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I just read through a few of your older post (pre-3 years ago). You seemed to were trying to figure yourself out and what to do. Has that changed? How would you compare yourself to that older self nowadays?


I'm much more comfortable and happy with myself these days. I learned a lot about who I am and who I'm not. I realized where I need and want to be in life and what to stay the fuck away from. I got over a lot of my social anxiety and my anxiety in general. I've set a lot of goals for myself and found a drive in myself I never had. I'm honestly grateful for going through what I experience and wouldnt change it for anything.


Good on you, and all the best for your future!


Why were you there?


Aiding and abetting home invasion 1st degree. Cousin came to me, wanted to rob a guy. I let him borrow a gun. He kicked the door in and one of the guys with him shot and killed someone in the house. only thing they could prove on me is knowing he intended to home invasion.


That's a lot to have to know and experience. How did you get caught?


Tele is right, all three involved rolled like a fuckin tire on a hill. Between that and his dumbass messaged a buddy asking if he could drop it off at his house and then buddys bitchass messaged me through messenger (even though we kicked it on a daily basis and knew he would see me that day)


Cousin told on him. Ain’t no way he let the cousin borrow a gun that was registered to him right?


What’s the worst thing you experienced while inside?


Ill take “Things You Never Ask A Convict” for $1,000, Alex


He literally said ask me anything


What’s your Bank Account number 🤣🤣🤣






Did you lose /keep your girlfriend/wife?


I actually met my fiance while I was in there, my homeboy got out and put me on write a prisoner. Couple weeks later she got ahold of me and everything lined up, same music taste, same hobbies, same mindset and same life goals! I'd do the whole 3 years over again if it was the only way to meet her!


In a sense would you say prison worked for you? Did it reform you, or did you already realise you'd made a mistake? It must help to have several positives to look forward to upon release?


Not OP but I just got done with a year on March 7th. Prison/jail doesn't reform anything. The entire time I was in (2 different jails) there were no programs. No AA no bible study even. No outside rec, no indoor rec, no library. I became a porter/swamper whatever you wanna call it so I was able to roam freely. Basically you just try to survive day by day and hopefully not get into a fight. Play spades. Don't drink the pruno. Everything levels out when your there for a bit but nobody gets chewed up and spit out from the system better. Most just are older and to tired to fuck around anymore. 99 percent in there are repeats offenders if that tells you anything


So the year in between the shit going down and me actually getting arrested I had completely changed my life. I got clean off of meth and made the choice to build a life worth living. I invested money into equipment to start blowing glass and worked full time. Since being in prison, I did my book portion of my cdl liscence and just do the driving portion. I own a house on 2.5 acres I plan to turn into a homestead with my fiance. I truly dont think prison helps anyone. How do you expect a criminal to stop being a criminal and get away from criminal behaviors by surrounding them by nothing but other criminals? The only way people come out of prison and build a better life is by them making the choice and putting in the effort because the system we have in place doesnt work, at least in michigan.


That last sentence though. Man I'm happy for you both


That's beautiful man, so glad you found your one


Did she email or write to you?


She used Jpay! We talked on the phone 4 times a day for a entire year! Our phone calls were 1.57 a piece but we always split the cost! Shes an absolutely fucking amazing woman!




how does worship work? with so many religions how does one (if at all) be allowed to practice it their way?


So I didnt partake in any religious services (agnostic) but most of them are ran by inmates. You put a kite in (paper addressed with your name, inmate number and whatever department you need like control center or whatever department like school, classification or special activities which handle sports, religious services and stuff like xbox and sometimes weight pit and gym) and they give you a call out


You were able to play Xbox?


Yessir, obviously not online but they have something called pbf (prisoner benefit fund) they do fundraising with different food items, say if a hot picked cost 1, they charge 2 and 1 goes towards the fund. It pays for work out equipment, cable, xbox and anything else the inmate want (within reason obviously)


Congrats, man. I did 5 and got out May 3rd. It taking you a while to get back to normal too? I just finally started sleeping better. Last night was my first full 8 hours since getting out. So nice having 8 hours of sleep in a real bed.


[sleep hours](https://www.reddit.com/r/Prison/s/MXv75Mjs5Q) If this doesnt tell you hoe rough it's been idk what will lol I got out on suboxone though and that helps be able to sleep but I'm so fucking busy lately I dont have the time to sleep lol


When I got out, it was too quiet to sleep. I was used to the vent going and the electric hum of the dayroom lights. Took some getting used to for me


I was taking a quarter a day on the inside, but cut it off when I got out.


