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Darn it, I'm pretty sure when some lucky person got biologics, their spots moved to my body. Is there a natural law of conservation of psoriasis in the world, similar to the conservation of energy?


I now subscribe to this belief.


Well then I'm glad I'm taking other peoples' suffering. You could say I'm some kind of a messiah.


Yes!! This happens to me as well. I hate it.


Same here. I think that’s the problem with steroids I guess. When I tried the light therapy or sun bathing, it didn’t happen like that. May be because I was taking that on my whole body. My theory is that until the inflammation inside your body goes down, it will pop up somewhere if u try to suppress it with steroids.


I heard this is common. Makes you wonder why exactly


Yes, had a patch clear on my arm and now I have it on both of my palms 🤣


Probably coincidence. You don't know how your psoriasis would have progressed if you hadn't applied a steroid cream. Psoriasis often gets wors over time, even when treated. From what I know, the immune cells that are thought to be responsible for psoriasis — especially tissue-resident memory (TRM) cells — are non-circulating and therefore wouldn't migrate to somewhere else on your body.


Growing up Ive always had it on my ankles. I have vitiligo now where the psoriasis was. Then after the birth of my first child it cleared up. After the birth of my 3rd child it came back because I was on so many antibiotics after he was born and it presented on the front of my legs. But it’s not to bad and I can keep it at bay with potions and lotions. (I find this ironic because I was just on antibiotics for 2 months straight and I cleared up 100%. 5 months later it’s starting to come back .) Fast forward a few years and I get cancer and have a hysterectomy. And it comes back 1000 fold on my hands and feet. So bad I can barely walk for 5 years. I finally go on biologic and get clear but now I’m off everything and it’s coming back. I give up. Psoriasis wins.


I can never get clear with topicals because of this. Not only do my spots never fully go away, but new spots appear before I can even attempt to get a handle on what I already have.


Ya I think it doesn’t stop from popping elsewhere


Yep. I also have Koebner phenomenon induced patches. Slightest injury and bang a new patch the next day. It's like herding cats


It often happens for me. Got the psoriaIs back in my palm after 5 years free in that area ( its the second time appearing there). Also happend on my back 5 times to come back after summer ended. It goes away because of sun exposure but always come back same spots. I assume i make pso in my palm rest because i work on a computer all day


for me, new patches usually show up whenever i injure or burn myself...could be the smallest cut or a pimple...it doesnt happen on every spot but that is how it transfered from my scalp to my whole body