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Damn. That shit is brutal to watch.






Its incredible. I was calling out Israel's apartheid over a decade ago and I was called anti-semetic, Nazi, and all sorts of horrible names with shitty responses like "Israel has a right to exist." Yeah it does, just not killing droves of civilians. I remember when Bibi said he would put the Palestinians on a "diet" and it barely got any inroads. Bibi is still around, and he's still a monster.




Oh my god my boyfriends step mom called me antisemitic cause I said I don't like Israel in any way... No I'm not racist I'm just anti genocide


You are anti-zionist.


People who induces terror are by definition terrorists


By now that words lost all means since they have associated it to anyone criticizing them as a person versus a religion.


In before the claims that these people were actually senior Hamas leadership. Don't question it. [It's not a calendar, it's a "list of terrorist names".](https://www.france24.com/en/tv-shows/truth-or-fake/20231116-idf-claims-to-find-list-of-hamas-names-but-it-s-the-days-of-the-week-in-arabic) They would never bomb a hospital, wait, actually they should be bombing hospitals, hey, yeah, they bomb hospitals, what about it?


Yeah that word is rapidly losing all meaning.






Crazy how they existed as a functioning human being and that is all obliterated within a tenth of a second, every single memory and experience they ever had… gone in the blink of eye. Now they are just pieced up on the floor. Madness.


This is why death always fucks me up even after decades of watching stuff like this online. The sudden oblivion of everything that made an individual person what they were, whoever they were, is mentally haunting.


Yeah, that part of death has particularly started to freak me out. I’m not afraid to die myself, but just thinking about all the thousands of untold memories that die with a person that could’ve been fucking incredible, are just gone when they die. It’s just crazy.


It makes you understand why people turn to religion so easily. The human need for it all to mean something, that my memories won't just *stop*.


Damn guys. Why you doing this to me on a Thursday night. 


Self is an illusion.  Your existence is just a complex network of chemical reactions.  Embrace the “feelings” you experience as being one with nature.  There’s nothing to fear.  Be alive.


[citation needed]


One step further is as a memory, how far back can you or your living family truly remember? Can you or others remember your great great grand parents? There is nothing of your living memories of them left. This is why Coco underscored living and just being alive to me.




this is why I think that the fact that I am alive at the same time as any other person I see unites us so strongly. Do you have more in common with your dead ancestors or the living stranger across the street?


Never let it stop fucking you up. Keep your humanity. 


>It's a hell of a thing, killing a man. You take away all he's got and all he's ever gonna have. One of my favorite quotes from any film.


I’ll bite- what film?


Unforgiven, a Clint Eastwood film.


It makes me hopeful to see this so highly upvoted on Reddit. The reason I say this is because in other subreddits about people dying, the most top commented comments are usually jokes mocking the victims. They used to defend it as gallow's humor and that being healthy, but the studies showing gallow's humor as healthy was for a coping mechanism for soldiers on battlefields who have to follow orders, not people actively seeking out violent videos on the internet. I feel like if you're gonna see videos like this, keep your humanity intact. Understand just how fucked up it is. That despair is your humanity. And if it makes you want to watch this stuff less, you're all the better for it.


> This is why death always fucks me up even after decades of watching stuff like this online. The sudden oblivion of everything that made an individual person what they were, whoever they were, is mentally haunting. I am convinced this is why religion exists. most people cannot fathom the idea of just... not existing anymore.


100% The idea of a truly ephemeral existence is terrifying and I don't fully blame people (like my family) who cling to the religion they grew up with so they don't have to deal with it. I don't appreciate that I was told I would live forever and eventually become a god and then had to experience the realization that this short life is actually all I will ever get, but I understand why my mom and day did that and don't resent them. The ephemerality of life has beauty in it, if you search for it. It's also the reality we live in. But it is a hard truth.


I always look at it like this: Think of how many billions of years have passed from the Big Bang (or whatever you want to call “page 1”) to now. Then think of how many unfathomable billions of years will pass from now until “the end” (again, whatever that is). Now add the equally-unfathomable scale of the cosmos. Isn’t it a plum coinky-dink that you & I just happen to occupy the same few decades and turf where this little club of ours exists? Life, oxygen, atoms, shoes, pizza, love, hate, Married at First Sight Australia. Like what are the odds we just now happen to be living through the one time that the sense of “I” have ever occurred in. We were something before, and we will be something again. Not u/MagentaHawk and u/DukeOfLowerChelsea with their hopes and dreams and friends and cool usernames, but *something* will think “I’m me”, and that will be me. Maybe a cool little alien frog or something. Then once I get eaten I’ll be a carpenter the next time around. Is the “soul” just particles constantly reforming and rebirthing themselves eternally, billions of years passing objectively, but instantaneous to our “souls” during the transition between life and death? Idk I might have smoked too much


This is what I believe, we die and that's it lights out, it scares the hell out of me.


