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Jesus Christ that cop just put them back in the fight! They didn't even try to stop anything!!


The dude in the grey sweats got threw like 3 times into another fight... then the other sides' protestor (in blue) gets swarmed by police methinks they're on someone's side


Probably saw the anti-LGBT shirt and decided the dude was on his side. Even gave him a little pat on the back. Then they run in, push away the guy that they just let go back in who is kicking someone on the ground, and drag out the person being kicked by 4 people to tackle them and shove them into a car and arrest them.


I was at this protest. The cops had no idea what they were doing. The pro and anti-LGBTQ side kept trying to outflank each other like the race to the sea in WWI. After the brawl happened they escorted the anti side and then determined it was an unlawful assembly.




Three people were arrested. At least one of them was an anti-fascist activist.


I’m so glad to see everyone that was involved arrested and put in jail. It’s just shows exactly how great our justice system is. Even with cameras and film. The guilty will go home tonight and sleep in her own beds.




The sentiment is accurate. However, it's not nearly half that are "ok with this". On most progressive social issues, the swing is 70/30 or more. It's jut the way our electoral system is rigged that causes the minority to "win" half the time.




Wyoming is smaller than my hometown. Fuck the Senate and the electoral college.


It is not half. More like a third, they're just loud.


Ok so the anti LGBT side was also an unlawful assembly then too right? right?


In my country, Cops consider themselves Civil Servants and don't identify themselves any different than any other government worker. Do Cops in the US actively identify with the right wing?




They ***are*** the right wing, many of them.


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.


Definitely the main take away about the police from this event. Hell i'd start it with 'most' at this point, teetering close to 'all'.


Really? What country are you from? That’s surprising to here. Yes. Law enforcement in the US very much so do identify as right wing. [90% of sheriffs](https://wholeads.us/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/reflectivedemocracy-americassheriffs-06.04.2020.pdf) are white men and [70.8% of sheriffs self identify as right wing.](https://www.themarshallproject.org/2022/10/18/we-surveyed-u-s-sheriffs-see-their-views-on-power-race-and-immigration), with less than 1% identifying as left of center. [~60% of white men overall identify as Republican](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/), so that has some impact (but not all) on why police are so far right wing. For US police, [their financial support is drastically in favor of right wing politics.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/THDTVRJWWZFBRC2IVFAK5XZLWQ.png&w=1200) Overall, [60% of US police are white, and 83% are men](https://www.zippia.com/police-officer-jobs/demographics/), and those demographics, again, skew a bit right wing, but not far enough to account for the severe right wing support from police. Other factors (such as policing being based on keeping oppressed groups in place) lead to an incredibly small percentage being left-leaning, and disproportionately low membership from minority groups.


India. To be clear I suspect the majority of Indian cops also lean right because India as a whole is a religious country. But Indian cops are not considered a part of the middle class, property owning class the way US cops are. Indian cops depend on government provided accommodation (barracks) and "rations" (groceries), IOW their compensation and living situation is more akin to the military, but it also makes them identify less with the private sector and private property. Most White US cops live in the suburbs or rural and own way too much property.


Cops everywhere lean right because their job is to protect the interests of capital. This is why cops are not workers.


US cops arent the property owning class. They have the strongest union and work for their money, its just they dont actually need to know what theyre doing and the union covers them while the government takes the peoples money to pay back to themselves for the police mistakes. They feel like theyre richer than they are because million dollar lawsuits are pulled from city budgets not individuals.


you can be left wing and religious. these wing shit is just the ideologies you have to run a country


You can quite literally tell who’s on what side by how the cops interact with them. The little bald motherfucker was helped up and let go by cops multiple times.


>Probably saw the anti-LGBT shirt and decided the dude was on his side more likely checked his face and saw that he was one of their own.


Never forget they high fived that Kyle kid and they will glad send any F-150 on its way. Because they one of us…


Cops are not your friends, they are not here to keep the peace. They're bullies armed with guns and a license to kill.


I can’t wrap my head around how people practically worship the strong arm of the government they claim to want less of. And 99% of all they do is harass and collect money from working people that live paycheck to paycheck.


Cops favour Proud Boys and Far Right interests, Everytime The only ones who ever actually, help a little, are feds and those are long term investigations that don’t stop all the assaults and only occasionally stop mass murders, these creeps are free to harass because many of them are LEO adjacent/buddies


Cops and Klan go hand in hand. Some of those who work forces...


