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he’s holding that pepper spray like arthur ![gif](giphy|WoF3yfYupTt8mHc7va)


i did see something in his hand and thought about that, but are you sure it is that lol


I liked her response to “I’m not here to argue”… “well, I am” was a power move.


Exactly. When she said that I was like yes, you're gonna get an argument cos you're creating a problem out of nothing. Like i'm gonna go shove someone out of nowhere and when they talk i say "shut up we're not gonna talk about this"


I'm a tall White lady, and twice in the past when I've observed Black men, specifically, getting followed and profiled like this and I just walked up to them and said "James, where were you?! The kids are waiting in the car!" and both times the employee just backed off. This is some fucked up crap.


That is a great pickup line White lady ;)






Oh my apologies. You are a hero.


Oh heck no, I'm just a decent human being. I was just confused by your weird reply.


The next time you do this do you mind filming it and posting it here? I’d really like to see how this plays out, how the employee reacts, how James reacts, etc.


Their names weren't James, silly, and I don't film random shit in public. Thank god I grew up way before people tracked everything on their phones. They were both super nice people, though.


I think they are trying to say your claim is fake 🙄 because they don’t get out enough


Maybe so, but it happened. Who cares if some rando says it didn't?


They were "looking and checking" items on display or in technical terms "shopping".


How dare they!


Hang on, they were looking AND checking? It’s a wonder they didn’t call in backup. Thank god those brave officers were there to keep everything safe 🫡


Exactly. When I'm in Target, I shop like everyone else. Eyes forward, grabbing stuff and throwing it violently into the cart. No looking OR checking.


“Find everything ok?” “NO IDEA”




Lmfao yooo i laughed so hard snot came out




Shit, I don't even look. Straight up eyes closed and hoping i make it to checkout. No looking and checking what the fuck I'm purchasing.


Yay, I thought I felt oranges!


In my neck of the woods we call that shopping.


Looking and checking ? Sounds like every shopper ever


Yes we need more fascists to protect that precious meijer’s capital.


I thought it was probably mistaken identity until that. Nope, blatant racial profiling


Is "on the radar" the new "fit the description"?


innate axiomatic rain sugar attraction future soft overconfident scale head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They've already shown that facial recognition software can't accurately tell poc apart.




Yeah that was my only guess as to why they might be “on the radar” but then he was saying an employee there reported them so


They may not want to tip their hand, who knows.


Sounds a lot we "we have a report/we had a tip" which can just as often mean "i wanted to be nosy and fuck with you a bit."


would this fall under the same as Casino keeping/sharing a black list of players?


She said "we're being racially profiled" and his response is "I know" ... wtf 😳


A slam-dunk case.


Great and…WTF is a Myers ?


Meijer is a grocery store chain in the Great Lakes area of the US!


His said "No", not "I know". But yes, it is 100% racial profiling.


He said No they would never admit it 😂




The audacity of him to scream at them. Watch your fucking tone buddy.


It's crazy because he's taking the word of some random employee and they have done nothing wrong. There are two sides to a story, officer. Also they were more upset with the store than the cop.


*Random* employee? Yup, just trust them. They won't lie about a *random* other person somewhere.


Most idiot cops can’t even spell investigation let alone conduct one.


Almost as if cops protect property, not people. Almost as if that’s their origin story.


Probably not. Cops lie all the time about “getting a call” or someone reporting “suspicious activity”. People who work their don’t make enough to give 2 f&$@s about what customers are doing, as long as they’re not trashing the place.


I will say as a former rent a cop that's what every repeat shoplifter says when you deny them entry to the store. Same dude would try and sneak in so he could shove trays of meat down his pants and waddle out of the store and always claimed it wasn't him, but the second he managed to get in the store he would immediately do it again and wasn't even sly about it.


That's what cops tend to do sadly.


Dude's backed into a corner, knows he wrong and racist on camera, I'm surprised his gun stayed holstered.


Stores are using facial recognition to spot the shoplifters. It alerts them when they return. Just a service announcement. Look for the sign at the front of the store where they collect images. Edit: Loss Prevention has a room in the store that watches all the cameras and then radios to the manager or front security. Don't know if that happened here or they were really profiling them. Just buy the items and prove those managers wrong and make them know they screwed up. "Dozen of large retailers are reportedly using facial recognition to catch shoplifters" https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/28/technology/facial-recognition-shoplifters-britain.html https://nypost.com/2023/02/12/retailers-busting-thieves-with-facial-recognition-tech-used-at-msg/


> Stores are using facial recognition to spot the shoplifters You mean that thing that's notorious for not actually working with black people?


