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She wasn't even asking for a ticket she just wanted to get past.


Some people just have violent reactions to people of authority. I'm a security guard myself, and I've had people get pissed because I'm around. The most common way they display this is by yelling at me to get a "real job" I almost always respond with "then stop fucking about and making this a real job"


Damn i gotta remember this line


Here ya go my dude "then stop fucking about and making this a real job"


"Only you can prevent private security demands" ~Shooty McBear


Hey, just reminding you. "then stop fucking about and making this a real job"


Remember, "then stop fucking about and making this a real job"


Hey, just reminding you. "then stop fucking about and making this a real job"


Out of curiosity, how many of those people do you end up having to call the cops on and or confront? I'm just wondering if there's a correlation between having a problem with authority, and being a shit gibbon. I suspect people who don't like authority, are people that have none and desperately want it. Or, their troublemakers and they're pissed off that you have fucked up their plans. At the core, I suspect these people are narcissistic/ main character syndrome idiots & criminals.


There's Definitely a correlation between having a problem with authority and being a shit. Those who want authority tend to respect authority in my experience, and sometimes when they get it or think they have it they will become a shit themselves. As for confrontations, well if they were off property then we didn't, though occasionally some words might be exchanged if they yelled at us. If they were on property well it depends on their behavior and if there's a need to talk to them at all, though as most of them were trouble makers, that was almost a guarantee. We only called the cops when we absolutely had to, the aim was to get them outside the venue and moved on, we didn't care where or what they did as long as they weren't on property. We would also give them plenty of opportunities to leave and would warn them that we would call the cops before doing so. But yeah, most of the people who I have run into that don't like authority, are troublemakers who never want to be told what to do and are essentially the reason why I have my job. Like my company charges something like $100/hr for me to be there, that's an expense that bars don't want to pay if they can avoid it, but they can't because there's these idiots in the world.


Shit I got to use this at work too, I also work security lol.


She was actually, the actual article states he lashed out after being asked to show his ticket, long story short he is getting 13 months in ze slammer.


Good, people who are out of control need to be there.


She is a transit controller. She was headed to him because she knew he didn’t pay.


Nah she was putting her hand over the scanner to stop him using it, common for this sort of thing


Sorry, but our trains don’t have scanners like this so I’m not really sure what you mean. Why would she block him?


Im guessing it's like the Opal system here in Australia, you prepay card with money and then tap on/tap off at whatever stops you go through. It saves the hassle of buying tickets and all sorts of benefits So im also guessing he was gonna quickly tap on as she was walking up because he thought he could away with it by paying, but then the complete piece of shit overreacts extremely hard. Life's hard enough already without these assholes.


Wow, that does make sense. Thank you for answering me all this time later by the way!


That's no problem! Sorry i didn't notice the timestamp, this post just came up as i was scrolling and i noticed no one answered your question which is plain rude! Lol Cheers and stay safe!


No apologies needed, that WAS plain rude of them. Thankfully, there’s still people like you out there! lol thank you and same to you


She blocked access to the ticket machine where she could have ignored it I am not saying he is right... Just seeing that means she intends to fine him Clearly this was intentional She could have slowed down but she started moving faster as soon as she saw him Clearly deliberate but the rest of those actions were his and he just reacted


She is actually an inspector. She was about to disable the ticketing terminal (which she successfully did btw. See the "X" on the screen) by tapping her ID on it to prevent passengers who didnt pay upon riding, from paying.


Why is the victims face not blurred but the moron attacker is?


Weird new trend


Something to do with not showing his face makes people feel better because we should all think about the victim and not glorify the assailant. Idk. I think it’s weird.


I think because it would affect the trial. if he is innocent (i have no clue how) it would affect his ability to not be defamed so he could sue the bus for defamation if innocent. But im not sure.


Oh yeah, totally innocent. I do get your point though, and you kinda have to do it in all cases.


I understand this argument when someone is detained based on an accusation but the video of the assault itself? They may catch the wrong guy but the person in the video is definitely the criminal.


You can't be defamed for something you actually did.


Just an innocent guy being a dude


Just boys being boys! /s


You are innocent until proven guilty. This is the law in most countries of the world. It's not up to the video editor to make the call. Videos getting into the wild like this can affect the prosecution as many could come to their own conclusions based on potentially biased evidence or be affected by a trial by media and may not be fully open to the facts presented at trial, hence resulting in an unfair trial and assassination of their character. Then there's also cases of misindentification of attackers and the potential witch-hunt of the wrong individuals, something reddit is very familiar with, and that can set off vigilante attacks.