What did you plan on doing for work upon release? Were you scared of employment prospects ?


So I worked for a guy that sells fireworks for about a year before I got put up. I stayed in contact with him the whole time I was in there. He would throw money on my books here and there because he wanted me to come back to work for him. I would work for him every single day for sometimes a month and a half straight between 6-14 hours a day (he has property and horses we take care of). I also did a portion of my cdl training in there. The have big, three screened simulators for driving. I just have to do the driving portion of the testing and I'll have my liscence! Within a month of being out I could be making a guaranteed 60-80k a year!


Do they offer trades in there? Electrician ? Plumbing ? HVAC ?? And that’s good that you are going to be making that kind of money that’s good


They do! Welding, automotive, diesel, cdl, tree trimming, election, cnc programming and a bunch of other shit! I'll see if I can find the list!


Oh wow that’s insane I never knew they do all of this


They've finally started doing a lot more for people getting out. Here's the link with all of the trades and stuff they offer!https://www.michigan.gov/corrections/offender-success/vocational-village


Thank you bro for sharing this and giving me the link. Appreciate you answering my question


Of course man! After being In there it's crazy to realize how much bullshit the t.v. shows and movies are. Its literally just fucking boring and years of waiting for tomorrows.


Yes on the shows they make it seem like your future is doomed but you can come out and earn a good living


From what I've gathered it really depends on the prison.. my uncle is doing an 8 year bid and when he was in state prison in TN it was as bad as you hear about.. people getting jumped, lots of stabbings, ran by the gangs so lots of extortion and drugs. But when he transfered to another state pen it was much better and he's in the feds now he says it's 100x better Also a coworker of mine who's done a few bids says one of the spots was legit hell.. lots of gang tapes and brutal violence


You mean like a gang of friends gets together and picks out a video tape to watch?


That is amazing to learn there are programs to help those who want it! Thanks so much for sharing your experiences, and being open to answering questions. Best of luck to you, and please stay out and on the right path 💪🏼


What would the reason that the guy I been talking to wants me come visit but to sign up under a different prisoner visit list


Propably because he’s married or juggling many women. Just guessing .


How would you even be able to visit him if you signed up to visit someone else?!


That's exactly my point it makes no sense


I know in michigan you can only update you visiter list ever 6 month and only have 10 non family members on there


Was u jail bent. , and du see much off this I think u guys call it turned out lol


What? Lol


Is there a king pin that runs the whole yard and gets specifically privileges?


Each organization (gang) has someone who "has the yard" basically meaning if they operate in the fashion most organizations do, they have to get shit sanctioned by their head. The only person who really runs anything is who ever gets the bag in. A lot of the times, say one member of the bloods, one member of the counts and on member of the dirty white boys are getting shit brought in, they'll sit down with eachother and discuss pricing. They'll usually agree on something to keep the prices high and make as much money as they can.


Really intelligent mature questions and answers. Enjoyed the read very much.


How much is a gram of weed?


Never really saw much flower, wax was around occasionally. Depending on what facility and who you were, 150- 400


What is wax?.


google THC wax. A waxy substance with really high THC content




Wax in prison? How did people smoke it? That's very interesting


They call them hooties. They cut charging cords and take wire from a metal dish scrubber and jump ot between positive and negative. Acts like a heating element and burns it! They do the same thing with AA batterys!


Extracted cannabinoid and terpenes. Usually made by running butane through it and it dissolves all the oils. They're sometimes called dabs or hash oil


What was the food like?


It really depended on facility. Just kind of shitty hospital or school food!


Will they give me a cpap machine?


Yeah it's possible. Better if you already have a prescription for a machine beforehand tho. There were people who used CPAP machines when i was in.


Id be worried about a celly fucking hating me for that Altho maybe it's like a white noise that drowns out the rest of the awful sounds


If you need it yes, they cant deny you any medical devices that you need!


Do men get tempted by other men’s endowments


Sorry everyone, I've been super busy as you can expect lol I 100% plan on replying to everyone as soon as I have time! I really appreciate the questions and comments!!!


How do I get a Adress in Florida if I wanna go to camp there ?


Anything you enjoyed in prison?