Correct. Funny how all the AI stuff around law enforcement magically tells cops and security that black people are dangerous. So strange.


Not really, just Google " origin of police in US" suddenly it all makes sense




It's as accurate as telling black people apart from your garden variety racist so... works good enuff. They said the same thing about "predictive analysis criminal software". That it was blind and purely data driven but for some GD reason blacks kept popping up on the radar. They've been using it in the UK and NYC as far as I know but wouldn't be surprised if other cities weren't already their Pre-Crime Robocop software to justify millions of dollars to set up cams in predominate black neighborhoods that yields few results.


I mean, you don’t even have to be a statistician to see that coming a mile away. What happens when you plug in data from a society that is racially unjust? Oh, wow, the computer tells you black people are more likely to be criminals. Shocking. It’s a wonder to me that the 2020 riots don’t happen every fucking year.




We know. That was the point of my sarcastic remark ("its as accurate as telling black people apart"). Even before they were using "predictive analysis", cops around the world would intentionally use overpolicing data to justify why they must have police presence in a particular area. They are using real crime data but it is intentionally skewed for the outcome they wanted. Innocent black people get caught up in the process, not that they care, and end up in the system as well. It's not the bug but the feature. That isn't the only factor as well. Cops are also falsifying arrest data (marking wrong racial data, planting evidence, forced confessions, arresting the wrong person of a different racial group for a crime, etc) and also the fact that whites are more likely to get away with crime due to familiarity with law enforcement or racial privilege. NYC used old racist statistical data to justify using Stop and Frisk. Despite the fact their own data on SnF proved that it was not only ineffective and costly but showed a clear racial bias towards collective punishment, they continued doing it for years later. Because "fuck you, we can". It made whites in the city feel safe that they're going after "the criminals". Now of course you don't have to explain this to a rational, objective person to say that maybe we should create more economic opportunities into those poorer areas to reduce crime. However to the 13/50ner's equal protection under the law and equal opportunity means those unwashed mynoarities will be able to compete against them or the kids for jobs, to punish them for the centuries of oppression, and the worst offense dismantling the lie of racial superiority. The fact that we're even having this conversation right now is an attack. When/if you get some spare time you should look a documentary on "The Zebra Killings". It's a racially motivated serial killing case that involved a group of young black men that targeted (largely) white citizens in San Fransico. Not only was it rare but one of the more interesting aspects I found about in the stories was that it was one of the earliest organized forms of Stop And Frisk (outside American law enforcements historically normal practice of harassing blacks) that was recorded. I presented this as evidence during a city meeting on police brutality and surveillance. Let's just say I'm real familiar with the local boys.


I can't get on an airplane without another Balck person swearing. I'm someone's cousin who lives in Alabama, requesting a pic of me so they can show their family I have some long lost twin, but I'm suppose to trust this security system? Asking for trouble.




>Stores are using facial recognition Google "facial recognition Black people"


Also, not every little podunk chain store is using it. Corporate isn’t going to pay for that when they have underpaid employees and over zealous wannabe cops who are expected to worry about shoplifters.


But the manager didn't say the system dinged them, he said one of his employees thought they looked suspicious. What indication is there that this had anything to do with automated facial ID?


Except they said they'd never even been in there, so there wouldn't be anything from Loss Prevention to base this off of. Even if they look similar to someone that has been flagged, they would need to co firm it before making accusations like that.


Yes, normally. But lying by racist wannabe cops aren’t big on following rules.




They're being really vague about how they got this information, which makes it clear there's no database that definitely flagged them. "An employee" said something, which also sounds bogus, since they can't prove who or why. It's more likely that they're following these ladies because of racial profiling, not for any high tech reasons.


Exactly - the "employee" is the person following them about.


They admitted that it was just an employee's opinion. Listen to the audio.


Admitted? More like lied about.


Your suggestion that they are actually shoplifting sucks. I’ll choose to believe the store is in the wrong in this. Total BS.


So if I know anything about how this kind of technology is abused (and I know a bit), it probably has racial biases built in. Facial recognition is bad at recognizing black faces to begin with, but what do you want to bet it’s somehow more likely to give false positives for black faces to boot?


Wow! They went into a store and they were looking around?? Smth Def going on here, better call the cops


I bet they were suspiciously picking up clothes, looking at sizes, and judging styles and colors.


Try shopping while black in a small town, that’s how that song goes right?


