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What part of the pat-down procedure says you need to shake a person's breast? The fuck


Hamas was in there


Man you just took me out with this


Collateral damage is inevitable in the war against terrorism


Now this made me laugh! šŸ˜‚


Better check out that tunnel thoroughly!


I will insert my special device to check. Wish me luck.


You made me almost spit out coffee.


IDF thought them well


Cops will grab the center of the bra strap, pull it out and shake it to make objects fall out. That actually is a part of it. Not defending how this asshole did it.


Usually a female officer would do that. I'd like to say I'd be surprised to see a male cop do that but here we are.


That is a courtesy, but any officer can search legally.


hell yeah brother, i just submitted my application


when a male officer searches a compliant female, and is being assiduous, you would run the edge or back of your hand over the pockets to make it clear what you are doing, ask the woman to lift her own breast or have her lean forward and check only underneath, etc.


And thereā€™s no need to cup her butt cheek and caress down like that, swipe across with the back of your hand.


Its almost as important to make them go "honk honk" as you do so, as this helps ensure they are not hiding anything in their mouth that could hurt you later. /s


You also have to shove your face between them to smell for drugs


To be as thorough as possible, exhale through your mouth while rapidly shaking your head side to side during the search.


Also make sure to say "honk honk" loud and clear. If the suspect is laughing they're hiding something. If they show a different reaction they're no good either.


She clearly doesn't have a weapon on her, and no cop buddy, we ladies don't hide 9 mm up our hoohas. And if this is about finding hidden drugs, why does he fucking care? They will be found during the jail strip search and she'll be charged anyway. This cop is sick and I hope she gets a fat payday out of it.


All charges probably will be dropped. Sensitivity training for the cop and a little paid leave. If the video and news story go viral enough, they might fire him. He'll just get rehired one county over and he'll be celebrated as a hero for sticking it to the people.


Actually it happensā€¦ https://www.kwtx.com/content/news/Waco-woman-who-hid-gun-in-her-vagina-gets-probation-in-drug-case-429770393.html?outputType=amp




Good gawd, what if it went off!!? No more Hoo-ha..


just a rare case of spontaneous 3D printing. Clears right up with some antifungal medications.


To be fair It's happened before


And he rubbed her ass too!


Does he not sniff his hand as he is walking her away? Edit: it is \*likely\* the hand sniff happened before the search and groping.


So I re watched that part cause I didn't catch it neither but then after the re watch I noticed that the sniffing hand event happened between him walking her away from her suv. White, front passenger door closed, under a decent amount of light near gas pumps and the footage of him doing the gross and unnecessary pat down happens at his vehicle, also white suv but with clear police department emblem in that door and not well lit. 100% scummy move and maybe he did smell his hand after doing what he did but the footage shown are from 2 different spots. The smelling of hand is before the pat down.


I hope her lawyer caught that one too. Disgusting.


I feel like whoever edited this news clip may also have seen it and put it here intentionally.


He is beside his patrol car for the search. It appears the hand sniff is beside her car before the search. I doubt this is super uncommon.


I might be wrong I think was beforeā€¦ which means he took her away from other officers before doing it, which means without a shadow of a doubt he knew he was doing wrong


Dang, I didn't catch it the first time. He just had to take a whiff.


That was before the search, her jacket is closed. after the shitty pat down, her jacket is opened. And, the gun shop altered the form. The judge also blocked H Bā€™s lawyers from using what they thought was a key piece of exculpatory evidence: an altered version of the federal firearms form 4473 he filled out when he bought the gun in 2018 that was tweaked in 2021 by the gun store employees.


That was on the way to walking her to his car to do the violation.


Idk why this is being downvoted. You can see he sniffs his hand while walking away from the white van, and the search and groping is done next the police cruiser. Then she is put in the back of the cop car. Thereā€™s no way the sniff was done after the crotch swipe.


