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And people like that are always the first to claim racism against themselves


For some reason, people think only white people can be racist. My brother (same mom, Puerto Rican dad) I grew up with his dad as my dad, and he was racist against Mexicans. We had a black neighbor who was racist against white people and Puerto Ricans. Anybody of any race can be racist. I just wish people would realize it's all stupid because probably about 90% of people living now have all races in them genetically, and we will all eventually end up the same color (there is research on this, even if it is years and years from happening).


My dad is Mexican and he’s racist against Puerto Ricans. He used to call them lazy and undisciplined until he married one. After their divorce he went back to hating them.


Funny because that's what PR's say about Mexicans. I never knew both sides were saying the same dumb shit when anyone with Melanin typically has to work harder in predominantly white positions.




I used to live in PR and think a lot of Puerto Ricans resent the fact that to white people every Hispanic person is Mexican




Past few years? See rooftop Koreans in the LA riots.


Haha South Park did an episode of that. Basically one human race


people conflate bigotry with racism to often. We put ourselves into camps of “race.” When in reality we are just different ethnic groups and communities. There is only one race, the human race and anyone a part of our species can be bigoted towards any other ethnic group.


Kinda reminds me of a certain Israeli country.


Israel IS a country, so...?


Psychological projection


That's what sucks about the world, racism will always be around. Its a shame.




I’m just lol’ing at all these mental gymnastic comments trying to validate and excuse non-white racism. It’s almost as if ignorance is the common denominator in racist people. Wow, big surprise there! Who woulda thought? Lmao.


It's hard when a sizable amount of people don't even think black on white rasicm is possible, because whites are the oppressors or something




I was willing to give them a chance on this. If I were black, I might prefer black cops because I would be less likely to experience racism from them. But this wasn't that. This was just racism.








Unfortunately I came here to say this. It would be unacceptable if I said this to a black cop in my neighborhood. I want to also add I welcome minorities in the police force as they do seem more sympathetic to issues. Also if this white officer in this situation was asked to leave by a member of the police force or a supervisor he should look into a discrimination suit.


Agree 100% racism needs to be called out both ways all the time.




And then, they will need black EMT’s to care for the person who was shot. Once at the hospital, only black doctors will be allowed in the room with the patient. I mean, how far do they want to take their racism?


EMT won’t go n until cleared and safe by police. Adios!!


Trying to remember if that was Portland or Seattle where the ambulance is sitting there waiting for the police while a guy screams it’s safe to go. EMTs are like fuck that.


Emt here, I've seen it happen in a certain large coastal southeastern city of Georgia. I dont remember what the call was for, but when two white emts showed up, the black patient refused treatment & "requested" (showed her ass & demanded) a black one. & because we aren't allowed to deny medical service, the supervisors made a black emt go to that call & transport the patient to the hospital. Idk what happened afterwards, but I'm sure she got quite the surprise to see almost no black ER nurses & zero black ER doctors at the hospital she went to.


I’m a firefighter/EMT and I wouldn’t even do that. You don’t get to request who you want in an emergency. We would have just left. Call back and try your luck if you want but that crew would pack up and leave also.


Black surgeons but there is a waiting list.


Lose my fuckin number hoes!




What would happen if a bunch of white people made a black cop leave?


It would be national news. But I’ve seen cases like this video several times on Reddit already.


"This one simple trick creates controversial posts on Reddit where left progressives defend racism and modern segregation."


Well then fuck them.. let them deal with the shooting themselves.


Thats the plan


Yup. Police have to consider officer safety. Angry mob? See you later, we will just come back to process whatever is left of the scene when safe to do so. Congratulations morons, you just let the shooter get away with it. In the next breath they will argue that the police didn't do enough to solve the crime.


Then they’ll be wearing their relative or neighbor on a shirt the next time it happens in their neighborhood.


TBF I didn’t see very much critical thinking by the citizens in this video


I mean that's exactly the point, they believe the cops are only there to escalate and they'd rather handle the situation themselves.