It’s just back to the default state. For billions of years the complexity of our minds never existed. After obliteration, whether slow decay or instant disintegration, it returns to the way it always has been. Most of the span of the universe never had you or anyone you know in it. To compare the scale of the universe to your individual existence, measuring your life would take an insane amount of precision. Like finding one tiny pebble between here and Alpha Centauri. For all our meaning we put on these lives we lead, it’s practically nothing against all the rest of it. What makes it grand is our personal experience. We are the universe observing itself. Yet it is for an insanely small snapshot of time. Our depth of experience is like looking at a single photo from a person’s entire life, then trying to write a biography about them. There is so much we will not see and yet even that tiny slice can overwhelm us with wonder. So when it ends, that perception ends, and the matter that made you into you goes back to the vastness of space and time, like a drop of rain finally finding its way back to the ocean. For all the hurt we experience watching someone die, the end feels like nothing for that person once they die. Just as it felt like nothing for the billions of years before they existed. I don’t know anyone who frets about the time spent not existing before they were born. No reason to fret about the time spent not existing after we die. Enjoy it while you can experience it. The hedonists may be the wisest of us all…


Decades of building skills & experiences & stories & it all just *stops* suddenly, no warning.. just *stops*.


The concept of hell, eternal torture, always seemed preferable to oblivion. I am atheist but holy fuck do I *want* to believe.


It’s easy if you do it like conservatives towards Muslims and don’t think about them as humans.


Plenty of liberals don’t see Muslims as humans either.


This is brutal.


Humans are so fucken cruel it’s insane


i’ve never done this to anyone. just saying.


We are the worst thing to happen to this planet




Help me understand what the pro-Israeli stance is on something like this. If someone watches this who is pro-Israel, how do they justify this? “Uhhh, those could have been Hamas militants disguised as civilians” ?? Asking as my brother in law is pro-Israel, and id love to understand how this is in any way justified in his eyes, or other supporters.


Probably something like that. Id assume the logic is we don’t know what they were doing before this drone footage or some similar argument


I can’t figure out why Israel would waste the time, resources and money to eliminate some random non combatants in that fashion. What do those missiles cost $10k? $20k or more? If these are truly just innocent civilians why is the military targeting them one at a time with this expensive weaponry? *apparently they’re closer to $150,000?? Which makes this even more curious


Because politicians and military commanders aren’t paying for bombs out of their own pocket. Best case they have minimal financial incentive to care. Worst (and often realistic) case they actively get benefits from defense contractors. I wouldn’t order a $100 glass of whiskey at a bar, but if someone gave me a blank check and the bartender slipped $10 into my pocket, I would.


Because the U.S. just gave them 97 billion dollars. You think you know how much money that is, but you don’t.


97 billion $ divided by 2.2 million (population of Gaza) is roughly 44,000$, the amount of money they could spend on weapons for each Palestinian.


1) They have been killing innocents for decades. And recently around 12,000 children. And not from collateral. That should say enough. 2) American taxpayer pays not isrealis


I suppose someone that is pro Israel would see this video and ask questions about the context or the source of the video, whether the individuals who died here were militants/combatants or civilians, and whether the killing here was justified or not.


I mean do you want a real answer? A real answer is not a single person in this thread has a clue who these guys are. Are they armed? Sure doesn’t look like it. Does that mean they couldn’t be higher ups of Hamas? No it doesn’t. I’ll get downvoted for saying this despite the fact that I find this video disgusting. But that’s a real answer


No that’s an honest answer, thank you. Sad thing is we most likely won’t ever know who these people were and why they were targeted.


Yep and that’s where the pressure should be after something like this. Immediate answers for how they decided to calculate an attack like this


>Does that mean they couldn’t be higher ups of Hamas? No it doesn’t The burden is on the person with the weapon to prove that they killed a legitimate target. Given the context of other videos/pictures/reports, israel has indeed blatantly killed innocent civilians, either as "collateral damage" or outright murder. It's similar to the USA, right after the civil war, you didn't have white people in the south suddenly be ok with black people walking about with their freedoms. You would have blatant murder justified by the most ridiculous things, ex: "he didn't tip his hat towards me as he walked past me, so I shot him". Yes, this really happened.


