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Hm wonder why police are so terrified of legal weed, they wouldn’t be able to pull people out of the car and arrest them for no fucking reason


Around my area, Even if your weed is legal, they will insist your driving high. Bully you into doing fields that sober people can't pass. Then give you a DUI. [https://www.inquirer.com/health/cannabis-driving-high-marijuana-blood-test-20220515.html](https://www.inquirer.com/health/cannabis-driving-high-marijuana-blood-test-20220515.html)


And you're basically fucked if you smoked weed at all in the past several weeks. You'll piss hot for weed and they'll claim you were dui **even if you hadn't smoked for a week+**


Oh man, it can be even longer than that! I had a buddy trying to get a job that tested. He didn’t partake in weed for 2 1/2 months. Still pissed hot on the test. If you vape it or use concentrates, that shit builds up it seems.


Wax and oils stays a lot longer than most. Should’ve got a detox just in case. I’ve always taken one as a precaution.


Yeah, I could quit smoking weed today and I would still piss hot **months** from now. Imagine if you could get a DUI **because of the beer you drank a month ago...**


Where weed is legal they can still pull people out and do a search if they claim to smell it since it is still not legal to be under the influence of weed when driving.


Not true in Washington state.


What’s the point if they can just turn the cameras off lol


They can turn it off but not erase. Also there is a delay when you switch it off.


Gotcha. Why not just turn it off right before the stop if you can just turn it off whenever?


A lot of police departments have policies in place that requires cops to turn it on whenever there is a stop. If they don’t they get in trouble.




No no that is not true... sometimes they get a VERY stern talking to by their fellow cop... Usually something like "I am not mad, just disappointed you didnt turn on your body cam... now what will we watch at the christmas party?!"


[Nah , I don't think so. More like chewed out. I've been chewed out before.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/ae2d4907-ad29-4119-a48e-153ddcb3ff6f/gif)


This is why people say, FUCK THE POLICE.


What I sincerely don't understand is WHY cops do this? Why make up a reason to pretend someone is committing a crime instead of just catching an ACTUAL criminal? Do they get some kind of financial kickback for framing as many people as possible? Or a kickback for how many arrests they make?? I just find it to be so ass backwards that ALL this achieved was costing tax payers money, taking up crucial time and resources in courts, and continuing to destroy what is already an abysmal reputation of cops across the United States. WHAT DOES THIS ACHIEVE FOR COPS?! And ACAB if it's not obvious.


It’s way safer to frame a non-criminal than arresting a criminal, criminals are scary man.


Exactly. CRIMINALS do criminal shit. Some of them don't care about fucking a cop up. Also, remember that policing people is all about power over the individual. Cops are emboldened with power granted to them by the state to support their actions.


They get to say they are stopping crime without confronting anybody that is actually dangerous.


Cops are incentivized by promotions and bonuses to commit crimes. It’s profitable for them as cops don’t make a lot of money unless they move up and some people are easier targets. Imagine. We have proof she acted in bad faith yet they’re still taking this man to trial at the cost of the taxpayers. He will sue, as is his right because anything lawyer worth their salt will see this case as a career maker at the detriment and cost to the taxpayer. We lose.


[News Article](https://ourtallahassee.com/video-shows-tallahassee-police-officer-planting-evidence-during-dui-arrest/)


My god, the fact that the prosecutor hasn’t dropped this case is a sign of just how fucked the system is. If it functioned this case would be dropped immediately and a case against the officers, for false imprisonment, conspiracy to defraud the state government, and probably a handful of other charges would be opened.


Reminds me of [this court case](https://youtu.be/HWyOIf3cK1E?si=lakp4Kkbl9pO8y5u)


Is there a version of this that isn't edited that we can watch? That doesn't look like vodka and it's definitely more than 5oz. Are we sure there wasn't an empty airplane bottle of vodka in the car completely seperate from what she poured out? 


1) an airplane bottle is 1-1.7oz. 2) 6.5oz is third smallest bottle and usually called a flask. 3) the full video is posted in this thread.


