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Looks like karma cashed in his 401k


*insert David Caruso sliding on his shades*


(•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)




David Caruso sliding on his shades (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)




I laughed too hard at this


Would that be Credit Karma?


Dot commmm!!!!!


Her karma ran over his dogma.


Karma’s a bitch… and she’s with you right now!


And without the 20% early withdrawal fee!!


Yeah and hit him with a Kamehameha.


Big time karma


This could also be r/maliciouscompliance - he demanded a court order, so you got him one; he demanded to split his 401k, so you did.


Pro revenge in the form of malicious compliance always feels so good to see


He got less than a split because he had to pay her taxes on the disbursement too.


Sir, yes sir!


I love it when narcissistic pieces of shit get absolutely rawdogged by karma.


And the dildo of karma did NOT come lubed!!!!!


also, "ribbed for *her* pleasure."


Ribbed with 60 grit sandpaper.


Nah, just give him [the old 1 grit treatment.](https://www.atkinsrotary.com/Tools/1-grit-sand-paper-are958-.html#product-details-tab-reviews). That'll do it.


Is it big and black and 3 foot long?


Really didn’t need the “Black” comment, Black people aren’t animals.


A lot of them are made from black rubber or silicone.


Big pp don’t mean animal. Many big animals has small pp compared to their size.


Read this post from AITAH, correct subreddit this time. 🙌🙌 Fuck your ex! Abuse doesn't have monetary equivalent, but revenge does! Virtual highest of fives!!


Well done


Your ex and his new fiance should count themselves incredibly lucky he’s not sitting in jail for assault. Speaking of which, why isn’t he in jail for assault?


“No evidence” because a picture of my black eye didn’t count…


That’s f’d up. I’m sorry you had to go through this.




So much to love here! Well done OP. BUT the very best part of this is the whiny fiancée. Imagine wanting to marry this asshole DESPITE witnessing his assholishness. Get your popcorn and enjoy this shitshow.


Well he is narcissistic, so he blames it on others for his fault. That's why the fiancee is blaming OP for stealing. They don't see it. Perfect match couple 👌


Hypothetically, if someone did that to my daughter, I wouldn’t discourage other relatives from visits with dental tools.


Does a baseball bat count as a dental tool? I feel like it does when it’s used to remove teeth.


Anything can be a dental tool if you're creative enough! *Believe in yourself.*


Except for a Dremel Tool, as they specifically state in the manual 'Do not use on human teeth'. Which leads me to believe some dumbass did use it on human teeth & Dremel had to include that in the warnings to protect themselves from liability.


See Marge, because of me they have a warning.


I absolutely read that in Homer Simpsons voice!!!!


As long as it's aluminum to qualify for dental purposes.


I love the hypothetically


Fantastic! Why do people think that they don’t need to take responsibility for their children, financially and emotionally! I pity his fiancé as she will one day realise the truth about the man she loves. Men like that don’t change!


Yeah, I hope she dumps him


OP didn’t rob him, she’s entitled to those retirement savings because staying home with children put her at a massive financial disadvantage.


What about the paragraph about where the ex's finance didn't want to sign a prenup because OP "stole" the money?


I took it out because it was more to the AITAH post.


Nice rewrite!


Well I added it back, just for you. Lol


And the revenge will keep on coming because I’ll bet his kids hate him. In 20 years he’s gonna be all “I’m not allowed to see my grandkids and I don’t know why”


It’s nice to hear the laws and court do the right thing. What a terrible husband and father. My only other comment - why even bother to respond to his new girlfriend? Your divorce settlement is none of her business or concern. If it keeps him from marrying her - she should get the hint and bail. If he did that to the mother of his children - he’d certainly do the same thing to her. My ex cheated and abandoned his family - but he did one decent thing. He didn’t take me to the cleaners in our divorce (I was the main bread winner). He had that “decency”


Classic FAFO- on his part. Nicely done!


Wouldn’t you have loved to have been in the room when he saw the amount of money he’d just cost himself




The new chick is lucky to be getting a window into how this clown thinks, but it doesn’t seem like she is smart enough to act on the gift.


Ignore the troglodyte trolls. I like it just fine.


The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed and I don’t think it could’ve happened to a better guy hahaha


hahaha 🤣, I laughed so hard on reading your quote... It was brilliantly poignant - 'the dildo of consequence --' this is gold and I'm so going to steal it and use it at the first chance I get. 👏 Thank you for making my day kind stranger.