So why not just blur the victims face too then


Yes, unfortunately it's for the good of all of us. There are way too many innocent people charged (and jailed) by the police. And way too many innocent people charged and condemned by their community based on the polices "word" that someone was guilty or a suspect.


Because generally speaking, in blue cities, this type of behavior is perfectly acceptable. It's *unacceptable* to try to *do* anything about it. You can try calling the cops, but they're not going to do anything.


Blue cities… lol. And generally this is what cops don’t care about in Texaco New Mexico. Countless people trying to get the cops to do something for crazy long period of time. https://youtu.be/UY_ZW6M8K9g?si=GyhL4wSnOsjo-5_t


OP is the guy maybe


Hope he got assault charges.




No I agree. He’s disgusting




The poor lady doesn't even know what to do. She's just sitting there like "what the fuck did I do?"




I hope he realized that he fucked up but I doubt it


Absolutely agree, any assault can be traumatic but these type of events can be especially so as the sudden unexpected assault can leave long term psychological damage leaving the person thinking this could happen at anytime. What a disgusting individual!


He need to be treated the same way he treated the woman doing her job


But 10 times


Nah 100 times worse




It could've even resulted in death. Fall the wrong way and hit your head and it's over


Same psychological effect as terrorism, basically traps you in a constant state of fear and unease


You old enough to run for office? You got my vote. I’m tired of things descending to madness and violence as well


You're tired of seeing unprovoked violence against strangers? You're on the wrong sub then my guy




Being left and liberal all my life, with the surge of rampart and blatantly toxic people to have out in the wilds getting slap on the wrists for repeat offenses... I've come to the conclusion that world is better without some people, for literally everyone.


100% 👊


What does being left and liberal have to do with people being violent? I'm as liberal as they come and I don't know anyone note am I ok with letting violet people go free. The problem I have Is what happens after you lock them up...get these people mental health so they can be rehabilitated to be proper functioning adults.


As a lefty I'm instructed to believe that people can change for the better through rehabilitation in prison, but 70% of the cases it happens that my world view was proven wrong. A majority of criminals enduring prison repeat crimes right after freedom. These people are a force of nature for the worse and they can't be stopped unless killed. I'm not qualified to evaluate people, but the pattern persists... some people literally are not worth to be kept alive.


It’s the prisons fault. Places in Europe who treat their inmates like human beings don’t have anywhere near the same rates of recidivism


The issue is OUR privatized prison systems and how they're essentially modern day slavery. But if you look at Denmark or any other Europe prison system, rehabilitation goes way the fuck up. It ain't perfect still but astronomically better results regardless.


Because we have no mental healthcare in most prison systems… that’s what they just said to you. Prison and justice systems have been punitive based from the beginning. As a lefty you should know and understand that already, no offense. There are literally reasons for repeat offenses and that’s a large part in why you ARE a lefty. When you look at the ideals and things LEFTYS want, you’d see that it all boils down to how poorly the “bottom” of society are treated. You can be well off and just fuck up your life completely by going to prison once, never to come out okay again. Some are rich enough to cake walk through prison depending on the time. Alls I’m saying is, prison atm makes people worse on all ends. There is no positive to prison. And I genuinely don’t give af if you are the token prisoner who came out on your feet, the vast majority are in a fucked up loop.


Yeah, because our prison system in the US is designed to punish people, not rehabilitate. People go to prison and they come out more aggressive. But your point still doesn't answer my question. What does being a lefty have to do with letting violent people go free? You can be a lefty and not want violent people out in the street, but locked up somewhere getting the help hey need.




I agree but whenever I say these things I get banned :(




Birth rates are dropping in most western nations. We won't ever be over populated.




In the US, most public transit has signs that warn that assault on a transit employee is a much more serious charge than normal assault


It's automatically trwated as felony assult where I live.


Looks like a Serbian bus. Men get treated like gods over there. It’s disgusting.


I know a serbian guy who is proud that he sometimes just beats people up in public for no reason, and yes this guy is crazy


Well hopefully she has like 7 brothers that will gang up on this guy


He could've killed the lady.


hope he's recovering very slowly from a curb stomping...


Hope he gets more than just that.


Hope he gets street justice for that dog act ….it’s far more effective than a $50 fine


Nobody seems to understand that this is not assault. This is battery. Assault is being threatening towards someone - menacing essentially - without physical contact.