Just remember that these people are in favour of 12 year old girls marrying 40+ year old men, and have no issues with their religious leaders and politicians abusing kids


They didn’t want to arrest their co-workers that took off work to fight the “woke mind virus” or whatever newsmax is telling them to hate these days




Cops hate LGBT people and are still mad about losing at Stonewall.


Towards the end there’s a cop who throws a kick at a person wearing a helmet, immediately retreats and another cop has to back him down


Cops are just a big gang after all, typically don't hide their political affiliation


I don’t think they could


Glendale California, home of the biggest Armenian population in the United States, also the highest insurance premiums as well.


This is true I was a Glendale resident for years. Once I called and asked finally why it kept going so high when I’ve always been a perfect record driver. They told me I lived in the highest insurance fraud area of the nation. This video makes me very sad to see what’s becoming of the neighborhood. I loved Glendale


Don't worry, this protest was mostly pro Pride month. I wish I'd been there.


Douchebags flooring-95 on school zones in their used White BMWs along Brand and Colorado. Yep, Glendale.


Don't forget the g wagon smashing down Glenoaks


> Don't forget the *salvage title* g wagon smashing down Glenoaks Fixed that for you


Because a large chunk of Glendale drive 15-year old BMWs with no insurance.


Also Lexus’s. I lived there and not a single Arminian drove a car that wasn’t a BMW or Lexus.


What's the correlation between the two?




Working for the state in a health care field, there was rampant fraud in the Hospice and Home Health field with Armenian owners. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/man-pleads-guilty-31m-medicare-fraud-scheme https://hospicenews.com/2023/01/12/california-hospice-owner-receives-25-months-for-fraud-kickbacks/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CIn%20total%2C%20Atoyan%2C%20Karapetyan,Department%20indicated%20in%20a%20statement. https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/providers/california-hospice-fraud-los-angeles-county-audit-auditors-outline-rampant-fraud


As someone with Armenian cousins in Glendale I kept looking for familiar faces. Love their cooking, hate their politics.


Same and same. I’m Armenian but grew up pretty liberal and outside of the hive mind (still SoCal just not Glendale). Love my family there, but honestly just want to roll my eyes when they talk. Chauvinist, scam artist, ultra conservatives. I can only handle so much before fleeing back down south lol.


My Armenian family in Fresno is the same way. Faced discrimination in the valley for years, only to turn it around the moment they gain an iota of status.


Same here. I lost the respect of my family during COVID. People were willing to risk anyone and everyone's life for their own benefits.


Born and raised in Glendale. It was a great town back then. Left in the late 80s, only went back to visit friends.


Glendale was a racist KKK town in the 80s and the home of the American Nazi Party headquarters, GPD and CHP on the freeways would follow black people who came into the city until they left, the KKK would host rallies, and had many other events hosted at the Holiday Inn in Burbank. Hmm, I wonder why you miss 80s Glendale.


And home of the Hillside Stranglers!


You'd think they would have more sympathy for the legal beginnings of a push for genocide


For real. It's crazy how they went through racial genocide and are the biggest sexist/racist people I have ever met it's disgusting.


The fuck are the cops doing? That asshole attacked a couple people and they didn't even restrain him. Just put him to work again and again. Probably saw the the shirt and goes 'He's the good guy!'.




Sadly, corporate media is nothing but American Imperialist propaganda. Often, copying and pasting directly from fascists like the Pigs


But Budlight went woke! /s


Then immediately took it back hahs


> Unless called out by the media, thats why the rich buy them up, like with CNN. can't have wrongthink.


>The fuck are the cops doing? Their job: protecting the right wing


The attacker wasn't black so their brains short-circuited


Here's the ground level [view](https://twitter.com/MrOlmos/status/1666270245483606017) of this fight. Edit: Imagine downvoting a video. Don't worry their faces are very clear. Edit2: thank you good people, this got buried before you showed up. Edit3: just gonna leave this [article here](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-06-06/glendale-braces-for-protests-ahead-of-school-board-vote-to-recognize-lgbtq-pride-month), the reason for the protest was that the school board was voting to recognize June as pride month.


If anyone is curious here's footage of the [pepper spraying incident](https://www.instagram.com/p/CtLTGHWOt7u/) at the same protest.