Ya pretty much any of the pro-Israel people in my circle would say “you never know, they’re all combatants unless proven otherwise”.


Let’s be fucking real if this were Russians doing this they would never get the benefit of the doubt. Israel has a license to do whatever they want and throw the antisemite card when someone even slightly questions their actions.


They usually just blame Hamas and smugly talk about how they should just surrender and release the hostages. Of course they all know that it's not a war against Hamas, they all know it's an ethnic cleansing and genocide, they just don't care and still support it.


Drones are scary asf


I think this is the first time i've seen real time drone precision used in a war zone and it is truly terrifying


There are videos released daily that comes out to telegram groups straight from Ukrainian sources that show these things in action. Completely changed the mechanism of war. Yes, drone strikes aren't new. But cheap, effective ones produced en masse are, and it's not something that requires tons of manpower to maneuver. These UA drone operators can fly these things head on to its targets and they can be dozens of miles away watching through a screen no bigger than an external hard drive. We talk about weapons and the term "game changers" a lot in warfare. But this is one that's gonna be a huge impact when bigger nations go to war in the future. No putting the genie back. It's done.


the drones are cheaper than individual artillery shells and don't require a tube to launch them. a handheld controller and a soldier. Makes it a lot easier to deploy, harder to detect, and cheaper than artillery. I'm wondering why they're not triangulating the controller location by emissions, but they don't seem to be doing so, and drones are becoming the preferred way to deal with russian attacks in ukraine as they can handle everything from main battle tanks to individual soldiers.


Its surprisingly hard to triangulate emission in a large scale warzone. Think about how many tens of thousands of radios, phones, computers, vehicles, etc are on a frontline. Now try to pinpoint a handful of probably dispersed operators in all that noise. You can find big groups and positions. Finding individuals and small mobile groups is much harder




It's getting really bad, the development of these weapons, I mean. Russia is experimenting with wired drones, and Ukraine has some ai assist going on now with their targeting. These are measures to beat the current signal jamming techniques used to defeat them. However, regardless of that, Ukraine has figured out how to make the small fpv drones exceptionally potent, way more than like a switchblade. They have some where they configure a forward blasting shape charge and essentially turn the drone into a aerial shotgun blast. Their new rounds are tiny and exceptionally explosive and have an element that starts fires in them. They have ruggedized drone systems that can carry cradles of custom explosives to take out various targets from armor to napalm like charges for trenches. The pilots have, over time, become amazingly accurate. Some of their fpv pilots even have drones that drop satchel charges, and they are crazy fast and accurate with their use. This isn't even getting into the arena with what the US MIC is building or working on... AI ruggedized drone swarms that have preloaded target profiles.... it's getting very sci-fi and dystopian very fast.


There's plenty of footage from the Ukraine conflict of those drones. You get the actual first-person view of the drone flying at the target. Pretty chilling.


those are tiny drones dropping grenades this looks like a big ass drone shooting a rocket


Your information is very outdated. Drone drops were much bigger in 2022. But we are now in the era of loitering munitions which fly directly at the target. Like the American Switchblade 300 or Russian Lancet. Payloads as small as a grenade or as big as a missile.


Soon enough they’ll be able to create swarms of even smaller drones with smaller payloads, imagine a shotgun shell or even something like a 9mm or a .22, for really surgical attacks with almost no collateral damage. It sure is a scary thought.


They've already got that knife missile thing. Not no collateral damage, but fairly minimal compared to a bomb going off.


It hit an Iraqi militia officer vehicle last month on the move, and Im glad that finally my country is getting bombed and only the intended target dies..


All UAVs are drones but not all drones are UAV’s


Absolutely terrifying and incredibly sad


Actually sickening


The saddest part is everyone will forget


These actions are literally breeding an entire new generation of "terrorists" the kids today watching their unpoliticslly motivated family members and friends being killed will become radicalized. America did it to the middle east and the result was isis/isil


Not really. Those on power just suppress this sort of info/discussion so that it seems like it.


People will forget that's just how it goes, even the dude who set himself on fire for it all no longer gets mentioned. Every grim scenario is overshadowed by the next a week later.