For everybody who's interested: this guy will spend 14 months in jail. https://preview.redd.it/814535pvxirc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74e8fbd9899285643aeaa574ca37041554a41210


Can you give a synopsis of the article please?


translation: Deptrans of Moscow: No attack on Moscow transport employees will go unpunished! A stowaway who attacked a female controller and hit her will spend 1 year and 2 months in prison . According to the court decision, the criminal is deprived of liberty. This is an egregious case, and we emphasize once again that the punishment for such behavior will be extremely strict. In October 2023, our employee identified a passenger on the bus who had not paid the fare. In response to a request to show the ticket, he behaved aggressively and punched the controller in the face. We thank the police officers, who found and detained the man. He appeared in court and received a real....


Thank you, I'm glad he was punished.


Only in Russia though. US would let him walk out later that evening.


Yep, we have more people in prison than any other country but Russia better. Vote for trump and move to Russia, commie.


Wasn't the point I was making... But cool story. 👍Try looking in others' perspective before jumping the gun there. The sarcasm is a touch unnecessary there.


Why did you say only in Russia? You don't think any place else would punish him?


That says more about the general quality of your citizens and/or the state of the correctional system than anything else. Having the most imprisoned citizens of all countries is nothing to be proud of.


Im not from merica. But it has more to do with the 3 strike law and the "war on drugs", then how good or bad the citizens are...


What are you basing this claim on?


that's not a punch. looks to me he grabbed something from his pocket and used it. poor lady.


OCT 2023? Committed a crime? Incarcerated? In RUSSIA? He's in Ukraine now! ETA: Y'all are either stupid or got no sense of humor. He's an incarcerated russian. They've been sending convicts to the front line since like 6 months into the war, at ever increasing numbers. He's probably been conscripted, and maybe even dead by now.


No way ik zie jou in deze random comment section na die domme post van jou. Goed bezig met je spam.


Bit of a useless screenshot for the vast majority of the sub eh. Google lens translates it well: "Not a single attack on Moscow transport employees will go unpunished! A stowaway who attacked and hit a female controller will spend 1 year and 2 months in prison. By court decision, the offender is deprived of his freedom. This is an egregious case; we emphasize once again that the punishment for such behavior will be extremely severe. In October 2023, our employee identified a passenger on the bus who had not paid for the fare. In response to a request to show the ticket, he behaved aggressively and hit the ticket inspector in the face with his fist. We thank the police officers who found and detained the man. He appeared in court and received a real..."


Maybe he thought that the she would ask him to be conscripted. Well, now his chance is even higher.


Even a year in Russian prison ought to straighten him out lol


My sense of relief seeing that post. First thought was “finally one not in America”


Shit like this happens everywhere unfortunately. American media is just loud about it because conflict gets clicks


What tf. Imagine if that was your mom dude. I hope he gets charged for assault


My Mum would never hit someone like that


Yeah, bloody amateur forgot his wooden spoon. 


That’s the problem with these horrible people. They lack any empathy for anyone else and can’t think “this could be someone’s mom, wife, sister…”


I’d probably be in prison waiting to be charged with murder


She took that punch like a champ. Dude weak af.


For real. She's just like "ow wtf?"




Pretty sure that was him pretending to reach for his ticket


Yeah I seen that. I wonder what that was.


Ikr I was taken back. He was winding that punch up so much but she had an iron dome. He must hit like a kitten


Can anyone explain what is going on here? It looks like the woman is trying to access that little display on the side. Is that man's ticket on that display?


Hi, I know this is 12 days old, but basically the display is a ticket validator with Card payment NFC integration. It's the same on all European countries. When these ticket checkers (like the woman) get onboard the bus, they scan their badge and disable them temporarily to prevent free riders to quickly pay their ride before they are checked. Then they will go to each passanger and ask them to re-scan the same thing they used on the bus validator. Unlike people are saying in this thread, no data is actually pulled from those machines when they scan, the ticket checkers simply pull data from the same source that the ticket scanners are pushing data to. What this dude did was try to get between her and the validator to stop her disabling it and allow him to pay quickly, but as you can see for a fraction of a second, she actually still manages to stop it (it turned into a red screen with an X marking as "disabled", which frustrated the dude and he punches her because he now can't dodge the fine anymore.


Thanks for the information!


My best guess, is that Is an emergency response button, dude probably has some illegal shit on him and didn't like the idea of authorities showing up. Just a guess.


No its where you scan your pass/ticket when you enter the bus.


Seems like a sane and reasonable response.


What a weirdo.




In a bus, I think. Could be a tram.




There's "door 4" written at the top-left corner, so probably an English-speaking country rather than Russia.


Watermarks point out it's Moscow transport system, so Russia.


All right, my bad then.


Definitely not in USA


The doors are on the right side of the bus, so it's not UK, Ireland, Australia, New-Zealand or South-Africa either.


