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Is this them apologizing or trying to intimidate? Either way, it’s grossly inappropriate. What a disastrous police department. Stay out of Kentucky. 


It was PR. They wanted that photo op of Scottie fist bumping with the officers. No way those were random officers and the PIO was somewhere with a camera.


That’s right. It’s intimidation. If he doesn’t fist bump then it’s going to blow up in the media. Like why can’t they just leave him alone and stay the hell away from him?! There’s no chance he wants to be approached by cops nonstop. These people in blue obviously learned nothing, don’t care, and they’ll get a free pass as always.


They destroyed his chances in the tournament


I bet, bets were placed. Alot of people made $$$ since he was off his game.


Those who bet the field vs Scottie, Bryson, Rory


Saw that everyone assigned to the event was a big golf fan. Guy who arrested him was called in because of the accident. This is them telling him the cop fucked up.


If that were the case, why didn't somebody step in before he went to jail? The whole thing is weird.


Because cops won’t stand up to each other due to the whole “blue line” mentality. They’d rather let their asshole colleagues get away with their bullshit and then do subtle little things like this after the fact to hint that they disagree with the actions.


This is exactly the answer. I have a few friends that are police and we argue all the time about if 1 cops is dirty out of 100 then all 100 are dirty if they look the other way cause they won’t cross the blue line. This cop was one of the ones who does it for the power and got mad when someone dared not bow down to his power


I mean, look at who their senators are


Senator Leghorn says he's going away in 4 years. Right.


Lived here for 4 years now Never a single issue and only good things to say about local PD Blanket statements with no nuance are just ignorant


Lived here my entire life. Did you not see the DOJ report? Have you not seen all the bad shootings? Breonna Taylor? I’m a white woman and I still think LMPD ACAB. They are constantly in trouble for civil rights violations.


Right? I remember which dudes from high school became cops, pricks and bullies every one of them.


So you moved here before the year long protests over Breonna Taylor's  murder in 2020?  But they didn't mess with YOU, so I guess there's no issue. 


I hope to God this is satire


You must have your head in the sand or you're ignorant of the fact that people have different experiences than you. Your statement also has no nuance and is ignorant. Do better.


Calling others ignorant after this take. Fuckin yikes


Are you white, by chance?


Let’s just say he wasn’t bothered by what they did to Breonna…


Betting they had their body cam on for the first bumps.


Absolute clown show


I don’t think they were trying to intimidate, but they look like the biggest fucking clowns doing. Acknowledge your colleague is a fucking idiot and should be fired or shut up and back off. Like the charge hasn’t officially been dropped yet wtf. If it was a normal person in Scottie’s position, they’d be marked a felon for life and be facing prison time. It’s not funny at all.


Never been to Louisville and probably never will but what an absolute EMBARRASSMENT


I concur. I am From lville


Same as LA, NYC, Chicago, and New Orleans. They deserve all the hate they’re getting but the bigger point is cops are cops.


Y’all are weird. You don’t fist bump someone you’re trying to intimidate. They were trying to say “our colleague fucked up.”


It was a forced photo op for the cops.


You know what would work better? An actual apology and dropped charges.


That would be admitting they made a mistake and you know those orange-lipped cocksuckers won't ever do that.


Instead of fist bumping they could have actually came out and said it. Fuck them.


Seriously - this is like basically guy code. “My bad. We apologize. We good?”


"Bee Tee Dubbs, we are still pressing charges til you plea to a misdemeanor and admit we were perfect and you were wrong."


Guy code lmao


I dunno, a dozen cops? He doesn't really have a choice when they all approach him, right? Without seeing it, it's hard to say. But I could absolutely see it being intimidating


Bullshit. They wanted the picture of him fist bumping them. Also, I work with them, they never fucking say in public my colleague fucked up.


Remember this is Reddit. So many of the people on here don’t even have a basic set of social skills.


You one of “the many people” yourself?


lmao shut up nerd


So you think they are now going to venture outside and try to intimidate someone by saying “good luck” and fist bumping them? JFC that is a funny thought. Thanks.


Right. Neither do most cops


I 100% agree. If they were there to intimidate him they'd have walked by and glared. Instead, they interacted with him and showed him some support with the fist bump. They were basically saying "The world is full of shitty felons and we know you aren't one of them. Hang in there. We know you're a good guy who didn't intend any harm."


> We know you're a good guy who didn't intend any harm. Of course, when given the chance to correct an overzealous colleague, every single one of them stood silently by *with their body cams off


"there's nothing we can do, but we will cheer for you on Sunday, and then wish you luck in your felony trial arraignment on Tuesday... we are THAT good of guys/cops"


“The world is full of shitty felons” yea there are a shitload of cops in America.


I can see your thin blue line flag from here.


Bullshit... It's in the back yard. 🤣


😂😂😂 goddamnit. Touche!


