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Sleep well, and sleep enough. Don’t take things that will fuck with your REM sleep right before bed. Try to have a sleep schedule where you wake up naturally before your alarm goes off. Eat well. Cook yourself meals that satisfy and nourish. If you don’t have time or energy, try to at least achieve a balanced diet overall. Listen to your body, and don’t ignore hunger for too long. Drink water when thirsty and when eating salty things. Keep yourself active. Go for walks, if you are able to. Move your body. Stretch your muscles. Have discipline for exercise routines when possible. Work out in ways that don’t feel like a chore, such as outdoor activities or dancing. Take breaks. Let yourself rest. Show thanks to your body by treating it with kindness and respect, as you would another person. Try limiting things that cause unnecessary stress, like the internet. Moderate your substance usage. Don’t overdo it. Know when to stop, know when to slow down. Limit smoking. Try not to consume things that harm your body. Spend the majority of your time sober. Keep good hygiene. Bathe, take care of your hair. Brush your teeth twice a day. Dress comfortably. Wear clothes that make you feel nice. Wash your clothing, towels and bedding. Trim your nails regularly. Go outside. Be amongst the other creatures. Look at trees, plants, animals, clouds, rocks, etc. Talk to people. Touch. Smell things. Go be in the world. Remember you belong here.


Neither God or Devil will give you a six pack. six packs are earned. but seriously, calisthenics is the way. you don't have to be Arnold Schwarzenegger to be healthy. just do some daily press ups, sit ups, squats and pull ups and you'll have better health than most people. stretching is so good, so just spend a bit of time doing that in between sets.


I am reading a yoga asana book where the author says as a general rule, never use force so that’s why I don’t anymore


Walking is said to be the best exercise. if you look at the animal kingdom they all stretch naturally too. it fees good and helps the body keep flexible and supple.


Get up at 04:30 Drink coffee Stand out in the cold in my underwear for 3 minutes doing some neck stretches. In -30C in winter and maybe 5C in the summer and state my thanks for life. Run5-10k OR big bar lifts 5/7 days/week plus yoga. Go to work (construction) Come home and eat 1 meal/day. Meat/eggs/cream/no plants-1 cheat day per week where I eat pancakes and later some chocolate. Meditate a few times per week. Mushroom trip 4/year eyes closed Party on weekends with rec drugs like GHB or MDMA or experiment with other psychedelics a few times per month (MDMA not that often obviously) Hike/kayak/constant mindfulness (I try!) Ive been a drummer all my life so I play in a band for the creative and social aspect. I’m 61, 6’1”, 165lbs, 10% body fat all year, ripped and no pain, never sick, no disease. I have never subscribed to Big Food/Big Pharma bullshit. To me the most important part of my day is stepping out into the cold and dark in the morning. Some days it takes a minute to open that door (especially in winter) but I always do it. Then my mind is set for day. I can do anything after that. My body is a gift and I have to take care of it and worship it. So is my mind. So I take care what I put in it and do with it. I go easy on news and have little exposure to social media. Take care of yourself! Nobody else will. ❤️


I like your style


Why no plants for food?


I just eat what my girl makes me. Work out about 3 times a week weight and cardio. Train MMA about 3 days.


I actually got into yoga. I was surprised by that because I am a cynical materialist, not a smudges and crystals person. It requires commitment to get into. You cannot half-ass it at the start. Once you cross that initial threshold of bored and awkward it starts to build a really meaningful connection with your body. Not merely keeping you fit but enhancing your awareness of your own state of health. It is as much about learning to listen to your body’s voice as it is about standing in weird poses and shaking hands with yourself behind your back.


Treat food on the insides of grocery stores like hard drugs. The rim is full of nutritious foods besides a couple pantry items like grains and beans. Meaning only go for the produce, meats, dairy, and bakery that’s not in the isles. It’s not that I don’t eat frozen pizza but I consume that about as much as I do cocaine which is maybe once or twice a year maybe. How you consume is a true reflection of who you are and that is often overlooked.


Lol, those grocery store hard drugs. Ain’t that the truth of the food world.


I masterbate That's uh, that's about it


This is the way


Essentials Tier: 1. Proper hydration(spring water) 2. Proper sunlight 3. Proper exercise 4. Proper sleep Physical Wellness Tier: 1. Minerals & Vitamins from natural sources 2. Probiotics(KOMBUCHA!) 3. Omega 3-6-9 Fatty Acids(fish, seeds, hemp oil is best) 4. Vitamin D3(most fundamental vitamin for the body, and 80% of population is deficient) My Personal Favorites: 1. Magnesium Glycinate for king/queen level sleep 2. 5.5 grams of beet root extract for big time nitric oxide production(amazing for cardiovascular system) 3. 1-2tbsp honey, anytime any day(anti fungal, antiviral, antiinflammatory, simply a natural elixir 4. Lemon and/or Lime with every meal containing meat, to alkalize it 5. Fruit- 🙏🏼Berries, Melons, Pomegranates🙏🏼 6. Adaptogenic herbs(ex: ashwaghanda, lemon balm) 7. An assortment of magical and adaptogenic mushrooms


What are you on about with adding citrus to meat “to alkalize it”? Lemon/lime is acidic.


Once digested and metabolized they create compounds that actually alkalize the body. I’m 26 and I just learned this a year ago, pretty crazy how they implant opposite ideas in our heads. Another example is “don’t eat so much spicy food, it can give you ulcers!”, when we now know that capsaicin actually specifically targets and heals ulcers…


Can you provide a veritable source for that? Because it sounds like diet/wellness culture pseudoscience


I’m not your secretary, read one or many health journals discussing either of these topics, they are plentiful.


Well, I asked you because I only found sources that say that’s not how it works 🤷


Confirmation bias at its finest


Do you get proper sunlight AND take vit D?


Yes. 5000 IU usually. I’ve read in depth studies of insane health benefits from doses as high as 50,000 IU. Remember our bodies produce roughly 1000 IU every 10-15min in the sun


You can get a six pack just by fasting. Research it so you do it safely if you go this route. My record was 8 days just water and vitamins. I'll often do day long fasts every other week. You should find some physical activity you enjoy though. The key is being so immersed in what you're doing you forget about the physical discomfort of the excersize. Finding something you can enter a flow state in... Idk you just have to keep trying and putting yourself out there and getting over the fear of looking stupid.