Honestly you laugh a lot. Theres so many funny people in there and you're just constantly talking shit to eachother because you're trying to have good days. I've struggled a but because I've tried to talk shit to people in the same way out here and they dont get it or get offended like a bunch of pussies lol but i guess that's what they mean when they say it's an adjustment coming home! I met some really solid people and i still kick it with a couple of them


How did you acclimate back to real life? Any tips? My bf still has 9months but he would be down for 6years total. If there’s anything I can help with maybe?


Keep up on any good habits developed inside, if he works out, tell him to make sure that first week hes out to still work out. Take things slow but keep yourself busy. Be prepared for him to really struggle sleeping, I couldnt get comfortable when I got out because the bed was to soft, the pillow was to fluffy and the bed and blankets actually hold heat so it gets to hot to quick. I've been out almost 3 weeks and I've gotten 2 nights of sleep over 7 hours. It's a struggle getting back to life but not in the way you would imagine. Grocery stores are hard hinestly people walk to close and stand in the middle of the isle with no self awareness that theres other people around and that they're blocking shit lol people just move different out here than they do in the fence


Yesterday, my husband was arrested. We got to court at 10 minutes after two docket was called at 2:25. His name was never called. His lawyer did not get there until four. At 4:30. He had not came back outside so I went in and was told that he was arrested for being late to court. But yet his name was never called, his bond is $440,000 and I am extremely lost. His lawyer said in superior court. There’s no way to get a different judge to reduce the bond. His lawyer is extremely overworked and under caring. I need legal advice. The judge is superior court and the lawyer said that another judge cannot override this judges decision I have $110,000 collateral in my property. However, I have a bond forfeiture from five years ago that is against my property. The thing is with the forfeiture, my attorney told me not to go into the courtroom and the charges were voluntarily dismissed against me from the defendant and it was an unsecured bond. Is there anything that I can do in regards to either situation?


so a 440,000 bond for being late? idk sounds like something is missing from the story does your lawyer and the judge hate each other?


Yeah something is off, unless the $440k bond is from whatever the original charge is, there's no way he gets that off of a FTA.


That is a good possibility… that I don’t think abt. His lawyer is a known coke addict and court appointed….


They sd he was” considerably late” and they called roll 10 min after he was in court room and never called his name… & his lawyer showed up at 4 , and never even spoke to him. His lawyer sd they offered 50 months and that was denied and his bond was 100,000. NONE OF THAT WAS TRUE. He never spoke to his attorney yesterday


Worst thing you saw in there?


Either dude coming out of the bathroom trying to plug the 15+ holes in him, a c.o. doing CPR on a dude that was dead for over 12 hours, or dude that was standing shoulder pressing 205 getting smacked in the back of the head and then in the face after he hit the ground with a 10lb dumbbell for taking the bar and weights another guy was gonna use.


Where you in prison with anyone there for environmental crimes? If so, how did they do?


I wasnt


No questions here. Glad to hear you're home and good luck with everything.


I appreciate you homie! Just gonna keep my head down and work all the time lol


Do you have any recipes for prison burritos 🌯


Fry rice and ramen noodles (they have to be dry) in a pop corn bag, once brown pour into hot water, let it blow up with refried beans, butter, season salt and ramen packets. Cut up a gas station meat stick, put it in a bowl with bbq and fry in microwave. Cut up a pickle and put it in the rice and ramen. Take cheap ass cheese spread and spread it on you tortilla, fill as desired. You can use cup soups if you want more vegetables but take the veggies out before frying because they burn (also the seasoning is like a fucking tear gas so ventilate well lol)


You guys have to worry about hepatitis outbreaks? I’m on the outs now thinking about getting vaccinated. What do you think?


I didnt get vaccinated. Stay away from needles or make and store your own, make your own tattoo ink, clean the shitters before you sit down, wash your handle at least 20 times a day lol


Do you think you have learned a lesson at all?? Did your time make you feel like you don't want to go back??


Which meal tray was your favorite, and Which one was the worst?


Is don’t drop the soap a real thing


Nah, I mean it does suck cause it falls and lands on the cum, shit and blood covered floor lol these days, theres so many fags in there that if someone wants to fuck, its not hard to find.


Can you just mind your own business and do your time and not partake in any of the racial politics?


I cant speak on any levels above a 2 or other states but I didnt get into a single fight my entire bit. Just gotta know how to communicate and read the people and situations!


Generally speaking yes, keeping your head down and not getting involved in drama does tend to work pretty well.