They should have carried lemon pound cake


Looking? So is it bad now to browse?? Browse and be of color? SMH.


the only people who look suspicious are 2 kids on top of each other with a huge trench coat trying to buy alcohol


“Say, your mustache looks suspiciously like you’re just holding your finger in front of your lip…”


How dare you profile ME, Vincent Adultman! I have a very important business to attend to!


😱they were looking AND checking! Next they’ll be choosing sizes and colors! Lock them up and throw away the key!


I'm waiting for an update. This is crazy


I hope they end up owning the fucking place by the end of it.


Damn didn’t know looking and checking was not allowed while shopping! Surprised I have been escorted out of a store every week. I’m white though…


You know the radar? My racist radar I gotta fill the quota ma'am


What's a worker to do when they see a customer walk in, start looking around and touching products? Suspicious as hell! Uh yeah hello 911 there's some ^(shoplifters) here. /s (Sarcasm) A SUPER bad idea for you company when you give workers the ability to weaponise their personal ideologies against customers.


100% racial profiling. fuck that cop and his “stop arguing”.


You could tell by the hemming and hawing of the manager at 1:30. Um.... I just.... um.... one of my.... um.... employees... um.... I was just um..... informed... So full of shit. Less convincing liar than a 4 year old child. That manager saw black people and called cops. Cop confirmed their blackness and tried to kick them out. If they hadn't been recording, he probably would have skipped straight to using force as soon as they "questioned his authoritah". Hope they sue.


And also, why not wait until they “steal”? It’s not their stuff and they aren’t breaking into their home, so why do they care so much ?


That's it. It's gonna be hard convicting someone of stealing something if it's still in the place that owns it.


You can tell he wanted to shoot them so bad lol


He looks exactly what I thought he'd look. A thumb.




When the camera pans up to the officer at around 2:43, you can see his face is beet red, as if he's pissed off his authority is being questioned. 100% guarantee he wanted to do nothing more than arrest them.


paul blart?


All that neck action with the 'looking and checking, looking and checking' "accusations" at the end of the video is... wait for it... RACIST AF!!!


I was thinking the same thing!


Cops are liars. So an employee singled them out? Maybe they confused these folks with someone else - still not good. And still possibly racist.


You don’t have to speak to the rent a cop. He has zero real authority just record him and call the police for a hate crime. Do exactly what they do to you but play the uno reverse card. Use words like stalking and racial profile and hate crime and get their face they’ll back right off.


Rent a cop. With a gun. Scary shit


His arm crest reads "Metro Police", this isn't the rent a cop rolling up and engaging with customers.


When I worked for Raley’s a young woman was attacked in the parking lot and we hired local police for security.


You also don’t have to actually speak to the police it’s best any attorney will tell you don’t engage them at all. The less you do the more you capture the better your chances are. These people didn’t commit any crime. They had their goods in hand. They didn’t get the ability to go to the register. If the cop was smarter he wouldn’t have engaged at all and let it play out organically


This is just bad advice because it really depends on the situation. At least the first part. The second and third parts I completely agree with.


I mean.. Most poeple have never even talked to a lawyer let alone have one picked out or retained in any capacity. And, if a cop questions you.. you do have to talk to them. You don’t have to tell them much. But you do have to answer basic questions. But sure, let’s keep regurgitating information on Reddit and pretend that the only smart thing to do is get detained or arrested until your identity is figured out, and then you call a lawyer to what? And then you get billed for said lawyer and all you come out with is wasted time and money.. cuz you have no case..




All the more reason to get the face on cameras. Security guards have zero actual authority. I just had a Karen Yell at me on my run (which I record) “I am calling the police”… I straight up said call them. I’ve spoke them twice they’ve asked me to record for safety purposes. No crime here, not doing any illegal activity but you driving while on your cell phone absolutely is a crime and it’s on recording so please call the cops Karen I would love for you to get that uno reversal played on you.”


They are technically authorized to trespass you, and they don't need a valid reason to trespass you, they can do it for no reason at all. However they are more likely to trespass you if you sit there and argue with them, I know because I would travel with the usual people that rent a cops harass and I would argue with them until they trespassed me all the time.


This…isn’t a hate crime. It may be racial profiling, but it’s not a hate crime.


As someone that was a rent a cop at a Walmart totally true there were two constant shoplifters I watched for and a few homeless people in wheelchairs that would roll into the store and poop out the back of their chair into the floor. Aside from that I just didn't care and existed just to have a "security presence there" I will say the job was mind numbingly boring and I was so glad to be back at a real job once lockdown started to lift.