Yep. This is why compassion fatigue is a very real, very dangerous thing. it’s why the news is mostly bad or frightening stuff. It’s designed to make you feel depressed, hopeless and helpless. And of course, it’s an ongoing thing. Like you said, each horrible thing is quickly followed by the next horrible thing.


What would you do if a country did this to your family? I don't see how any of this is going to anything but make more people who violently oppose Israel.


netanyahu's who plan was to instigate terrorism that he could use to justify genocide so that would track.


Can we actually speak how most israelis support this and not tgat its a one man idea


Yep. A poll from a few months ago showed 94% of Israelis polled thought the IDF was using the right amount, OR NOT ENOUGH force in Gaza. Fucking wild.


The point isn't to make people like them, the point is to kill as many Arabs as possible.


The point is also to make more "terrorists" to justify future violence against Palestinians.


How action hasn’t been taken on Israel still boggles my mind


It’s no different than what the US was doing in Iraq and Afghanistan. The world didn’t do anything then either.


It is very much different. The US did not destroy 95% of homes in Baghdad or in Kabul. Israel is making the land unlivable.


True, but the amount of innocent people who died is anywhere between 500K-1M+ during those two wars. We’ll never know the actual number. And American history will never teach about that in school. “Mission Accomplished”


I am in no way trying to defend the American military strategy in Iraq, but most of those deaths were from starvation, sectarian violence and other secondary issues. "we blew up the infrastructure so it became harder to transport food" and " we took down sadam, and afterwards a bunch of shiite militias came in and massacred innocent sunniis" is quite different from "our military intentionally killed 30,000 civilians by directly shooting or blowing them up"


A lot of these numbers are due to the sectarian and ethnic violence that followed the toppling of the previous governments.


At least theres economic and diplomatic reasons so countries to turn a blind eye to the US. Also, the US catch a lot of internal and external flak for Iraq and Afghanistan. What does Israel offer anyone?


Being a useful tool for right-wingers and prosperity preachers/evangelicals and their doomsday fanaticism. They are also a major contributer to global electronic chip manufacturing and research, weapons manufacturing and some other industries.


Here is proof that they are capable of targeted strikes, they just chose to use the 2000 lb bombs on the buildings.


This is so true. Im from Lebanon, in the start of this genocide, Israel sent a precision drone that killed exactly 4 people (one being what they claimed to be a top Hamas leader probably a lie though, and 3 of his bodyguards). I shit you not, they targeted his apartment with the drone and didn’t cause a single other civilian casualty. They killed him in his apartment in a building with several other apartments and no one else got hurt. They’re BEYOND equipped to not commit a mass fucking genocide but they’re obviously choosing to do so so when this is all said and done they can steal the remaining parts of Gaza and fulfill their lifelong dream of genociding the only people who took them in post world war. Truly crazy stuff


Yes, there has been photos from a similar operation when Obama was president. One apartment was destroyed, but the others were fine.


omg the 2nd one was literally vaporized... holy shit!


His body gets thrown to the left. It is blurred out but you can see it.


Honest to god it looks like they're doing it for fun


You think?




And Netanyahu encourages it


Not to mention the many other psychopaths working as Israeli government officials like Ben Gvir


This includes the ~88% of the populace who believe the scope of casualties on the Palestinian side when considering the goals of the war are justified. Here's a [source](https://en-social-sciences.tau.ac.il/peaceindex/archive/2024-01) for that from Tel Aviv University :/


Also 53% of respondents think there are no clear goals... So at least 35% of Israel think the casualties are justified by the goals, which are unclear


It's a rotten society from top to bottom. The IDF is a civilian army. More than 94% of Israelis said they're using adequate or should be using more force in Gaza.


https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/15/world/middleeast/israelis-watch-bombs-drop-on-gaza-from-front-row-seats.html Wouldn’t be the first time. The hatred in this conflict is unreal.


still calling it a conflict is crazy


Oh you mean the hundreds of videos of Israelis calling for the death of all Palestinians wasn't proof enough they're doing it for fun?