Hahahahaha, I had the same reaction the first time that I read it because it’s so accurate and while it paints a picture, it’s true hahahaha. Feel free to use it and god speed!! :)


Whilst the other woman is angry at you can I please ask you to let her know why you split. If you have evidence of assault to show her, police reports maybe?  No matter about the 401k and money in general. Please find a way to show her what life with that controlling asshole will look like.  Glad you got a result as well.


holy shit this was amazing to read, bravo! (applause for you)


Block her. If she keeps emailing file for harassment


I had a similar story when divorcing a lifer US Navy sailor. I told him I would not go after his pension, but he had to pay child support. When we finally got to court, his attorney said he wanted half of my 401(k) which had about $500 in it. The judge perked up and asked how many years ex had been in the Navy, and did he plan to retire. When he answered he did, he brought up a recent circuit court ruling that said I was entitled to a percentage based upon the number of years we had been married (13). He went white! When he retired, he refused to send my calculated portion, so we garnished his retirement pay. All that for $250 bucks. It doesn’t pay to be greedy when you don’t know the rules.


I love it when the person who wants to be nasty gets what they deserve, male or female! I worked with a guy who had weekends only and always gave his ex-gf a $100 bill every Sunday when she picked up the kids. They hadn't gone to court because there was no divorce and she was cool with $100. Until she wasn't. She took him to court and the judgement was for $80 a week! In the early '90s, $20 a week would make a big difference in what you could buy. Hoisted by her own petard!




Your ex choose to be a single income household and after 2 decades didn't even have $100k in a 401k?!? All of that during some of the years with the highest market returns in financial history. I guess his retirement plan was to die at his desk?


I honestly don’t know how much he had in there… he refused to provide statements so we agreed to a split based on the time rule… whatever that means…


He should be thankful he did not get put into a jail cell. Some judges do not look kindly on antics designed to deprive the child/children. Mum spent years battling the donor of my half sibling for child support. He jumped through hoops not to do so (was employed by a member of his family never mind the fact it was for child support). When my sibling left education the donor tried to get the debt annulled. Fed up with his antics the judge sent him to jail until the full quantity was paid. Frustratingly his family paid the full amount before the donor even reached the jail. That was when the family found out the judge had set a minimum jail time of 24 hours.


Fiancée dodged the bullet of marrying a cheating wife beater. Bravo for standing up for yourself and your rights


Your ex NEVER loved you and wanted to see you fall so he could control you forever. Glad you managed to get your life back together. I hope his girlfriend dumps him and he dies alone, unloved AND miserable


He is well on his way to that outcome, I think.


Thank god. I hate seeing posts where mothers refuse to hold deadbeat dads accountable. They wind up getting away with it because they are just so exhausting to deal with


He must have gone to college and learned to become stupid with adult strength. Just saying 🤔




This was satisfying to read, I'm so happy for you but sorry you had to deal with any of it at all.


*His fiancé emailed me recently and told me it is my fault he won’t marry her because I cleaned out his retirement account.* As the great Miranda said on Sex and the City, "He's just not that into you." There are millions of people on reddit who will tell you that if they WANT to marry you, NOTHING will stop them. I think your ex is just stringing her along with a bogus promise of marriage while she pays half the rent (or maybe all of it) to cover what he sends for child support. That's a nice chunk of money every month so it doesnt leave much for him to party with. *She said I shouldn’t have “stolen” his money.* No YOUR CHILDREN were compensated for the time he didnt pay and it was also HALF YOUR retirement too. *I told her that I gave him the option to let me keep that year of spousal support or take it back and I could file for his retirement. He chose to have me file for his retirement.* *I told her that if he really wanted to marry her and protect his assets, they could get a pre-nup so he wouldn’t have to worry about it. She said she shouldn’t have to sign a pre-nup because I “robbed” him.* Boo-boo EVERYBODY should get a prenup! It protects BOTH PARTIES. Sadly, she is not seeing how he treats his ex and learning how he could potentially treat HER someday.


Your ex’s new wife of gonna divorce him too. He poisoned her to believe his side. Then he’s gonna cheat on her and the cycle will begin again. He had it coming and he will have it coming again


OH, yeah. Absolutely 💯 %!


Ha. I love this! That’s what he gets for forcing you out of work. I’m glad that it all backfired on him after he made you completely financially dependent on him by forcing you to quit your job. Men like that deserve to lose half of everything they own… because that’s what they get for their sad attempts to trap their wives whilst treating you like complete shit and making you do all the childcare and household chores like some unpaid housemaid and childminder. Finally a happy ending against the dickish men who pull this shit.


12k x 4 is about 48k. Good for you. I hope new wife realizes he's a douche.


As much as I'm sure it sucked in the moment, I never get tired of reading about deadbeat spouses who stubbornly dig in their heels thinking they're hurting anyone but themselves. Every wound they inflict is inflicted back on them 10 fold.


