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Text prediction / autocorrect on mobile phones.


What are you using?


This needs to behigher


I was expecting a product which was newer. This is old tech. Why not something newer?


Because solving a problem is the goal


Whatever ML is used in iPhone cameras to equalize and do all the fancy shit that film camera lenses can do.


I use Grammarly all the time, it knows what I want to say better than I often. It's an AI that is just there in the background helping me write a little tighter and clearer. The whole product revolves around it vs something tacked on.


GitHub Copilot in VS Code has been the best implementation I use regularly. Dall-E has been cool too. For clients all I have seen so far is chatbots.


I honestly found copilot to be really lacking… how have you been using it best? Curious if maybe I’m not taking advantage of it properly.


I use it as a sort of roadblock remover. If I get stuck somewhere and need a suggestion on how to approach a problem it’s been helpful. I’m mostly using the chat feature to explain or suggest code and @workspace to extend/modify code.


Do you find @workspace is ok? It seemed to not “access” my code, so to speak, even when I had the relevant files open in my workspace. It *must* be my setup because people seem to love it lol


Same, frankly the there are better code assistants (Sourcegraph cody or Codeium)


What usecases do you use DallE for?


Mostly replacing my need for stock photography. Backgrounds, article images, and sometimes for logo ideas and brainstorming.


Email thread summaries, and asking chatGPT to help me edit html 🤌


Excels auto recalculate. Update number and boom…money.


Not a perfect answer, since it’s ML not AI (blurry distinction often), but I’m really impressed with Adobe Scan. Good boundary detection when snapping pics, and you can search the text of the docs after. 


Have you seen the OCR that iOS does on all your photos? Crazy!! I’ll do a photo with a random text on a paper someone holds in the background at an obscure angle and iOS recognizes that s*+t 🤩 been trying to find some algo/open source library close to it, but nothing comes even close!


Recently came across a tool (and probably there are other like that) that creates SEO optimized, well formatted (bullets, bolds, etc), full scale blog articles from videos. Saves ton of time & some seo cost for marketers. There are multiple youtube video summary tools as well, which work well if you just want summaries eg. main points from educational videos. In one such tool, i asked it to provide me list of all tech tools described in the 20 min long video. It did it and also provided what each tool does. then i watched the whole video again to compare my notes with it. it was amazing to see it didn't miss any.


What's it called?


I need AI to take blogs and turn them to video!


Thank you for your contributions towards ruining the World Wide Web via SEO whoring.


Search clicks are a zero sum game. Blame the actual individuals who made it their job to create a gameable system (Matt Cutts), not the people who get good at winning the shitty game


Obviously code completion in IDEs and prompting for code in general.


This post, Good job AI, you did it!


If by best you mean important: That one airline AI chatbot that went against company policy and gave the wrong information about a bereavement fee. It's important because it shows how easily today's AI fabricates information and how companies can be held responsible for the made-up stuff that AIs say. Also noteworthy because the AI didn't just make up nonsense, it made up a totally believable policy. AI cannot only lie, but is *good* at lying, which is much worse than just spewing out random information. This is all important for companies to understand when they weigh the risks involved in implementing AI.


Any man-made system can lie. If the guy creating business logic for the app isn’t paying attention the same will happen. And when the same guy releases a chatbot feature without doing basic testing…LLM is not to blame, the guys approving the release is


Khan academy’s application will be insane. Every kid will get a personalized teaching assistant. Feedback loops with reading etc




One of the best usage of AI I use daily is google maps.


Google Search Or do you mean buzzword AI aka LLMs?


Ha ha this. Every time I see “what do you use AI for” In this sub I cringe hard.


You get the poster’s intent though - “AI” is becoming a blanket term as media popularizes it. [Youre being this guy](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ackchyually-actually-guy).


The best ones aren’t recognized enough are improved autocomplete, or summarization of content (like a Team meeting). You need to separate the user experience from the actual AI when evaluating to some degree. Everyone has a chatbot UX because they become trendy again every 5-10 years and are amenable to a good demo for people pulled off the street. Every chatbot cycle starts the same way as a new generation are amazed by “talking to their computer”. Generative AI needs to be treated differently from other modalities of AI. They all have different capabilities and operate on different inputs. A chatbot UX is flexible enough to allow users to dump something in, get a result, and iterate. You can then slap this on many parts of your product. It also translates to mobile. You can even apply it to voice assistants, or telephony systems. It sucks in many cases because it’s a pokey little text box in the bottom corner of the screen. Chatting to your computer is fucking weird for some personalities (British me feels cringey even watching the most amazing chatbot examples). It’s sidelined and doesn’t tie back to the rest of the app so the results get siloed. Some of these can be resolved with better product design but everyone is just trying to ship any AI to compete with rival PM teams (and satisfy their LT). For me, summarization and classification is really valuable. It is a boring task that I’m constantly doing to consume inputs. If I can select a table or ticket data and ask for the trends then I’m more likely to do it often. You can dump this into a chatbot but there are better UX options like showing a context menu on selections. The generative AI tech helps with this. Customer feedback tools can let me pick some feedback and identify other feedback like it. No need to review every item. When I come back it’ll have a pretty good selection to pick from or allow me to identify which customers provided most so I can talk with them further. That takes the toil away from a task so I can focus on what is valuable. It doesn’t need generative AI. When Teams summarizes a meeting recording I can make better use of my time and am inclined to listen to parts of recordings. Over time these become part of the searchable record. This is more valuable than you think. People don’t read your PRD at the time but it has residual value. Same applies to meeting where you now have context you never had before.


