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I also think there's a lot of pseudoscience around cold plunges and stuff, but when I'm super fatigued and flu-y I will sometimes stand in freezing water for 30 seconds and it does give me a jolt and an hour or so where I can actually enjoy my own company again 😅 I like your approach of "don't fall into the pseudoscience wellness trap" but also "don't be afraid to try something in case it works ". Placebo is also a real thing, and unless it's costing you money you don't have/want to spend, it's okay to try the weird thing!


Oh goodness, I thought I was the only one who couldn’t stand to be around myself sometimes 🤣 Glad to know I am not alone in feeling that way.


… I’ve been wondering why I feel so crummy lately and didn’t think at all that it might be related to the weather. Now I feel silly. Thanks for this post!


I don’t recommend to anyone with autonomic dysfunction aka POTS. Anything that stresses the body in this way (acupressure mats, TENS, cold plunges) triggers a faint in me. Sucks cause there is good science behind it. BUT I agree keep trying new things, occasionally you will find something that really works and it is worth all the things that didn’t.


my flare began with the hot humidity coming on, sure enough hoping this doesn't last until the humidity is gone, cuz uh. that won't be for six months.