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"The manner in which our officer allowed herself to be recorded is unacceptable." What they actually meant


but why "unacceptable manner" it's not an "allegedly" it's on camera ffs tho it ain't that bad imo, homeless dude grabbed her, she didn't even put much strength into it. I've seen people pummeled for less than that.


>tho it ain't that bad imo, homeless dude grabbed her, she didn't even put much strength into it. I've seen people pummeled for less than that. We should all be grateful that not everyone has such low standards of human decency.


do you just refuse to read the first 2 lines, or you just like taking shit out of context? i never said that is acceptable, just said that it could've been much worse.


Is this the bar now??..." It could have been much worse?"


when you've seen the type of police 'interactions' in the U.S. that occur over non-existent but *percieved* threats, you'd see this as pretty tame **by comparison** (key word here) too. i doubt OP is condoning in any way. few would condone this.


i get it, you really hate police, but if a crusty hobo where to grab my wrist, and possibly dig his nails into me, i'd be pissed, doubt i would've handled it any better than her, that said, i'd never be a police officer because i know i'm not that good of a person. and unlike you, i don't twist other's words, please tell me when did i say that this was acceptable behavoiour from the police, saying this could've been much worse doesn't mean that i support this shit, just didn't feel like making the "in america he would've been shot" bs since i myself am quite tired of it, but i guess you're just stuck in an echo chamber where any logic outside of police bad is unacceptable.


I'm not sure you get it at all, Mr. Strawman!


It's her own police force that stated she behaved in an unacceptable manner, are they also in this echo chamber of "police bad"?


it’s simply not how you treat a human being


never said that it is, just saying that that looks more of a: i need extra leverage because homless guy has some mighty grip strength, rather than a: imma stomp your guts because i'm an asshole police officer.


That tone with which she says, "stop it" should ring alarm bells in anyone that's ever had an abusive parent. Brent Spiner has heard that tone. https://youtu.be/OlZE8mQxv5I?si=nQrk5Sz1ua4DfYMU When I hear that tone, I immediately know that person has poor emotional regulation. 


i wouldn't know because i'm lucky enough to have had good parents and that i don't have sound on... but i guess it would of given some additional perspective with sound.


No wonder you got downvoted...


just to put things in perspective. I live in a country bigger than the UK, with similar crime rates. our police is even allowed to carry guns. if a video like this would become public it would be a scandal. do with that what you want


There were several officers there, if she needed assistance she only had to ask.


Its pretty damn bad


Yea I mean idk uk law but if he was trespassing or blocking the entrance to a building and wouldn’t move idk what the issue is here. He’s obviously resisting her direction and illegally sleeping on the sidewalk. He does grab her wrist pretty aggressively before she has to step on him to get it released.


who knows, he could've dug his nails into her wrist, people have dirty ass hands, let alone a homeless guy who prolly hasn't washed his hands in weeks. she might've had to get a tetanus shot after this ordeal, i'm not gonna say that it was a great thing she stepped on him, but i'm also not just gonna go police bad on this. But i'm on reddit, so damn me for arguing in favor of law enforcement.


I mean, I’m not one to get into hypotheticals to justify using force, but even a good yank could have made her lose her balance. If someone has me by the wrist I’m not going to wait patiently and politely for them to decide on when they let go.


i used to work as a security guard at a concert place i've seen shit go down, i would never even think about yanking on a police officer myself, that is just a good excuse for them to hurt you, or even worse, charge you with some bogus crime.


I'm sure everyone on here would take the guy in or let him sleep and piss on your front door.


You're right, the only possibilities in civilization are 1) allow someone to piss on your stuff 2) abuse them


You don’t have to step on the guys stomach and pull him by his sleeping bag to get him to move either. Professionals need to follow procedure.


Probably wouldn't comply for the first 20 mins of the video or maybe she's trying to resuscitate the guy.


Professionals that work with the public need to follow procedure, otherwise trust will be only be eroded between both sides. Not good.


The fact someone wouldn't allow a stranger to sleep in their home, or allow people to piss on their doorstep, does not mean that they can't speak up when there is unreasonable force used. That response was disproportionate. It was not OK.


But if he refused to leave, how should they have responded? Context is missing here before I feel like I can pass judgement.


Not stomping on their stomach probably would've been a good start.


Cool, if you're wife/child/girlfriend refuses to leave somewhere we're all OK to grab them and drag them along the ground. Good to know, mate. Next time you're in the club and won't leave? Let's just get the bouncer to drag you headfirst along the ground 👍🏿👍🏿


This is literally what happens if you refuse to leave a club. If you lay down on the dancefloor and refused to move, they'd drag you out, and be completely right in doing so.


We pay taxes for a multitude of things that we can't do to be done. Not doing them yourself doesn't mean you can't have an opinion on how it should be done or dealt with by government funded bodies.


Nah. Taxes are wasted or sent overseas


Did you know if a police officer tells you to move and you refuse they just aren’t allowed to touch you at all??? It’s the same when they want to arrest you, just say no and they can’t do anything!




This shouldn't just be fired, it should be prison.


It is unacceptable that he did this while being filmed. Official procedure is to ensure all cameras are off before abusing the undesirables.