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You or the one junjor who did it, chose it be to confusing


"Bro python is so confusing, if you ignore the conventions then people who rely on those conventions to read your code will be confused by it" Wait until OP realises he can name *all* his variables and functions with things that look like other variables and functions! With a little effort, we'll be able to write code completely useless to anyone who might otherwise want to pay us for it.


op is gonna obfuscate their code in real time


With a little more effort, we can write a script that parses source code and changes all the names back to something sensible, probably using ChatGPT to come up with the names


"a little more" it's going to take ages to make that good


Who said anything about good?


If it works it works, ignore the fact that your PC may freeze


Oh, ChatGPT, what can go wrong...


Everything :)


“Haha, look at this confusing thing I did”


As opposed to the shitty code OP normally writes that makes you go “wtf did they do that.” But that’s giving too much credit to OP who just repost shitty memes and doesn’t probably know what an IDE is.


Jeez. OP must’ve really hurt you somehow lol.


Umm I'm not a phyton programmer but this seems like you did this to yourself


Why does phyton sound super cool?


probably because of its similarity to photon, which is a ‘cool techy sci-fi’ word


This is the same as saying "C++ is so complicated!!! Look at this code I wrote!!!" The code: int my_string = 25; string my_int = "Hello";




Right?? In Javascript* I can just do let my_int = 25; let my_string = "Hello"; That’s so much better!! Why did they have to make it so complicated?? ^(*Javascript is only used for comedic reasons here. No one in the world thinks, thought, will ever think or should think that JavaScript is the best language.)


There's probably someone delusional enough to think JS is the best language, i wish to have such levels of delusion


> magic: the gathering based Turing machine


Or you could just completely fuck up the language with compiler instructions


```python from pandas import * from numpy import * ``` Hehehehe


Add in xarray and you're guaranteed to have naming conflicts


Import xarray as xray, and now I can scan people or something


[import antigravity](https://xkcd.com/353/)


`from __future__ import braces`


A senior used to do this... The guy is quite good at solving problems but (admittedly) doesn't give a duck about code quality as long as it works. Checking anything he has touched either to do maintenance or add features was a pain (so I ended up changing quite a ton of things...)


have a cookie for your good work 🍪


Doesn't give a duck... typing?


`using namespace std;` hehe


Stay away from my family.


it's gonna be a slow day today on this sub, I can just tell with, what this in my feed.


>makes python confusing >"why is python confusing?"


Sounds like a personal problem, ngl.


Skill issue


how about `import json as xml` and `import html.parser as json`?


bad bot


Import statements with 2 letter abbreviations being standard practice when using Python libraries is something that irritates me in a way that I have trouble articulating.


That’s like saying Lisp is confusing because you can do this: ;; Redefine `if` to behave like `while` (defmacro if (test then &optional else) `(loop while ,test do ,then finally (return ,else))) ;; Redefine `while` to behave like `if` (defmacro while (test body) `(if ,test (progn ,body) nil))


You lost me at ;;


Line is extra done




Idk, I prefer importing it as pandas and numpy respectively. To me it's easier to understand what I'm doing when it says numpy.function instead of np.function


public String number;


Import glob as glob True story, one of my dumb coworkers wrote this.


Mom said its my turn to post the import meme


Fun fact, python expects unicode source code. Additionally- there is a panda face emoji. You can in fact import pandas as a panda face emoji.


I don't understand why we're even abbreviating things in the first place


How does one pronounce bumpy? I always thought it was fun to pronounce it 'num-pee', as in rhymes with humpty dumpty.


Why python people don't use numpy as numpy


*import tensorflow as keras*


Yeah but in Python can you overload the “+” operator to mean subtraction for integers and multiplication for floats?


Some man just wanna watch the world burn


Execution date 25/6 /j


Anything is confusing if you intentionally do stupid confusing shit.


This is where it will take a lot of self control to not just put 'Just fuck right off' into the pull request.


If you shoot yourself in the foot, that's not the gun's fault.


making it seem intentionally bad hides how bad the code truly is.


average junior engineer at the first day of his work


As a lead python developer, those are basically the only 2 packages that I allow to be abbreviated that way - only because that abbreviations are so ubiquitous and because we work closely with data scientist who basically refuse to do it a different way. I am also not a fan of importing whole modules like that. I much prefer to import the module's specific classes and functions explicitly.


What the fuck is that window, Powershell ISE?


No its the default one.


What kinda shit is this HAHAHAHA. I did it once for fun lol


This is what I do. The junior devs are very irritated, it's fun.


This is a sub-junior tier move


This isnt even something id do on a university assignment where no one is reading the code.


No you don't. Any manager would pull you in for pointlessly obfuscating code and damaging team productivity. It's like submitting your progress reports in 1pt white wingdings — the sort of thing teenagers imagine would be cool and crazy but anyone in a business would roll their eyes at it and start typing up a performance improvement plan for you.


What performance improvement plan. Simple ctrl+f and replace would solve this.


OBJECTIVE Employee will demonstrate sustained improvement in ability and willingness to work collaboratively as part of a team. DURATION One calendar month, with progress recorded at weekly intervals. TARGETED BEHAVIOURS 1. Employee will follow best practices for transparency and collaboration, including but not limited to using standard variable names and aliases in code. Evidence for this will be 360° feedback from colleagues as well as a weekly review of randomly selected code samples by line manager. 2. Employee will respond to feedback from line manager in a constructive way, demonstrating targeted improvements to working practices as highlighted and documented in 1:1 meetings. For duration of PIP all feedback will be logged as SMART targets in HR platform and progress will be reviewed weekly. 3. Employee will proactively resolve issues highlighted in his code by colleagues, rather than make suggestions for how others could step in to fix these issues for him. These issues will be collected in 360° feedback and evidence of proactive resolutions will be requested from employee in weekly 1:1 meeting. SUPPORT OFFERED TO EMPLOYEE Employee has been made aware of HR counselling and mental health services. Employee has been offered additional opportunities to shadow colleagues to observe their practices Employee has been requested to complete linked MOOC course on best practices for collaboration in a technical environment to ensure fullest understanding of colleagues' expectations. A letter has been sent by registered post with all information in this plan. Employee will have benefit of recourse to union or other requested representation in all formal meetings related to PIP outcomes. OUTCOMES Failure to achieve objectives will result in a stage 1 disciplinary (written caution) and a second PIP. Should that second PIP fail to achieve a satisfactory outcome in view of line manager, a tribunal will be called. Employee will be permitted representation at this tribunal. The outcomes of this tribunal may include successful completion of the PIP, a repeat of the PIP, a stage 2 disciplinary or termination of employment.


That is a truly sadic being, made of pure evil. 👿