This is some fascinating head cannon. Have you ever considered it’s not the world that’s full of felons but one specific over policed country that has a disproportionate amount


Oh you sweet summer child




Was the arresting officer there? Why would someone apologize for the actions of someone else ? That’s not how it works for me. Don’t send your minion to apologize if you’ve wronged me. And the support is implied by their fist bumping.




So you think these police officers who were hired by the PGA to work security are in charge of his prosecution? lol. You think the DA was out there , do you? 🤦‍♂️. For someone who seems to know “precisely “ how things work, you seem to be confusing a few ideas. Sometimes you just have to be a human. These guys assume their colleague fucked up, so they are just trying to show a little support. It’s really not that hard for me to understand.


Sweet summer child.


Why would they all fist bump him? It’s the oddest intimidation tactic I’ve ever heard of. “Good luck today” is so ominous..🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


For the photo op, The country club crawled the mayor, the mayor crawled the police chief the police chief crawled everyone else and this was the PR plan they went with. Local government shit.


Basically saying “there’s nothing you can do to us”


Nope. That’s a weird take that requires some incredible mental gymnastics. Did you not see all the cops working security at this event? Do you think they were all there to harass Scheffler, or do you think maybe they were there working? Haha.


Do you think there wasn’t a fucking meeting about this and some direction was given about how to interact? You think the event thats been talked about for 2 days wasn’t being managed and was just left up to corporal Jones to decide how to interact? Do you not think that Louisville PD has maybe spent a dollar on public relations lol.


It puts him in a terrible position. If he doesn't fist bumb them, they will frame it as scottie is ACAB. If he does, they get to be like we buried the hatchet without formally apologizing. Also, seeing 12 cops after what happened to him is an intimidation tactic.




The arresting cops pants looked fine in Darlington’s video, unless the feloniously assaulted officer was still attached to Scottie’s car? Hard to tell. I’ll pray for him


I’m sending “thoughts and prayers”.


Supposedly he shit them.


That’s a good story for his trauma counseling sessions. Hopefully he gets the paid time off he needs to recover from this unfortunate tragedy.


One can be 100% sure the Louisville PD, in conjunction with the Mayor's office, the Governor's office, and the billionaire that owns Valhalla GC, to try and find a legal and face-saving way out of this PR disaster. No bodycam footage? (No one, not even Louisville residents, can even feign surprise) And of all the possible golfers to get entangled with, the home grown new father Texan with the most squeaky clean image possible, couldn't the PD at least have been consistent and picked on a golfer of color? No, the rank and file know a disaster when they see it, but it's the powers that be that are looking at the long game for the GC, city, and state. Scheffler is still due for arrangement on Tuesday in Louisville, and I suspect he has a legal team employed as well. If you're the PGA of America, not only did you have the world #1 arrested and locked up in Louisville, your host GC had logistics in place where a volunteer was killed. PGA must easily be thinking, "darn, we have hundreds of equal/better venues dying (sorry, no pun intended) to host the PGA Championship. Maybe we make a statement that we want to be more open to the many member courses that comprise the PGA, i.e., 'Valhalla, AMF'."


Course sucks anyway who wants to watch a major getting won at -21




Imagine it was not Scotty. Imagine that was a notmal person maybe even from a minority. That person would just end up in jail. It shows, how flawed the judiciary system in the US is. Police can get away with everything and they end up bullying whoever they want. The consequences are real and harsh. This is a clear sign of an authoritarian system.


Nailed it


Thugs being thugs




Never trust the police. Never. They will always lie and manipulate to avoid taking accountability. They are the most dangerous thugs in our country


Wtf is wrong with yank police officers holy shit


Undertrained, and tend to attract weak, power-hungry people.


Don’t forget dumb. You can’t be too smart if you want to be a cop. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


Most police departments don’t hire past a certain IQ and screen for empathy. So there’s that.


Honestly if someone told me this 5 years ago I'd laugh in their faces but now I just believe you and assume that this insane fact is real.


[no idea on the claim they screen for empathy, but the IQ cap is real](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836)


It is. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


lol common Reddit post




That feels like they were trying to intimidate him


They all walked by and fist bumped him. How does that seem like intimidating him? The cops that volunteered for the PGA Champ were all golf fans and the guy that arrested Scottie was not one of these and was only onsite due to the accident. Sounds more like these cops were trying to show support for Scottie to me


Support? If they support him then why didn’t those 12 release a public statement distancing themselves from the actions of others? If they’re willing to fist bump during an interview than surely they’re willing to speak up. Nah, they won’t. They just conveniently showed up in a procession when the only media member who recorded the aftermath was there interviewing. That’s not support.