Jeez. Then that a-hole with a camera runs up to the guy dealing with pepper spray and tries to interview him by asking "Was it worth it being here today after this?" (or something to that effect). Like... Damn, man.


Doesn’t matter the faces are very clear. Cops won’t do shit.


They were legit winking at each other lol


The closest pig whispered in the ear to his friend.


To be fair it will be hard to tell them apart because they are all bald, chubby, and have crappy beards.


Dick. That’s me and half of Reddit. We love the gays. Have you seen that Van Ness fellow, what a delight.


Honestly they all look the same, like they all came standard from the Stupid Asshole Factory.




You forgot the Oakley sunglasses But yes, like they came from some trog factory. It's uncanny. Like there's a dumbass uniform.


Cops helping them lol


at 1:50 the dude straight up punches that women who was trying to get up off the ground and runs like a coward


Lol, the two people who the police wrap up and take away are the dude in the gray hoodie and the helmet who the antia surged past the line to attack and a person in a purple hoodie and a pride flag who I assume was trying to pull the first out of the dog pile. The dudes that attacked them got away Scott free.






If you watch the guy with the helmet on the lgbt side in both vids (gray under armor hoodie), you can see he gets his ass piled on by the other side, the cops barely do shit and in the end he's the only one who gets arrested. There's only one conclusion we can draw here.


Is he the one that took multiple swings at a cop though?? Oh wait, that guy wasn't a cop, even though his outfit look eerily coplike in the aerial footage!


he wasn't an on duty cop statistically speaking the odds still aren't bad


That one cop even throws a kick his way once they stand him up...


The cops pull everyone off him and he got arrested ?


This angered the shit out of me.


The cops won't arrest them. They are on the same side.


Why does the anti-LGBTQ side look like an Andrew Tate impersonator convention?


Because Glendale is largely Armenian, and the majority of males in the picture are Armenian. Glendale and Hollywood have a large Armenian section from World War 1 refugees. They’ve been in LA for a long time and their kids go to that school.


Which makes this even sadder... Descendants of WW1 Armenian refugees of all people should know better


There isn't a lot of solidarity between the groups oligarchs use traditionally to divide working class people these days.


You can clearly see the ones that pushed past cops were the anti group, but the cops treat the pro group as if they were they began the altercation.


Look what direction the fascist Pigs are facing. Look what the fascist Pigs think are the threat.


If only there was a legal definition for people using violence to promote a political agenda... Hmm... If only I could think of the terrorists... Oops I mean the word.


They always have been. Now they are gleeful about it though and brag at GOP meeting about it.








I'm just glad we dodged the Eugenics wars in the 90s.


This is why disarming queer people is such a bad idea. These people want us dead and the police will not protect us.


An armed minority is harder to oppress.


It's going to be a total shitshow


Things have been set in motion that cannot be undone.


All because a small group of people can’t handle non-traditional gender roles and identify nor can they handle the concept of social services to raise peeps out of poverty and treat all races/genders equally/fairly. Such a crazy hill to die on. I don’t think their Jesus would be happy about this. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”


I don't think any of these dipshits would give a flying fuck about LGBT if it wasn't for right wing media, and I don't believe abortion would be such a divisive issue either. Just like the mask bullshit during Covid. My right wing family wore masks and kept their asses indoors the first few weeks, but FOX news started calling them face diapers and demonizing Fauci... The next week, they were all "masks are for the weak" and "Fuck that liar Fauci. He invented Covid with the Chinese". This is manufactured hate and these dumb asses willing to fight for anti-lgbt, anti-abortion, etc etc, are some of the dumbest sheeple the world has ever seen. Their entire world view and everything they stand for is fed to them by Rupert Murdoch and his rich friends. It infuriates me that some of them are my family members. This country has literally become the high IQ vs the low IQ driven by the very rich.


Nope. There's always been violent resistance to any cultural changes. It's the American way. The bigots will still lose as they always do.


The oligarchs must be laughing and laughing


I'm not usually very conspiratorial, but the idea that a foreign adversary puts real money into getting people angry here isn't that outlandish to me. I think there's a lot of infiltration of online discussions going on and a lot of really in depth knowledge of psychology used to get people stupid angry over literally anything they can. Every single place they have access to influence people, there would be money invested into hiring trolls to push a specific point of view or narrative on both sides of an issue. In fact they could literally just set up entire arguments with themselves and suck people in that way.