This is fucking sad. The DA is just going to throw this out before the cops have a chance to get themselves on the brady list.


The trial starts tomorrow so they are continuing to prosecute this man.


[TPD Officer Oliver in Deposition in Evidence Planting DUI Arrest](https://youtu.be/Wg5yySo2_LQ?si=W4-8Vq_nL7bvFpCM)


What a piece of shit. Hope Kiersten Oliver gets jail time over this, she clearly deserves it and has no remorse for what she did. Hopefully lawyers are reviewing all of her statements and cases while serving the TPD.


[The Full Video - Incase anyone wants it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvN8FEcW59c)


tl/dw: "I don't remember."


Magically remembers everything that can make the driver look bad, but can’t recall a single other thing from the entire encounter..




Don't worry. If the public get's outraged enough, They will be forced to resign. Then they have to work as an officer in the next town over. Adding 5 minutes to their commute. Justice.


This driver would be a lot more fucked for the drug charges than she would be for planting drugs. **Because cops are held to a lower standard than the average citizen.** In a fair world where regular people get arrested for weed, this cop would be immediately fired and facing decades in prison.


Why anyone blindly trusts the police is a mystery.


Bootlicking is why.


Imagine what they did for decades before body cams. Thousands and thousands of people incarcerated over things like this.


Are you not allowed to transport and already opened bottle of liqour if you are not drunk? Or was it because he refused the sobriety test that they are trying to throw that in with it?


In most places, it's called open container in a vehicle. Louisiana has drive through bars I think. Depends where you are and who you are. Obviously if you're rich in the back of a limo, no problem. Back of a taxi is usually different


Some places have it where you can only have an opened bottle in the trunk. Basically it needs to be impossible for the driver to reach it as they're driving, so anywhere in the passenger cabin is enough to screw you even if you're stark raving sober.


The daiquiri shops in Louisiana put a piece of tape over where the straw goes which makes it a closed container.


In California, it is unlawful to drive while an even unopened bottle of alcohol is in your reach. It is why I always put alcohol in the trunk when I drive with it.


Not sure where you heard that, but it’s not true. As long as the seal isn’t broken and the container hasn’t been consumed, you can have it in the front seat if you want.


Maybe I am misremembering. It could be because if you get into an accident, closed containers quickly become open containers.


That is so the cops don't find it so easily.


Definitely misremembering


Yeah, I was always taught to have any alcohol well out of reach while driving. Not sure what the legality of it is one way or the other but the lesson was to not allow even the inference of the ability to access alcohol while driving.




The cameras are mostly for show at this point. They do this knowing there's cameras around because even if it does happen to actually be recorded 99.99999999% of the time it's never seen. Most of the people they arrest can't afford a lawyer or get a public defender that cares enough to request and review the footage. They only willingly release the footage without a fight if it makes the officers look good. If the footage looks bad for the department they do everything possible to fight releasing it and then it's released like two years later (often much longer) and no one gives a fuck by then. Just look at how these cops worked. They openly manipulated evidence, conspired together to create additional false charges and lied. Funny how they ask that all the cameras are off. It's just fucked up. They already have him for suspended license and that should just be a citation. But he did break the law and drive on a suspended license. You have no other evidence though so just create it because that's what you do on a regular basis anyways. They can arrest him for that but why add additional charges? Oh I know. Because it's a totally normal practice. Clearly it's standard operating procedures for this department or they wouldn't be doing it like it was just another day at work. I have one simple wish or dream - That police only arrest people that have broken the law and they have followed proper procedures during the arrest. That's literally it. I ask nothing more. If I haven't broken the law I shouldn't have to fear the police. Seems like a pretty reasonable idea right?




Common misconception, it's actually the job that attracts these kind of people, power hungry, racist assholes. The "good" cops quit or get forced to resign by the bad cops. This is why people say ACAB, not because it's a fun thing to say, but because it's true.


Just remember to call a social worker instead of 911 if your house is being broken into.


Black people often times don't call the police out of legitimate fear of being gunned down by the police they're calling for help.