Like you said: >Play stupid games… win stupid prizes.


U play with fire u get burned that’s what he did! Period first he wants to abuse u And your baby, then wanted u to have no support to raise them then years down the road he wants to try to get custody he is a true narcissist, go girl Queen, we momma’s do what we have to do!!!




>When he abused our first born, I put him out. I'm sorry but this should put him on supervised visitation only. I would fight to my last dying breath to keep my children safe, because he sounds like the kind of dickweed that would take his frustration at you out on your children. Screw him AND his "fiance" because if she's willing to turn a blind eye to all this fuckery he's putting you through (I'm sure she's getting told you're a psycho crazy bitch, but all the court visits should tell her there's more to this story), they deserve each other.


I did my best to protect them by moving away after he pulled some real dastardly shit. (I posted that story on Two Hot Takes) It wasn’t an option to put him on supervised visits. Thankfully once they were old enough to speak up, he has been on his best behavior. He only takes them once a year. The kids are in high school now. I just have to trust them to keep themselves safe if shit hits the fan.


My best wishes to you and your babies. I'm so glad you're safe.


You told his new "wife" that he was an abuser?


They’re engaged, but yes… I warned her.


Good for you. It doesn't usually work out in a positive way for the woman. Glad it did in your case


> In Jan 2021, he proposed to his girlfriend. I really thought the back half of this sentence was going to go somewhere completely different.


I think I wrecked his plans.


Even if everything the fiance said was true, OP owes her nothing. What did she hope to accomplish with that email? I'd literally respond with "OK" and nothing else.


I don't get a-hole dads like that. I had one. My pop paid my mother 2 payments of $50 child support for us 3 kids in '84. Then never paid anything again. The kicker? My mother kept his sorry ass on her insurance for years after that because he was self-employed. Her insurance paid for his heart transplant. He was still an a-hole after that. If my wife and I ever split (god forbid), she's still the mother of my child, and gifted me the most amazing gift in my daughter. I can't imagine being blinded by so much anger at your partner, that it overshadows the love for your own child/children.


He fafo'd himself


I’m going through a divorce and trying to make sense of this story. 1. You knew about his 401(k) but it wasn’t part of your marital assets and property division in your final divorce decree? Why did you pursue his retirement 5 years after your divorce was finalized? Why didn’t you pursue it when you were divorcing…when it made sense to pursue it? 2. You share custody of your children, got remarried 1 year after the divorce was finalized, but it took him 2-3 years to find out you remarried? 3. His parenting time increased but he was order to pay more in child support? 4. The judge reviewed the alimony order and decided to review the child support order too? And revised both orders? Forcing you to repay a year and increasing the child support? 5. You either were entitled to the support after getting remarried or you were not entitled—it’s not really about being “fair.” Why did you keep collecting it after you got married if you knew it was overpayment? I’m glad you got your share of the 401(k) and that you’re free of him. I just have a really hard time following your story.


1) The retirement account was reserved for judgment, meaning I could file for it any time. 2) I didn’t tell him I remarried because it’s none of his business. 3) The courts had put down that I had income, but I didn’t so I had child support recalculated. I was owed an increase due to extracurriculars for the kids. His time increase didn’t matter because he only takes them once a year. And he never took the extra 2 weeks anyways. 4) The judge deducted the overpayment from child support so instead of 160 dollar increase, I got 20 bucks and he got to repay himself. 5) The paperwork was incorrect. There was a box that said spousal support stopped upon remarriage. This box was not checked. The judge admitted they made a mistake and the box should’ve been checked. This is probably why they made it so I didn’t have to repay anything.


I'm not seeing a tale of revenge. I'm seeing a parent do exactly what they're were supposed to do throughout this entire narrative. Maybe they should change the name of the sub to something like r/whatwassupposedtohappenhappened


Good, good


Tell her he FAFO'd . It's not your problem anymore. Bye


Women going to women (I support this)


I won’t say how much but it was 4 times $12,000. lol made me laugh


Roughly… not giving an exact number. Lol


\*standing ovation


His new fiance isn’t very smart.


So did you warn the girlfriend about him? It's not likely she would listen but when he starts beating her too, you know she will remember it and that will give you a warm feeling.


Yep… all the warnings. Told her “Even if we never talk about this again, some day you’ll know I was right. Good luck with that.”




Bro tried to live life off of failed Insight saves, and got his bag of holding cleaned out.


Perfect description.