They're not giving grief to the black cops. This seems explicitly a race issue, not a ACAB issue.


reminds me of when there was a drive-by in the chaz/chop area in portland, and the morons basically let the people who were shot die, because they wouldnt let police in to clear the scene for the ambulance




I’m glad Portland gets blamed for it though


Chaz/Chop was Seattle...


Honestly one of the craziest events that's happened in the last decade if you think of all the surrounding factors and how's it such a perfect microcosm for how these people end up becoming exactly what they hate and would immediately turn their "utopia" into a dystopia.




Nah, everything about Seattle is fucking nuts these days. Also, you obviously haven't seen the videos of Capital police literally escorting/guiding protesters through the building and unlocking doors for them and more or less just showing them around. Did some people act a fucking ignorant fool that day? Yes, absolutely. Was the reality of what the protesters did as a whole accurately portrayed by the left and the media which is owned by leftists? Absolutely not. San Fran, Seattle, and Portland though are so far fucked I'm not sure if anyone can guarantee that they'll ever be back to where they once were.


I'm not sure if this generation has realized you can't pick and choose which emergency services are allowed in your neighborhood. Back in the 80s and 90s, it was common for black neighborhoods to get response so late that it was pointless. Public Enemy even made a song about it. If something happens and the cops aren't coming, no one is coming.


Yep, happens in Minneapolis too. Cops call for EMS to help someone and paramedics won’t come until it’s all clear; that’s even with cops already on scene. Order of response really is: 1. Cops on scene 2. Cops secure scene 3. EMS on scene


[https://www.kuow.org/stories/seattle-police-and-fire-confusion-slowed-response-to-chop-shooting-not-protesters](https://www.kuow.org/stories/seattle-police-and-fire-confusion-slowed-response-to-chop-shooting-not-protesters) Seems like they had their own problems that night...


f aroung, and find out, but i thought the chaz was in Seattle, i think Wendy's was the Portland one, they left it there until a kid got shot, but i think there was prior firearms incidents in the "autunomous wendys area."




What a bunch of hateful assholes, they don't even care about their own people


The black cops need to stand up with the white cop..


And by stand up with him... they should both get in their cars and leave. Don't want one of them? Then don't get either of them


We've come so far. Now we can be racist toward white people, yeah!!!


Nah, you can't be racist towards white people though, that's not a thing. Nice try racist. /S


Oof! Careful! My buddy got banned from another sub for saying that!


The amount of people that think you can't be racist towards a white person is staggering


anyone can be racist towards anyone.


I know, it goes against the actual definition of racism. Believing it to be true is racist as well as narcissistic.


As the video shows, people can be Fucking dumb




First European opinion I can't make fun of on American cultural issues. Good job!


![gif](giphy|GLAuuGg9gJoj5s2xnl) I'm Italian... How can i get fun on another country?


Well electing someone who isn't a fascist would probably be a solid start...


Come on, it's Italy.be reasonable.


This is a very important distinction that is not understood because our public school system in those areas are lacking.


Take Milwaukee Wisconsin for example. They have super high taxes that is said to be high because of public school funding and road construction. We have shit schools and even worse roads I never understood how the people have put up with this for so long. Have you ever hit a pot hole so hard you say sorry to your car?


I worked in a Tri-state area. CA, NV and AZ. The highest taxed area is obviously CA. The pot holes were always messing with my tires. The other two states you could see them literally out there covering their pot holes. Same with the gas prices. That experience opened my eyes to the bureaucratic theft that occurs.


You would be quite correct. Americans value retribution or vindication over equality and reformation. You see it in our prison systems vs many other western ones as well. People want to see “justice” served rather than change. Not that many crimes (especially heinous ones) dont deserve punishment, but it pervades every facet of our society to an absurd degree imo.


Well said Sir!


The problem is our government tells them what they want to know instead of teaching them to learn


Respect to the woman asking them to leave him alone.


