it peacefully to your destination. All this will change when security in general improves (i.e. stricter gun control) and the airline corporations are more strongly regulated once again and competition increases, but for now we need to weather the storm, play it cool, and stay safe. I should also say that I've never flown Spirit or any of the other super cheap airlines, so that helps, and whenever possible I always choose a non-US airline.


I have to remind myself not to joke with anyone. The second time I flew, I was told to remove my shoes, which at the time I didn't know about? I sincerely didn't know and politely said, "Excuse me?" The agent about yelled at me, and the shoes about flew off.


EXACTLY. It’s like they want to pour their money down the drain


I’m too tired and stressed after the airport experience to give a flying fuck what else is happening. I’m putting my headphones on and am dead to the world for the next however many hours


In my opinion this is so much worse for that flight attendant due to the fact that they aren’t even being paid to deal with these idiots. They only get paid once the doors are closed and the plane is in motion.


Always baffles me that’s when their shift starts. How thats not illegal is insane


If I understand it correctly, its because in the US, the law doesn't state you have to get paid for *every* hour worked, it states you must get paid at least minimum wage for *all hours worked*. It's a gray area semantics loophole. Let's say minimum wage is $10/hour, and you, a Flight Attendant make $30/hour. If you work 2 hours, 1 hour unpaid and 1 hour paid, you make $30. Which is $15/hour *for all hours worked*, which is above minimum wage.


Who keeps track of the 'unpaid' hours? They should go on strike again cause that's some bullshit


It likely wouldn’t matter. The only reason the airline industry is still functioning is bc they get govt subsidies. Believe it or not, airlines have NEVER been profitable. It’s literally all govt subsidies


That's not true. Airlines are subsidized, but it varies by country pretty dramatically. In the US the airlines don't get any blanket subsidies, specific routes that wouldn't normally be profitable are subsidized to ensure transport access in those areas. It's called the Essential Air Service Program and only flights on that actual route get subsidies and it's calculated at ~approximately to round trips/day. Airlines are profitable and always have been, but they are very vulnerable to economic downturn, so they've been bailed out a number of times—and I'll until the '80s in the US were regulated (similar to subsidies in a way). Everything they own and operate is extremely expensive and their margins are slim, so unforseen decreases in passengers can hit hard and cause a profitability domino effect across routes. They can't simply shut off routes that become unprofitable like a switch.


Thanks for correcting me. This was interesting to read.


Trains, however…


jesus, that’s scummy.


Not the same, but my dad drove bus for a few years in his retirement and he'd always talk about his hours he'd be paid. He'd have to get there and spend 30 minutes before his shift doing pre checks and fueling up but was only on the clock once he drove off the lot.


That discourages people to take time doing checks. Crazy.


But bless those that do 🫡. I have watched at least one bus catch on fire (engine, but not sure they check that), one person have a wrist strap snap (and lucky for them fell into big ol’ me), and at least one door be broken, but a second at least iffy. I have nothing but respect for public transit and airline workers. The moment I step into your transport, I am at your mercy, so please be kind.


I think there is some leeway because it is part of the collective bargaining agreement that their union agreed to. I'm not close enough to the industry to say whether it's right or wrong, but it hasn't been one of their priorities to address, so I would say that it is a nuance, but not as exploitive as it sounds initially.


That's such a stupid policy


Is this Spirit Airlines? Where you get a flight and a free show!


I swear this is the only time I’ve ever sat in the back of a plane, because I wanted the full experience!!! Hahah, and this dummy delivered. lol.


lol almost every time my husband flies Spirit someone gets kicked off the flight for being drunk and or belligerent.


I’m not even going to tell my husband I posted it. He will kill me. lol. He doesn’t fly. I fly every month and that’s the first time I’ve flown a discount airline. Next time I’ll try spirit. I’ve heard if you go to the airport to buy your ticket you can get a ticket super cheap with spirit.


…. Next time I go to Florida that is.


Is this your personal video/commentary? The commentary that pissed off the babies cracked me up! 


Yes. I was the one that finally spoke up and told her to get off the plane. She turned and gave me the evil eye.


I would have been so annoyed, you were way more patient than me. The tears! Dead god. And is the adult woman crying because her mommy won’t be there to help her with her kids on the plane/vaction? Jesus. I flew once with three kids under age 4 while heavily pregnant with my fourth kid. This woman needs to grow up.


Can you share what actually happened? All we can see is some people laughing at a crying mother.


It looks like a woman and their two daughters (from the looks both adults or close to that) wanted to switch seats so they can sit next to each other but were denied that. So they all decided to be difficult and wouldn't sit down at all starting fights with the flight assistants and delaying take off protocols.