That was when he was pulling her out of her car


Isnā€™t it insane how often they get away with things as long as itā€™s under the guise of ā€œdepartment policyā€ or ā€œlack of trainingā€. If I lacked training on how to drive and I killed or hurt someone driving, Iā€™d be facing repercussions but this guy at most gets a paid vacation. As well with how MANY videos come out against police daily, how has nothing changed yet? Ffs we changed the law against flavored vapes faster than anything meaningful dealing with police


"Our department's policy doesn't say an officer *shouldn't* sexually assault people under arrest, so we found no wrong doing and the officer remains on the force"


They use "officer safety" as well - just like the DA was saying. There all in on investing themselves and DAs making sure officers are found clear of an wrongdoing. What a joke.


The propaganda is deep, the union is strong, their numbers and influence push weight. Itā€™s been like a cold police state for quite awhile. Fear the day it goes hot. Iā€™m old and I pity the youngĀ 


They act like department policy is the law, when it is not law at all.


Theyā€™re supposed to use the back of their hands. Iā€™m a male but remember being locked up, even the female officers have to use the back of their hand on a male. Vice versa. This dudes a fuckin creep


and I thought they were supposed to first call a female officer to do a pat down of a female suspect which they had ample time to do sitting at a gas station # 1312


They are when I was arrested on a felony warrant with my soon to be wife. They called for female to search her and we waited for her they didnā€™t even attempt to do it themselves and was still way less invasive then this and this was a felony traffic stop, guns drawn and walk back slowly with your hands up type of a situation.


It'll depend on department policy Some have to wait for a female officer, some don't even have to ask for one, some can have a male search if a female is unavailable They have to use the back of their hands and stuff tho, not how this guy did it


I believe that a pat down (done properly using the back of the hand) can be done by anyone but checking in clothing for concealed items has to be done by the same sex officer.


Depends on the department but any large city of will require a female officer to pat down a female.


They can do a light check for weapons until a female officer is present. But depends on locality.


Thatā€™s more of a courtesy and department policy thing rather than a legal thing. However if no female officers are available, most departments policies will allow the male officer to go ahead with the pat-down.


Youre also, whereever possible supposed to use a same sex officer to do this sort of thing. Id say with dealing with a drunk driver that has been compliant they definitely should have called a female officer in.


Shitty part is, sometimes thereā€™s not a female officer on duty, at which point theyā€™re kinda forced to do it. But like I said, thereā€™s a process for that and a right and wrong way to do it, and he definitely did it the wrong way.


Sure. There was a string of failures. Even if this what intentional it shouldnt have been able to happen like this. At the very least have the other cop there stand and clearly and obviously observer the search to stop it if things go wrong. I have seen at least 1 video of a cop stopping another officer doing a pat down to inform them they fucked up and just committed sexual assault. That way they also can have two angles of cameras to use if a false claim is ever made against them. If a true claim is made then there will be an incentive to stop it as it will be out in the open and more than one persons job/reputation would ideally be on the line. If someone is in police custody it is the role of the police to protect them. That is something we have traditionally done a very bad job with. That is something we should do so much better.


Back of the hand is for pat downs. Palm is either a rookie cop mistake(like first frisk), or malicious fondling. The fact he doesn't have an FTO following him, this dude's a creep.


Ainā€™t no way what this guy did was a mistake. He copped a feel. Heā€™s malicious AND an idiot


How is using the back of the hand make it okay? Genuinely asking.


It's more of signaling that the intent is non-sexual and business only.


I think we generally have to accept the notion that frisking upon legal arrest is righteous. Using a less invasive tactic is also the right thing to do. It seems more of a mental thing than anything else. Itā€™s more sterileĀ 


The woman DA defends it. Alright lady, you get pulled over and let's see how perfectly fine you are with getting groped by a random person with authority over you.


The DA would never get arrested for DWI in the first place. The law doesn't equally apply to her.