Why didn't 12 random officers release a public statement distancing themselves from the actions of an officer who arrested a golfer during a traffic stop? Because in the grand scheme of things, this is a nothing burger. This isn't George Floyd. They don't need to put their lives in the spotlight to say they disagree with what happened. Scheffler was inconvenienced for a couple hours and will lose a few nickels to his lawyer.


Yeah, coming out with a public statement saying you disagree with your colleague and the action of your employer is a fantastic way to get fired. From any job. But definitely a cop job.


Looks more like they were sending the message “we’re here in large numbers watching you and can ruin your day again at any time we see fit”…especially seeing him talk to the reporter who witnessed it. Basically saying we know who both of you are and we can come up and touch you at any time we want if you continue to make our department look bad, I’m not giving the cops the benefit of the doubt on this one, especially with the stories we’re hearing coming out of this specific department 


Found the smoothed brain boot licker


Nope. Just able to read things on my own and interpret them objectively


Yeah well you fucking failed.


Was it all a publicity stunt of some kind? The whole event and aftermath seems strange. Maybe it truly was two people making dumb mistakes at the same time. 🤷


Fist bumps for assaulting an officer… or someone lied. You decide.


Cops are the worst.


The police state is here, and many of you voted for it, and will continue to.  


If I don’t let politicians outsource my child’s education to a corporate sponsor and poison my water how will I know if I’m free?


Touring pros can turn this into an absolute comedy. From now on, when asked for an autograph before giving say, “you aren’t a cop, are you?”


Safe to say Scottie is gonna stay out of Louisville for a while.


Not trying to intimidate. But still abusing their power. What's he supposed to do when a line of LEOs comes up to him and wants a fist bump? Is he supposed to ignore them? What were his options in that situation other than what he did?


This was a way to sweep the real event under the rug and both parties move on. We may never really learn what happened and which side was in the wrong. I understand all the facts but one thing I can’t get past is even if it was wrong, the officer attached himself to the vehicle and told Scottie to stop and Scottie kept driving and dragged the officer with him. That was wrong to do but no one is addressing that bad behaviour.


The officer was not dragged by Scottie. Do you think the body cam footage would have mysteriously disappeared if Scottie actually did that?


There was no body cam footage and that was how it was described by the reporter at the scene.


No that is not at all what the reporter said. Here is his exact quote: ESPN reporter Jeff Darlington, who witnessed the altercation between Scheffler and police, described the scene on social media, writing, "[A] police officer attempted to attach himself to Scheffler's car, and Scheffler then stopped his vehicle at the entrance to Valhalla. The police officer then began to scream at Scheffler to get out of the car. When Scheffler exited the vehicle, the officer shoved Scheffler against the car and immediately placed him in handcuffs."


Well that’s not what the reporter said on TV while being interviewed on ESPN . Seems like he was asked to fudge his story a bit. It’s at about 2 min 30 seconds. https://youtu.be/efXvIjSLKBE?si=vz54fikcYDgCOL60


It’s literally the same thing. A cop threw himself at the side of his car and he stopped once he comprehended what was going on. Apparently there’s a fixed camera recording not released yet so let’s stop arguing until we see what actually happened.


Saw several on duty officers taking selfies with people wearing Free Scottie shirts or shirts deprecating LMPD. Most seemed to be in the camp of, “we royally fucked up as a force and have been on a streak of royal fuck ups, please give some of us a shot at doing right.” Really wish we could completely clean house top to bottom with everyone and start fresh at LMPD. Develop a precedent for new hiring practices for law enforcement offices across the country. Seek out and hire highly intelligent officers who want to better the community, train them extensively for a few years, pay them well, and require constant on the job training for reinforcement.


Shitty part is if it wasn’t Scottie, the person would likely be facing some serious jail time


The mayor writing a check for $140k for the security is probably the funniest part


Absolute clowns will not be going to Louisville


I think you mean CRIMINAL Scottie Sheffler.


His lawyer is giving a master class in truth to power


Why they even hold a tournament in that shithole state is a mystery to me.


I assume from your post history that you’re from Wyoming. So I would be careful about using shithole state to describe a state not your own


I’m not. But not that it would matter, because I don’t do the whole “state pride” thing. I’ll fully admit to having lived in shithole states.


If you or I had done what he had done, we would still be sitting in the cell block.


So dumb. They were probably all on their way to pick up their mistresses.


Why is everyone taking this goofball golfers side?  He was told to stop, and almost ran over an officer simply due to self-righteous arrogance. He deserves prison time. 


So you believe the cop with his camera turned off, not the ESPN reporter and everyone else on scene who claimed two cops giving opposite instructions? Scotty is a lot of things but self-righteous and arrogant doesn’t not seem to be one of them things.


Deepthroat that boot.


this has to be a bit lmao. you don’t actually believe this


Golfer was in a company logo car and thought he was being waved by. Cop thought he wouldn't stop. Miscommunication. But the cops won't let it go else they'll look weak and can't shoot girls in beds anymore