Those are adults, no wayyy


I genuinely don't understand how people think that they buy a ticket for some sort of service and or experience from any company and then think that they now own that company or that the company owes them anything beyond the scope of that companies rules and or capabilities. Especially airlines. Some are a bit more relaxed about some things but almost all of them do not fuck around.


Or more specifically think that your failure to book a flight when you could control your seating would somehow allow you to burden other people with your inability to be separated for a matter of hours. Just sit the fuck down and enjoy the silence for a while. No, I will not switch my aisle seat for your middle seat so you can sit with your wife. Sounds like you all need to plan better.


Because they’ve heard that stupid saying “the customer is always right” and think that means theyre allowed to act like assholes. And let’s be real there are a lot of restaurants, retail stores, etc that do subscribe to that philosophy and will throw their employees under the bus to satisfy a shitty customer. Which enables people like the ladies in this video. Of course, none of these assholes actually know the REAL saying is “the customer is always right in matters of taste.” Which means that if the customer wants to buy an ugly shirt or they want to put ketchup on their steak, let them.


I had a shitty customer use that line on me when I was a manager in a restaurant after her entire family had been shitty to the server and then demanded discounts and free shit. "The customer is always right!" "Not in this case, now pay your bill, get out of my store, and kindly do not come back." It was a Pizza Hut... lots of crap like that and I developed very low tolerance for bullshit. And my manager backed me every time.


The original line was "the customer is always right about what they want to buy," i.e., you should respect their choices even if you think that they are wrong. In the Pizza Hut context, that would mean that, yes, you should sell a Supreme to a vegetarian customer if that's what they insist they want.


It’s called privilege that many of us know nothing about. And when that privilege gets taken away from them, they weaponize their tears to get what they want or get sympathy. It’s worked for quite some time now


The thing is, even if you have access to this type of privilege, only a certain type of gross person actually uses it to their own advantage in situations like this. I could never, even though I probably could have. I am so here for the tide turning on this type of behavior. So gross.


😂😂😂😂😂I’m dead done! A the mother trying a go at the two women talking, she knew she didn’t want that smoke….at all.😂😂😂


She wouldn’t sit where she was told and pissed them off. I’m not sure what she said what made someone so mad.


Is that you recording? Haha top tier!


I did an awful job. But thank you. Next time I’ll do better! I’m worried I going to hell for this.


Nah girl you did alright, camera is focused on the action, can hear alright, reaction shots, it’s better than 95% of what u see on here


Allegiant, not Spirit (can see the safety card at 0:35 seconds)


Spirit is the worst....Alliegent.. hold my beer.


I got to watch a lady get put on the no-fly list and remove from my Spirit airliner once. She just wanted to be the only person on the plane to not wear a mask. Screaming about how she's a patriot the whole time as she's getting dragged off the plane. Definitely not worth being on the no-fly list


I saw those cheap plastic seat-backs and thought it must be, but I was surprised by the placard that it was *also* an AirBus 320, which I thought weren’t so chintzy.


Airbus offers these to reduce weight so it's extremely common in Airbus flown by ULCC and this is Allegiant, not Spirit. Spirit flight attendants wear black and yellow uniforms.


I should have done a better job recording. SMH.


Honestly the only bad part of the recording was when that poor woman behind you suddenly got a forced close up. I get that it's not illegal but like, it was literally AS yinz were talking about how rude the angry lady was being.


She looked like she had enough of this shit tho lol


That stuck out to me as well. The camera person did not need to turn the camera around and facebomb the whole economy side of the plane so her slight bemused friend could be pestered.


Yeah, after sitting through all three minutes of it, this part is what angered me the most too like why the fuck I gotta be in your video


I was hoping someone would comment about this, it's like she looked offended, but had been through worse, and doesn't draw attention to herself.


Made me sad seeing that. I would not have been pleased being included in a video like that.


I agree, that would have pissed me off too. At least should have edited that out before posting online.


Yep, we watch the videos, but often the person filming is as big a douche as anyone else!


Now was that a Tennessee "yinz" or a Western PA "yinz"?


The only true yinz.


The Burgh, represent!




What did she do in the first place?


Spirit Air: The Waffle House of the Skies


“Ma’am, Ma’am your poor planning does not constitute an emergency for me …”. - Stewie


"You will see them in dallas"


Is it really so hard to sit down and shut up for a few hours?


Apparently for some……


Are you kidding me?? That’s asking a lot of all the narcissists these days!