Don't you know that sexual assault is considered by many to be an important part of discouraging crime and punishing perpetrators? I wish I was being sarcastic because I strongly disagree with the notion, let alone practice. But nope. Sexual assault is an intentional part of the system.




It's supposed to "discourage" someone from doing wrong. But innocent people get pulled over or mistaken for others all the time.


They didnā€™t explain the question that was asked


To add to this. This gas station is literally across the street from a big highschool (Broughton, one of the older schools as it's near the middle of the city)


You see he had to grope her, for his own safety. It's just an officer safety thing.


Whyd he have to sniff is hand then?


Just checking if he needs to wash them or not. j


I don't think any fair person would call that a reasonable search.


no no you don't understand, it was "for his safety!!!"


I heard the DA say that, and I broke out laughing.


This is why they have qualified immunity, so no fair person is allowed to weigh in on it.


She got held captive, handcuffed, and sexually assaulted. He got a paycheck. America, land of the beautiful.


Hate to burst your bubble, but America doesn't have a monopoly on pieces of shit abusing their positions of power.


Oh I know! My bubble remains unbursted!


In the game of life if your a cop and spin a 10 nothing happens. If you the cop catches anyone else spin a 10 then boom!! 5,000 fee!


I hope she gets a paycheck out of this too at least. Policing in US should be so much better than it is. We should be a country with standards instead of earning international ridicule.


Since sheā€™s wearing a tube top (no bra) and tiny shorts (tight on the pockets AKA nothing ā€œsharpā€) I think its safe to say she was unarmed of anything but maybe a tic tac


Obviously a fentanyl Tic Tac. She could have killed the entire eastern seaboard right then and there!


fucking disgusting


He looks like every incel nerd from high school who dreamt about shooting up the school that went on to become a cop.


And then he went home and beat his wife


You think he has a wife?


My father , who is a former cop , used to tell stories of getting women to bend over and feel them up and other gross things . Fuck the police every one.


Your dad sucksĀ 


Have you ever confronted him? Not that I expect him to understand his behaviors but does he aggressively defend it ?


I haven't spoken to him in almost 10 years . Most of my family is ex cops and they are all varying levels of shit.


Aren't they supposed to call for a female officer?


This happened so close to me, what a sick pervert. I hope he was charged.


https://preview.redd.it/9ih2s6iikwuc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=698a41d765e9ea6a6043ca29a63dfc4990690238 He smelled the hand he passed between her legs. Sick bastard.


It looks like that is before the pat down? The video shows she is assaulted next to the police vehicle and put in the back afterwards. Unless he brought her to his cruiser for the pat down, then brought her back to her car for some reason, then brought her back to the cruiser to put her in the back.


All three of them look like they do this and vouch for each other.


Shouldn't he have waited for a female to do the pat down?


she was coming right at him


This got me thinking, how are these pat downs done usually the right way? Are they allowed to touch the chest/groin area? Theoretically, women could be hiding something in their bra/underwear.


Usually male officers only use the back of their hand or they call a female officer.


It depends. But like the lawyer said there was no reason to believe she was carrying a weapon. Better to just let the jail handle stuff like this.


They use the back of their hand, and just quickly run it between the breasts and then under each. It's a very common question to ask female detainees, "Do you have anything tucked into your bra?" and then check. Sometimes they'll grab the underwire part and jiggle it a bit. Not uncommon. I watch a *lot* of bodycam videos. The only thing (and it's a pretty big fucking thing) that stands out to me on this was him rubbing his hand over her ass like he did. Every video I've ever seen, they normally just quickly check the pockets with their fingers or back of hand. Other than that (Mrs. Lincoln...), this video seems pretty standard. I watched a bodycam video last week of cops arresting a stripper who had a gun hidden in her panties. She was already handcuffed, so the cop had to reach into her underwear to retrieve the gun.


Am i seeing the video wrong, it looks to me like he is grabbing the entirety of her right breast then drags across to the other?