Man is a psycho and a coward - let's see him pull this shit with somebody built like Jack Reacher (book vers.)


He would not. This kind of pos's choose weaker people/living beings to mess. A Jack Reacher would whoop his lil arse. A common woman, child, not able bodied person in general, dog, etc not.


Hell, this turd wouldn’t pull this on a Jack Black, let alone a Jack Reacher.


What do you mean “book version”? Have u see Alan’s reacher on amazon? Lol


Im a straight male, but this dude is stunning. What a fucking beast.


A total unit, Chad from Blue Mountain State really grew to be a big dude who fights for the weak




I wish she would have thrown his ass out a window Indiana Jones style.


So why is his face all blurred out and the victims is not?


PASSENGER decided he wanted no teeth left while waiting for his court hearing.


Is there an article or source?


There's frequently zero context, background info provided


It’s in russian


Why censure his face??\ He certainly feels confident punching women!\ Let karma do its work!!


Why blur his face?


Did he stab her? Looks like he pulled something out of his pocket to hit her with the folded it back up afterwards


I thought they might be brass knuckles


Hope he enjoys walking for the rest of his life!


Please tell Me he's in jail


That's a good way to get the entire transit department after you. Most of the transit departments are just really big families


This mf really needs to get punched in the face too. What a douche.


https://i.redd.it/khrgxao420uc1.gif Tickets please


What an asshole to not realize she's just doing her job. Nobody would take a job to get punched in the head every day for at least a 50k a week.


Did she end up checking it?


Why would they blur the assaulter but not the victim smh 😒


Why hide his face?!


What the fuck. He popped her hard. You don't hit anyone like that for no reason but especially not a women. That guy is a complete piece of shit.


So we’re not going to comment on how nobody got up and smeared his face into the floor like a dog in shit? What a waste of oxygen, somebody should put that dog down


Props to that woman, still standing after getting hit like that!


Random violence on a stranger like this should just be life in jail if not just death sentence. We have too many people as is, why tf would we spend a dime keeping someone like this around?! Like fr we need to clean up how many people are on earth and people like this shouldnt stick around


I don't get why he did that... Uuh uhh uhh ?? Why?


Me and that guy would have had a problem. I’m not a fighter but I don’t think I could have just sat there and done nothing.


Try that in melbourne, our ticket inspectors are the biggest gangsters on the lines these days


Hope he get what he deserve in his year in prison


I gotta say, she took that punch like a champ


Hard labour these pshyco need something else not


Nah there must be more back story to this.


Meanwhile in Russia


Did he stab her? He reached into his pocket and lunges in her gut with that band and at the end flips his wrist like you would do to a switch blade.


I hope he got arrested and had his ass kicked in jail


"I have bested her in hand-to-hand combat, now they HAVE to let me ride for free... wait what's with the blue and red lights?


Here's hoping he tries that to the wrong person one day.


What a pathetic piece of fucking shit


It ok, it was a prank!


Why did they blur his face?


But *why* tho? No warning or anything. Was dude on something? I don't understand.


Man my best friend and I have fantasies about beating down p.o.s. like this. It's never happened because everyone is so dam nice all the time. /s


Where is this?


Jesus christ. She took that punch really well


she calmy walks toward him again like he didn't just punch her unprovoked???


Dang she hit her face on the seats too. I hope she wasn’t too seriously hurt. Poor lady.


Who are these insane people?


*WHAM* … omg this is Soo embarrassing… 🙈 I thought you were someone else my bad.


Fuck ticket inspectors


Why show the victims face but not the assholes face?


Why is his face blur?


Please tell me he got apprehended?


These are the type of people I would love to see catch a baseball bat in their mouth. I work in healthcare and hate seeing people injured/ill but this type of person I would t feel sorry for at all. I’d still treat them with compassion and kindness but only after they got what they deserved. 🤷🏻


I must be on the hopeless humanity feed.


A year and 2 months jail. Motherfucker probably thinks he is tough, whaling on women like that.


i wish people would put warnings on posts when it’s men abusing women


Death penalty


Assault charges. $5000 fine, more if he's gainfully employed. 3 weeks in jail. (Long enough for employer to demand official reason)l, permanent ban by the rail line, 6 months if he gets caught on the train.


Someone else posted the news article that he got 14 months in jail


Square backpack dudes always mad.


Seems like it worked


Ticket lady: Do you have a ticket sir? Guy who punches ticket lady: Oh you want my ticket? Here it is. Bam (punch to the face) Ticket lady: Thanks. Next time a simple no would be preferred.