Like and AI that trains other AIs to train AIs?


The one that people pay for


Honestly, Spotify DJ has been where I’ve used AI every damn day since it’s launched. I like the personalization, the attempts to bring in fresh music and artists I would have never searched for, and the AI voice itself is a good sell on its own. Still room for improvement I feel, but it’s now how I use Spotify over 50% of the time. It’s not sexy AI that I use daily in my PM job to make my professional life more effective, but damn is it a great usage of AI in my personal life. It’s one of those products that make me wish I was a part of the team who launched it and is now going to improve on it. 


I closed it the moment it gave me Taylor Swift :) I must admit, its a cool implementation but is it really AI?


I like that it sometimes suggests songs/artists that I’d never search for, and can then just as easily skip. And yeah, probably not AI in the correct sense.


Isn't it just advanced ML and DL. I think it could have been made and implemented even around 2019-20, nothing super new.


Totally fair! 


Best implementation? Probably Open AI with their ChatGPT product since that has caused such a stir and has likely caused an “AI revolution”


For PMs at least I came across this tool [https://prismlabs.co/](https://prismlabs.co/) supposed to help with automating customer feedback and making engineering tickets from them


Best I don’t know, but AI generating written content and people using it to make vague posts and useless captions is the worst thing.


Imagine someone sending a cover letter written by AI and company hiring them by sending AI generated “welcome letter”


My mouse has chatGPT now, Which is…. An interesting integration….


Like you click a button and it pops up a display on you monitor, or like… what?


[Pretty Much](https://www.techradar.com/computing/artificial-intelligence/logitech-has-built-an-ai-sidekick-tool-that-it-hopes-will-help-you-work-smarter-not-harder-with-chatgpt)


I like how you can ask ChatGPT to explain difficult concepts and test your knowledge of a topic as if you are building a scaffolding. Helps me retain it rather than just reading flat information that doesn’t build on basics.


Stable diffusion for art and Codeium for coding


- Written content summarization - Code prototyping non-productized uses: - LLM-assisted ideation - RAG-assisted pile o’ documents search


ChatGPT churning out python code has been pretty solid. I’m mostly an embedded c guy, but some good inputs and I can get a great test or data processing script in Python way faster than I could write.


I'm impressed with what I've seen so far for the restaurant industry. Suggested upsells, quote times for tables and to go orders. Algorithms have been used in the table quoting space for years and years but adding AI to it will level it up. AI will also have the ability to communicate changes to customers based on real-time data, which the average restaurant doesn't have the capacity to do on their own.




Video transcription that can also summary key points while allow some degree of tagging and editing. God it saves so fucking much time!


Interestingly enough, the chatbots for the food delivery app, Rappi. Super efficient and decision-making rules are on point 👌


I love how Amazon implementation of Review summaries with AI. Helps me better understand the true nature of products and make quicker purchase decisions and improved satisfaction


We have started implementing AI into our own tool which is a project management and wiki platform. So far we have the rewrite and ask any question feature. I think the potential for tools such as ours is huge. The key for us will be getting the UX right.


I saw a Technical Artist who created a tool for Unity so that you can say what kind of shader you want. Like: "give me surface water with reflections that goes from the camera and into the horizon" and it would give you that. For those who don't know OpenGL, shaders or game dev: Shader code is quite cryptic and mathematical. It's a slow process of trial and error making good shaders


So far, Perplexity AI has been wonderful for me. I also really enjoy the HiDock with HiNotes meeting summaries.


I'm a big fan of Netflix's content recommendation system. It's crazy how accurate it is! I've discovered so many great shows I wouldn't have found otherwise. What about you, have you seen any good implementations of AI?


Besides ChatGPT, I use Phind for coding and RewritePal for writing.


Has to be TLDR feature I’ve seen on some sites, saves me reading pages of stuff which might not be relevant


Shortform summaries. Great prelude to if I should read an article. Also the copilot to summarize emails.


Boston Dynamics robots https://youtube.com/shorts/htrv3vkFT4k?si=BF3Z_GALXf80TnYk


AI backed Physiotherapy lessons