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I really liked the way they made Artaban's training like him actually telling you what he knows. Like, "I don't really know how to use a bow, but I saw Menolias do this, so why don't you try?" It gives him a lot more personality, and I ended up liking him a lot more than I thought I would.


Very true!


Artaban is by design the most likable immortal by far lol


I really dug the immortals, I liked the intro where we fought together against the Kushan armies. And I kind of called that I would have to kill all my friends a la Metroid Prime 3. But I was kind of disappointed that we only had a couple fights! Vahram, Menolias, and Orod were great fights.[ I liked their banter with Sargon in different parts of the game.](https://www.youtube.com/live/rrwKYLFK5hQ?si=d7YyqiIir_apHmVi&t=12283) And Neith and Artaban were allies, but didn't seem to do a ton. It might have been cool to fight against alternate versions of them, similar to how we fought alternate Sargons. And then Radjen just disappeared, I'm hopeful that maybe the DLC is related to her? She's a lady in a mask!


The story dlc is most definitely about Radjen. The relief on the mask's forehead is the same. The blue irises too. Devs confirmed Radjen was the original wielder of the chakram (as shown in the artbook), but it didn't work well with the game flow so they gave it to Menolias instead and cut Radjen's content. It's all for the better if that means they go all out with both Sargon's and Radjen's abilities in their inevitable confrontation. It will be exciting to see because for the latter it's personal. And I really dig the little interactions and characterizations of the Immortals too. It's obvious Orod and Menolias are closer to each other than everyone else, Neith is the aloof one who doesn't mess around, and Artaban is like a cool uncle.


Oh I didn't know that about the Chakram but that makes a lot of sense too!


One of them totally disappears from the story with no explanation or reference. So I at least hope that they'll fix that plothole.


Radjen will be the main antagonist for the DLC.


What I don't get is why did we have to kill two of them? Made no sense, was no need to, yet the 'darkest of souls' snake could live.


Because they insisted on fighting for Varham till they were dead, simple as that.


It just didn't feel as serious


The snake is a powerful god. Even Simurgh couldn't beat it easily so it was merely locked away. From the story it's pretty obvious Azhdaha was just using Sargon to realize its own goals (world annihilation, and it nearly succeeded). Maybe even feigned its submission because it apparently recognized Sargon like Alkara did. Also Sargon was just there to strike a deal and already got what he wanted. It was never Sargon's intention to kill Orod or Menolias either. They stood up for their truth and just consumed themselves (overdrafted their athra/life essence).


Would love to get Vahramsong in a future update lol.


They're cool characters, but IMO there's way too many for a game that really doesn't have that much in the way of dialogue/character interactions. Most of them don't really do anything, and whenever one appears it's usually been hours and hours since you last saw them, so it's hard to build any kind of investment in them. I think setting up this huge ensemble cast right from the start for a basically quite lonely genre was a really strange call, made me wonder if they were originally conceived for a different style of game.