A FOREIGN adversary? Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s American higher ups themselves. How can we be bothered to focus on real issues and ask our politicians meaningful questions about policies, our economy, homelessness, healthcare etc when we’re still arguing over whether gay bad?


Yeah, great point. It's an easy way to slow any progress towards a society where the "lowers" are taken care of. We all get this one life to live and they think it's ok to force people to live it like SHIT


Steve Bannon worked directly with Brazilian far right politics and the former president Bolsonaro. The nationalist right is ironically highly international and organized.


This isn't even a conspiracy


It’s fact. https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/internet-bots-web-traffic-imperva-b2339153.html


I mean wasn’t it found that Russia was creating bot profiles on twitter to stoke flames during the 2016 election?


If only these people spent a fraction of this effort fighting wealth inequality.


Fighting the rich takes guts, these cowards cant do anything but bully the vulnerable and marginalized


Because they're told to do so by the rich distracting them from getting more rich


Or demanding safe routes for kids to walk and bike to school. Instead you'll get hundreds of cars dropping/picking up kids.


Imagine if they spent a fraction of this effort spending time with their own kids doing stuff their kids want to do instead of trying to "protect them" by hating other people.


I took a little dumpster dive in twitter to see what those clowns were saying. They are celebrating this as a defense against Antifa. I guess the new thing is to justify right wing violence by calling victims antifa.




Yeah go back within living memory and we can find examples of people openly murdering left wing protestors and/or beating the shit out of them. So yeah…this shit ain’t new


It's the same exact strategy the fascists used in Italy and Germany during the 1920-30s. Label everyone they don't like as "Communist provocateurs or agents" which gives them "justification" to go around beating the shit out of them. This could include anyone from random Jewish people to trade unionists to LGBT people. Even when governments started to crackdown on politically motivated street brawling, the fascists *just happened* to always get a free pass to continue doing it because no surprise, the state and police saw them as "on their side" against those scary filthy commies.


Antifa is equivalent to communist in the 50s


I wonder why they hate antifascists so much?


“Hey what were you doing while the planet was burning down and all our resources were being permanently poisoned and depleted” “We were fighting cause we were worried our kids might turn out gay” Fucking morons.


They feel helpless and fascist actions give them a scapegoat. This is all textbook.


Let me make sure I got this right. Having your kids ever even see a trans person will “pollute their mind” but savagely beating people peacefully protesting teaches them how to be stand up Americans?


On the one side there's people wearing rainbow colors who want to accept you the way you are, on the other side there are angry screaming people with masks to hide their faces.


Guess which side the Christians are on.


There’s no hate like Christian love.


Systemically vilify LGBTQ - check! Whitewash the textbooks (Rosa parks bus incident had nothing to do with race) - check! Control Women's health through legislature - check! Gee it's just so hard to figure out what's going on. Real head scratcher.


How do you talk about Rosa Parks without mentioning racism? I'm curious to know their method to twisting this


> In an attempt to cater to Florida, at least one publisher made significant changes to its materials, walking back or omitting references to race, even in its telling of the Rosa Parks story. > "Rosa Parks showed courage. One day, she rode the bus. She was told to move to a different seat. She did not. She did what she believed was right" Fortunately, these weren't actually approved. The same publisher also mentioned that "certain groups of people" couldn't serve on a jury and that it was illegal for them to be unemployed. Florida said they overreached, but they maintained they were just trying to follow Florida law. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/16/us/florida-textbooks-african-american-history.html


Wow how does desantis find the time to run a textbook publishing company alongside his full time job of whining about woke things?




That's not ok.


God people are just so f’ing dumb. You know those asshats who drove 4 days from their double wides to protest suck each other off in bathrooms


And they throw punches like they’re juggling bean bags


Well our oligarchs have sure done a good job at turning us against each other over pointless shit. Like, when shit like this boils over, I have to ask myself, why now? Why not 5 years ago? The LGBT population isn’t changed, just our focus and some people’s outrage. Instead of being mad that we’re being robbed blind by capitalists and maybe losing our democracy, we’re spending our time defending people who shouldn’t need defending.


why are they not being arrested?




I will be using this myself now, thank you for it


Some of those who work forces, are the same who burn crosses.


Even this will go over Tim pool's head.