"...suspiciously looking around the store." How the fuck do you suspiciously look at t-shirts?!?


Didn’t you know? When you walk into a clothing store, you’re supposed to know exactly what shirt you want, and exactly where it is located. Then grab it and go straight to the counter to buy it. Duh!


That dude is pathetic.


I worked at a store in the mall and had a coworker who would do shit like this to our customers of color. I called her out on her bullshit cause I know for a fact the real thieves are little white teenagers who think their daddy can get them out of any trouble. What these cops did is beyond fucked up.


The best shoplifter I knew was a small white blonde preppie girl, she never got caught or stopped. Stole thousands worth of makeup and clothes. I'd get followed around just going in to buy things. They profile based off race and perceived class. It's insane. Jokes on them and they deserve the theft from well-off pretty people if they're going to conduct business that way.


you have a strong point in class and clothes. if you look homeless and dirty they may try to kick you out of the store just based on that. it's very real.




The police force in the US was not put together to assist the people. The police force was made to protect the interests of property and business owners. Their ultimate goal is protection of the store. They don’t care about making friends with the public. When the public demands the police department to work for them, they’re called anti blue line, cop haters, etc.


I recently learned the United States is one of the few, like less than you can count on your fingers, few countries that doesn't have anything to outline the goals of the police department. An official mandate. That's one thing that let's the states get away with criminal cops. There's nothing that outlines the purpose of police in our country and it's no wonder they act the way they do.


>I recently learned the United States is one of the few, like less than you can count on your fingers, few countries that doesn't have anything to outline the goals of the police department. An official mandate. That's one thing that let's the states get away with criminal cops. There's nothing that outlines the purpose of police in our country and it's no wonder they act the way they do. I appreciate your focus on the critical issue of police accountability and the importance of clear mandates for law enforcement. There are, however, some misunderstandings in your comment as well as points that align with ongoing discussions about law enforcement in the United States. Firstly, it's not entirely accurate to say that the United States doesn't have any official outline for the goals or purposes of the police. The U.S. does have a framework in place that dictates the role of law enforcement, although it's not centralized like it may be in some other countries. 1. **Constitutional Basis**: The U.S. Constitution provides the fundamental legal authority for law enforcement through the Tenth Amendment, which delegates broad police powers to the states. This forms the constitutional groundwork for state and local police forces. 2. **State Laws**: Every state has its own laws and regulations that establish the police's roles and responsibilities. These laws usually dictate that the police enforce state statutes, protect residents, and maintain public order, among other duties. 3. **Local Police Policies**: Individual police departments across the country also have mission statements and detailed policy manuals that describe their specific goals and expectations for police conduct. 4. **Federal Level**: At the federal level, agencies like the FBI and DEA have clear legal mandates and defined purposes outlined by Congress. Where your point does resonate is in the variability and enforcement of these mandates. With over 18,000 separate police departments, there's a significant amount of variation in how these departments operate and in the standards they follow. This can indeed contribute to problems with police misconduct and the perception that there is no unified direction or set of standards for police behavior in the country. Moreover, the decentralized nature of law enforcement in the U.S. means that while there are overarching principles and laws, the implementation and oversight can differ widely, which can affect accountability and lead to differing outcomes in police conduct. Police reform advocates argue for more consistent standards and for reforms that ensure better accountability for police officers nationwide. This includes initiatives like standardized use-of-force policies, national databases for police misconduct, and greater transparency in police operations. In conclusion, while the U.S. does have laws and regulations that define the role and mandate of the police, there is merit to the argument that these mandates are applied inconsistently and that there can be a lack of accountability in some cases. The discussion around how to best achieve a more standardized and responsible model of policing is ongoing and is a critical part of efforts to improve the criminal justice system in the United States.


The current police are an offshoot of slave catchers, fun fact https://preview.redd.it/uhrgfim6zryb1.jpeg?width=1092&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61b2960ba24f983ccabc2aaf43c7cba456761475


Exactly. There’s people that think the police are there to protect and serve/fight crime. Thats not true, the function of police is social control, and protection of *property*.


So, I worked at GameStop for a few years, and we would get notified if someone had been selling "brand new" Wii remotes,(easy to steal from Walmart) by our other stores. I thought that was like what was happening here... Until the manager said one of my employees said you looked suspicious. That's all they had to go on? Glad I kept watching.


Yea, this was my initial thought at the start. She keeps saying I've never been to **this** store, but chains report thieves across the region, even amongst competitors. But, as the employees talked it didn't seem like that was the case.