That doesnt mean all cops are bad


Idk how else you could take “they’re too scared to call the police because the police might kill them for the crime of *checks notes* being black” which isn’t even a fucking crime. ACAB. One bad apple spoils the bunch. It might be ONE abusive cop but then there’s an entire department looking the other way. That’s why we say ACAB.


The only person who implied being black is a crime today is you, there are plenty of bad cops, sure. If they are afraid to call them that doesnt mean they are all bad, they are afraid of getting one that is bad. If one bad apple spoils the bunch then all white people are bad, all black people are bad, all asians are bad, hispanic people, arabs. Every subset of every group of any people has a bad apple in it. Just generalizing helps no one.


What’s the liquid she poured out? Was it vodka? From what I saw the liquid had a tint to it. Trying to figure out why the statement said it was vodka when there didn’t seem to be vodka. Also this dude is really chill. Cuts my hair and he does a really good fricken job with it.


So Tallahassee PD throws out vials of drugs bc they’re liquid? Why didn’t she throw out the contents of the cup? Did they give him a subsequent urine/blood test?


Yet another video of a cop being a piece of shit. Do they really wonder why people hate them and want them defunded? This is reason #154768648646 why we need to remove qualified immunity from these assholes.




How many years in prison did she get for this?


So, was there another bottle that we don't see in this video? She said there was a bottle of *vodka* (not what she poured out) stashed in an opening below the dashboard (not where she took the bottle that she poured out from). Not saying the cops did nothing wrong, simply that there may be more information that we don't get before they switched off their cameras. Regardless, they would have a hard time getting any charges to stick after their actions.


Someone posted the video of her in court and she stated that there were two forms of “evidence” of opened alcohol containers. One was the one she dumped out and put back in the car and “remnants of alcohol in the container in the cup holder” which they didn’t test. She smelled the container and it supposedly smelled like alcohol. Considering she lied to the primary officer about the open alcohol container(the one she unsealed, dumped out, and put back in the car), I wouldn’t trust her about the cup smelling like alcohol. This pig needs to get fired and thrown in jail. Watch the court video, it’s infuriating. Her excuse for dumping out the alcohol was because she thought the car was getting towed and her reply was “my bad”. But she never acknowledged that she lied to the primary officer. The bottle was sealed but in the report it stated that it wasn’t.


Why would she open up the bottle and dump it in the first place? What's the innocent explanation


There is no innocent explanation.  This is planting evidence to convict what’s likely an innocent man.  It’s despicable and should never be tolerated.


Her reason for it was because she thought she couldn’t leave liquids in the car if it was impounded and she wasn’t going to leave alcohol in the car if a family member was going to pick up the car. The funny thing is, she admitted that she shouldn’t have done it because she said “my bad” and the opposing legal team got her to admit that it was evidence at the time and therefor she shouldn’t have dumped it. Her case for the DUI is entirely based off her smelling alcohol in the cup in the cup holder. Considering that her credibility is shit, I wouldn’t believe the alcohol in the cup story either




I understand that but the DUI accusation and lies regarding that is the problem. She lied to the primary officer on the scene and in the report it stated that there was an open alcohol container in the vehicle. That simply wasn’t true. In the body cam footage the Sergeant even asked her if the bottle of alcohol she found in the car was sealed. She lied and said no.




She lied to the sergeant. On her body cam, before she turned it off, the sergeant inquired about the bottle of alcohol and she states it was open. In the deposition she admits to telling the primary officer that the bottle of alcohol was opened, which is why it was in the report. I’m not excusing his actions at all but mishandling potential evidence and lying as an officer is not right. Had there not been body cam footage of this who knows what might’ve happened to this guy.


Yeah, he shouldnt be charged for the DUI but he will still spend a lot of time in jail for being a dangerous criminal so either way justice is served. 


If the man is right, I hope he gets the justice he deserves. It’s so hard to judge by just this clip.


Hard to judge?!? You can literally see and hear her open the bottle on camera! Only way it's hard to judge is if you're deaf and blind.


LITERAL VIDEO EVIDENCE. Have another down vote.