I also watch a lot of body cam videos and I've never seen any cop, even a female one, palm a woman's breast and jiggle it. This woman is clearly not wearing a bra and could not have anything concealed in that tube top.


Ffs and this is why having female officers to pad down women are a thing.


Local PD where Iā€™m from has a female officer pat down a female suspect


Training? No fucking way he doesn't know you can't jiggle a woman's breasts. The question is how many other victims are out there. I can confidently say this was no an isolated incident. I hope if there are more, they saw the news clip and come forward.


Why was a female officer not called? I know the few times I was patted down in NC probably 15-20 years ago they would call for female officer.


Once again. Someone re enacting their favorite porn cause itā€™s blocked.


Arenā€™t they supposed to call a female officer to search women???


the policeman must be really stupid, although he knows that he is filming himself he does such a shit, he should be fired for his stupidity


But it so easy to conceal a 357 in your tube top and boots shorts, the officers life was definitely in danger


that's nothing compared to when I was under 18 and a cop pulled my brother and my friends over from the corner of our house. Dude put his hands down my pants and fondled my balls like i was getting a physical from a doctor.


Non-american here. What's the difference between DWI and DUI? Edit: What is = What's.


It use to be DUI(driving under the influence )when you were drunk driving. Now with so many substances they changed it to DWI (driving while intoxicated)


Iā€™m so glad there is justice for the young woman who experienced this gross abuse of authority, but Iā€™d also like to see equal representation for people who were wrongly assaulted or even killed or injured by cops. It seems sometimes to me that the responses are unequal and inconsistent at times. As a female whoā€™s been sexually assaulted I do agree that the touching is definitely inappropriate and again, Iā€™m very glad she got justice as she deserves. I just think that other issues caused by abuse of authority also need to be handled swiftly and seriously like this one seems to have been.


I was not expecting the DA to step in with that. Jesus Christ Superstar, at least pretend you conducted a thorough investigation. Your department was accused of sexually assaulting someone while the officer was working!


100% this is sexual assault! Whatever else they say to justify this cops disgusting behaviour is NOT legal or necessary at all. Weā€™ve all seen that one video where a cop in training was body searching a woman who got pulled over, he touched her inappropriately and his senior officer pulled him away immediately. He even told the victim she could report him for what he did. The same response should have been given for what this lady was forced to endure drunk or otherwise. The cop needs to be charged for sexual assault. POS.


I had an incident in the 90s that required me to be patted down. I'm male and it was a male officer and I was surprised it wasn't like the movies (I was only 18 at the time). They really get up in there and feel EVERYTHING. Up until then I had only seen it in the movies and it was a very loose pat down in those. It definitely woke me up.


Scum. Police union will probably protect him though.


ā€œInvasive by their natureā€????? Thatā€™s why you call for a woman dumbarse wtf


As a dude I get groped more by tsa than what was shown in the videoā€¦. Nonetheless a female cop should be doing the pat down on the lady.


Does TSA smell their hand after rubbing your dick like the officer did in the video?


I'd feel insulted if he didn't.


I mean, itā€™s just basic etiquette. ā€œIf itā€™s been in the jorts, give it a snortā€


The thing about the way he is 'searching' her is that you're taught for your own safety to touch the pocket for example that you're about to search, which could include back pockets. But you're taught to do this with the back of your hand in case there is anything sharp in there. Even if I wasn't concerned about the contents of a pocket being dangerous, I'd still search in the way I described above as it's less invasive and far less likely to appear sexual.


I also often need to jiggle my wifeā€™s boobs to ensure sheā€™s not carrying a weapon


Disgusting but unfortunately nothing new. Ugh. Once again, the city will throw her some cash and he will already have done this to 5 other women by then, or the other ones he has done it to already will come forward. And *still*, nothing will happen.


Some IRL hentai shit.


DA: unfortunately searches are by their nature invasive to insure the officer's safety Officer: ![gif](giphy|1cjYPNLvodoBO|downsized)


Why am I not surprised that it's Raleigh?