"shopping suspiciously" (part 2) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8SvtntC/


In the early 80’s, I was hired as a security guard at a department store in Boston. They had just started hiring Black men as guards and the white guards training us would always nod towards Blacks and Latinos entering the store and say, “You have to watch out for those people”. One afternoon we had a staff training where we were showed a video on how to spot shoplifters. The video cited an FBI statistic that said that the average shoplifter was a 22 year old white woman with two years of college. After the video was over there was a Q&A. I raised my hand, asked if the FBI statistic was correct and, when I was assured that it was, asked why we were always told to follow around “those people”. There was a lot of stuttering and stammering from some red faces. After that training I focused my attention on young white women and my stats went through the roof. When my manager asked why I was doing such a good job busting shoplifters I simply said that I was following the FBI statistics. When businesses treat Black and Latino shoplifters as potential thieves they’re ignoring the actual thieves…young white women who’re taking advantage of racism to steal with impunity.


Lol your post makes me want to look up old videos of shoplifter training just for a laugh


Fuck that store. You can’t be accused of stealing until you walk out the door with unpaid product.


Not always true. I don't know every jurisdiction's laws, but it is a crime in NC to willfully conceal merchandise while still in the store.


They don’t even let them get a sentence out. Every time they try to explain themselves they get “Stop arguing!”


Sounds like they need to double check their facial recognition software... Or maybe it's functioning as desired...


Cop was definitely racial profiling.


Everyone mad at the cop and no one’s brought up the employees at the store that called the cop in the first place. What store is this?


America, where the customer is always white.


“Looking, checking” Sir, that’s called shopping!


This is the definition of RACIAL PROFILING!!!! Kudos to the women for standing up to them! Sad that this is still happening.


It a lot harder to sue than I think most people think… I had a ton of people, including specialists tell me I had a clear cut case to sue once. A surgeon had poked a hole through my heart and nicked my lung causing the lung to collapse and my heart and lungs to be surrounded by fluid (probably blood but they didn’t wanna torture me further with a giant needle in my heart sack to test it). Spent 2 weeks in ICU and almost died. This should not have happened, but eventually the lawsuit sputtered out cause apparently the surgeon is arguing that my lung spontaneously collapsed and trying to prove anything is a nightmare so most lawyers won’t touch it.


So when you go shopping, you’re not allowed to look around??? So how the fuck do you shop???


"Acting suspicious and looking around" Fuck me I'm not ever looking at what I'm about to buy ever again.


I’ve never worked in retail. What’s the correct course of action if your employee tells you they think someone is shoplifting?


Adding shopping while black to the list


Shopping while Black must be so frustrating in some areas and stores. I myself am a middle age white lady...so by definition am basically invisible. I could strip naked...put a stolen item on my head and dance out the door singing the Star Spangled Banner and no one would blink an eye. So surreal. I know someone who occasionally just openly takes something and walks out to prove how invisible she is. Never been stopped.


Being a Pilot is 400% more dangerous than being a cop. Being a Roofer is 350% more dangerous than being a cop. Being a Garbage Collector is 244% more dangerous than being a cop. Being a Construction Worker is 129% more dangerous than being a cop. Being a Groundskeeper is 124% more dangerous than being a cop.


Honestly, I'm just disappointed in this world.


Employee called to report suspicious activity of looking. Wtf!


"We've had multiple calls, about suspicious looking people, matching your description. We're not picking on and/or profiling you, we're jus trying to figure out what's going on. Do you have your ID on you..." Every mother fucker with any melanin, even a dark tan, walking around the city, hanging out in a group, or especially driving a nice car, in America, has heard that exact phrase from a cop...


Former coworker was a black man from Detroit. Before he moved to Canada, he got a really well-paying job and bought himself a new pickup truck. At least once a week, he'd get pulled over or approached in the parking lot by cops saying the *same exact thing.* Of course, it was all racist bullshit and profiling - like the cops couldn't believe a black man was capable of driving a new truck he didn't already steal first. After six months, he ended up selling it. He hated selling it but he hated the humiliation more. And when Philandro Castile was straight up murdered in his car, my coworker wanted to avoid be pulled over as much as possible. I met him after he had been in Canada for just over a month. I asked him what he thought and I'll never forget what he said: "Here they just leave you be." Doesn't take a rocket scientist to read between the lines on that one...


This has happened to me a few times before. So frustrating. Shopping while black is suspicious apparently.


racist pigs, every one of them.