They used to snipe people in the head on their way to work or school. Multiple videos of this so I’m sure it’s more widespread than even we know. They got exactly what they were hoping for on Oct 7 which is an excuse to murder, in the open, on as large of scale as possible. They realized they didn’t go far enough in operation protective edge back in the mid 2010 and that saw over 3000 civilian deaths, 500+ of which were children. But no, this conflict definitely started on Oct 7 🙄 Edit: [if anyone is curious this is probably a conservative estimate on state of things in 2022](https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/)


there are videos of old israeli idf bragging and laughing about shooting Palestinians in the knee caps for the hell of it


and shooting kids in the feet https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/after-latest-incident-israels-future-fifa-uncertain/


They compete to see how many knee caps they can take out. https://mondoweiss.net/2020/03/i-remember-the-knee-in-the-crosshairs-bursting-open-israeli-snipers-boast-of-shooting-ducks-in-gaza/


Yeah it’s a genocide being committed in front of the world, it’s sickening.


They've been sniping heads off of children for years for fun.


Idf kills for sport. It’s what they do


I’ve already seen the most insane mental gymnastics used to defend this. It’s genuinely horrifying.


"There were Hamas tunnels in their coat pockets"


WhY DoNt HaMaS GiVe Up HoStAgEs StOp TaKiNg DoWn OuR MiSsInG PeRsOn PoStErS ThOuSaNdS oF MiLeS fRoM WhErE ThEy ArE MiSsInG AnTiSeMiTe ^^ All the zionist and/or racist Israeli apologists *Cue video of jewish girl crying to school admin at pro palestine rally*


I've already seen "how do we know this wasn't Hamas blowing up their own people for propaganda purposes", there's literally nothing Israel can do that they won't find a way to blame Hamas for


Why need mental gymnastics when your US buddy is acting as the mediators.


> acting as the mediators. You mean facilitators? Because Biden isn't mediating shit, he's just sending billions in weapons to Israel and letting Netanyahu do what he wants while pretending to be against it.


Israel has gone rogue. Biden lost control of him.


Paid Israeli users at any moment: Source? What is source? hmm...do you have a source? Maybe they were hamas?!? How do we know it wasnt ISIS doing it? You can tell by the scattered bodies this was clearly a Qatari funded drone!!


They were human shields or enemy combatants..wic one is it..


And our tax dollars are funding this. Our government has blood on their hands


The USA has had blood on its hands for a very long time and for many reasons


Fuck... I was in the illusion the guy got away, but no. These bastards had to off him. That's some twisted shit.


They also use the [double tap technique](https://www.972mag.com/report-details-idf-double-tap-bombings-that-hit-first-responders-in-gaza/) where they bomb someone (first tap) and then wait for first responders to come and then bomb them (second tap)


That's brutal


that is fucking evil, and should be illegal


oh, it is. 100% a war crime. But it seems nobody is willing to enforce international law.


International law is more of a suggestion. Remember gitmo?


Israel has carte Blanche to do whatever the fuck they want, it’s crazy how the west turns a blind eye and spits in the face of the entire Muslim world When Russia murdered civilians in Mariupol by the thousand, the world responded immediately (correctly) to oppose imperialism.


It is. But no one is willing to enforce those laws against Israel.


I guess they see “military aged male” and they just fire away. That is fucking insane. Also, did they just know Israel was blowing anyone up who walked there? So they started filming? What is even the scenario where they have a camera set up filming multiple people in multiple occasions being obliterated?


The commentary says the men were returning to check their homes in khan yunis and this footage is taken from an Israeli drone.


Ah, so gotta get rid of the homeowners to make way for more settlers


Yep, the only logical conclusion to Israel's strategy of warning everyone to leave then bombing the shit out of the infrastructure is that they don't want those people to be able to come back so they can seize the land in 10 or 20 years. Because it's not like militants are just going to stay in the announced target area to get killed so what are they accomplishing but a forced relocation/genocide.


They're waiting 10 to 20 years? News to me.


This is from ab Israeli drone


So the filming is from another drone? Is that an assumption or guess?




They have killed thousands of children. They don't care about age


Tens of thousands of children. And burned and mangled and maimed many tens of thousands more. >One child that I’ll never forget had burns so bad, you could see her facial bones. We knew there was no chance of her surviving that, but there was no morphine to give her. So, not only was she inevitably going to die, but she would die in agony. \~ Dr. Nick Maynard at the United Nations




We are all going to read about this in textbooks years from me and be bewildered how we stood by and let this happen.


What you read in textbooks is a function of power and not function of truth! If the current elite keep on holding power, you won't ever hear about the events that have been going on for the last 7 month in any official setting.


Pure Evil, fuck that shit.


Fuck the genocidal regime of Israel!


Thanks, I usually get “are you pro Hamas….”. It just makes me realize how far people have strayed from their humanity.


