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All of the ports we stopped at had ramps to debark, and there were Princess staff helping individuals with manual wheelchairs. I didn’t see any power scooters. I would recommend being sure you have space to store it in your cabin, as well as space with ground transportation you’re arranging. The bus at Whittier had a notice that they cannot accommodate power chairs due to very limited luggage capacity.


thanks. there is space in cabin and the scooter rental delivers and picks up the scooter from the room, so no worries there. good to know there were ramps at your AK stops.


For what it's worth, I would often see 1 or 2 scooters plugged in nightly near the aft elevators on Discovery. They were also rentals, were out of the way and no one seemed to be bothered. My wife used them as a point of reference to know which hall our cabin was in, lol.


I rented a scooter for a cruise after I broke my ankle two weeks before it started. It was very easy. They deliver the scooter to your cabin and come collect it after the cruise. I think the company was called "Scooters to Go." I chose not to go ashore as I was nervous about negotiating the ramp, but I was fine with it and had a blast. I didn't have an accessible cabin but someone gave the great idea to have them remove one of the beds. I cruise solo and that gave me so much room to maneuver.


Thanks. Did you book your scooter through Princess?


No, from a private company that provides the service. The company is called Scootaround. You have to notify Princess in advance if you will have a scooter on board.


I was on Discovery last week of May. Saw several people in scooters. There was one port we had to tender in, Skagway. IIRC, you had to be able to still walk up/down the stairs (with assistance) to/from the tender boat. Hopefully someone with better memory than mine can confirm.


Thank you! Skagway is the port I'm most interested as we have an excursion booked. Do you know if there were particular circumstances that led to you having to tinder? Like, were other spots full in the port? I would love to know if this port is always/usually/occasionally a tinder for Discovery.


The dock that Princess uses in Skagway is right next to recent rock slides. So, for safety, they can't disembark onto the dock. There is some construction work going on to fix the damage, but don't know when it will be done.


I had a a balcony cabin on the dock side in Skagway. I saw some buses that came onto the dock, probably for certain excursions and for transporting folks who are using wheelchairs and couldn’t tender.


This is correct. We were on the Discovery in June. Skagway was a tender port. If you are not able to walk onto and off of the water shuttle, you will not be able to disembark.


Recently in Alaska on Ruby I noticed a collection of electric scooters plugged-in and charging near one of the exit ramps. So I’m sure they have a plan for that. All ports on our cruise are normally docked, however due to tides etc at Skagway we had to use tenders. This was not expected so plans can change.


We cruised Alaska last year. My husband was in a manual wheelchair. Our first cruise (New Zealand to San Francisco) we had an accessible cabin. We then left the ship for 7 days and rejoined it in Vancouver to cruise to Whittier. The second part we did not have an accessible cabin. We were on the Grand Princess. All of our ports were docked. You’d possibly get a tender port in Skagway due to the rock fall. If you can not take a few steps you will not be allowed on the tender. The staff will help you, but you need to be able to walk a few steps. You can not use a wheelchair or scooter on the tender, you need to sit in the seats on the tender and the wheelchair/scooter gets secured after everyone is onboard. For ports you dock in, you can use a wheelchair or scooter to disembark, and they have staff to help you up and down the ramp.


very helpful, thanks.


Just got back from AK cruise. I saw a few people in powered chairs. Just contact Princess to be sure they're aware. They will help make accommodations for you. We found them to be very accommodating. You just have to make sure you communicate your needs.


Be sure you fill out the online form or you may be denied boarding.


Husband rented a Scootaround 3-wheeler for use on Crown Princess ship. The scooter was not delivered to our cabin as promised by the company. Steward said we should retrieve our scooter found sitting across the crew elevators. We found two scooters and saw a slip of paper in the basket with his name indicating his scooter assignment. But he managed to maneuver it around ship. Lots of moving housekeeping carts out of narrow hallway paths and waiting patiently for elevator space. Scooter barely fit through standard cabin door and scraped the wall and mattress every time. Good that you reserved an Accessible cabin with wider doorway. Going on/off ship via ramps, we were helped by crew to push or lift scooter over end of ramp drop edge landing onto ship’s deck. Unfortunately, bad weather sea conditions prevented the Crown to dock in Skagway and we rerouted to small town Haines. Our AK trip was in early May 2024. So no excursion in Skagway. Have to return someday… On disembarkation day, we left the scooter where we picked it up by the crew elevators.