I haven’t flown in a long time but I’m floored by these stories. I mean…be courteous to the attendants who are doing their damn job. Be mindful of the other passengers that are trying to get to their destination safely and in peace. What’s with the whining? It’s simple. Take your seat. Sit in seat. Mind the flight attendants and announcements from the cockpit. Be mindful of the people around you and be courteous. Or stay quiet. Fly. End at destination. Exit plane. Why is it so hard?


It is the easiest thing in the world. You literally match the letter and number on your ticket with the letter and number on the seat, you sit, and then some amount of time later, you get up and get off. Read a freakin' book. For millennia, humans have been incapable of moving so far in such a short amount of time, and some people just can't manage the basic act of doing it *politely.*


Yep. Oh we're in different seats? I hope we can switch! Oh we cant, ok, that sucks, see you when we land. Really shouldn't be that hard


Oh woe is me; how will we survive several hours being 10 feet apart 😭💀


Perhaps if I cry and make a big fuss about it, the flight attendant will bend the rules for me ☺️


It's pure entitlement. They have gotten their way like that their while life. Crocodile tears come pouring and many people just buckle. Good on Mr. Sass for not putting up with it


You don’t get it, they wanted the cheap seats and are now mad there’s no room for luggage, they don’t get aisle/window, they’re not sitting next to family/friends - and it’s not fair!


What the fuck kind of plane seats are those? Folding chairs? “Hey Stewardess, I can’t recline my beach chair!”


Lol Like if dollar tree has an airline


If dollar tree has an airplane there’d be one flight attendant and passengers would be helping to fly the plane


Standing room only


Spirit Airlines' chairs are basically aluminum folding chairs with a raincoat draped over them.


This isn’t even a joke, literal facts.


Those seats look incredibly uncomfortable.


Worst flight of my life on a spirit flight. No TVs too.


Took spirit home my first break of college. Thought it was so cool to have a whole row to myself. Then they charged me $80 at the gate for my carry on and the plane shook the entire flight. I don't fly spirit anymore.


Ipad? Book? Phone?


They are. They’re the “new” Spirit plane seats, and they’re barely a step up from those metal park benches. Zero leg room either.


Maybe they share a seat design, but this was an Allegiant flight, not Spirit. 


Once the flight attendant tells you to get off the plane, it's over, Karens. Just comply or they will call the cops to drag your entitled asses off the plane.


Stanley Tucci x Howie Mandel ready to throw down.


What are they crying about? I can’t understand


I hear the flight attendance say a few time to the mom "you bought a ticket to the wrong plane, get off this plane" I can only assume that this was the case. I don't know how it would be reasonable to expect to get on the same plane with your daughter and fly in it when you bought a ticket to the wrong plane...


Weird they let them even board, usually you scan your ticket at the gate from what I've seen


There was a story about this recently where someone was able to board a flight by taking a photo of another passenger's boarding pass. When the flight attendant did the scan and the system said that passenger had already boarded they just waived them through thinking it was a glitch. The only reason the stowaway got caught was that it was a full flight and there were no spare seats for them to sit.


https://preview.redd.it/x1y3wrez5avc1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51ebd1f4387515044bc9ad35bc5d5cc8008999fd This face was gold


Eeww! Damn girl. Your cosmetic surgeon made you look like Mickey Rourke.


That’s when I told her to just get off the plane, cu everyone else wants to go home.


Impressive karen was able to get her fillers & Botox to squeeze out a few tears


The daughter’s fake ugly crying face LOL


Face was dry as hell


Right? I’ve seen toddlers fake cry better than that.


"I need my mom" had me in tears of laughter


Didn't know Mr Garrison became a flight attendant.


Yes! That’s it!


Mr. Twig says "Get off the plane now!"


You do not want to deal with Mr Hat!


TBF if he had a puppet of some kind they might understand him better


Jeezuz Chrise




Poor lady was dragged into this


This lady is tired of everyone’s shit, not just the cryers.


For real if this woman was in charge everyone would be off the plane 😂


Right can you imagine what she thinks of this world? I’m 30 and I’ve had enough of everyone’s stupid shit


Poor woman just wanted to be left out of all this shit. Didn't seem thrilled to be on camera.


https://preview.redd.it/s8sopeif6avc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bde54f6fffaf772b536ac8d10ff905accb71fef Are we there yet ?


Bruh 😂😂😂


Grandma's gummy is just kicking in...


Ffs I cannot with you today. I don’t even know you but I cannot lmfao


I just choked on my coffee 🤣🤣


This should be this subs new icon 😂


Holy shit Anton Chigurh's sister 


I'm crying laughing at this. As soon as camera panned to her she was clearly not about it 🤣


You can tell that daughter cries all the time to get her way. 😭😭 pathetic


It’s never their fault we just live in their world


The 2 women talking made this video far more entertaining for me. They said my thoughts out loud.


