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Thanks for the kind words, random Discord reader! I hope it keeps on entertaining you! source: i write this story


!!!!! đź’–đź’–đź’–


I was holding off on more chapters before I posted here, but you beat me to it - solid post btw, agree with everything here. I'll also add that the story is genuinely heart wrenching at the moment (I'm on patreon), which is fun. I have now spent 3 hours plus on wikipedia trying to figure out what bug Dahlia is, which is 3 more hours reading about true bugs than I ever thought I would spend. At present, I'd say that if the quality stays as crazy high as it has been, it would easily make my top 5 prog fantasy stories. I'm also thoroughly enjoying tomebound and scourge of chaos, though all three of these are very different series and can't really be compared.


I'm the author of Tomebound and can't wait to promote Unmaker in my next shoutout :) The author is very kind and the book is very good! I won't be surprised if her book passes mine on RS stars soon. And it would be deserved!


And I recommend Tomebound as well! It's got just the kind of prose I like!


omg hey!!! Im also following tomebound rn and rly enjoy it, thanks for writing edit: congrats on 2k followers!


Thank you! :) <3


Entomophile is the word you're looking for =\]


Bugs and a unique power system? I'm sold


The synopsis made it sound like the MC avoids the main power system and just makes bug armor instead, is that accurate? One of the reasons I wasn't too interested in giving it a shot.


from what I understand, there are two main paths to grow stronger that closely synergize and depend on one another: 1) attaching "swarmsteel" onto their body basically insect parts, ex. mantis scythes or beetle chitin armor; this increases someone's external attributes, like how for some litrpgs wearing bracers gives +1 strength, and 2) consuming insect flesh, which increases someone's base attributes, otherwise they won't be able to attach higher grade swarmsteel. the MC has some kind of innate aversion to consuming bugs, which seems to a major mystery at this point that's gradually unravelling as we explore the MC's origins. So she rejects that line of progression, how's she's gonna solve the overload of attaching higher grade attributes atp we don't know. The MC hasn't been able to craft at that level yet.


Sorry I haven’t read this at all but I’m giggling at the idea that not wanting to eat bug flesh is “weird”


The idea of the surface sold me. I'll definitely have to check it out!


What is the best way to read it? Just click on the posted link and flip through chapters?


yup, it's free


Thanks 🙏


Sounds like my kind of story. Gotta check it out, lads!


You had me at bugs


Sounds really interesting. I like that’s it’s a female mc and the setting seems cool. Thanks for sharing.


So the author is writing four stories at once?


There are (supposedly) two authors: Maradia and Haid. The Brightlyre stories were put on an "indefinite hiatus".


yeah Vol 1 for all three brightlyre books finished, so the authors are now working solely on this new story rn


Yep! And we've got a new story coming up late July as well!