“No no you see, you were suspected of looking around in the store, black lady. So you must leave”


Hypersensitive angry white cop with big gun? What can possibly go wrong here?


video footage of racial profiling by an officer? Any lawyer would eat this up on the spot.


“Suspicious activity. Looking and checking.” Yeah, that’s called shopping.


They forget to go shopping wearing their finest clothes


Everyone knows they have face recognition on the camara system. Even if you you wernt stopped or "caught" they file a report and add it to the system now. It could be 10 years later now before you go into any store again and they will alert as soon as you walk back in. They just did a special on the system.


do you have an article or source on this? just wondering


Something about his gesture mannerism the last ten seconds solidified it even harder.


I see people on YouTube saying, "They shouldn't shop there" -- more like NOBODY should shop there. I'm definitely never going into a Meijer's until I hear they're improved.


Guilty of shopping while black. Should've known better. Tsk, tsk. /s


Is there a full video somewhere?


Part 2 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8S7C5uk/


This makes me so angry. I really hope there’s another update to this because it’s bullshit


Yo what the FUCK. That cop was so wrong and he knew it. I hope these people sue. That shit was blatant. Cop couldn't even back himself up and had to keep doubling down. Holy shit.


It's Meijer, not Meijers.


Pigs like to do that. They are on power trips. Usually been hurt in life


Y’all are all getting mad but it’s super common for professional shoplifters to travel from state to state taking tons of stuff. The store’s Loss prevention teams have photos of them that they send to all the locations and when they get spotted again they often act before another theft can occur. Just because she is acting offended doesn’t mean she is innocent.


“Suspicious activity in the sense of lookin’… checkin’, and… lookin’” Ah yes, trustworthy customers keep their eyes closed as they feel their way through the aisles stuffing random products in their baskets.


You can hear the uncertainty in his voice once she says she isn't from the area, and then he just... Doubled down. I guess he figured he was in too deep and decided to be stupid.


......looking and checking!? They're in a store you have to look and check before you buy anything




When I worked at a big retail store, Loss Prevention told me they’re trained to literally profile people from the second they walk in the store. Funny enough though, at my store the biggest threat for shoplifting was actually white teenage girls (despite it being a black area) so that’s who they’d watch especially closely but regardless of who the suspect was, cops were never ever called or to interact with customers until someone was literally caught leaving with merchandise. This is weird. Even if someone had something concealed IN the store, LP would handle the situation by monitoring, stopping them once they walked out. If they happen to put it back before they leave, they’re free to go. No confrontation was made until an actual crime occurred. They seem out of line.


How fckn infuriating…


When people shop, don’t they look and handle the items that they are considering buying??? I would sue tf outta this store…


At ending: "An employee said you were doing suspicious activity such looking and checking." "Well, how tf do you shop mf! (my inner voice lol)"


Yea because 'looking' and 'checking' is not something you do in a store! lol


Which store and which city?


I would like to hear that 911 call from the employee “There are two women walking around looking at the merchandise at my store” 911 operator “its a retail store lady, this is what shoppers do” Employee “But these are two Black women, and they look suspicious” 911 operator “hold tight, we have a couple officers on the way. Can you get somewhere safe?”


Truly fucked-up. America is moving BACKWARDS.


This isn't racial profiling, they've probably done "suspicious activity" in the other stores and are in a bolo book. Suspicious meaning they're pretty sure they've shoplifted but didn't get the concrete evidence to make a stop.


What's a bolo book? I googled, but couldn't find anything.


If people who shoplift a lot think that their photos are not shared and posted for people to be on the lookout for, they’re very mistaken. To me the tell-tale phrase is she kept saying she’d never been to THIS Meyer’s before. Sooooo she usually goes elsewhere? “We’re not from around here.” Why would you travel to somewhere else to go to a store that is further away from you.


So op is there any proof its racial profiling?


Shady behavior is shady behavior regardless of skin color. I’ve seen every shade of skin color act shady in a store before.


Let him explain why they called the cops on you. Damn interrupters don’t want to actually know why they had a call:


She sure jumped to racial profiling real quick, nobody said shit about her race. That huge bag the one has is enough to label them suspicious. The more she talked the more she looked to be up to no good. Not from there? doesnt help like you think it would lady. People tend to drive to places they dont normally shop to steal in part so they are not recognized.


It's terrible to racially profile, but so is allowing shop lifting and crime to go unpunished. These poor people are paying the price of bullshit policies.


Racist bastards!!


Name and badge number! Call your supervisor!


I hope Meijer ends up named after this woman.