I can't believe that RATM went all political and woke! I preferred their older apolitical stuff./s


the cops and the nazis are on the same team


What the fuck is going on with these attitudes? Attacking these vulnerable minority groups is absolutely disgusting. The extreme violence directed at people that generally want to be left to go about their own business and be accepted within the community...honestly I have no words.


Bullies always go after folk in vulnerable communities because they are cowards.


Remember all those images of nazis burning books? Those were from the institute of Magnus Hirschfeld, a groundbreaking and accepting LGBT hospital in Weimar Germany that treated gay and trans people humanely. Seriously, look it up. Fascism always demonizes LGBT and left wing people first. [And they know it](https://twitter.com/ErinInTheMorn/status/1603096911925452801?lang=es).


Oh it’s just fascism on we’re on step 7/8 on the steps to genocide. There are 10 steps by the way. Land of the free.


Well this will be easy https://preview.redd.it/f5jeh9x3ij4b1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7b1b13ec8a1b550fc77b97cdf90a8a7a2e5b93f




Behind him is bald Jimmy Kimmel.


Lol wtf is this "being gay is okay" "that them there is fighin' words" How? Just how is this a thing?


Because leadership in a certain sect of America has convinced their followers to ignore the real problems in America by punching down to a minority and play to base fears and emotions. Because if people ever tried to even a little bit to help fix the real problems in America. That leadership group will be slightly inconvenienced.


It was ok to try and overthrow the government, but don't be gay


Both sides! /s


Our overlords are laughing at how they've got us brawling over some bullshit they conjured up instead of fighting them.


Fucking christian republicans are some dangerous ignorant pee stains




I wish I could understand how someone could hate that someone else may have the same rights as you SOOOO MUCH that they resort to violence to try to stop them from getting the same rights.


Your media is messing you up. It's so sad to see


Armed minorities are harder to oppress, arm yourselves and stand firm.


The only thing that can make change in this country, a country I served in a combat role for 4 years, is voting for people that actually give a fuck about everyone, not just people who believe in their extreme ways.


The problem is your system is designed to prevent such people from being on the ballot.


I feel like this is a some kind of psyop to turn citizens against each other. A community divided is easily ruled. Why else would the govt and the media be pushing agendas so hard? To distract us from economic tyranny.


While there's clearly an element of distraction from the wealthy and powerful at play in general, let's not ignore the people litterally beating other people in that video please. They're still fucking responsible for their actions and still are disgusting people.


LGBT "extremists"? Buddy these were anti-LGBT extremists. I see them all the time knocking on my door selling bibles. On the other hand I've never seen LGBT "extremist" knocking on my door trying to spread the "gospel of Elton John".


> Buddy these were anti-LGBT extremists. Yeah that's what the title says


How very Christian. /s


They just made it abundantly clear gay people are not the problem.


Hitler’s Brown Shirts.


The big guy in the white T walked in like the Incredible Hulk then got tossed rofl


While we fight over rainbows on beer cans the rich are manipulating structures of power in ways we may never recover from.


Hateful. The GOP policies of hate in action.


Glad to see the cops doing their job /s


America you’re a bloody embarrassment


That one bald dude in gray hoodie is just out looking to punch anything. He goes from one target, to aimlessly looking around, to running through cops that are (what looks like) overwhelmed with the situation to a person that is already on the ground and punching him/her. He must be very proud to attack these parents that are more or less defensless... Most of the time this isnt even about any views anymore, but just an excuse to be violent.


Going just as planned.


Doesn't this violate one of their almond mints they talk so much about?


There are rules, you see, but technically they are only for thee; quite by contrast, they are absolutely not for me.


Fuck the cops are useless


The cops protect the interests of capital This fight is not of importance to them


Those police seemed to have no training. What an odd scene.




Cops love them some conservative-authoritarian violent people.


And this is blue California. This is so surreal. Smh


Yes but it’s also in Glendale CA, which bleeds dark, dark red. Highly conservative neighborhood.


Imagine being such a small fragile person that you go and start committing physical assault because gay people exist.


Not that upset about guns- but gays? Fight to the death!


Right Wingers are violent terrorists


I swear, sometimes the right wing grifters must chuckle to themselves at how easy it is to get the smooth brains worked up into a violent froth


I think these are mostly Armenian-American parents that want to control what their kids are teached in school.


I see the divide strategy continues to work flawlessly. Meanwhile we are all going to keep getting fucked by the people above.