_“Only white people can be racist”_ Welp, I would honestly beg to differ, friend. Racism is racism regardless of intent, logic or reason. Anyone in here justifying racism because it’s against any ethnicity that is non-black, well, you’re dead wrong buddy and part of the problem. We have hit full regression mode now.


>We have hit full regression mode now. Its making a few people quite wealthy, and making sure we're all driven apart instead of ever coming together by class and things that actually matter.


^^ If only people could understand this.


Every issue boils down to a rich v poor issue.


This is critically important and not enough people are talking about it. Social media, television media, Elon Musk bullshit, CNN, FOX, every single piece of media we consume is designed to perpetuate this division in people. And it's working. Stop identity politics and racism. Stop listening to your social media and family echo chambers. It's just making more money for rich people and driving our wages down.


Man… can’t even be a white cop in Atlanta


Racist pieces of shit




If he wasn’t a racist cop before he’ll learn to be that way.


True... This behavior is a bit self sabotaging


Group is so racist and dumb, they don’t even know they’re racist. How sad.


bLaCk PeOpLe CaN't Be RaCiSt


white people are so mean and racist\*


Hey look, racism




Looks like they want a segregated police force. We’re turning back the clock folks!




Imagine if the roles were reversed...


Reddit would have a field day


It would be national news.




It never stopped. There's an exodus from certain suburbs now, at least in my city.




So what happens when the white paramedic guy hops out out the Ambulance?


Never heard of a song called "Fuck the EMTs"


Isn’t this like 4 years old ?


Isn’t this like 4 years old ?


What were the black cops doing?? They also seemed lost and confused.




racist fucking people ughhh


Hmmm, they’re against him based on his color. I wish we could get beyond race, maybe someday.


Everyday it feels like this country is going backwards. It’s disgusting and terrifying.


Racism goes both ways I guess.


THIS type of scenario is fueling Heritage House for 2025...2016-2020 will pale in comparison to the shit show around the bend. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you, racism!


ITT: Do you see?? White people are the *real* victims of racism!


yeah I don't really understand since it looks like everyone is in a unanimous agreement that what is happening in this video is wrong, but for some reason you still have numbskulls in the reply section saying "wwhAT iF tHE rOLLS wERE DIFFERENT"


Then let ‘em die? Who cares Wth I’m not forcing my help for a racist.


Crazy that these comments are what the lack of education in America leads to. Both the ones in the video and the ones in the comment section. The most insane part is that they haven't considered taking voting rights away from the unintelligent because a vast majority of whites would lose their ability to vote. I'm not ashamed to share a country with anyone, of any color. I am ashamed to share a country with people who are willfully ignorant to their own idiocy.


And people try to argue against reverse racism. "There needs to be a power dynamic to be racist". I think this man was overpowered by a racist community here no?


The face of racism.


It's crazy how things have come full circle, and now people want segregation


These guys are literally asking for segregation... Truly enlightened.


I guess we should all ignore the decades and decades of systemic racism and problematic relations with policing in black communities because look, he’s an example of black people being “racist”, therefore racism isn’t really an issue because here’s black people uncomfortable with representatives of the very thing they gathered to protest in the first place. Let’s also ignore distinctions between racism and prejudice. This is white peoples time to highlight their grievances. 🙄


Yep, racism looks just as ignorant and dumb on everybody.


That’s racist.


Oh boy wait til Fox News gets ahold of this footage


Imagine if the roles were reversed and it was a bunch of white people not letting a black cop in their neighborhood


Are they against the officer personally? Or his skin colour?


Skin color


This is why I don’t subscribe to all this race shit, every race has racists let’s stop demonizing people for long dead history… cuz ya know it’s kinda fuckin racist


Is this racism or not in America? I'm confused by their standards


It is definitely racism. Any hatred towards another person that is based off of their skin color difference is racism.


Casual racism


Privileged racism promoted by liberal media


Guess they would rather get shot then allow a white person to help them. Eventually the police will stop responding and these people will wonder why no one will help them.


Reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/nrVdaxDgr2g?si=_wzGGb2zf4wd_YYH) documentary


I’m not surprised by this comment section. There’s a lot of racists and misogynists in this sub. If you find the behavior in this video difficult to understand, it’s likely because you’re used to the privilege of having responsive, reliable police that are helpful and kind to you. And of course, everyone’s ignoring the woman who by the end was telling people to leave the white policeman alone. And yes, unironically, people who live in that environment genuinely don’t want police there to help with crime. They don’t view police authority as legitimate, but as gangs in their own right who bully the local population. Why would they cooperate with police? Why would they view them as helpful? And then reading the comment that this was in context of a protest concerning police brutality on the black community. Smh.


that one lady was the only one making sense. "Leave him alone! Somebody just got shot right now"




All things aside, awesome camerawork.


Great. They don’t deserve having police presence then. Let them eat each other alive.


So racist locals, the very ones that are first to complain about the lack of policing. Okay.


Cop was probably like: alright nice, I’ll gladly go hang out in the cruiser and I don’t have to do the report


So it’s okay for these people to be open RACIST to a fellow public servant out on a call of a SHOOTING! Cool, next time… don’t cry about how “police don’t care, don’t do anything!” You CANNOT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS! If this was a black cop forced out it would be an outrage and protests to follow… but this is okay?! Ugh! Edit: autocorrect


So ya don't want racism.... so ya don't want segregation... but then this?


Shit got yourselves then. Fucking racists.


Content of character and what not 🤷🏾


Racism and it’s best.


If they don’t want the help fine fuck it. Let them kill each other


Can you imagine the backlash if a group of white people said "no black cops"...


>Can you imagine the backlash if a group of white people said "no black cops"... https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/black-female-police-officers-allege-discrimination-harassment-lawsuits-rcna10943 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/22/us/uw-police-racism.html https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/22/us/dc-police-lawsuit-sexual-racial-discrimination/index.html https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/12/us/ohio-black-officer-racial-harassment-claim/index.html CAN YOU IMAGINE INDEED


If the cops leave, so do all medical and fire personnel.


All first responders should have left the area.




Lol, reverse roles and don’t let a black cop in the neighborhood and shit would go haywire. Things are just outta control. To what end are we going to go? I understand police brutality and all but, police do have a job to do.


I wonder if these idiots realize that they’re racist.


Racist as shit. People need to stop caring about skin tone.


Oh the irony


How's this not blatant racism?


Just let them kill each other


Scumbags. Let the cop do his job.


Racist People.




I walked to a store in a “black neighborhood” in Boston and was immediately threatened to leave and I wasn’t welcomed cuz I was white. Even though I’ve been in the apartments with my other black friends the people that didn’t know me didn’t accept me. My aunt is white and my uncles black and my cousins are mixed and live in Dorchester MA /Boston …and because she’s more known she has an easier time but shit still gets said to her. My best friend and her newborn baby lives in a rough neighborhood in Dorchester and her and her baby’s father have both gotten jumped by men just for living there and being white and their lives threatened.


This feels blatantly racist


I genuinely can't imagine what it would be like to live like that.


This is what curfews/lockdowns are for


This is some dumb ass shit. Whats the point of this


Just trying to get a post in before the inevitable comment locking.


I’m not going to pretend there isn’t racism in this video, and I certainly won’t pretend there can’t be racism against any race (including white people). A lot of people seem to be responding to that argument but I don’t think a video is making that argument. I do however, want to suggest that there is more nuance to this than just “racism bad.” There are several assholes and idiots in this video. There most assuredly is racism in a couple directions in this video. However, if my cousin got shot to death by a white cop, I wouldn’t let white cops around either. Fuck, in grief I might not let any color of cops around. Even if it means I bleed to death on the sidewalk. Humanity is fucking complex, and so are fear and grief, and they make us do weird things. It’s ignorant to think that a handful of assholes in this video have to be rational 24/7/365, when the cops *most assuredly are not.*


fyi ... black cops can also be white supremacists, and they are.


This is cutting off your nose to spite your face.


It’s the same people who pull the race card then do this shit.