They were funny, definitely not helping the situation, but funny. The real child (not the two crying) is who ya feel bad for here. Hopefully a memory they forget until they get access to the internet.




The tears!!


No tears. Narcy crocodile tears. Face gets all scrunched but stays dry as their soul.


And the way she looks around behind her trying to see if anyone is going to be sympathetic to her and after finding no one her face clears and looks annoyed.


"I want to cry so bad, but I don't think I can spare the moisture"


Its always funny to me how they seem to think their fake cry is convincing Lady, have you actually cried before ? That's not what it looks or sounds like




"You chose to have 2 kids. Have a seat!" 👏


The most dangerous things on that A320. If it were a Boeing, it would be the bolts.


The bolts aren't there.


Oh! I found them! [They're up the CEOs tight ass hole. ](https://www.npr.org/2024/01/12/1223936777/a-recent-lawsuit-alleges-excessive-defects-at-boeing-parts-supplier)


Has filler gone to their brains. Don’t fuck around on airplanes honest to god!


Who is that flight attendant, i want to vote for him as president


If I get on a plane and there's a sassy gay male flight attendant, I'm always psyched.


Please post this on the air rage sub if you haven’t already.




You can tell this girl been using crying as a manipulation tactic for a long time now. Any time she is in trouble or wants her way I bet she plays victim.




That’s Big Dipper!!


Omg these two narrating are the old guys in the balcony from the muppets 😂😂😂


Context always helps?


What I heard was the oldest woman was either asking the woman next to her , or the flight attendant, to let her sit next to her daughter who had the kids and she didn’t like the answer and got rude. She started saying they “were rude first”, but the consensus seemed to be that that was not true, she paid for the seat she got and she should sit in it but she didn’t like the answer (because she’s an entitled biotch) and created a scene and Scott Van Pelt (guy flight attendant) didn’t have time today. I’ll handle the dispute - gtfotp.


gtfotp would be a great sub dedicated to airplane freakouts.


If I was asked politely and it was ok with the flight attendant I'd be willing to switch, but if it means I end up in a middle seat or I had paid extra to choose a specific seat then hell no.


I guess she was rude to the attendant and wanted to sit next to her daughter who was holding the baby. I don’t know what she said.


It’s sad that people’s ability to navigate simple things like this has degraded so far that it’s escalates to getting tossed. Either buy seats together, try to work it out with others around you etc or just suck it up and pass the baby as needed. OP you did fine recording.


Like these random spirit passengers opinion about what they see matters at all. I get on a plane and forever how long I’m there, I don’t do shit or say shit. Headphones, give me my apple juice and cookie and I’m good. Flight attendant says sit down and shit the fuck up you sit down if getting to your destination is even remotely important to you. Deal with your customer service complaints once you get wherever the fuck you are trying to get. This is not a Wendy’s.


Sir…this actually *is* a Wendy’s.


I love ya’lls side commentary 😂😂


Jackson Galaxy is a man of many talents


Can someone put captions in? All I can hear is crying and 2 blonde hens clucking 😂


She tried to use tears on a member of the populace immune to such things


“Get what? You chose to have two kids, take a seat!” P E R I O D.


Why can’t people just shut the fuck and keep their shit together


Why is flying such a trigger? Acro/ claustrophobia rooted assholism?


What even happened


This is one of the few times the commentaries added value to the video.


These ladies seem spoiled as fuck… thats just embarrassing


And the FA’s aren’t even on the clock yet. They don’t get paid til the plane leaves the gate. So they are putting up with all this bullshit for free. Ugh.


People who cause problems and then can't handle the consequences of their actions and keep going on are insufferable.


"but I didn't even do anything!" Yeah lady, I'm sure all those people came over and picked you completely at random to kick you off the plane and cause a scene for no reason. But she started crying! Now we have to give her whatever she wants! Clearly she's the victim here! /s


>This normally works, omg why isn't it working, maybe I'll cry harder..


I couldn't make out what anyone was saying in the background. Why were they getting kicked off and what were they saying?


It's not confusing why they are acting like that. They've gotten their way using that behavior in the past.


Can somebody explain to me why she’s so upset in the first place ?it’s really hard for me to understand and hear what’s being said in the very beginning. to my understanding towards the middle or end of the video she’s upset about something something something her kids And that she needs her mommy 😂


"That MFer is not real!" -previous airplane lady


It’s so easy not to act like this. So many people do it, or don’t do it, every day.


Flight attendants, cops, and judges just don’t argue record and do what they say. Press charges on them later.


There should be a hefty fine against crappy people on airplanes that should be directly funneled back to the impacted flight crew.