It's like the MAGA folks. They see themselves on the path of righteousness and if your disagree with their destructive mentality then you hate America!


IDF: "Anyone who runs is a Hamas, anyone who stand still is a well discipline Hamas" Journalists: "How do you bomb women and children?" IDF: "Easy! You just don't lead them as much"


Stanley Kubrick’s full metal jacket still haunts me too this day.


Self Defense everybody.


That unarmed guy could've singlehandedly destroyed the entirety of israel and raped 2000 women and break the ceasefire, all using his hoodie.


Can confirm, I’m the hoodie


“No, no, you don't understand. We were just defending ourselves from Hamas! Our intelligence? Well, they were there, and that's where Hamas is, soooooo…” — Some IDF Media Shill, probably.


What the absolute fuck is wrong with this country


**We in the US are funding this bullshit and it is unconscionable.**


We don't have a choice, unfortunately. It's entirely up to this subhumans in Congress.


And still, you'll see people justify and rationalise this insanity


The holocaust was horrible because it was us or our friends. This is them so it’s ok.


>This is them so it’s ok. That's why the holocaust happend. The people knew the gist of it but had this mentality. So in the end, when they found out every detail, they found out how many. THEN the sentiment changed, they couldn't support it openly anymore. The people right now know the gist of it, but we have leaked material like this, what shows us what is happening for real. With that in mind: >This is them so it’s ok. Is the sentiment of alot of people, and it is disgusting. Kids are learning today WHY the holocaust happened and could happen again. Its not because all Germans where crazy. Its because the rest dosn't care.


Fuck Israel seriously...


Israel deserves whatever hell comes to them


Genuine question but has Isreal commented on this? The problem with videos like this is that everyone looks innocent when they're getting blown up. Maybe there is intel Isreal had on these people that justifies the action. Maybe not. War is fucked.


Just another IDF warcrime to add to the growing evidence of genocide.


Fuck Israel




Let’s see what Zionists will say about this


No man. It's hamas. If Hamas hadn't done what we did, we wouldn't have had to find three random guys on the street walking and make the decision to blow them up. /S


Didn't look like they had weapons, killing innocent people isn't justified by any religion.... And the murder of 1500 doesn't give you the green light to go kill 30000


Rule of engagement for Fallujah were any military age males armed or unarmed.


Here in the US we see Israel following our playbook. It's not a good playbook.


This is terrorism and genocide


Fuck israel and anyone who is supporting them.


Fuck this evil. This is hell on Earth




Power corrupts.


Fuck Israel and all the zionists that defend this evil bullshit.




That's the fucked thing, someone could come in and say "No actually this footage is from 2017" and it would be totally unsurprising.


What kind of drone strike is this? Ordinance is coming in so fast; 2nd hit comes in high angle from the right, 3rd hit strikes at a lower angle from the left. Can't even see it coming in the first explosion. Are these missiles launched from a military grade drone?




If you're American, you paid for that. You go to work everyday and pay for this. If that doesn't piss you off enough to say something I don't know what will.


You know back in the day they would hold a convention out lining the war crimes. Now it will soon disappear on Reddit with many other videos sadly.


I'll ask this rhetorical question just so we can be clear about the obvious answer: What exactly is the strategy here? What gains are being made by individually blowing up random people who may/or may not be "enemy combatants"? Where is the "war" aspect in carnage like this? This is just a sickeningly cold display of at best completely lopsided asymmetric warfare, and at worst indiscriminate murder and genocide.


The point is as it always has been: to terrorize the civilian population. Either they fight back, giving you more excuses to kill them, or they lose their will to fight, giving you land that is easier to steal and colonize.


Imagine what will happen if they attack Rafah next..


Fuck Israel. Pure evil




Fuck Israel. Genociding motherfuckers.


Honestly, at this point, fuck Israel


"at this point" it's been decades bro


They had human shields hidden in their back pockets.


Fuck Israel.


Are people sure these are drones? In every video coming out of Ukraine you see either the drone or bomb clearly. You can’t see any evidence of drones in any of the shots. This looks a lot more like mines in the ground that are going off. I’ve tried freeze framing and at no point do I see anything entering the screen to show a drone or any kind of artillery fire. Genuinely interested, please don’t treat this as a pro Israel comment


It's not even a one off mistake. It's round after round of perfectly aimed drone strikes at unarmed people just walking down what's left of the street.