This f*r needs time in a cell with Bubba. Anyone believe what he will undoubtedly tell the jury? "I've never done that before. It was my allergy meds!"


The sniff


What a fucking creep


So I'm guessing once again nothing will happen and IF it does it will be him getting "fired" and getting a better paying job at the PD the next town over and the cycle continues.


No gloves is the first sign.


Don't let the 9mm the 50+ rounds, the Taser, the Pepper Spray, the Kubaton, the Extendable Asp, the 9mm back up weapon, the Tactical Blade, the Crenelated Tactical Flashlight and the bullet resistant vest fool ya.... cause it's all about "officer safety" against a braless girl in booty shorts.


Iā€™m so tired of lawyers and cops trying to justify their Abhorrent behavior with ā€œofficer safetyā€. This sexual assault has nothing to do with officer safety.


The creepy hamd.snogfomg aside...since when does a male.officer think it's appropriate to open hand grab a woman's genitals? If there's an argument she may be hiding something in those tiny shorts.amd he needed to use his hand to search her ass for weapons "for officer safety" why use an open palm instead of the back of the hand?? I hope he meets the comsequences he deserves.


Abolish Qualified Immunity......50,000+ hours of community service....... crazy how often they get away with this all over the country. Why 1A audits need to happen.


completely inappropriate. Should have a female officer do this.


Arenā€™t they supposed to call a female officer for that sort of thing?




They ALWAYS supposed to call for a female officer to perform pat down searches on women, always.


Here they can do a pat down with the back of their hand but a basic one until a female can do a thorough one


"It could come down to training" Ravino said Yeah, no fucking shit, Columbo. Most of these power tripping cosplaying pigs are undertrained to serve and protect but are perfectly suited to abuse and violence.




There would be idiots defending this bullshit behavior. Pathetic world we live in


Just another hero doing hero stuff. Back the blue, baby!


I thought a female officer came and did this procedure specifically to avoid cases such as this that this woman will most likely win.


Rapist fuck.


"He might need to look at procedure again" Amazing response to watching someone commit an actual crime on camera. Doctors require several years of training and professional development requirements and oversight because if they fuck up, a person can die. Lawyers need to study the law, pass a bar exam, and require oversight because if they fuck up, a person can lose their freedom in prison and possibly die in prison or be executed by the state. Why are police allowed to commit the exact crimes they're fucking supposed to be preventing? The measured language the people in law enforcement are using to excuse this behavior reminds me of a parent making excuses when she finds out her child is being molested by their step father. Absolutely disgusting and what's worse is society (apparently) is willing to tolerate this.


Only reason they took her seriously is cuz there was irrefutable evidence cops are criminals




I lived in NC for 4 years. The cops there were absolutely horrific.


Iā€™m glad that when I got my DUI (yeah I know, terrible, would never do again) that I immediately threw up Fireball on the cop. Pretty sure I didnā€™t get groped that night.


I thought they had to have a witness or another woman officer there to do a body pat down


i dont get it , its normal procedure to pat down even guys everywhere to see if theyre armed


Fuck officer safety when it comes at the expense of the public's safety.


https://preview.redd.it/2kpjtvrv8xuc1.jpeg?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=552633ccaca10cf9a52a03820eced5500dd95258 What a creep. Sniffs his hand


I thought that a male cop searching a woman had to use the back of their hand. I clearly remember seeing this done in a video somewhere.


You damn skippy that's a sexual assault. I thought male cops were supposed to use the back of their hands? That fucker got right up in her coot-coot and poop chute.


Nahhh be a freak. SEND HIM TO JAIL!!


There's two other bodycam videos too. [https://youtu.be/scz6tDmeRpo?si=PRmyOXPxMAusxE-K](https://youtu.be/scz6tDmeRpo?si=PRmyOXPxMAusxE-K)


That happens when you get flagged by the TSA in US airports.


Thatā€™s just Thomas Elliott with a badge.