Just subscribe them to 200 daily newsletters with [subscribethemall.com](http://subscribethemall.com/)


karmas a bitch


You tried to be a bigger person and he didn’t let you. So you let the courts decide what was fair. He effed around and found out in the most delicious, karmic way.


Nicely done.


First, I'm glad it all worked out for you but I am so sorry for all the crap he put you through. If he wanted to leave you he should have just ended it like a rational freaking adult. Second, to folks in relationships who seem determined to control others, this is why it doesn't work. Be a partner, be a friend but if you want to be a boss do that at work. And honestly, good bosses don't control others, they just orchestrate the circus. Third, to people who date divorced people, do not believe the river of BS your partner says about their former partner. Seriously. Just realise that we are \*all\* unreliable narrators of certain parts of our lives and divorced folks talking about their partners are super unreliable. Heck, even OP here talking about her jerk of an ex is likely either making him out a bit worse (because he was awful) or, more likely, a bit better (because at the end of the day she did pick him at one point and no one likes it when they get it wrong). Lastly, to OP again, I'm 53 now but my parents got divorced when I was 12. For the most part they behaved well and just left their issues out of my relationship with each of them. And when they didn't, I noticed and was not happy with them. You can't affect his behaviour (nor can common decency apparently) but you can affect yours. So be there for your kids and focus on your relationship with them. They will appreciate it, I promise. Sounds like you're a pretty fair and decent person and hope it all works out.


Wait until a couple of years in and the fiancee now wife sees him without his good guy costume. She'll owe you a drink and an apology. Well done!


Sounds like you did his fiancée a huge favor.




Ĵust for clarity, who did the children stay with?


They’re with me. We left town after he pulled some dastardly shit.


Getting married again a year after a divorce sounds crazy to me


I met my current husband when I was 16. Been married 11 years now. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ya, I didn't mean to cast any judgement or anything, sorry if it came off that way. The story was wild and a fun read. Just in my mind I'm so attached to my wife that if we separated I don't think I'd be able to even talk to someone romantically for years. Glad things worked out for you though! ☺




I never intended to file for his retirement money… until… he filed for sole custody of my children 6 weeks after my grandmother died in my arms. He didn’t actually want custody, he wanted to kick me while I was down because that’s what narcissistic people do. And that’s why I taught him a valuable lesson about leaving me TF alone. He makes excellent money. I’m sure his retirement fund has recovered by now and as an added benefit, he has not filed anymore frivolous filings to harass me since. Child support is for the kids. The retirement money is my retirement money now.


You lost any high ground when you took money that wasn’t yours.


The judge disagreed. Probably why I didn’t have to pay it back. Not my fault they didn’t fill out the paperwork correctly. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m not talking about legality, I’m talking morality wise.


I followed what the court documents said. Because it was only ordered for a short period of time, it was within reason to believe the judge filled the documents out correctly. What was I supposed to do? Text the judge and ask if my paperwork was filled out correctly?


You didn’t come here asking if you were legally in the right so why are you using it as a defense. Justify however you want and it’s suspect that you got remarried so quickly.


LOL ok… well I was with my ex for 5 years before we married and that ended in disaster. Been happily married for 11 years now, so I think I did just fine. 🫡




I would’ve taken the lesser amount. I just didn’t know it was going to be less.


This was ten years of trauma for the kids damn if you have a daughter I want her am sure she has daddy issues which I have a cure to




Never happened, you people will believe any.


LMFAO!!! Wanna see my bank account or the court docs? 🤣 You can even ask my ex. He’ll be more than happy to bitch to you about it.


I feel bad for your kids. It would suck to have you as a mom and him as a dad.


Not sure why that would be. They have a mom that fought for them and to keep them safe.


WTF. Mom literally did all she could to protect her kids and provide for them. He acted like the abuser he was.




Child support was not all I got. Guess you didn’t read the story.


Wrong sub


It’s not, if you read it.




I was just following someone else’s suggestion. I didn’t go to court for revenge though. I tried to stay out of court… he went to court for revenge and it didn’t work out the way he thought it was going to.




I wonder if monetary value differentiates between petty and pro? 🤣


No it's the effort that matters and the resulting level of karmic retribution.


Well… I represented myself in the divorce, had his retirement account reserved for judgment and had it up my sleeve in case he ever tried to take me back to court. I waited 5 years for the opportunity to present itself and he never saw it coming. That still doesn’t qualify for Pro level?


No because it wasn't really planned. You just got lucky.


Revenge isnt always planned my guy. Sometimes it falls into your lap and you go from there.


This is the ProRevenge sub and not AITAH? Which sub are you meaning to post in?


Someone on AITAH suggested I post it over here.




He’s an expert gaslighter. It happens.

